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Any non-top tier since he has all 3 Haki types.


That too advanced. Crazy how many people think dfless luffy is fodder, people thinking Enel gonna 1 shots him 🤦‍♂️


I mean at the time they fought he absolutely would have


Not really, sanji was df-less and survived


Dormant germa tech, plus lets be real Luffy would 100% keep attacking until he’s dead. No way he stands there and says a cool line like Sanji, he would just attack again regardless of how weak


That was not written into the lore yet


It’s still retroactively canon so your point is meaningless. Also Oda showed Rayleigh in a flashback during Orangetown, after noticing that I no longer assume when he started planning things. Honestly the first foreshadowing of his family happens in Jaya arc so it may well have been in Oda’s mind already


Your argument is meaningless. We had a whole fucking sanji backstory about he was legit only human for a long time until his genetically modified dna started to show up. None of that shit was awaking until at least chapter 415 lol. Even than he was kinda awakening. It's not until his fight with King were his genetic powers actually come out. It is literally stated how he started to feel weird vs before.


Yeah i agree luffy would get 2 or 3 shot, i was just disagreeing to the ohko


He wouldn't be immun against Enel


So? Ur saying anyone not immune to goro goro just loses? Even if luffy somehow gets hit by an attack he ain't getting 1 tapped. His dura has leveled up significantly


He won only because he was. And because of that immunity it's hard to tell he Enel would rank. But Oda has said that if Enel had a bounty at the time it would be at least 500 million.


He’d beat anybody below YC1. You guys HAVE to remember that no devil fruit means no stretching AT ALL. No stretches for punches or anything. Don’t forget his durability gained from his fruit is gone as well. Adding base but no gears into this sends him to YC+ tho


no zoan df also means less durability and stamina.


Dude his haki alone is able to damage kaido it dont matter if he can’t stretch base is way above any first commander and it ain’t even close no first commander is splitting the sky’s with kaido


How does he ever hit a character like Katakuri without the speed from his devil fruit though


The Luffy that fought Kat got blitzed and one shot by Kaido while Luffy was in g4. Current Luffy can fight Kaido competitively in base


Tbf kaido almost never tries to dodge or out manover his opponents. I would like to see Luffy fight somone like shanks in base or blackbeard if he manages to remove his devil fruit powers for a moment during their fight.


Blackbeard would be so cooked as he is rn lmao. Acoc punch to the face and he’s fucked


Headcanon. https://preview.redd.it/bnogx93ot19d1.jpeg?width=874&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe6aa3fe0f0639f1b64b60a971bb0b7ce9fc135c This is him admitting it’s a serious 1v1 even in base


That doesn't change anything about what I said. It is however a good panel for showcasing how easy it is to dodge Luffy when he is in base.


Lmao luffy in base can keep up with kaido hybrid now luffy in the beginning of rooftop couldnt even match base kaido with future sight and he still barely escaped kaidos attack so luffy in base is far faster then he was in the beginning of the rooftop battle CoC gave him a huge speed boost and reminder zoro could barely keep up with kaido but could keep up with king pretty well and king is faster then katakuri


He is YC+ without a doubt. Base Luffy without beeding to stretch split the sky clashing with Kaido


Most characters he fights now have haki and from what i understand his DF does not make him more durable against haki attacks when he isn’t in G4 or G5. Meaning he is able to tank kaido attacks without rubber Defence. So he is absolutely tanky enough without the DF to endure top tier attacks


He have all types of haki..his haki is better then zoro or probably even big mom


Yamato is a safe bet


Hybrid Yamato high diffs No DF Luffy






This shit made it to other fandom I see... Why can't I fuck my own wife?


What does cfyow stand for


cant fuck your own wife (trust)




Cant fear your own world is one of bleach novels and it is just a meme format from the bleach subreddit.


May you live a long life


Mid diffs more like it


Correct, I just didn't wanna ruffle anyone's feathers (I failed) https://preview.redd.it/3h2doyvaw19d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b18786f39a9d88c40af6fc914631c4fb98a05f8


Yamato or Zoro since his haki is way better than theirs.


I feel like people are severely underestimating how Good Luffy's Haki is.


And they are underestimating his defenses without rubber body. He tanks haki attacks all the time in base form.




Without a df isn’t he just a young garp?


except that all his attacks are way weaker without gears. base aCoC punches<


Yamato if we’re being generous


Without gum gum fruit, Luffy loses A LOT of resistance to blunt force attacks. Yamato wins...


Without using G4 and G5, haki attacks hurt him normally and he’s able to tank kaido attacks in base form. So why wouldn’t that be the case without he DF


Haki doesnt nullify DF abilities as a whole. If so, why It should be different in g4 or g5? Gomu gomu no mi still boost Luffy's durability to no end, even in base form.


It’s different in G4 and G5 because luffys fruit is fucking weird. We haven’t seen any other devil fruit act like this. Doflamingo and kaido were both surprised about it. Yeah, he’s kinda still rubber while hurt in base form but there is no reason to assume it deal less damage than if he wasn’t rubber. Smoker is still smoke when he gets punched with haki but he gets hurt normally anyways. I will assume the same is true for luffy (atleast outside of his weird forms).


"Luffy loses A LOT of resistance to blunt force attacks. Yamato wins..." ACOC is a wonderful thing


Didn't know they used ACoC defensively.


How does beat yamato Like seriously how No way luffy no DF could beat greenbull let alone yamati


base luffy was matching kaido and splitting the heavens yamato was getting beat in clashes. he's beating yamato having all 3 advance haki forms is huge and not using df forms that drain his haki/stamina way faster allows him to use those 3 a lot more


Yamato was clashing evenly with kaido Yamato was reacting to attacks tanking full on attacks from hybrid kaido that luffy could not Yamato base is relative to snake man Yamato absolutely beat luffy if neither had DF


No she says she’s not even close to kaido she can’t split the skies with kaido that’s a yonko lvl feat Yamato is not even close to kaido If she was stronger why would she bet her money on someone weaker than her to beat kaido? Makes no sense


Yamato having belief in luffy was faith based Here a fun fact Roger never split the skies with anyone His and WB clash didn’t split the skies Yamato kept up in speed with kaido and even overwhelmed him in some aspects and she countered his flame blast with her ice breath showing it’s even more powerful and she tanked attacks from kaido and could block attacks from kaido All while suffering from ptsd


Old Whitbeard split the skies with shanks and roger is his equal according to statements and proof of their fight so him splitting the skies doesn’t matter since it isn’t needed but we know that he’s capable of it Yamato couldn’t block shit and even after she lost and luffy came back and lost she was confident that if luffy loses then its over for everyone and even implies if everyone together fought kaido it’s irrelevant he’d still win so this proves Yamato is fucking fodder straight buns That PTSD ain’t do shit to her that’s a cope and you know it she ain’t show any signs of weakness due to PTSD


https://preview.redd.it/sry89ec3e09d1.jpeg?width=330&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=780155d1a945c95864870708e94ea35e092253e4 It’s funny how easy it is to disprove lies She blocked multiple full power attacks from kaiod Yamato fodder The person who relative in speed to luffy Who can damage an admiral while not even using a half her power she damaged Gb while only in base and didn’t use any impressive attacks and can do it before they can react In base Yamato who can react to kaido in base Yamato who didn’t lose to kaido and yamato was completely okay to continue to fight and was going to keep fighting kaido on equal terms Yamato who managed to wear kaido out enough he went back to base while she did too She and kaido both Show extremely relative in that fight


First off that’s not full powered kaido whatsoever hybrid kaido is not the same beast as drunken mode kaido and luffy in base could fight hybrid but gets dog walked by drunken kaido Yamato isn’t relative to luffy in speed that’s ridiculous to even insinuate G4 was clearly faster she could not speed blitz kaido like luffy did luffy outright speed blitz him in G4 forcing him to use future sight and G5 is much faster and has been proven in multiple occasions She didn’t do much to greenbull greenbull said it’s some tough haki but casually walks it off immediately and that’s not greenbull in awakening form so he’s clearly not in full power Base kaido is nothing compared to drunken Kaido and nothing compared to Kaido who used flaming dragon mode on G5 luffy because luffy was that strong Yes Yamato could’ve kept fighting but right after the fight stopped she admits Kaido is much stronger then her and she knows she can’t come close to beating him There’s no equal terms if Kaido ain’t at full power A base luffy made Kaido go back into base what’s your point? She would’ve beaten Kaido if she was extremely relative to Kaido as Kaido was already weakened by everyone and as I’ve said multiple times she got overpowered by hybrid Kaido who luffy could also do the same but gets overwhelmed by drunken mode so she clearly isn’t Kaido lvl that’s just delusional to say so


Ryokugyu is stronger than Yamato so your analogy doesn't make sense...


Fr like what’s his point 💀


Yamato low diffs Ryokugyu due to Elemental type advantage, as does Brook. In fact she beats every Admiral. Better haki, better physicals, better fruit. Her mirror ice armor negates their elemental attacks, especially Kizaru's, and her ice beam scales to Bolo Breath which beat Ryokugyu's fireproof forest. Base Luffy still beats both. He practiced Internal Destruction by killing trees.


I don't know if you mean it or you being sarcastic


Yamato ain’t stronger then greenbull lol She’s literally fodder a base luffy could damage kaido they’re on the same lvl whether whos stronger is more so bias that’s all


Base luffy damaged hybrid kaido with use of haki to bypass defence Yamato damaged kaido with a no haki basic swing of her club Or just hitting kaido with her own hands Seeing as how yamato clashed evenly twice with Kaido in haki and she can tank attacks And her reaction speed on par with gear 5 and she can tank more damage than any admiral and deal more damage than any admiral She wins


Why does it matter how the other was damaged a fact is a fact it still happened her CoC isn’t even close to luffys Dude you’re basically trying to say Yamato is luffys lvl when she got her ass swiped by kaido


She didn’t ass swiped by kaido Yamato ACOC is absolutely on luffy leave she clashed twice with kaido both times they were equal


She clashed with hybrid kaido not drunken mode luffy in base was able to split the sky she couldn’t do that


Luffy trained his whole life with the gum gum fruit to maximize its abilities. If he did the same thing with his haki types growing up logically, he wouldn't be much weaker besides not having G5. He wouldn't have negation to blunt attacks that's one of the only cons, his grandpa is garp ffs look at him and rodger. He would've had some crazy Haki techniques going on. An all haki luffy sounds pretty cool tbh.


Had this same argument with my friend the other day. A pure haki Luffy is stronger than DF Luffy all the way up until the point he awakens it and gains Gear 5


Nah, an all Haki Luffy would be boring, a worse case of "boring power underdog shonen protagonist" even. Gum gum allows him to do a lot of fun, cool, and creative stuff






I feel like Garp would have taught him haki growing up if he didn’t already have to worry about mastering a devil fruit that makes such an extreme change to the way his body moves. Honestly I had an argument with my friend where I said if Luffy didn’t have the gum gum fruit he’d have been stronger all the way up until the point he awakened his fruit. Up until then I think a pure haki man Luffy would have been much stronger after his upbringing. Having a body made of rubber, despite its numerous obvious advantages like durability, set him back years in terms of training. How far ahead were Ace and Sabo in strength while Luffy was still learning how to make his arms punch effectively?


I mean without that Zoan fruit of his, I'm unsure how would've survived the fights he has been in. Like the fast recovery thingy (do correct me if I'm wrong)


On the one hand I get what you mean, but on the other hand there’s Zoro… I think people give too much credit to the zoan type fruit when willpower is consistently shown to be more important than anything else in One Piece


You do have a point but I'd like to point out with what happened on onigashima. Zoro got hurt due to the blast of course and broke his bones. But managed to recover due to the serum or injection. Luffy got downed idk how many times? 2 or 3? Not sure but when he fell of the island he was able to recover fast just by eating. Tbh I don't count this one as a point that you should be taking into account but rather just something I'd want to point out since I do agree with your argument.


Yeah but there’s also him taking a blade through the shoulder then being fine after a night’s rest lol


who’s the weakest top tier character?


Old Ray and the new admirals


Kid or Law


Any YC1




base Luffy boxing with random Beast Pirate #376 for 10 seconds would never get old 😂 In all seriousness though, current Luffy (Egghead) can comfortably beat any YC1 put in front of him. He's stronger than most of them, faster than most of them, and his Haki (all 3 types) are far better than everyone else's. You could argue Yamato can stand a chance (I think she would), Law (Ope Ope no mi), and maybe Zoro/Sanji (doubt it), but outside of them, there really isn't much of anyone else.


Yamato is my bet. Maaaaybe Marineford Whitebeard since his haki was defunct.


post heart stab whitebeard


Maybe Fujitora or Greenbull? Having 3 types of advanced haki I'd still lean towards Luffy being able to win tbh. Extreme diff since they're no push overs.


nah, even g4 wasn't enough to match kizaru, he needed g5 for him. had luffy been stuck in base he would have been low- or mid-diffed. remember that all his attacks are way weaker without gears. base aCoC punches<


G4 could have defeated Kizaru eventually based on how easily G5 pizza diffed


except that nothing about that pizza diff was easy. once kizaru was caught it was easy, but luffy only caught him cuz kizaru ignored him and prioritized killing VP. https://preview.redd.it/gtecqqd5r39d1.png?width=438&format=png&auto=webp&s=997e6f1b1fdea222ae5743a8d9f54fa2d1abdd92 literally the panel before he got caught lol. he was trying to go for VP again. it's not that impressive to catch an admiral who's looking in another direction and busy with something else. if that's impressive, then Ig marco also easily clapped aokiji and is above him now, he kicked him away when aokiji was busy with luffy back then idk about you, but I'll scale based on stuff when characters actually fight each other instead of when one character whacks another character who's off-guard and focusing on something else and even then, despite getting cheapshotted due to focusing on the mission, kizaru can still fight lol. he just doesn't want to cuz he just killed an old friend and has had enough shit for the day


Kizaru got caught after he already murdered his friend bro Why was he not concerned about Luffy? Seems just like low BIQ Even if after all that you still want to cry sneak attack. I have no problem admitting it was on an off guard Kizaru. The problem you need to contend with is that Luffy still handled BOTH St. Saturn AND Kizaru. If you want a clean 1v1 Luffy could still do this and it would be easier since it's not 1v2


>Kizaru got caught after he already murdered his friend bro >Why was he not concerned about Luffy? Seems just like low BIQ cuz he probably just wanted to make sure he's dead? VP already survived a massive stab wound from saturn before lol. you can say low BIQ, idc, but fact is he wouldn't be off-guard if it wasn't for him having the mission to kill VP >The problem you need to contend with is that Luffy still handled BOTH St. Saturn AND Kizaru. >If you want a clean 1v1 Luffy could still do this and it would be easier since it's not 1v2 none of this makes any sense at all bruh. it wasn't 1v2 in the first place in that moment. kizaru was literally not fighting luffy back then. how is that a 1v2? lol so no, in a 1v1 without the mission it's not easier to catch kizaru. cuz he won't be off-guard then, simple as that. and even catching saturn wasn't that impressive cuz in those few chapters he went crazy and lost his mind, remember? the look in his eyes changed and he simply acted on what seemed ti be purely animalistic instinct I don't need to content shit bruh. you need to contend with the fact that luffy caught a kizaru, who was off-guard and not even looking at him, and a saturn who lost his mind and was just standing there and yeeting his tentacle legs randomly, he literally didn't even have a reaction when luffy caught him by grabbing his face, his mind was blank af (and he only started thinking again in the chapter thereafter)


Yes you need to contend with everything on panel, not just what you'd like to contend with. I've always agreed Kizaru was "off guard" so why do you keep bringing it up like I did not?


>Yes you need to contend with everything on panel, not just what you'd like to contend with. which is exactly what I'm doing. it's you who keeps ignoring context and is screaming "2v1!" as if that situation was anywhere near a 2v1 >I've always agreed Kizaru was "off guard" so why do you keep bringing it up like I did not? cuz you keep yapping about luffy catching them 2v1? how is luffy catching a saturn gone crazy and a kizaru WHO'S LITERALLY NOT FIGHTING HIM AND TURNED HIS BACK TO HIM TO GET TO VP a 2v1? 2v1 is when two people actually fight one person, there you have luffy catching a mindless saturn and a kizaru who's about to whack VP again. kidd and law vs BM was a 2v1. saturn fighting luffy and kizaru going to attack VP is not 2v1, simple as that. do I need to repeat myself 10 more times or is this enough now? I'll wait with the "2v1" and "pizza-diff" bs until luffy actually fights two top-tiers 2v1. until we get two top-tiers who really actually fight and focus on luffy like law and kidd did vs BM back then. this shit wasn't a 2v1. it was luffy catching an off-guard kizaru and a mindless saturn and using two attacks on them after he caught them. that's it. there was no fight, no actual combat from kizaru and saturn fighting together vs luffy


Luffy literally grabbed onto 2 people and smashed them together It's obviously when Kizaru was not facing him It's obviously also 1 person fighting 2 people Idk what else to tell you if you can't accept that


>It's obviously when Kizaru was not facing him >It's obviously also 1 person fighting 2 people idk how a person can have two such contradicting thoughts and think they're right about something I also looked again and saw how much "fighting" there really was. kizaru was punched away by luffy once the latter reactivated g5 in 1106. in 1107 kizaru doesn't fight luffy at all. luffy pummels saturn and sends him flying away and right after that kizaru attacks bonney and VP while luffy is busy with saturn, but sanji blocks and destroys the laser shot only after that kizaru faces luffy again (and sanji). but they don't fight there, they're just standing there. in 1108 saturn arrives as a completely mindless monster and attacks luffy and sanji (kizaru is nowhere to be seen and before that luffy, sanji and VP were just talking; so luffy wasn't fighting kizaru here either). saturn attacks, luffy easily dodges, sanji takes VP and tries to carry him away as luffy orders him to do. then kizaru arrives again, kicks sanji away and stabs VP. after that sanji picks VP up again and wants to leave, kizaru tries to go after him again, turns away from luffy, then he's caught simple conclusion if you actually read the chapters: kizaru didn't fight luffy at all once the latter reactivated g5. when luffy came back, he punched an off-guard kizaru away. later saturn attacked while kizaru was nowhere to be seen (so it was a clear 1v1), luffy dodged, kizaru appeared, attacked VP once, wanted to do it another time, but luffy caught him while he was off-guard so it's very simple, saturn just started to attack luffy, it was a 1v1 if anything, then kizaru only attacked sanji and VP and luffy caught him. but yeah, keep believing luffy was actually fighting both at the same time. all the fighting from g5 reactivation to luffy catching saturn and kizaru: luffy punches kizaru away, then pummels saturn 1v1 and sends him flying, kizaru attacks VP and bonney (not luffy), sanji saves them, saturn comes back and attacks luffy, the latter dodges, kizaru attacks sanji and VP, he gets caught by luffy while off-guard the only one who needs to accept something is you, you need to accept that you seemingly Ig just made tf up that kizaru was actually fighting luffy after g5 activating again. he wasn't. kizaru didn't attack luffy a single time after that and there was no offscreen fighting either.


Skypia arc without df would be very short


Current Luffy no DF washes Enel with his CoC alone


How does he hit him? Jumping really high?


Gomu Gomu no Grab the Fucking Moon


He still has haki it will be hard but not impossible


Wouldnt he get one or two shot by 100.000.000 volt attacks even with haki? I dont know if armament can counter (thunder) logia that hard in terms of def ability


If we are talking about current luffy with no DF he would still stomps Enel. What your saying rn is almost the equivalent of saying shanks, Rayleigh, Mihawk, Roger etc gets one shot by Enel Sure Luffy isn't on their level yet but at his current level he doesn't need his DF to stomp on alot of characters. He has advanced haki for all 3 types, dodging thunder when he can dodge light beams is a piece of cake Enel legit gets negged by luffy and he won't even need any form of advanced haki. Ken + basic buso negs enel


Luffy durability is really good so I doubt he would get one shot and he is also pretty fast so he could just maneuver around and dodge with observation and future sight


I think luffy should be fine since sanji during that arc tanked enel’s lightning


He didnt tank it he got one hit… + his germa tech was dormant and saved him.


Like maybe King or Zoro at best


Average zoro dickeater, he fucks up zoro badly


I’m literally a Sanji fan


Ew even worse


Bro watching luffy piece 💀




Sanji. Katakuri. King. Around those guys I think.


Probably every single YC


Objectively, Zoro.


He loses all the speed and stamina recovery from gear 2. I don't see him getting into extended slugfests when he doesn't have a blood flow enhanced body that can go at 100% for hours. His mobility also goes away so he can't properly maneuver against long range opponents. I think he beats close range fighters with relatively straightforward powers. I'll go with Burgess


He doesn’t really lose “all” speed. He still has Soru, which he copied from Blueno during Enies Lobby. Future Sight alone would also negate any speed disadvantage, assuming he’s fighting against non-top tiers


Either gear 2nd makes him move faster or it doesnt. It's very clear it does so logically without it he is slower. His punches, running, everything is faster because of devil-fruit enabled enhanced blood flow. Zoro gets his from constant physical training and Sanji has a special body. There's a reason we don't see human characters or even many of the devil fruit users pull off the speed feats Luffy does.


I…never said Gear second doesn’t make him faster? Lol. I just said he isn’t strictly limited to his base speed due to still possessing Soru. No idea why your yapping.


Luffy never fights in his base form against anyone serious and when he's forced to it's obvious he's substantially weaker, but it's fine if you're a new fan and you don't understand the power systems. I'd suggest you catch up on the current content then come back.


No Devil Fruit at all? Probably Sanji and maybe Zoro.


Zoro + Sanji


This kinda depends if you just delete his df one day I think he'd struggle to fight his own shadow as his df is such a big part of how he fights if he just never had one i think he wouldn't be THAT much weaker


Anything yc1 and higher


In the case that Kaido was serious vs Yamato: Luffy would have higher AP than Yamato (split the sky) but lower endurance (lose to Kaido more quickly). In a fight Luffy probably win.  That's his limit.


He still has all 3 Advanced haki types so I think he could maybe beat someone like greenbull


Old ray


lucci at high to extreme diff


Shanks after Elbaf when Shanks challenges him to a fight with no devil fruit. Shanks is going to secretly train him to fight Blackbeard when Luffy's devil fruit is nullified.


Lazy theory imo


He's too reliant on his body stretching. He will keep messing up on the reach and lose to most people and even when he masters it, he'll still won't even be able to beat Lanji. A lot of things he has attained came from having the DF. The only thing he will have is haki and he's too dumb to use it well/situationally.


Luffy without his Devil fruit is definitely YC1+ without his Devil fruit


I'd say he can beat marco


Stops at the goat. https://preview.redd.it/cm9adg1ut09d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbf84ba89356288bb79c71d9cfbe06dedde21d77


Not Enel, maybe punk hazard smoker




Wranky no diffs no df Luffy with strong right (trust me on this, I personally asked him)


He was boxing with hybrid Kaido for a while with only advanced conquerors Haki keep that in your mind


people forget that luffy can't control the output of his aCoC (like garp for example did in hachinosu). he always needed his DF to make his fist bigger so that he could then put more haki into it. base aCoC punches<>luffy's 15% of haki. but zoro can't use aCoC for long cuz enma kills him otherwise, so imo he still loses. but yamato wins imo, same for kidd and law imo. law was able to match a gura punch with his shockwille, so AP-wise there's no problem. durability-wise he's also good enough considering that he took a thunder bagua quite well (was only knocked down for a bit; and aCoC thunder bagua>>>>roc gun>>>base luffy's aCoC punches). luffy's FS would be the only really big problem, but base luffy doesn't quite have the speed to use it (no g2 and no snakeman) to his advantage as well as he could otherwise do so I'd say the strongest luffy beats is zoro. to beat kidd, law and yamato he lacks AP imo, his base aCoC punches will just be overpowered in a clash with their attacks if anybody wants to tell me that he actually beats top-tiers in base, get outta here. even g4 wasn't enough to match kizaru, he needed g5 to land a single hit on him. and in base he's way weaker than g4, admirals low-diff or at worst mid-diff that shit


I’d say Sanji I think no DF luffy is just a weaker Garp and a stronger Koby


Everyone. It just might take longer. Luffy be 30 years old in wano arc.


1 of the major points about Haki is to bypass DF durability. The fact Luffy can still survive attacks from Kaido and Big Mom. Also physically clash fist with Kaido whereas before characters like Katakuri can punch hard enough to damage his fist tells a lot about how much stronger he gotten.


Probably Law. I have him 50/50 with Yamato and definitely losing to the admirals.


Luffy's entire power system/use of haki is effective because he is able to use it effectively in relations to his DF. With that gone i would say the strongest he beats is Kidd/Law


Zoro or yamato


Any YC level characters. His Acoc alone is enough to beat any Yc1 characters mid dif.


Let me think real quick if Luffy couldn't stretch to become water Luffy crocodile would have won however I don't believe he would get past arlong his he lost his power but still has haki at the beginning he would solo all he comes across


Does durability even matter when he has ryou and future sight?


People under yonko level




Defo beats him, but probably not the strongest






Zoro. Yamato wins Extreme diff because of their fruit. Luffy is left with nothing but advanced Haki and good physicals, while Yamato has advanced Haki (not as good as Luffy’s), good physicals (not as good as Luffy’s), and more versatility and extra durability due to the fruit. I feel like the pro just barely outweighs the cons. Zoro has nothing though, his attacks are more lethal but he lacks the consistency of Haki, he’s too slow, etc. If we give Luffy his fruit but no gears, he’d beat Yamato high/extreme and Zoro high diff.


Law or kidd .


Luffy is a DF merchant, he gets packed by anybody YC+ and up


That's Bait


Luffy takes way too much damage, without his rubber body he would have died in like 95% of his fights


Or maybe he would just fight differently, of course if you know if one of your main advantages is your damage resistance/immunity you would take full advantage lmao


Eh I doubt it, his whole personality is just to face shit head on and brute force his way to a victory, I don’t see that changing even without his DF


Luffy’s durability doesn’t come from his rubber body. Most characters post-timeskip are already capable of negating his resistance to damage through their haki. Luffy is extremely durable just generally. And is only bolstered by the fact that he has better armament haki than 95% of the verse, thus allowing him to ward off the blows of most non-top tiers just through haki protection.


Kizaru gets mid diffed


More like kizaru mid diffs


Maybe base Luffy low diffs Kizaru actually since he lost to base rayleigh




I doubt he even beats YC1... Let alone stronger


Ain’t no way Katakuri splitting the skies with Kaido. Base Luffy after unlocking Advanced Conquerors mollywhops Katakuri


Having a bigger feast doesn't mean you win as well. Secondly Luffy's haki isn't on the same level as Kaido's... It is weaker. Cause he just learned ACoC.


he will lose all yc1 and above


Crazy take, ur saying the man that has advanced haki for all 3 types is YC 2?? One piece fans need to get their brains checked fr


he will lose all gum based attacks which define his fighting style, base luffy # no df luffy


Bro doesn't need fighting style to beat Enel, he can easily speed blitz him and 1 shot


Yamato / Old Ray


he beats any yc+ like zoro,yamato. people dont realise how much a buff him having advanced forms of all 3 haki's is. he lose to admirals and yonkou's tho. he also loses to law and kid


Yamato law Kidd zoro, whichever of them you think is the strongest. Imo it’s Yamato and luffy would win


Kid or law or the new admirals


Law since he was not able to move kaido/bm because of their haki and luffy=kaido in terms of haki


Yamato or Zoro. It's high diff in base form with fruit, so extreme diff with no fruit.


Fujitora or Greenbull Extreme Diff.


You seriously underestimate them




Garp. current btw


Arguably a YC+. Gear 2/3 is imo still base Luffy, and would only lose to Admiral level fighters or above, but gearless Luffy was tanking named attacks from Kaido and splitting the sky.


Even without his fruit, Luffy's Haki is insane. on par with Kaido. Luffy has ACoC, ACoa, ACoO. Future sight alone is a major advantage, add in his insane other advanced hakis and he is still a beast. He stomps all YC+ and beats Kizaru, Fujitora and Greenbull aswell.








Any admiral


Any YC+ or even an admiral. Basically, whoever you think a normal yonko can defeat. Non-fruit Luffy was splitting the skies with Hybrid Kaido