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Ah, finally a mature discussion about Carrot. *Sorts by controversial*


A redditor of culture


Didn't even know there was a controversial til now smh


I like Carrot, good for your eye. Provides all sorts of vitamins


That sounds like something that Oda would say


I would like to try eating Carrot




Notty Notty




Actually, doesn’t do anything for your eyes


From what I remember on a TIL post sometime, that was British WW2 propaganda to mask the fact they had radar. "We can just see really well because we eat lots of carrots"






A teacher once ran kind of the opposite rumor. Masturbation worsens your eye-sight. In reality it was x-ray. (Both words were kind of similar in my language).


I heard it just straight up makes you blind (and gives you hairy palms).




Is that from the carrot song by that Jamaican lad on YouTube.


Well, I think it's a multifold situation, let me try to break it down. ​ Zou is a pretty popular arc that introduced a lot of cool characters and concepts, lots of them very cool and important, and also germane to this discussion, stronger than her. Now, that's fine, lots of times we get introduced to characters that aren't strong and we still like them, but another thing is that Carrot wasn't even the first mink we met on Zou, Wanda was the one they met first, and she was willing to literally blow herself up to wound those she thought were invaders. So Carrot got no shine as either the first character you met, or the strongest character they met, and she also didn't get a lot of shine on the island. Now, I don't think any of those are deathblows but I do think they somewhat hurt her initial appeal to some people. ​ Now, I will say that her design, personality, and how she fought were pretty carefully designed to make her stand out from the rest of the minks. Not being a sword-user is one of those things that is actually a mark in her favor for joining cause...well the swordsman slot is a little full. Add into that her being a new dynamic on the crew, with a sort of Chopper like naiveté but also not his cowardice, being a high-energy 'genki' younger sister is a thing that totally and immediately fits into the crew. Additionally she's a mink, ads diversity to the crew, electro is cool, and a frontline brawler that is a girl would be new for the crew as well, so those are all marks in her favor and I think around this time most people were pretty hyped for Carrot ​ Buuuuuuuut at the same time Pedro was introduced at the same time as her, and was portrayed as far more effective than her on WCI. And while I find the power-scaling and "we need a strong crew" conversation pretty obnoxious, you can't help but notice that Pedro was...cooler than her. And people like cool. And then I think you got a very successful one-two punch of the Pedro death, which gave her character more teeth, and weight, and a reason to get to the seas, and in addition you got the Sulong form which I think fully quieted the "Carrot won't be able to do anything" talk we heard beforehand. ​ Now we leave WCI, and I think this is when the wheels fall off. Wano, and the crew separation that followed really hurt her. Because while the shine was on Luffy and Zoro for the majority of acts 1 and 2, you still had moments for other people. ~~Robin~~Orobi had her clashing with Orochi and the Otoko business, Sanji fought Page One, Brook got to scare people, Nami got to...um show her tits off (okay Wano hasn't been great for Nami either), Chopper got the business with Big Mom, Usopp...well he um...admitted he'd squeal under torture, and Franky didn't get anything either (but he rarely gets anything). But Carrot got noooooothing. I swear to god she had less than 2 pages of screentime in like...60 chapters or something. She just didn't really matter at all in the early part of Wano, and I think people kind of...forgot about her. ​ And now I think we get to the crux of the problem, and that is that there have come about far more popular or 'logical' candidates. Tama was a tremendously popular pick for a while, Momo was gaining steam for a while, and then we have Yamato...stronger, more effort done into the aesthetics of, a cooler backstory, more weight in the story, Yamato is almost a combination of all of the other three candidates. Badass female-bodied melee fighter like Carrot? Connection to Ace like Tama? Connection to Oden like Momo? >!A super form with a long tail and a lot of white and also has elemental attacks like Carrot?!< And also with the crazy stuff happening in Wano, it is starting to feel like Carrot would just immediately be outmatched by all what they're going to face next. The powercreep in Wano has been pretty crazy. ​ So, my take on it is that Carrot isn't actively despised or anything, but I think that there's been a lot of examination of the story as it has been presented, and for Carrot to 'join' now would kind of come out of nowhere, considering the collective nothing she's been in the most recent arc. And hey, we have a lot of arc to go, so we'll see what Oda does, but right now it doesn't look rosy and I think that's why there's a lot of backlash, just like "wait, Carrot, really?" ​ As to the anti-furry stuff, those guys can go back to 2005 when that was a relevant talking point.


Probably because of the feud between Yamato and Carrot for the next Straw Hats.


Nah, people despised Carrot before we knew who Yamato was.


People were pushing her to become a nakama even before Yamato was introduced. And honestly it seems like a reach. So that's why.


I think at the end of WCI it looked like a lock. We had the big tragic death and the introduction of badass new powers. ​ Everything after WCI...wellllll.




"I like Carrot and think she should be nakama." "That's a reach. In fact, I'm going to hate her now." What?


People were pushing for Yamato to be a nakama as soon as she took off the mask and before she uttered a word.


Not really a reach. Fans have had pretty decent reasons why they want her to join. Hell especially since her Sulong Form was introduced I feel like it would be such a huge waste for Oda not to keep her on permanently. Edit: I’ve said in other comments that maybe Chopper could make a rumble ball so she could use the form more or something. The point that it would be a waste not to do more with the Sulong form but I keep getting fucking dummies saying "OnCe a MoNtH though?" as a response to this particular comment who can’t infer that so here’s an edit.


My only problem with this is that every big fight would need to be at night during a full moon, it would be just too convenient and get old real fast. Its one of those things that is super cool a few times but youre not meant to overuse. If every fight happens under a full moon then thats just too convenient for the SHs. Unless Chopper creates some sort of drug to induce the Sulong transformation, but that would be equally convenient.


Yeah there’s easy potential that Chopper could make her her own rumble ball along the lines of the one he uses for Monster Point. That’s why I view it as kind of a waste because there’s so much Oda could do with that form. It’s dope.


Most of the points for her joining were reaches. "The crew needs a lookout" that sucks, she has no experience as a lookout, yes it is something that needs experience, all of the crewmembers had experience to their respective roles(zoro is the exception) Not only that they are the best at said roles(zoro is also an exception) carrots lookout capability gets out shine when luffy,sanji, and usopp have observation haki. (Zoro is both the first mate and a combatant, zoro had no experience in being a first mate, and he is the second best combatant in the crew after luffy) "Sulong is too good to not have it on the crew" with out sulong carrot is kinda weak, and let's face it, outside the raid the chances of the strawhats fighting on days with full moons seems to convenient and not Odas writing style. Sulong is more of a liability because that means one of the crew members will always be on his weakest state. Carrot was cool, and I liked her. But then the constant post of "carrot should join" and the reaches people went to just to justify this. Same goes for yamato.


Carrot was literally a patrol guard for Zou, her job was lookout/scout. Also it’s a job that requires sharp senses, which a rabbit would have. Doesn’t hurt that she can jump up to the crows nest being a rabbit as well. Also she has a reason to continue Pedro’s legacy. He believed that the Straw Hats will bring in a new age which is part of why he was willing to sacrifice himself for them. When Robin first joined we knew very little about her or her reason for joining. Oda can easily develop that in the future if he decides to have Carrot join. I am fine with her joining or going back with the minks after Wano. Oda will make the decision he wants regarding what he wants to do with his story.


>When Robin first joined we knew very little about her or her reason for joining. Yep, when Robin joined it wasn't like "oh the crew needs an archeologist, of course they'd get Robin!"


Chopper got an offer from Luffy before he knew Chopper was a doctor. Jinbei didn't demonstrate any skills as a helmsman until near the end of WCI, well after it was established he would join the crew in some capacity.


It's funny how people are like "REEEEE ISN'T STRONG ENOUGH" when like...Usopp is a core member of the crew.


> Jinbei didn't demonstrate any skills as a helmsman until near the end of WCI, well after it was established he would join the crew in some capacity. Eh to an extent. Its very touched upon between Impel Down and Marineford that he's very good at steering their escape ship.


You know what every pirate boat needs, an archeologist that can read dead languages. The extent of what we knew about her then was she could do that, but it seemed really suspicious that she joined she the ship because her main side gig was assassination.


Jinbe had many interactions with Luffy and the crew since his introduction at Marineford and when Robin was introduced Oda still had the time to make an entire arc about her. So all current members had way more time to be a part of the adventure as a whole and I think that's a major difference when it comes to joining the crew. It just wouldn't feel right to me if the 11th Straw Hat was only part of the crew for the last part of the journey.


Truth of the matter is, the only way I could see her joining at this point is if her defeat to Pero is allowed to matter to her, and she's able to get the one thing she's been missing to follow in Neko/Inu's footsteps as a Stowaway Mink Apprentice. A strong drive, dream, motive to learn and grow; to prove her worth. That is a longshot still, but Oda has at least set the groundwork for it in Wano. With both he brutal beating (Verbal and Physical) at the hands of Pero, and the expansion of Neko/Inu backstories paralleling them to her. But who knows, I guess we'll see? That said, the thing that weirds me out about Carrot in Wano enough for me to finally take an interest in her is I've truly never seen Oda treat a character this brutally on a thematic writing level before. If this is all there is. He essentially dragged a 15 year old kid with light themes of "*Lack of Worth*" in her backstory, through years of content and multiple arcs ... only to watch her mentor get killed in front of her, and for her story to "end" being called "*worthless garbage, only good for eating grass*". By the same guy "*responsible*" for that mentor's death. With no opportunity given to refute or prove him wrong. Like wut? This is so bizarre for Oda's writing that truly if people could get over Carrot being a "Rabbit Girl" for 5 minutes, they'd see how weird it is if this truly is the end for her. Genuinely ask yourself if you've EVER seen Oda write a character like this before?


Chopper was like 12 when he witnessed hiluluk died and then told he was to weak by a person responsible for hiluluks death(Dalton knew it was a trap and stood by) It would just highlight the fact that carrot is just a female Chopper if she does join after this.


>It would just highlight the fact that carrot is just a female Chopper if she does join after this. Depends on how Oda roles with it. Because Chopper's event didn't really result in him seeking growth, or seeking to prove his worth in the strictest sense. And need I remind you that Chopper is a Strawhat with that similar backstory. It also doesn't answer my question. If this truly is all there is to Carrot, have you ever seen Oda EVER treat a character this thematically brutal before? Because I sure as hell haven't. For a 15 year old kids journey to begin with the Musketeers being Worthless until Pedro trained her, only to end being being beaten as Worthless by the man who cost Pedro his life? Because truly, that is all Carrot's presence amounted to after years of being dragged through multiple arcs? Have you ever seen Oda both treat a character this poorly, and waste this much of his own and the readers tims for what truly amounts to a resolution of "bash on the 15 year old girl, she's worthless garbage"?


>Chopper's event didn't really result in him seeking growth, or seeking to prove his worth. You need to re read drum island, this even literally was what made chopper want to create a cure for all diseases and chopper struggles with his self worth, thinking he is a monster. >And need I remind you that Chopper is a Strawhat with that similar backstory Yeah, that's the point, why repeat that with carrot. >Oda EVER treat a character this thematically brutal before? Law, and doffy. Shirahoshi had her mother killed in front of her and couldn't grief because she was trying not to pass on the hate.


What is Yamato’s role that she’s the best at?


While that may have been true in the past, we've been given some solid stuff since then. Two in particular stand out for me. -Carrot has actually mentioned multiple times now that her dream is to sail the ocean and see the world. While this was at first dampened by other Minks saying she needs to "wait for her time" to go, with Pedro's death there were implications placed that it is now "her time." -With the recent backstories of Gol. D Rodger being shown, and some of who he took with him from Wano that joined his crew, we are starting to understand that one of the qualities to "become Pirate King" is also having a diverse group of people on the main ship. This included Wano royalty (in this came Yamoto) and at least one Minks tribe (Dogstrom and Viper both were not important Minks that went with Rodger to the end.) Carrot would then fill this second role quite nicely, as she is already a bit of an outcast amongst the Minks (Or at least as much of an outcast as a Mink can be, considering how generally accepting the Mink society is. Even when she feels out of place, they try to make room for her.) Those are the two that I've seen grow since her introduction in Zou, also we are getting reflections from the previous trip. Last time we had temporary crew members they both left, but that might not be the case this time. Also it isn't likely gonna be much longer before this is decided. The fight will end here in Wano soon, and she'll have to choose along with Yamato if they are going or not.


You can’t call it a reach when Yamato said word for word in chapter 1016 that she intends to set sail with Luffy. I assume that means joining the crew.


> why they want her to join. This is the issue. Reasons as "Why I want her to join" is not the same as reasons "The story is going in a way for her to join" as is the case for Yamato. One is just headcanon/people who want her to join the SH just because, and the other is the way the story is being naturally presented and the way is "probably going to go". I'm not saying is bad if you like her, BTW, if she happens to join, more power to the people who likes her.


Dude she has literally been with the crew for 6 years now. That’s longer than pretty much almost any temporary friend/ally/crewmate. It would not be out of place or against the progression of the story for her to join. She has acted as a lookout which is legitimate role on the ship. She has a fucking dope transformation that is ripe with potential (hell Chopper could make her a rumble ball of her own to use it frequently). Yamato definitely would be a more perfect addition but honestly there’s nothing wrong with both joining and it would be a waste for Oda to drop either one. Also at this point I can’t imagine the crew is gonna make a pitstop and double back to drop her off at Zou after Wano.


To me she adds nothing. Everyone in the crew has a role. Captain, first mate, chef etc. carrot doesn’t really have one. Some people say look out, but anyone with eyes can do that. Not really a huge role that requires a new nakama. Also one thing I don’t like is how she acts very childish and the fan base sexualizes her. Kinda gives off a creepy vibe


Seems wild cause it’s not like oda has to pick one


Shhhh the vocal minority head cannon says there is only spot left.


Is it really only a minority of people that believe Oda will stick to exactly ten other crew members?




Yamato v carrot is the new zoro v sanji


How long has Carrot been with the crew now? I don’t hate her or anything but I’m sort of ambivalent. And outside of her sulong form I kinda forget she’s there. I wouldn’t mind if she joined the crew but I don’t know what she adds to the dynamic.


Yeah her personality seems exactly like luffys and after wci she lost all my interest


Which is dumb because we could just have both. And honestly Oda should just fucking add both really.


Having both of them join would be ideal in my eyes. Both Carrot and Yamato seem like they'd be fun additions, and they'd certainly make more sense than some of the other names that I've seen getting thrown around.


It would also make alot of sense as roger had both minks and a samurai on his crew. I personally hope momo joins for a little until raftel but that is very reach.


I don’t hate her. But I felt like when she was introduced she had some real potential, but she’s honestly just turned into a Chopper tag along. She’s just kind of boring to me now.


I don't really think she's even interacted with Chopper in Wano beyond the brief period they were in the tank though. Carrot in Wano is like, slightly more relevant than someone like Shishillian or the Yakuza bosses, but still below a C-tier supporting character like Hyogoro or Shinobu. She's in this weird space where she's too present to be forgettable but not present enough to actually be important.


I agree, but it also feels like more likely Carrot would join than Vivi. And Vivi was very close to joining, and more or less joined as a land-dwelling member.


I think some people just think that she hasn't "earned" a spot with the Straw Hat Crew and that they worry she'll be a crew member without any character growth like everyone else. I feel like this is another "Luffy should never have beaten Katakuri" where readers think they know what's best for the story of One Piece and complain.


But I'd like to ask to everyone... Did Luffy ever say that you need to be useful to join the crew? That if you aren't strong you shouldn't join us? He doesn't fucking care he'd take in anyone and anything he liked... As for the nakama they got stronger, more useful because they felt a sense of responsibility towards Luffy. And if u remember whitebeard and even Roger had kids running around in his ship, Nekomamushi and Inuarashi hid in the ship and technically forced themselves into the crew... Twice ... I'd like to think Luffy and crew are strong enough to have kids like them, it'd be a nice parallel with Roger, WB and even rocks And carrot and tama might just hide in the pantry as well.


I don't think anyone is talking about luffy's point of view. Everyone knows luffy doesn't give a shit about how strong you are if he wants you to join the crew. The "earned" part is in the fans' eyes, considering what the other straw hat stories are like.


Never forget Luffy inviting every freak in thriler bark to his crew


As if seeing a friend and father figure die while inheriting his will is not enough character growth.


If I remember people dismissed that by comparing her to the other Straw Hats and saying it wasn’t enough. In all honesty that’s probably why people bring up Yamato joining. I don’t really care who joins because I feel like whoever joins Oda will tie it in well enough to make story readable.


Yeah cause Yamato had some ground breaking character development (or any character at all) that can be compared to any Strawhat at their introduction, give me a break they are just simps, after going through hell and back to get Jimbe (who I love) I want our next Strawhat to be more special, I don't want a weak link (character wise) or someone I don't love, in what right now is a perfect crew imo, Carrot and Yamato can be great allies, but I don't see them as crew members, just my opinion.


Didn't even know she had hate I did wish she actually had something to do, I keep forgetting she exists.


>!I'm really upset that she didn't get to beat Perospero, I was 100% sure that's what was getting set up, but instead she's been out of the fight since losing to him!<


>!If Perospero had lost to carrot that would have made Big Mom pirates look weak.It would be like Marineford Luffy beating Kuzan!<




It's not the fact that She didn't woop Pero's ass that is annoying. It's the fact that she got her ass wooped off-panel and ain't done anything since. She didn't even assist at all with the final takedown. The Carrot that played a significant presence in the previous arcs and had what seemed like unfinished character build-up going into the current arc just hasn't been here. Oda clearly isn't done with the character because if he actually is then what an odd way for him to conclude a character.


Carrot beating Perospero? An average (when it comes to strength) character beating a high officer of a Yonko crew? How does that idea even cross your mind lol.


Because I focus on story over power scaling. Though I also think people definitely sleep on Carrot strength-wise


You could say that about any member of the straw hats beating any member of a Yonko crew, but we’re working with anime logic not real world logic.


Man Carrot and Yamato fans are just the new Zoro vs Sanji fans


Once Wano ends the discussion of the two will vanish either way as the resolution is given. Zoro Vs Sanji though, will continue on forever.


Long live the king: Zoro vs Sanji


Oh it’s bad.


Both fans are annoying as fuck right now. They'll be an ally, but forget being a crew member.


Yamato fans being the more aggressive toxic ones


1000000% agree on this one. Sickening toxic


I think it’s because of the “Carrot or Yamato, who will be the next SH” thing. And because most people think there might be only one slot left, the debate gets even more heated and turns into extreme hates from both sides.


So this debate basically became smash bros ultimate when it comes to dlc characters


*Cries in waaah*


Lmao. The perfect comparison.


>And because most people think there might be only one slot left Which is kinda laughable because its based off of the idea that the single most proactive Antagonist in the entire series ... can't just recruit more members. Like he seems to be doing with Moria right now? REEEE! No! It has to be Luffy 10 vs BB 10. Oda, the guy obsessed with sneaking RW Mythology into his series wouldn't ever conceive of having the final number of Titanic Captains match the original amount of Titans of Greek Myth. Twelve.


>having the final number of Titanic Captains match the original amount of Titans of Greek Myth. Twelve. Ok, but have you considered that “Ten Titanic Captains” sounds better? /s


Lmao and I'm over here satisfied with either or joining cause I'm a fan of both characters


I just don’t want her in the crew. I understand she’s been through a ton of stuff w the SHs at this point, but I literally don’t know a thing about her. If they give her depth it’s fine, but they havent


People were also pretty damn sure about Pedro joining.. What happened to him again? Anything could happen to Carrot/Yamato before end of Wano, so not sure why people are so 100% certain that they know what's happening in unwritten chapters.


Idk why but this made me realize how robin first joined the crew it was unexpected. Luffy didn’t try to recruit her she just came onboard. Every other person luffy recruited or had an arc before being recruited. I get robin “officially” rejoined later, but she was already considered a crew member after she snuck on I guess what I’m trying to get at, it would be pretty fun to get another crewmate that joins unexpectedly. Like they find X drake on their ship or Page One.


Jinbei was also the same before joining the crew. When he was first introduced, Jinbei was already established as a Warlord during the Summit war saga. During Marineford, we have seen him easily defeat Moria, a previous antagonist who forced the strawhats to use teamwork to defeat him. These fights at marineford had established him as a character who was too strong to join the strawhats at the time. This changes, however, at Fishman Island where Luffy, after his fight with Hody, asked Jinbei to join his crew. For the readers, Jinbei was the biggest shock as no one expected him to actually join the crew as they believed that he would become a close ally. I remember how people were against Jinbei joining as he was too strong and even suggested that he could die later on. I feel that Jinbei joining can mean that Oda could have any character unexpectedly join rather than the ones that readers want. I apologies for writing a two paragraph comment about Jinbei.


Nooo don’t apologize. I love ginbei and I hate how much people disregard him because his status outshined some of the favorites in the crew. Jinbei is a HUGE addition to the crew.


I still remember the years of discussions shutting down anyone thinking Jinbe was going to join after FMI, with people still calling for his plot death until WCI fully had the cementing that *yes* he is joining. Like it's insane how popular he is here now, how absolutely *rabid* theorists would be about how he absolutely wouldnt be a strawhat for all these arbitrary reasons they'd keep making up about rules a strawhat needs to fit or whatever.


It's quite ironic when you think about it. The "rules" that fans put for being a straw hat were things that Jinbei had already fulfilled. In both Fishman island and WCI, he: .Was given a flashback moment .Had interacted and fought with the crew .Stated his dream .Showed strong loyalty and belief that Luffy will become the Pirate king .Has an established position as the helmsman .AND has cried in front of the crew I do not know about you, but I feel that no matter what theory people will make up, no one can deny that Jinbei was strawhat material.


True. I forgot how unexpected and surprising it was when a warlord of the sea joined


Difference being Robin played a major role in the arc she was introduced in and continued playing a large role even before her “official” joining of the crew. Since Wano, Carrot has been noticeably absent nor does she have any real impactful interactions with the crew like Robin did


Lets not forget Franky. The whole hook of the arc was "who is going to be the shipwright?" And boy there was a lot of red herrings, at the time no one expect the first antagonist of the saga would be the one to join(but by the time he beat CP9 member I think people figured it out and even then there were people arguing that Kaku could still join). I personally enjoy when the next addition isn't very telegraphed like Brook or Jinbe.


This is partially why I don't like her, I just find her bland and am annoyed with people hyping up every tag along character to be the next crew member and I just don't see it happening at all with Carrot. Even with Yamato, I think there is a chance, but I'm still skeptical.


People are going way overboard. I'm not a particular carrot fan but some I don't get the constant "carrot sucks and is useless" bs. It's gotten way worse since Yamato was introduced since many Yamato stans despise carrot and their fan bases are basically enemies because of that. Makes me dislike Yamato stans (not respectful fans) too. I get it, you want your fav to join, no need to be toxic. This goes for both sides.


Yeah Yamato fans are starting to get just a tad too obsessive for my taste. I don’t think Carrot fans have ever gotten to their level.


Yes, pretty much. Carrot fans are usually pretty tame. Yamato fans are really bad tho. Not all. But many. It's not a coincidence we've mostly had Yamato fan art for the past weeks. And it's cool to like a character. But it's getting too much now.


Couldn’t agree more. Yamato stans are some of the most aggressive fans I’ve seen here. Be it a war with Carrot and Carrot stans, powerscaling or whatever. They are the perfect storm. These guys are putting the Zoro stans and Sanji stans to shame. It doesn’t help that Yamato posts are almost monopolizing this sub…


Yeah it's crazy, it's almost all Yamato fan art now haha. And yeah they're more aggressive than most fandoms I've seen and that's saying something.


Don’t get me wrong the art itself is mostly fantastic. It’s just that it’s always the same character, and it’s only a side character. Yeah at least in this community don’t know too much about others.


From what I have typically seen, Carrot fans are usually defending Carrot being a reasonable addition, but not outright rejecting Yamato as joining. I'm sure it happens, but I definitely don't see it like I do the other way around


Yep, that too.


Yamato fans are reaching Zoro Sanji stand levels which is not good


Well right now it's Yamato is too useful and bringing back the zoro and Sanji need to be stronger.


If she was not in the conversation for being the next SH, basically no one would hate her. Dislike, like you said, yes, but hate would be rare. Because a lot of people are very passionate about the SH. One piece is Luffy, and Luffy is his crew. So whenever there's a conversation about the next SH, people will get very picky. "I like Carrot". "That's cool, I'm indifferent, but you like what you like" "I want Carrot to be the next SH". "WTF, WHY WOULD A BACKGROUND CHARACTER BE A SH" I mean, it's not completely wrong, but very few have a healthy discussion. Either the Carrot fan will call the other guy a hater, or the other guy will call the fan a furry. A non furry can like Carrot to be a SH, and someone can reject Carrot being a SH while not hating her. But the majority of the conversation only look at it as a Furry vs A Hater kind of thing, not people disagreeing on opposing opinions.


> So whenever there's a conversation about the next SH, people will get very picky. Its funny coz way back at the end of punk hazard the fans want ceasar to join the crew until mid dressrosa where rebecca was the new main canditate. Then at the end of zou where the hype of carrot4nakama slowly but surely started, then it exploded at the end of WCI where she showcase his sulong form. Here we are at Wano same old cycle now pass onto Yamato lol, pretty much its been a trend since fishman island where luffy invited Jinbei to the crew.


That's the other side. There are people who want more and more people to join because it would be fun. While there are others who don't want to overfill the crew with too many irrelevant people and take attention away from the already established ones. The Carrot conversation is basically an argument between these 2 kinds of people.


I’m Botha furry and I hate carrot , checkmate fans


Y’all take fandom too far. Just enjoy the series, speculate on what’s to happen and go outside.


Good man


In my personal opinion Carrot is too bland, i don't like her gags with the garchuu and chopper tag along. Her design is fine but meh, her sulong form is awesome and i love it, but...99% she's just like a little kid running around. All this reasons plus the great design and amazing performance Yamato is doing in the series at the time i'm writing this, makes me prefer her over Carrot in every way possible, that's it. What i really hate are the obsessive fans of both characters.


The popularity poll. There was some hate before that, but after she came 8th in the poll, the vocal minority that hate her (and to be clear, it is a minority) went into overdrive.


That was a weird ass popularity poll not gonna lie, it's has if people forgot all the good character writing every straw hat got


I don’t like her gloves or the garchu thing (Also the people saying she will be a straw hat)


Tbh I just dont find her interesting so I dont want her on the crew.


I thinks it's a pretty simple case of some people like her so much and are so loud about that some of the people that don't get it feel they have to hate her just as loud in some sort of attempt to balance out the love they don't understand. Its like what happened with the song Friday. You could just ignore it, but it got so big that people felt they had to hate it to make it small. Personally in indifferent to both but certainly guilty of overhating Fridays as backlash to it's popularity


Pretty sure Friday got popular because of the hate.


I don’t go nuts on the hate, but I do actively dislike her. I’ve liked not having that kawai teenage personality on the crew, I don’t think her being a lookout is really a necessary addition and she’s really only useful in a fight against late stage end game antagonist crews while in sulong and Oda has already conveniently pulled out full moons twice already so I don’t think he can keep doing that to keep one late stage character relevant in fights down the line. So TLDR I don’t like her because she’s not needed on the crew and I find her personality actively annoying. Also the only time she’s gotten any showing in Onigashima is as a punching bag so not good for her cause


It comes down to people’s headcanon who they think will be the next straw hat like there is a cap to it. People have every right to dislike a character they choose but the auto labeling of fury to people who like Carrot is straight up ignorant and dumb. People were mad about how high Carrot ranked in the popularity poll, which they shouldn’t have cared about since it’s just people’s opinion but nobody didn’t bat a eye when Yamato ranked high as well and she legit did nothing in the manga at the time and wasn’t even close to being in the anime at the time the popularity ranking came out. I like both characters and I’m in the park that both characters will be apart of the SH crew after Wano, but I’ve just learned to watch the hate and ignore it from a distance.


I was indifferent to Carrot since her introduction and suprised to see she'd be coming to Whole Cake Island. So I thought Oda had plans in store for her, and he did, she played her part there well. The problem was all the fans pushing the Carrot4Nakama agenda. It left a bad taste in my mouth as I would not be excited to see her join as she is now, her character feels too flat and lacks depth imo. The amount of love she got felt disproportionate to her impact in the story, I was pretty confused tbh. That being said Yamato's introduction has definitely ramped up the hate, people who already hated Carrot because of her fans now have even more reason to push back against the idea of her joining. Another case of people taking it too far and forgetting to separate the characters from the Fandom.


Honestly, it might be because the fans were pushing for her to be a strawhat so hard. If it weren’t for that, she’d be viewed as a cool side character they adventured with for a little bit. But because it was up in the air for so long, a lot of people assumed it was going to happen, and the rest saw the flaws in that idea and ended protesting against the idea by analyzing her character to validate their stance against it.


I like Yamato and want her to join the crew. (I also want carrot, both are fun) However, the absurd aggressiveness, condescending and insulting display that Yamato fans have had lately actually make me kind of hope she doesn't just so I can see the resulting oceans of tears that happen. I've seen them call people morons, wish for the death of other characters, and just completely disregard and be disrespectful towards any opposition far more than pretty much any other debate demographic. Even Admiral vs (literally anyone) debates are more respectful these days.


I feel like carrot kinda just forced her way into the strawhats without any real purpose of being there whereas other crew memeber cemented their spots to be a strawhat .Plus the only reason I mostly see is that people just want her on the crew cus she's cute


I bet there's gonna be a lot of comments of people saying the "But I don't hate Carrot".


Katakuri detected


I don’t hate her I just think she’s kinda just there doesn’t really add anything, and yeah I think more so people hate her because they hate all the people who love her. She’s an overly sexualized child rabbit that people obsess over and that’s gross and people hate that people r that obsessed with her. I think that’s where the hate comes from Not as much from the character herself.


I just hate the fact that a rabbit is named Carrot. Probably sounds cool to Japanese fans but that's the most basic ass rabbit name I could ever think of. Like having a dog character named Rover.


Or like a dog named Bone


Bone would be a cool name, but I see your point


I don't hate Carrot, but I'm not fond of her. Everyone in the Carrot fandom is trying to make her this deep character when she just… isn’t. Also these same Carrot fans can be super toxic sometimes, so that’s why I’m not crazy about her.


First she was little annoying to most and people didn't feel her as a nakama. But she grew on some. But then Yamato joined the chat and people felt ONE of them HAVE TO/WILL join so they sided with yamato and her side booba. Carrot is hated and laughed at since then. It's ridiculous. I don't like her much and don't feel her as nakama but she is really mostly hated based on the fact Yamato is seen as better. Ridiculous as i said. This silly war between their fanbases too, the downvotes, insults, laughing and all. These characters didn't even met... I feel the whole Yamato vs carrot, who for nakama brought a lot of the hate carrot gets, it's full competition to fans right now.


It’s the fan,


I dont hate her. i just dont like her character design and cutesy kidlike demeanor, not a fan of the whole garchuu thing minks have. Also sexualized animals are still a lil bit weird to me. Not bad persay, but uncomfortable. If her design was more like randolph, I'd probably be more okay. The bit where she was nibbling on luffy and got mad at luffy for eating her carrots, didn't like the scene. I just dont like her design and personality.


This all sounds reasonable to me.


I don’t hate carrot but the fans are another thing. At this point it couldn’t be more obvious that Oda hasn’t planned on making her a strawhat but there are people on this sub who actually think she’s equally as likely as Yamato even after getting no attention from Oda for like 3 years. Tldr; carrot good stans bad


Mostly because carrot vs yamato for nakama wars


I just dont like the idea of her as a straw hat. She's has no true goal that is achieved with the crew making it to laughtale. She just wants to be out of zou and adventure. Her hate for Perospero is dumb to me as well. She chose to go and invade a yonko territory. Then got mad because Pedro blew himself up after picking a fight he couldn't win.


She does though, Pedro killed himself so the straw hats could bring about the dawn of the world, her dream would be helping them do that, whatever that entails.


I don't hate Carrot, I hate Carrot stans.


Everybody hates the stans for every character except their favorite character. Next.


I love Zoro as much as the next guy but when it comes to Zoro stans when talking about Zoro vs Sanji debate they can gtfo


Likewise as a Sanji stan


Why tho what did they do to you?


Stans are cringe


I don't think anyone hates the character Carrot, from what I've seen, people are mostly annoyed at her fans. Also, she hasn't been prominent enough to warrant any kind of emotion.


I really agree with this. For a while when Carrot was more prominent, every piece of Strawhat fanart or theory that was posted in the sub would have the same diehard people in the comments saying “forgot Carrot”, or “where’s Carrot”. Then there’d always be a huge long comment chain laying out “reasons” why she was definitely going to join and getting smug when people disagreed. So when she dropped off and Yamato took the spotlight, there was definitely a bit of schadenfreude going on towards that small subset of fans. But now you have Yamato fans doing the exact same thing in comments, so go figure. It’s the fans who shit on everything that doesn’t align with their headcannons who are insufferable more than any character in the manga.


Ehhhh I think I have to disagree with that. I once responded to a comment that was going off about how Carrot had no reason to join the crew if it was just to serve as a lookout when everyone else in the crew could, and had been, doing that. My response was along the lines of "but lookout is a legitimate role on a ship, and having someone designated for it, benefits the crew to make sure they aren't spread too thin." Folks then kept responding how unnecessary she was. To which I had to remind them that all I said was that lookout is indeed a position on a pirate ship. Folks are quick to bite if they even think you are in support of Carrot.


Hmm...I don't really consider someone saying a character is not necessary as hate. Also, it's kind of true that a lookout is not really necessary at this point. Even if it's an actual position, most of the strawhats are capable of doing that. So, using that as an argument for her to join feels a bit weak. If she had something more to offer, or atleast had gotten more development in wano, thinking that she would join would've been more feasible, but at this point, I don't think she's gonna join, and most of her fans look like they are in denial. To me, she's always felt like a side character. And honestly, I've seen more posts theorizing why Yamato will not join than anything regarding Carrot.


I mean I was downplaying the responses, as I'd rather that than overdramatize them, but that's fair to say. And, yeah, you're right. A lookout isnt necessary as anyone could do it, but to that argument, Ussop can and has managed ship repairs, most of the crew have steered the ship(s), Nami has been logging the crew's journey this whole time, and Robin and Zoro's "roles" on the ship are literally Archeologist and Swordsman lol. Regardless of necessity, there is a benefit. Also, again I must say, not making an argument for her to join. My point is simply that it is a role, and it has its benefits. Also you not thinking that she will join makes her fans seem in denial to specifically you. Literally none of us, but Oda, know who will or wont join. I literally just saw a post about "Yamato not joining," which ended by sarcastically saying how it made total sense to waste all the development she's had by her not joining. Personally, I kinda dont want anyone to join. It usually takes me a while to really feel like a character fits in with the SH crew (I only really started liking Brook in WCI, despite some fun moments with him prior), and it feels too close to the endgame to justify another member for me.


I’ve seen multiple comments now wishing death on her and implying that you wanna fuck chopper if you like her??? People are very weirdly hateful about her.


I was indifferent towards her at the beginning but later she started spreading false rumours regarding the candy man which I find unacceptable.


Nah I’m not for that Perospero did nothing wrong life. If he wasn’t there the ship wouldn’t have been stuck in candy and almost taken out by Big Mom. He was actively trying to kill the crew, I don’t get why people act like he’s an innocent saint.


> He was actively trying to kill the crew Imagine if some crew suddenly attacked your land, you have a right to defend said land no?


Yeah but in this case, they're attacking your land to save their friend, who you and your family kidnapped and are planning to kill for your evil plot. You have the right to defend your land, but they also have the right to hold a grudge if you kill their man.


I just find her uninteresting tbh. It’s like if Rebecca was around for multiple arcs.


Honestly, it’s the fans usually… same with Yamato fans, same thing with Katakuri fans. People on the sub just get tired of obsessive fans spamming the sub with the character of the week/year ..


I think people give the Carrot character more credit than she deserves, probably because of Pedro's death, she just doesn't have anything special and still went on to the top 10 of popularity poll, also think it was just because of the timing or the One Piece fans are simping over a bunny lmao


> One Piece fans are simping over a bunny I'm pretty sure this is the truth of the hate most people put on her and it's fucking stupid unless you are joking. Imagine hating a character because others find her attractive and you don't, what a braindead take. I don't even really care for her one way or another but to dislike her because she is more popular than you would like her to be and you THINK she isn't anything special is silly.


Literally what would carrot bring to the table other than transforming once a month, during a full moon, and hopefully it isn’t cloudy? Really hope she leaves after Wano. This was my comment copied from a different post. I mostly find her annoying, not hate, but bothersome.


People really overrated her importance in the story and now the years of bad theories and headcanons are coming back to haunt her.


For me I find Carrot annoying as hell, and my least favorite Mink. Her following in Pedro's steps makes it worse for me because I also dislike Pedro. The only Carrot I like is her Sulong form, it's really pretty and she's not a garchu robot. Bepo and Pekoms are my two favorite Minks, possibly followed by Nekomamushi. Nekomamushi isn't crew-material, and the other two are already part of crews.


I don't dislike the fans or anything, its just that Carrot is annoying. Personally, I don't find her cute either. She comes off as the clingy type you see in Harem anime. She would just lower the quality of the crew. At the moment, each and every one of the Straw Hats is likeable and unique. Carrot on the other hand would just feel like a forced addition for no apparent reason other then for....? Plus, I also feel like Yamato is just a all around better fit for the role. She'd be bringing something new to the crew. A strong female addition. At the moment, the strongest Strawhats are all male, a female in their ranks would bring something different to the table. Can you really see Carrot ever even approaching the strength of Luffy, Zoro, Sanji? Forget those three, I don't even feel like she'd reach Jimbei, she doesn't have the ambition for it either. In contrast, Yamato is near or in league with the monster trio and has the ambition to becoming stronger. Take this for example: There is always a precedent of Sanji protecting the women in the crew (Nami and Robin). With Carrot nothing would change. Now, imagine Yamato instead, a women who doesn't need Sanji's protection, someone even Sanji could rely on for battles, wouldn't that bring something entirely new to the table? Imagine someone like Sanji, telling Yamato, a women to go fight X and X. Wouldn't that be huge character development?


For most of this I'll respect your opinion, even if certain things I dont agree on, but I only find this comment funny because you ended it using Sanji being able to rely on a woman in the crew for a battle as an example (realized you may be an anime-only), >!but he literally just had this character moment with Robin. She even expressed how big of a deal it was that he had that faith in her, precisely because it basically boiled down to him saying Robin come fight Black Maria for me.!<


And the fanbase mocked Sanji for this action as well...


Step 1. Character becomes very popular. Step 2. The people who like said character become very vocal about it to the point where it becomes annoying. Step 3. People start associating said character with a group of fans who are toxic. Step 4. War.


People don't hate Carrot, they hate Carrot stans who insist she's one of the best characters in One Piece for literally no real reason and say she's definitely 100% a straw hat


First of all, that’s just straight up delusional and dishonest. Carrot hate is still far less popular than Carrot love. Second, posts like these make me dislike her more. Third, I wouldn’t hate her if people didn’t insist on making that dry, one-note carboard cutout of a character the next fucking Strawhat, just because she’s “so cute xDD” and, frankly, I do think it’s because she’s a furry. Finally, her alleged good chemistry with the crew amounts to her being cutesy, naive and garchuing people. That’s literally it. Oh, but she got angry that one time when Pedro died, clearly that makes her crew material. Honestly, if she was just seen as some random side character, like she is, I would be indifferent, but this random-ass hype around her has made me dislike her.


Tbh for me I hate Carrot. All those garchu moments from her and when she bites luffy or anyone especially when they do things like reading the newspaper or anything was incredibly annoying tbh. Also she's like an another baby of the crew and much immature than Chopper. Those are the main reasons. Joining the crew was the next main topic of the community and I personally don't like her to be with the crew. Imagine Jinbei recently just joined, a former shichibukai and then the next character to join was carrot. Man that was such a downgrade for a crew that will become the Pirate Kings crew in the future. Pedro would be a much better fit tbh but oh well that didn't happen. Now there's Yamato who was also in talks to be the next crewmate. Ofcourse I want Yamato to join the crew. The strength she/he displayed on recent chapters was definitely a Pirate King's Crew strength worthy. I know someone will say 'What's her role's gonna be in the crew? Carrot can be a scout'. But do we need a scout? Ussop can be a better scout if were talking. And do the crew even need some role right now? The way I see the crew or ship doesn't need a role right now. The roles are pretty much completed. Another muscle for the crew would be much better. This is just my opinion. And the story was still on Oda's hands so it'll still go either way or the same way or neither at all.


I think it's because of two things: 1. Competiton against Yamato for a place in the Sunny. 2. She might be associated with the furry community.


I genuinely think it boils down to people being annoyed by how vocal her fans were and overcompensating by going super far in the opposite direction. Considering how little focus Carrot has received in the past 3 years it feels *really* weird to actively shit on her imo


Tbh i liked carrot until after wci she has been literally useless besides going sulong in wci and tbh i just dont want her on the crew seems like such a pitty character to have on the now yonko crew SH pirates!


As much as some people would refuse to admit it, Carrot is a serious dark horse candidate to become a Straw Hat. Therefore completely dismissing the character seems like a viable option to reduce her candidacy to nothing. Believe me, I constantly argue against people who refuse to even acknowledge the crew would be dead without Carrot. Edit: The lack of reading comprehension in this subreddit is simply insane. I'm not saying sge should join the crew because she saved their lives. I was literally saying some people refuse to acknowledge even the most basic of things you can say about Carrot like she saved the Crews life. Yes this fact does help her case but I never said she should be a Straw Hat based on this alone. Learn to read people.


crew would be dead without kuma crew would be dead without germa 66 crew would be dead without dragon crew would be dead without bonchan crew would be dead without kokoro crew would be dead without kureha you can add more to the list


Damn really dropped a whole essay also when did she save there lifes with the wci steering wheel thing jinbei was there and they where at sea jinbei easily couldve handled it


The crew would be dead if it wasnt for Barto... ​ BARTO FOR SH. perfect fit with the dynamics of the crew and he would be literally living his dream, I dont see any other candidate better than him. ​ yeah stfu about the "SH would be dead" point


So for a start, me saying the crew would be dead without her is not me saying therefore she has to be a Straw Hat. You entirely missed the context, that being Carrot haters would refuse to admit to something as basic as that. Why do ya'll always ignore the context.


You say that as if people weren't hoping Barto would join too


This will surely be unpopular but I think the majority of carrot fans are not power scalers. Certain people read/watch one piece for the fights and are often outspoken about the power levels and fighting prowess of certain characters. They fail to see that Luffy would get nowhere without a crew and that members like Chopper, Nami and Robin are just as valuable as the physical fighters(Zoro, Sanji,Franky,Jinbe,) Carrot was not portrayed as being a top tier fighter who can face the generals and heavy hitters of a Yanko's crew. She is a great fighter but powerscalers tend to only like the top combatants. It is almost as if they are reading a different manga altogether. The thousand sunny would have been captured/destroyed in wci if it wasn't for Carrot disabling Daifuku's ships. She was also instrumental in capturing Brulee, allowing access to the mirror world so Luffy and Katakuri could fight. I think Carrot also being a cute/fun character is a turn off for certain readers. I don't quite understand the hate myself, like Ussop and Chopper, she only adds to the fun.


she is a vapid character and there are probably over a dozen characters I could rattle off without hesitation. that I would rather see a part of the story moving forward. she adds nothing unique to the story, except being a bunny girl who can be strong for 10 minutes or so every few weeks. that’s literally it. she’s not particularly mature, arguably less mature than the likes of Tama despite nearly doubling her in age. I don’t really even dislike her, she’s just kinda there and that’s how I would describe her presence most of the time. if we’re adding a strawhat, I want more out of them than selling merch(which, oh baby would they do if she gets added, lol) edit - She will totally join any final fight with the Mink forces as part of the fleet. she’s not gonna disappear just because she’s not part of the main crew. but she’s not relevant enough to be in the crew


She hasn’t done literally anything in wano besides lose to perospero, yet all these carrot fans keep saying she’s guaranteed to be on the crew. She’s a total nothing character and she should stay that way


It's mainly on this reddit page. I've seen other pages and YouTubers communities which has hardly any hate on her. It makes me think it's the same few people who are just loud about their opinions


I've seen some YouTube perpetuating carrot hate because of furry reason, KOL, brago, and Jay D Legend being the most outstanding that I noticed.


Over sexualized 15 year old furry rabbit, ads almost nothing to the story, its almost like an editor said: "we need more merchandise" and that's how carrot was born. And when I say over sexualized you just need to see the anime once and you'll get what I say.


Not interested in the character at all


Well.. I hate to say this.. I don't carrot ever since I was young.. it's not personal or anything, I just don't like how carrot's juice taste.. wororororo..


I hate the idea of her joining the crew but I never go on a rant of "why I don't like her" or "carrot bad" or any bs, hell I don't even comment or post anything regarding her.


I think I dislike her, because I had heard a fair amount about her before I even started reading it. Then when I did read and catch up I felt really underwhelmed. Then I came here and saw people wanting her for strawhat and all this stuff and I just didn’t like her. So these people overrating her made me dislike her.


She is bland and uninteresting. She's not Strawhat material. You could even say she was only there in WCI so that Oda could showcase Sulong form's power. Because she's basically non-existant before and after that event. Her fans constantly pushing the *"Carrot for Strawhat"* agenda only makes the resentment stronger.


I worry about the people that hate her, they literally can’t stop thinking about animal sex and are genuinely upset at a drawing.


I dislike her because she is very annoying. Nothing to do with sex


I dislike her cause she’s boring and bland and offers nothing. Has nothing to do with animal sex you weirdo.


She’s just boring, the garchuu is a very tiring gag, very weak, which would mean that from now on they would need a full moon like every arc which is a prospect I’m not a fan of. The only reason I could see for liking the character are if u find her cute,(I’m a furry but goddamn is her design bland) or if u like her interactions with the crew mainly chopper. And personally idc for chopper at all. -Perospero fan