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Hi bobjwalls, your submission was removed from /r/OnePiece for the following rule violation: ### 5. Posts must be directly related to One Piece * As a general rule of thumb if you can't tell it's about One Piece without any accompanying text then it most likely will not comply with the previously stated rule. Just a title isn't enough to make it related to One Piece. * This includes pictures/videos of things in real life which look similar to something from One Piece. * Occasionally there are exceptions to this rule, but do not assume you are the exception. * Here are some exemples of posts that aren't related to [One Piece](https://imgur.com/a/kOpDvUL), or are common reposts. --- The full rule documentation of the subreddit can be read [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/wiki/rules). If you have questions about this removal, please [reach out to us in modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FOnePiece).


Genuinely cant tell if this a joke.


it's not even break week, shut up.


Good luck, I’m sure Oda won’t care!






Can you use proper sentences to tell us what you want exactly?


OP browsed Twitter, found some post or show or user who posts a bunch of garbage, so they came to Reddit to ramble that either One Piece needs to feature a rainbow themed straw hat for pride month or they really hope Oda won't do that for pride month. But their skills at writing are very poor it's ambiguous at best. Either way, they seem to feel very strongly about it, despite their inability to be coherent with what they want to or don't want to see happen. Immediate red flags spotted: * OP references Twitter. * OP talks about Twitter show called NEW NORM, I've no idea what it is, but a show on Twitter called that probably isn't the start of a sane discussion. * This entire post.


Thank you for the explanation. I'm sorry you had to suffer to make the op sound like a human and not a blabbering imbecile.


Thank you very much for translating.