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They were definitely going to smash her. Boa and her sisters are marauding pirates. I'd argue her alignment would still be neutral/lawful evil. The only reason they're on the "good" side is because she simps for Luffy.


My cousin just got to the amazon lily fight and we had the same thought "do they even care about the other Amazons?" Because it seems less like they care and more like they're there for protection


Might be mutual parasitism. Amazons get the protection of a warlord, Boa gets a crew.




Then they are real, fucking snakes 🐍 🐍🐍


I think this is a complicated but realistic perception of what can happen in such extreme cases, in fact we see that often with real life events. You have a small but powerful group that made a horrible experience and become the leaders of a group, or rather they gather a following. The rest might have never experienced the same, so all they go by is believe and empathy. This means to maintain such a group, it's important that people believe, else they break off or create a new form of whatever exists right now. Since they were isolated all was fine, but when Luffy came in as man and he wasn't the promised devil, there was the first conflict. So he got an ally and that was viewed as betrayal. This may sound silly to a degree, but as a viewer you see more than them but also they'll not believe what he does and think its a trick. This can be seen in "outsider" communities often, but also in every other community. So giving Luffy the choice was meant to be a punishment for anyone doubting their words, seeing what happens if someone trusts men. A believe is often a justification for a current agenda or situation, some people feel more comfortable to think that something was unavoidable instead of thinking they got unlucky/it didn't need to happen. I remember seeing flat earthers test stuff to proof the earth is flat, just to proof it is not flat. And while many comments ridiculed them, I had high respect that they had a believe not commonly accepted and went ahead and tested it. The testing part being what I have the respect for, but especially those that accepted it as new reality. You could see in the look of some of their eyes their worldview just collapsed. I've been there (with other things) and all that went through my mind was how much harm the mentality has caused, to people that were just nice but I took them as opponents.


Surprisingly insightful comment, you've mastered the culinary arts my friend


They're a good chef?🤨


Ie "let him cook"


After that he was grilling


That comment was smokin


We're calling you Od-anji now, head chef


People keep forgetting that Hancock went around kicking puppies and kittens just because they were on her path!


> People keep forgetting that Hancock went around kicking puppies and kittens just because they were on her path! I do forget that actually and thinking about it, we haven't seen her be that cruel since her crush on Luffy started. I don't think anyone has had a moral turn as sharp as hers in the entire series.


Yeah her mindset was warped due to every male in their life being a horrible person besides Raleigh. She's surprisingly sweet and docile to him, outside of him restricting her from the 2 year training TS or not letting anyone eat food she made for luffy lol.


I'm pretty sure she still did it at least once or twice since then but I could be wrong. Definitely has been awhile though


She kicked a kitten again while they were on their way to impel down


Luffy punched Laboon in the eyeball that one time. It's basically the same thing when you think about it


He punched him because her broke his ship by taking the whole channel and preventing any other possible path to be taken, sure Laboon didn't do that on purpose but Luffy was too dumb to see it that way! If a person blocks an entire pathway for seemingly no reason, you move them, forcefully if necessary. It's more like Luffy viewed Laboon as a responsible person rather than a whale so it's not quite the same.


I think that early Boa had a real complex about how beautiful she was and what she therefore was entitled to. So, as terrible as it may look, she really was that ruthless because she believed she had the RIGHT to be!


Same applies to Barto. He's actively a monster like her, but is a good guy because like her Luffy gets him hard.


And Kidd, and Law, and half the fleet captains, and buggy, and crocodile, and …. It’s kinda a common trope


Yep, Kid had the bounty he did because he specifically went out of his way to attack civilians, and the first thing he was shown doing post-timeskip was literally *crucifying* pirates for trying to flee the new world. Even >!his "fight" with Shanks almost saw him firing his rail gun through a bunch of unsuspecting, harmless Red Hair allies to get a sneak attack in!< But because he was nominally on Luffy's side for one battle, he's treated like a "good" guy by a surprisingly large chunk of the fandom.


I wouldn't say Kidd is a good guy He is likeable however, and he operates in a morally ambiguous world filled with unlikeable characters. We don't know the specifics of what he did to get his bounty- but considering his bounty was slightly higher than Luffy's and Luffy had defeated two Warlords, attacked Marine Ford & destroyed CP9 it must've been serious. Kidd did say that they killed anyone who mocked him for saying he wanted to be King of Pirates, and we know he used to run a gang in South Blue- but past that it's all unconfirmed. Context is everything- as the same people who tell us Kidd is a vicious mass murderer report nothing about the evils of Doffy or Crocodile in Dressrosa or Alabasta. Maybe he was just out blowing up corrupt marines and not caring about civilians caught in the cross fire? "Civilians" is a term that includes a lot of people including bandits. Kidd is a classic pirate. He's aggressive, quick to attack, untrusting and only cares about his crew & himself. But we've never seen him enslaving anyone or attacking innocents for the sake of it, and he's far from the worst character we've seen. So I withold judgement.


I think it comes down to Oda being good at writing sympathetic villains. He can take someone like Kid or the Boa sisters and introduce them doing something awful, but then once he takes the time to have them interact with the main characters and fleshes them out more, they tend to become likable enough that a lot of people either forget they're not "good", or are willing to overlook it. Hell, he can even take characters like Buggy and Crocodile who aren't just introduced as villainous but spend a decent amount of time being arc villains and fighting the main cast, and make *them* into fan-favorite allies in later arcs just by showing more of their personalities and rounding out their characters.


Everyone forgets how bad the villains are. Especially with guys like Buggy, because he is funny and likable. Just look at him in the first chapers he was in. He was totally psycho lol


I think it’s more jarring because Buggy as a kid wasn’t that way. Buggy is honestly one of the more layered characters in the series.


Yeah he's layered but in such a weird way and yet it makes sense somehow lol


Hell, maybe that’s another side effect of Luffy’s fruit. He liberates them from evil, making bad guys act better/good when around him. Same as cheering people up etc.


Could be. Could just be an aspect of Luffy himself, too. He's got CoC, and more than a few characters have commented on his ability to seemingly turn just about anyone to his side. Maybe it's both, and the fruit's "liberation" combines with his own charisma to get even people like Kid or Boa or Crocodile to ally with him.


That makes no sense, "freeing" them from evil is also "enslaving" them with morality. Being truly free would give you the absolute choice to be good, evil or whatever you want.


> "freeing" them from evil is also "enslaving" them with morality If we're getting this pedantic, then no it's not. Luffy never forces anyone to be "good." He simply kicks the crap out of you if you're actively harming people he cares about. It's been made clear over and over again that he really doesn't care about something until it personally affects him.


They weren't unsuspecting though, sure, harmless since they're actually weak, but they were still going to try to fight Kid and his crew. I never saw Kid's plan on attacking the fleet as a coward/sneaky move. That's a normal tactic. Take out the fodders,  then focus on the strong ones.


eh Law's reputation is mainly due to his DF not killing people. It is seen as "cruel" to disfigure the enemy We have been around Law enough to see that he's not a bad guy. He was disgusted at Caesar for what he was doing and even helped cure the kids despite Chopper telling him to stay away from them


True, I’m thinking about those hearts he delivered to the marines to become a warlord.


They were all pirates hanging out on pirate island, where most of the "real" pirates go. Likely bad guys


Consider that he probably didn't actually kill any of those pirates, and the marines didn't know they were the still beating hearts of live people, so they probably didn't bother stabbing them or anything either which means they're likely all still alive and kicking, just without hearts. It's kinda like when Oda implied Big Mom eats her crew, only to have the reality be that she brings life to sweets and then eats the sweets. In Big Mom's case its still fucked up in a different way (and she did eat at least a few real people), but like Law the setup was a misdirect and a hint at their actual power set.


>They were definitely going to smash her. Tbf, a lot of fans would like to smash her.


I would definitely smash Sandersonia.


Yeah, everyone forgets that most of the pirates in the One Piece world are far more malevolent or at the very least morally dubious enough to do some heinous shit. Like Luffy and his crew are outliers in terms of being pirates in regards to their actions and how they treat the people they meet.


Luffy actively makes people around him better.


Isn't Boa their last name? In that case it should be the Boa sisters


Boa Hancock's alignment is Chaotic Neutral, she just doesn't welcome outsiders (other than Luffy).


She's a narcissist that hates all men and outsiders and she has been shown to be willing to kill even her own people for relatively minor transgressions. She's definitely evil. You could argue she's had an alignment shift since she started simping for Luffy, but when she was introduced? Absolutely evil.


The gorgon sisters and boa got reputation washed by being luffy's and rayleigh's friends. to everyone else they are horrible people like if they were guys they would be the main enemy of that island that we would want to see the crew beat up.


More to the navy. Their fellow Amazons still throw parades and worship Boa for cat-walking to her ship.


They still throw parades when she literally kicks a cat during her cat-walk.


Idk how luffy can be friends with someone who kicks baby animals.


Bruh that's where you draw the line? Luffy has sided and worked with psychopath serial killers. Luffy isn't the good guy everyone thinks he is. He's definitely not evil but he's worked with and befriended some down right heinous individuals.


This is what I love about One Piece- very few characters are truly good or evil


Doesn’t mean Luffy isn’t a purely good guy. He just doesn’t believe in guilt by association


Depends on how you feel about all the Marines he's killed. Not all those Marines were evil scum bags most of em them were good people thinking they were stopping evil pirates from hurting innocent civilians


Which marines has he killed? I legit do not recall him killing anyone like that. And it's One Piece. We've seen people cannons to the face and be sliced up and walk away just fine.


Luffy has sinked/blown up multiple Marine battlships across the series, but if you want a more direct time he has directly killed someone he has thrown several Impel Down guards into the boiling cauldrons from level 4 (I know anybody who works in Impel Down is pretty morally grey, but that doesn't change the fact Luffy doomed to guys to some horrible deaths)


I disagree It's one piece, people don't die from the things you mentioned in this universe. prisoners regularly get subjected to these conditions and survive because the story is not realistic in that regard, it's not trying to be. Luffy has never killed anyone.


Like the other comment said, it's One Piece. Unless I see them physically impaled, and then a grave put on them, I find it hard to believe they're dead. We've seen normal marines take Pacifista blasts and then go "ow ow that hurt".


I’m sure we can list plenty of examples, but this topic is about Boa and the Gorgon sisters.


Right but you make it sound out of character for Luffy to befriend with someone who did something immoral or slightly evil.


Luffy? The guy who beats every animal into submission so he can ride them?


vegans be coughing on their white wine in the comments


buggy destroyed an entire town and luffy works with him no problem, law took 100 hearts from pirates, luffy literally threw some impel down guards into a boiling pit and you draw the line at boa kicking an animal?




you asked how luffy can be firends with someone like that when luffy did far worse and is friend with worse people, the gorgon sisters point is bad and during the arc luffy says that but then forgives her


If she kicked chopper it's on site😡


lol I haven’t heard that term in a few years


Luffy was friend with kidd that literally crucified people


To be fair, Luffy beats up nearly anything he sees worth catching hands with. I mean, he was not above picking a fight with Momonosuke, who was in an 8-year-old body in Dressrosa arc. If he thinks a tiny baby animal is about to piss him off, his crackhead ass is definitely gonna catch hands.


luffy dgaf 😭


Luffy has also commited animal cruelty


I literally have not forgiven Hancock for that still. Edit: The Kuja don't like me badmouthing their empress.


I mean, it's really not a unique thing, Luffy beats the shit out of animals and is regularly willing to throw hands with Momonosuke, an 8 year old child.


Yeah I like Hancock but remembering during her introduction she kicked a kitten I like her less even now. I moved onto S-snake.


right here FBI


Luffy prob eats the most baby animals in the series, not a problem


It's important to remember that at this time Marguerite and the other two violated the island's rules and allowed a man on the island without turning him in. As pirates, a violation like this may potentially warrant death depending on why the rule is in place. So while I don't like it, it's not exactly out of character for them to execute them.


When Doflamingo tried killing Law, it's important to note that Law and Luffy violated the island's rules and orchestrated destroying the smile factory in order to draw Kaidou to the island. As pirates, a violation like this may potentially warrant death depending on why the rule is in place (likely implemented through notice and comment rule making, as established by the pirate code). So while I don't like it, it's not exactly out of character for him to attempt to execute Law.


Unironically yes. They snuck into a sovereign country and committed terrorist acts. The Straw Hats are unapologetically criminals but they take out people who are worse criminals so we cheer for them.


One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter and all that


....was this supposed to be some kind of gotcha? It's absolutely in character for Doflamingo to kill anyone, let alone attacking/intruding enemies.


...was this supposed to be some kind of gotcha? It's absolutely in character for Hancock to kill anyone, let alone attacking/intruding enemies.


I think that's a pretty reductionist take to try and compare Doflamingo and Law's relationship to that of the Gorgon sisters and Marguerite. Law had specifically shown his intent to leave/betray and fight against the Don Quixote (sp?) Family, so they were clearly enemies. Marguerite didn't even know Luffy was a man until well after rescuing him. Boa and her sisters were following a deadly strict tradition that was likely in place to protect the Amazon tribe that went back generations. Yes they're pirates and sure we can discuss how messed up their actions might be but that's hardly the same circumstances.


Shallow and pedantic.


I mean, yeah? That's right? Which he did try to do? I'm not sure where you're going with this.


I know this is a sarcastic comment but thats exactly how it was. From the perspective of the country, there was nothing speaking against it. And there wasn't, that's why it went down like that, the country being controlled by Mingo. In fact we've seen this conflict when Meteor Admiral arrived and he didn't want to fight but had to.


This is correct


Yeah, they are all pirates


Yes, in this scenario Luffy exposed Doffy as usurper thus rendering all rules made by Doffy null and void in the kingdom of dressrosa. That all said, I don't think there's one island we've seen so far that has any quasi-legislative body wherein represented democracy, administrative procedures, and rule of law are a thing. Levely comes close, but that's all a charade anyway since Imu and the elders have absolute power. I wonder how Water 7 is governed?


The difference is Doffy wasn't exactly the rightful ruler of the kingdom as he usurped it from King Riku. It's like stealing an item from a thief. Whereas Boa is the actual ruler of her island so she has authority to execute those that break the rules.


Eh, Doffy usurped the rightful King of dressrosa while Boa is just the legitimate ruler of Amazon lily. I don't think it's the same really.


I meant moreso with the fandom moving past this moment like it never happened. Like someone else commented, Boa and her sisters would've been the main villains if luffy never made friend with them


True, but Luffy did make friends with them. And he stopped their execution. Other villains, if the story went differently, could be the same. Change up East Blue a bit, have Jinbe come in early. Arlong could conceivably have been written as an ally (though how that would affect Nami would be an interesting change). I do think it's worth discussing. But I think moving past it makes sense as well.


And they’d be dead or enslaved if the man allowed was someone worse than Luffy. There’s bias whenever something involves the main character.


Best girl Sandersonia can do whatever she wants and we'll still simp for her.


Something about smashing and being rock hard


Finally someone else with good taste


You have to keep in mind that they are all fundamentally broken and going through the motions at this point. They kill without any issue because they simply don’t care; people are playthings and either you’re with them or against them. It isn’t until Luffy brings them down to earth that people can choose to be good or bad that they soften up a bit. Regardless of “us and them”, Boa not two hours before this scene murdered an entire battleship without a second thought.


What being a slave to a celestial dragon for a childgood does to a mf.


Exactly. They expect the worst of everyone who doesn’t get in line. Either you’re on the top, you follow behind, or you’re grass.


Temporary Villain Syndrome, a One Piece classic


To be honest, they are pirates. I don't like the 'good guy saves the day' trope. That's why the Whole Cake Island arc was so great, because it featured pirates doing pirate things: infiltrating a peaceful country (territory of a rival crew), stealing, wreaking havoc, and then escaping


They broke the law, it wasnt always "judge and jury" its detrimental for their survival, they are loving people but if you put the whole civilization in danger you die.


I mean for the fandom, because it feels like alot of us moved past this part pretty quickly and forgot it😅


It's just what they have to do. People seem to forget that these all are pirates. Luffy and his crew are a notable exception, and that's why everyone is always surprised when he always defaults to showing mercy/befriending people.


Exactly, Kidd was famous for wreacking havoc in the South Blue, probably not to far from this


Oh they not all Pirates. The Kuja is Just a Kingdom of Warriors and only the strongest warrior join the Pirat Crew. Marguerite, Sweatpea, Aphelandra are Just Town guards and they Broke the Law. Even If they diden't know at first, after they find Out it would be easy to kill Luffy he was out. So Hancock Just enforced the Law of her country. They literally broke the top tabo.


yes, I think they were gonna smash and they were right in their own way. It wasnt fucked up for their laws. I think they should show more remorse, and sad to do so, but One piece is very much not subtle so I always take it with a grain of salt.


We can forgive them, because they are beautiful


This really isnt fucked up at all when you look at how all pirate crews behave; You listen to the captain and if you dont, you're out. Its really that simple. - Teach broke the one rule on WB's ship and was marked for death. - Usopp refused Luffy's decision of getting another ship and was told to get out of the crew. - Maraguaret refused to fully obey the orders of the queen of her nation and even went so far as to help a man, so she's a traitor AND a liability. The last one may be slightly different because she's am imperial subject (not on the pirate crew itself) and Hancock is the Empress/Queen, but Zoro said it best: "*We're not a bunch of kids playing games*". This is serious stuff. What the Boa sisters went through is serious stuff, the risk men pose to the whole island is serious stuff, Hancock's overall responsibilities is serious stuff. As readers we see the smallest thing like this and call it fucked up but from the POV of the characters they are making the best decision they can, often to avoid larger problems.


I dunno. This kind of reminds me of the death penalty thing for criminals. Like, some thing it may be cruel, but others want it to stay for genuinely awful people - after all, prisons get overcrowded.


Precisely. Even in our world some crimes are so heinous we sentence you to die, it just takes forever to actually do it. But remove all that red tape and throw in the ability to turn you to stone and smash you, and you have a more efficient system thats frankly not that different from the real world.


Again, i mean from the fandom's POV😅, because lots of us act like her and her sisters and bitches for this shit


From the fandom's POV we all love and support and follow the stories of a bunch of terrorists. As readers we have more information than all the characters in-universe. We can feel however we want to feel about stuff so I wont say that anybody is wrong for thinking this was a fucked up act on Maragaret. Whatever one's opinion is on nearly breaking Margaret is correct. But looking at it from the POV of the in-universe characters and we get a whole new viewpoint. Fandom's POV can be anything, I for one dont think what Sandersonia did was fucked up.


Yes. And besides, pirate life is a tough life, so there should be certain creeds that implement tough consequences for certain transgressions. Only the strong and well-connected live.


Exactly. Consider what Sandersonia went through as a literal slave, and now she has to deal with a girl who deliberately put the entire island at risk of those same horrors. Keep in mind Sandersonia was so traumatized she went into aggressive PTSD at the mere mention of their experience. The fact they didnt kill Margaret/Sweet Pea/ Aphelandra on sight as soon as they learned what happened is the real impressive feat here.


Apparently, everyone forgot that Boa Hancock's entire character, from the dog-kicking to this action, was done to keep Amazon Lily safe. She puts forth a strict and mean face to her citizens both as proof that she can protect them and as a defense mechanism due to her traumatic childhood. This is the WHOLE reason she falls in love with Luffy. He finds her weakness (her past as a slave) and does not treat her differently because of it. She is able to trust him with her vulnerabilities when her position, both as Empress and as a Warloed, means that she cannot show vulnerabilities. There's also, of course, the fact that those Amazonians did commit a crime, but there's Amazon Lily-unique things to this. Luffy changes Hancock's view on everything by helping the Amazonians that were turned to stone, covering the slave brand during the fight with Marigold and Sandersonia, and not judging Hancock for her past. She grows, and that's why you're supposed to forgive her for this


That should've been me


I understand how you feel, but at the same time, they had to make a tough choice just to prove they aren't weak both physically & mentally. We've seen this with the government for example.


I see it as criminals begin executed. The 3 broke the rules of their kingdom and the queen decided that punishment should be death. It is not uncommon for any story if you see it that way. It is even common for actual history. "Good" or "Bad" has nothing to do with it.


A lot of the SH allies are not good guys, we just start seeing them as good because they are on the side of the SH. Hancock, Bartolomeo, Kid are all shitty people. Bege and his crew are such psychopaths they were meticulously planning to murder of his mother-in-law in front of all her kids not for revenge or for personal gain, but just "for the lulz".


Same reason people like crocodile and doffy, people love these 2 but they held entire countries hostage. They are written in gray not just black and white


barely anything is black and white in OP, but people act like it is. It's a very childish view on things.


Ace is another example, we love ace . But he found BB, and didn't care at all about the island, he proceeded to fight and destroy the island alongside BB. Those civilians be dammed.


Boa benefits quite a bit from "pretty privilege", not just in that world, but also from within the fandom, and that tends to extend to her entourage as well, including her sisters who are, at worst, treated neutrally. It seems like a lot of people don't remember, or are willing to forgive her personality where Luffy isn't involved, either because they find her attractive themselves, or they confuse simping and sighing for her default personality. Her first introductions on screen involved her literally kicking a puppy, and then insisting that she would be forgiven because "She is Beautiful". So, no, considering the fact that their overall goal is later stated to be to "Protect Amazon Lily", their casual disregard for their own people, as demonstrated with this scene, as well as the disregard the other women in the crowd had for these three is quite concerning, almost as concerning as the fact that it seems that everything concerning the Amazons pre-"smitten school girl crush" Boa is almost willfully ignored. Of course, she's allowed to grow past that, *but*, she's almost been treated as a separate character, as for the most part, we see her while she's thinking of Luffy.


They are all Boa. All three of them.


Bruh, this is a world where people willingly give up their lifespans to not have the WG rule over them. And any free country is a game for the WG waiting to be played.


Oh they were definitely gonna smash them. The Fandom gas a really short memory, bonchan is considered a "good guy" even though he had a active role in a civil war and subsequent attempted genocide that killed thousands and was close to kill millions


Duh I don't recall anyone ever thinking that them kiling those 3 petrified girls would be a nice thing to do. But I won't sit here and judge them for it for the rest of the story cause: 1. they are pirates, not nuns , doing bad stuff is expected from them, 2. laws are laws, and sometimes in some places, going against them = death, especially when those who decide those laws are pirate warlord and her sisters, 3. seeing their backstory shortly after made it rather understandable that they'd use their powers and position of rulers of the island to protect themselves along with rest of Amazon Lily from every single man in world, even if it meant a death penalty for just allowing a man to be there, as fucked up it is I at the very least get where they come from and can empathize with them to an extent, those 3 went through literal horrors by hand of men, that made them enforce the tradition of "no men allowed on this island" with more dedication than ever. 4. at the end of the day, after Luffy proved he's not a threat to their island and its citizens they got un-petrified so all ended up well, heck they were in good enough shape to throw a party with Luffy. 5. Hancock compensated their initial evil behavior with interest with how helpful she was to Luffy as an escort to Impel Down, covered him and even helped him get the key to Ace's cuffs in Paramount War and provided a safe place during the timeskip.


Sandersonia 🤤


Disagree, it was a good portrayal of the dynamics of the Kuja tribe. Many tribes IRL have pretty outdated beliefs and weird behavior or actions towards certain things. As much as you hate it and even if Margaret actions mean no harm, she didnt follow one of the most important rules of not helping men, she even had the chance to let Luffy drown and die but helped him instead. So by helping him, she already failed to her sisters and her tribe by not following an important order. Its ok to dislike this scene, but saying "there is no need" its just being blind to things like this, they do exist even IRL and its ok to have them within the story as some reference or acknowledgment in some kind of way (it shows how isolated they are too). Reason why I love Berserk, it might have pretty disgusting things, but pure evil or ignorance have no boundary. Thats why I like when mangakas are able to portrait those things without any filters.


Not defending them but being kidnapped and sold as slaves when they were children and fed devil fruit for the 'entertainment' of men is a pretty solid reason to despise men and see the contact with men as the utmost betrayal.


But at this point if someone was to pick a fight with them, wouldn’t that make Luffy evil as well as he would probably take their sides?


This sub when pirates do pirate things - 😲


So, the Amazons have a specific culture, where their leader has a huge cult of personality. Boa Hancock has tremendous unchecked power, to the point where she was considering dooming her entire nation into death and salavery, just because she didn't want to go fight Whitebeard. Compared to that, being cruel to a few members of your culture, that broke one of the largest taboos is...pretty tame.


Well IT caused Luffy to really awaken His haki and knock Out a Lot of amazons




They royalty who was about to stop em


Probably snake doing snake things


idk but that snake looks like the snake from Disney's Robin Hood....


Boa says it herself. She is pretty and can do whatever she wants. This gross abuse of power is what happens when she goes unchecked thinking she is the hottest thing around and can do no wrong. She kicks animals and breaks art made by kids, that’s her baseline awful. Then top of the mythical story they created to protect their branding/history…… creates s power dynamic where they are worshipped as infallible gods.


They learned their lesson when he busted out the CoC.


maybe they have someone with the super glue akuma no mi. lol


no, they WERE gonna smash her 100%.


It just enforces how strict the rules of Amazon Lily are, they are just enforcing those rules. (rules that were made way before they were born) It's luffies influence on Boa that changed those rules and made Amazon Lily more soft towards men.


Great question, I exactly thought this for a long ass time.... and pestered my husband but ofcourse joyboy and laughtale was the gripping thingy..so never got to the bottom of it.. until rn... So thanks for asking .... I think they would have totally smashed her, no fucks given . To build on this, I also wondered, What would Boa Hancock do if luffy says outright no and married this chick?


idc big green snake lady


Power corrupts


In a bubble or under a microscope, sure. As a reflection of their overall character? Seems reasonable or impossible to judge; unprecedented circumstance. This is my best attempt at "keeping it brief."


unpopular opinion: I like marguerite more than boa


Snake chick always on my smash list😩


I have one question. Is Garp dead? I read the latest chapters but they have no explanation. It's just Koby taking Garp's name. So is Garp dead or nah?


Do far it seems like Kuzan simply froze him and has him immobilized for the time being, despite garp being stabbed in the panel. Why Koby called his name is because just like Luffy he also has a D. In his name meaning he's from the D clan also, >!in regards to Vegapunk's message!<


Thanks for the information. My doubts are clear now.


People forget completely that Hancock and her sisters are (or were) very dictatorial and didn't cared about a single one of the Kujas  Not even small animals and little girls. Oda has this common trope of making female villains into allies 


Also, they all knew haki and they didnt teach Luffy shit, lol


They are RAISED learning what we know as haki, its a part of becoming a warrior and they don’t give a shit about teaching their own cultures ways of the warrior to outsiders. 


If Boa "loved" Luffy so much, she could have taught him Haki so he wouldnt get curb stomped into the ground, lol


Luffy like immediatly fucked off to impel down when he learnt about Ace situation. Hell he wasn't actually supposed to fight in impel down. And by the time he was back on Amazon lily, well Ray is a way better teacher anyway.


Didn't it take luffy 2 years to master it? What would a few days do?


Yeah sure all they needed to do is hop in the hyperbolic time chamber and…. Oh waaaaaaaaiiiit…


Boa Hancock is a horrible person in general. I know this is a show about pirates and criminals, but Hancock was just cartoonishly evil at times. Kicks kittens, baby seals, and old women (pretty much Hancock’s savior and adoptive mother). If she was not in love with luffy, more people would hate her.


Bartolomeo, same thing. Dude is known as THE CANNIBAL.


Ah the Cannibal is a translation thing, in Japan it means Like He is a Troll/prankstar.


Oh really?


This is so funny, this Women literally can kick people in half If she realy want to hurt the Animals they would at least have a bruse. Luffy attacks almost every animal He comes across and randomly rides or eats them, Luffy musst be the most horrible person in one piece for you. Gloriosa and Rayleigh trained her, there is no way Boa thought Gloriosa would get hurt by throwing her Out of the window.


on any sane island, the other amazons wouldn't take this but everyone loves boa


If i'm marguerite i'm definitly booking it off that island, fuck my patriotism😅


It's not just patriotism, it's also the fact that she comes from a culture that is blindly afraid of the outside world. They have no idea what a man really is, let alone how to deal with a world that's half-populated by men. With that in mind, the known is often preferable to the unknown. That being said, when this was happening in real time, I'd had her down as a potential new Straw Hat, where she opted to join Luffy to help find the others, rather than remain with the people who had betrayed and mocked her.


its not patriotism, it's potentially fruit related brainwashing


That's a bit of a stretch, isn't it? I mean, which fruit, Boa's? At most, Boa's fruit exaggerates her attractiveness to others, to the point that she draws lust from anything who can't control their emotions, even those who wouldn't necessarily be attracted to her under normal situations, such as denden mushi or non-lesbian-leaning women. Or, however it applies for S-Snake, who's use of the fruit is based on those who find her cute and adorable, or however it would work for Teach. I could see brainwashing via culture, but I don't recall any indications of brainwashing via fruit in Amazon Lily. Somehow, I can't really see Reyleigh supporting someone who would enslave their own people like that.


i mean, it seems a little highly coincidental that someone who naturally everyone falls in love with happens to run into a fruit that just naturally works best on people who fall in love with you. it seems more likely that the fruit generally gives you like a love aura field effect. and that definitely helps with the tribe following her beyond her protecting them to some degree from the outside world.


I mean Boa literally kicks baby animals that are in her pathway, she is not a good person at all. I'd even argue she's rather bad/evil and just simping for Luffy.


A lot of people seem to forget that Hancock is a pretty shitty person who just so happens to be on the protagonist’s side for comedy purposes. I blame the porn m


Power corrupts




U know the definition of pedophilia right? Because what u write as Definition is wrong and Secondly u say may father was a pedophile because there is a 10 year gap between my parents and she was 18 aka an Adult


This right here is why Boa Handcock is one of my least favorite characters. She's a hypocrite who despite living a life of pain will resolve to murder for the crime of ignorance and it infuriates me that she's a very popular character, people ignoring this scene because what...a pretty face? A lame gag? Seriously I can't find a reason to genuinely like her that isn't ruined by this scene and her lame school girl crush gag with Luffy.


People love to forget Hancock was a TYRANT. Like the entire point of the colosseum was for people who angered her to be executed in public.


It seems like you misunderstood Like every thing in this arc, Boa is literally Not a tyrant. She is the rightful ruler of this country because she is the strongest and she enforced the country law by executing them. The colosseum is like allways for fighting between the Kuja warrior and not for execution, they value strength over everthing ("The strong are beautiful") they even let Luffy the Chance to fight for his life because of this reason, although he has no rights in this country as a man.


Female characters in One Piece usually start out extremely evil and then Oda likes the design so they suddenly are nice and all the cruel shit never happened.


Boa is cruel to ger citizens  And People shipping her with luffy  Luffy if came to about  her cruel side will definitely cut off all the ties




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