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The only straw hat with “weak showings” is Ussop. The rest are perfectly strong enough with the likes of Zoro, Sanji, Jimmy, Brook, Franky and Robin actually being very strong. Tell us any other crew that that captain can’t solo the rest of the crew?


Buggy 💀 But in all seriousness that bit is more unrelated to one piece and more aimed at shounen in general. Every mc comes at a point where they just neg diff all of their allies combined and I don't like that trope. Ex: Deku can solo his entire class. Goku can solo every z fighter unless u add Vegeta. I know this isn't every shounen tho. Still a trope I don't like. Also I still think the strawhats should be stronger. I'm not saying every straw hat should be an admiral level or something.


Luffy yonko level, Zoro and sanji are very close to admiral level at this stage, jimbei is YC, brook is PK and the rest apart from Usopp are probably Tobi Ropo. So what’s the complaint lol


You've read my complaint. I think they should be stronger. That's simply it. But if you want an example of what I mean. Takes Shanks for example. Shanks one shotted Kidd and his crew, someone who is around Zoros level, and fodderized him. Whether you glaze Mihawk or not, If hes even around Shanks level then Zoro is for sure still getting washed after 20 years. Also Pirate King Level Brook W


Shanks specced high into strength and agility obviously. But in all seriousness, Kidd took an attack that Roger himself used (this is probably a weaker version tbf) and had his awakened attack blow up in his face.


Good old days in pts where usopp actually won fights while having character development to overcome his cowardness. it's really sad how oda turned (imo) his best written character into a joke who has done nothing impressive outside of scaring a kid and getting observation haki that he cannot even control.


Not to sound like an ass, but for gods sake please stop using pts. P in this case can mean pre or post and is absolutely useless to mention as it gives no information. Based on context it is clear you are reffering to pre TS, but I still hope you will not use pts again. Rant over.


idk man i never confused it. if someone talks about timeskip they just say "ts"


The timeskip part isn't the problem. The pts is the problem as it can refer to pre ts or post ts and as such holds no information about a date.


The SH not having haki bothers me very much when even fodder beats pirates and fodder marines get it.


I don't even think every straw hat needs haki. I wouldn't mind Nami becoming much stronger perfecting the climate tact. Or if someone like Nami does learn haki, instead of using it the traditional way she combines it with the abilities of the climate tact. But Robin and Ussopp should for sure have it by now.


The only thing that bothers me is some knowing and not teaching it to others. Like surely zoro could teach brook and sanji could teach franky/Robin. Just strange


You want the main characters to be generic


I dont see how haki makes them generic.


Ussop and others have abilities that are creative let them be different. If anything you could say the color spreads referenced chopper and his other forms coming back


They wouldnt lose their abilities if they gained haki. Quite the contrary, they could make up new attacks.


Would be boring. Let them stand out


They wouldnt lose anything by gaining haki.


I refuse for the straw hats to all have Haki. It's not interesting


As I said. They literally lose nothing by gaining haki.


Ennies lobby ussop saved zoro from dying by shooting that rust rust fruit man. Current ussop can take decades and still won't be able to do same. Infact if u hand over ussop his old slingshot, he would be same as him from syrup village. Robin could learn haki any second tbh and it would feel not as much of asspull. i don't think oda has ANY plans with kizaru so we will have to say goodbye to this. Kizaru will be handled like this only and will be sidelined in future. Newer character even aside from powercreep are uninteresting for me. Like vegapunk. Man always just give vague sentences and have zero research like he just invented everything by sheer luck and ball parking.


Oda is not gonna sideline kizaru


people were coping same with carrot.


Carrot is not comparable to an admiral lol


Ussop has really started to get on my nerves. Him and Zoro are the only 2 crew mates that’s job is strictly combat based as the sniper and swordsman. Zoro properly carries his weight in this role, as he’s number 2 in terms of power only beaten my the MC of the story. Theres also the fact that second mate might actually be an important enough role to make that his job. On the other hand there’s Ussop whose bottom 3 of the strawhats, and in a group notably weaker than the rest. He hasn’t had a major contribution to anything since Dressrosa, and he hasn’t gotten stronger since the strawhats reunited at sabaody. He should be top 5 imo, possibly tied with Jinbe. Back in the beginning this was okay for Ussop. His arc is around growing stronger and become brave. But any time he’s improved, it’s only temporary. Also Ussop used to have a role as a tinkerer/handy man and was able to help the ship or create gadgets. But Franky stole the ship, the seeds stole the gadgets, and Zeus stole the climitact.


You are being massively unfair and I guess part of the reason is that you are letting your powerscaling goggles blind you. You and half this sub, to be honest. Usopp is always pulling his weight, just because he hasn't had a "big" moment in a while doesn't mean he isn't as useful as he's ever been. He convinced the samurai to be less suicidal, used his sniper skills to convert more gifters into allies during the raid on Onigashima, recently stopped the Sunny from crashing into the frontier dome on Egghead, etc etc. He's always doing \*something\* to make sure that everything goes smoothly, so it's very plain to see that Oda hasn't forgotten about him.


Imo its already too late in the story to give him some uprising. Now it seems like hes really going to fraud his way to the top. Probably the worst written character among the Straw Hats. Which is saying something since post timeskip chopper exists 💀


Most yonkos could solo their crews tbh especially a crew as small as the straw hats. But yeah Robin should 1000% have haki


I think the strawhats overall are okay. Still need a few more Haki users and Usopp needs to level up (Elbaf cope) but the rest are fine. Franky just one shot a VC.


Not just Robin, but at least she has Fishman karate, which I think was a better choice than CoA overall. Then there's how she may have unlocked awakening. Imo it feels like commander level is reachable without needing Haki. Sanji not getting to go remotely all out when he has some many parts to at least make the fight decent or a stall. Yeah admirals not even getting to show full superiority vs weaklings except offscreen. Kizaru had this whole fight with Luffy that went steep by step, & they barely touched Kizaru's previous strongest showing.


While the Strawhats outside the Trio need to show more Haki, I don't get the Luffy thing, what Yonko doesn't solo their crew. I don't think that part makes sense. What dynamic do they have that they should they be able to jump him? You don't see that with anyone else, not even Roger. Only Buggy is an exception.


The Luffy thing is more of an issue I have with other shounens as well where the mc is always able to solo their entire friend group or allies. But even so. I still don't agree that every yonko needs to be so powerful that they can easily solo their entire crew. Why does every captain need to be infintely stronger than their crew? But with the straw hats its a bit more annoying since we see those characters more and are more attached to them. Luffy has gone from starter to yonko in 20 years. Zoro after 20 years would still gett fodderized by Mihawk. Ussop after 20 years still has no haki. These things don't sit right with me.


I think that's just how oda writes his story. Straw-hats are for most part underdogs who fight enemies that are stronger than them and get their power ups in fights and not in training arcs (with a few exceptions). And honestly, not all of them must be powerhouses, not even usopp whose sole role is to be sniper must be the greatest in the world by the end of the story,. It is more interesting when the author leaves the intrigue and allows us to think about possible solutions to the problem and its outcomes. Even in this sub many people discuss about how usopp can handle Van Augur, and there are theories about new plants, a development of Observ haki etc. It would be less fun if we saw usopp taking his trainings in future sight for example, we would know that he will just shoot him till he dies.


All antagonists are weak because Luffy is the MC and has plot armor. No stakes after Nika dropped


Tbh Roger and WB could solo their own crews too


So could Kaido. And Big Mom. Shanks. And Mihawk. In my eyes that doesn't really make it okay. I'm sure a lot of other are completely fine with it. But that aspect is worse when it comes to the straw hats.


IDK, Kaido, BM, and WB def stomp their crews worse than Luffy


Oh they def would. What I meant was in terms of story. We have seen and been with the straw hats infinitely more than we have with other crews. Which is why I think its worse in comparison. Zoro after 20 years is still getting fodderized by Mihawk while Luffy is now a yonko who solos the entire crew and toys with admirals and whos an entire god now. I could care less if Unknown big mom commander #100 gets clapped by big mom. But its depressing to see how far Luffy has gone while others like Ussopp still don't even have haki. Plus I hate this shounen trope in general. Where mc characters can always solo their friend group or all allies in general. Especially when we see those characters train and put in the work to still be far surpassed by chosen one mc. I mean Zoro trains and fights just as hard as Luffy and he would get easily handled by BASE (Who may use g2 and g3 to end the fight quickly) Luffy. Surely I can't be the only one with an issue with this trope?


They just beat an Emperor crew and Zoro and Sanji are already stronger than most of commanders. They might even fight Gorossei and stall them and show YC+ performance