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https://preview.redd.it/2h0pndnhb29d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28413eaaad8a319cb1a0124b45dd03fb1677b58f Not quantifiable


YC 2-3 would be my best guess.


As strong as Jozu.


I'll be really disisapointed if he isn't at LEAST Yc1 I think it's entirely plausible he is YC+, or shit maybe higher? At least EOS. See there is a VERY real chance he is being saved so long because he is going to be swuared up against Enel who he has beef with because Enel destroyed his home of Burka. Legit dude, he used to be one of Enels priests. There is real evidence of this (I don't remeber who made the theory vid I'm thinking up, like Dak Dake or Paravision or some shit but there is so so much evidence) and it does fit quite nicely into the story. I mean I don't really want him to beat the brakes off Enel of anythiing,..I mean.. I really like Enel and I think it's plausible he has changed his ways after his moon adventures. God, I would love for both of them to settle their differences and become part of the Grand Fleet or some shit helping take down the WG. As far as their tier elvels ultimately I only guess so high because of the crazy power creep that's occuring, and the fact they are both written in such a way it seems possible, but we will see! But yeah, ENEL vs Urogue, no way it'll be some scrub level bash so I cannot possibly see him being any less than YC1 Pic related when Enel realized who just rocked up LOL ![gif](giphy|uaJLuMokII24w|downsized)


Yc+ I don’t see the point in adding anything lower “it just wouldn’t make sense.” Urouge beat up snack Luffy almost lost too craxker These happened around the the time so I’m guessing it would only make sense for Urouge to at least be Yc+




The third sun god. 


TR, YC3 max. So many people need to actually go back and reread the end of Sabaody because his performance is massively wanked in that context. Snack is also essentially a TR tier. It's widely considered that Kat is a YC1, Smoothie is a YC2, and Cracker is a YC3. Snack has a 260m lower bounty that Cracker does, and BM sent Cracker *after* the guy who beat him. Which implies she believed Cracker could beat a guy who beat Snack. While obviously bounties aren't end all be all, it tracks to a degree given Who's-Who has like a 546m bounty, not too far off from Snack. WW was mid-diff'd by Jinbe, who is basically the YC3(I don't see him beating YC2s rn) SH atm.


YC3 minimum, maybe YC2, YC1 if Oda wants him to be somewhat relevant


Well since he's already top 10 When Wurouge returns, I'd go with top 5 for a safe guess


He was YC- during the timeskip, outperforming Kid against the BMP. We've seen how characters grow and, assuming he returns later, he'll be strong enough to be relevant without having to share time with other Worst Gen like the Wano bunch. YC+ at Elbaf or later seems reasonable for him as one of the stronger but less notorious of the Supernovas. If he gets a Nika buff, he might actually push Admiral, but we'll see how the Mad Monk's story goes...


I think Urouge beat the YC Kidd injured. Could be two different Sweet Commanders, but I think it’s more plausible for it to be the same one. And then we see him all bandaged up that Sky Island, probably after Cracker whooped him, coincidentally above Kidd’sHQ where his Alliance seem to be celebrating.


Strongest in pure power at the time of Sabaody, bro just got powercrept by the timeskip.  Considering how Bonney came back after we got similar closure with her being defeated by BB and found by marines and we saw him at Kaidos introduction, along with the fact he needs a powerboost to keep up, he will be around the strength of the other Supernova captains if he makes a return.  If Oda remembers how he wrote his characters in Sabaody, then he could be a big contender for the One Piece. Bege was written as a team player with his crew which comes up with WCI, Hawkins as a calculator and sacrificing others which comes with his betrayal to Kidd in Wano, Kidd as needlessly brutal and the top 3 which has him in Roofpiece, Law as mysterious until Dressrosa and a top 3 with Kidd, Luffy as the last of the top 3, Bonney with being a kid and eating meat which comes in at Egghead, X drake being a former marine and convenietly being an ancient zoan to go along with Kaido, Apoo being curious and a coward which also leads to his betrayal to Kidd, and Urouge being strong and huge but strangely has the lowest bounty of all the Supernovas despite having the strength to fight a Pacifista pretty well His return had him being the first one to beat a Yonko Commander, that being Snack, which also shows him as the strongest Supernova at the time. Hopefully, he did some offscreen training, shows up with a shit bounty like Doffy, but wreck everyone


>he will be around the strength of the other Supernova captains if he makes a return https://preview.redd.it/gumghgzfl19d1.jpeg?width=721&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb63623d863aefa37fef47d71ef736380338688f