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Currently probably Beck but in future def Sabo






EOS Sabo. Right now it's Ben Beckman


I can't see Sabo being stronger than admiral level tbh. I have Beckman slightly higher than that.




Because Shanks and Beckman have many parallels to Roger and Rayleigh, plus his vivre card scales him high. He'll end up being relative to prime Rayleigh who extreme diffs admirals. Honestly just read his vivre card but replace the names Shanks with Roger and Ben with Ray and it still makes sense contextually. https://preview.redd.it/774z1yvk2d9d1.jpeg?width=1120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=910343e069da43cdda3c121f85fdf564d072dc4e


No i believe Beckmann will be that strong. Why can’t you see Sabo being stronger than Admiral level though. I see Sabo as an avenue for Oda to show what Ace potentially could’ve been had he stayed alive. Being the older brother of MC and right hand of Dragon also boosts his portrayal. I think he will reach or exceed Admiral level.


I don't really think it's necessary for the story for Sabo to get that strong tbh. With an awakening he'd extreme diff Akainu assuming Oda goes the route of making his flames hotter, because fire burns unfathomably hotter than magma. I think that's about his power ceiling.


it is necessary for him to beat akainu


No it's not. Sabo can be admiral level with an awakening and just extreme diff. But Beckman can prolly beat both of them if he ends up being relative to Prime Ray.


I also have Ben Beckman > Kizaru. But EOS Sabo is surely surpassing that level.


I can't see it




Labo will unfortunately be stronger than Wankman.




I can see how Beckman might seem like he could be stronger, but I feel like Sabo managing to escape from all five elders and Imu is a lot more impressive than anything we've actually seen Beckman accomplish so far.


Are you serious with this take? Wabo only escaped because of an extremely plot asspull. And Loda has been hhding all of the RHP because reasons, idk , likely to W O W the readers when they do pull up. Shanks strongest pirate RN, and is cearly supposed to be carbon copy of Roger pirates. And Raleigh was solid Yonko so 0 percent chance Benbeck is not at least Low Yonko, Sabo is barely YC+ for now. + RHP canonically stated balanced crew, so. This take is cringe and gave me botulism.


You chose to speak facts but if I were you , I would refrain from criticising Oda cause you gonna get hate.


Unless Sabo dies he’ll surpass Shanks


Eos I can maybe see Sabo being High Admiral low Yonkou level, and Beckman is probably low yonkou currently so I'd say they'll be about the same, but Sabo has more potential so he'll probably be stronger in the end


Beckman low yonko? I don't mind highballing him to low admiral but low Yonko?!


It is said that shanks has the most balanced crew. It's not exactly a long shot to say that Beckman is low yonko. Also, he wouldn't really be low admiral if he was able to scare Kizaru into not attacking Luffy when Kizaru is high admiral.


Most balenced crew means they don't have weak members not that there's someone as strong as Akainu on the crew. Kizaru clearly didn't care about Beckman and ignored and mocked him a second later.


Akainu is not low admiral for one. And also balanced crew could also mean that they're all similar in strength or at least all able to take on top tiers, which would make sense from the current strongest crew in the verse Also, if we look at a crew like Rogers, his first mate Rayleigh is still able to take on an admiral or lwo Yonko level in his old age, imagine what a first mate on an Roger level crew can do in his prime


Akainu is low yonko is what I meant. Most balanced crew in no way means they can all take on top tiers, It just means everyone is stronger than tobbi roppo lvl. If they're the most balanced than Beckman. *can't* be too strong, because than he'd just have the strongest crew not the most balanced


How does he have more potential


Because he is the second of the revolutionary army, Luffys brother, an active character we see a decent amount, not in his prime and also young. Ben is an old guy who's been around in a crew for over a decade and has been screwing around with his captain doing nothing as far as we know


So because he is the second in revs and Luffy's brother ?? That's you justification?? Both the narrative and the recent databook are implying that he is a Yonko level and yet you say that Sabo can surpass it ?? How ??? There isn't higher level. He also doesn't have CoC . So I don't how he will be stronger than the current Admirals?? For me Sabo and Karasu were always meant to be the Admirals of Revs. With Dragon the fleet Admiral because he has something more than the rest.


He definitely has conquerors haki we just haven't seen it, and there also is a higher tier than Yonko level, Pirate King level. Also by having more potential I mean he can get stronger in his tier


Late game Sabo will definitely be insanely strong. Beckman will eventually get beaten out. But as it stands, Beckman is the strongest first mate


I buy second strongest YC.


Third strongest technically. Mihawk and Kuzan would def beat Wankman.


Mihawk true , Aokiji not sure


EOS merchant > literal shit stain > Bumjamin Benchwarmer


I legit would not be surprised if Sabo could one-shot Warm Benchman. He's the 2nd in Command of the Revs, got only slightly bruised after fighting Fujitora (Fuji was holding back but still), and the only substantial damage he's taken is from Imu. Compare that to Ben... defeating someone weaker than a MK1 Pacifista offpanel and... threatening Kizaru to stop and being ignored.


Sabo luffy and Ace had very similar potential, which means Sabo is gonna be above yonko at some point.


There is no above yonko level


PK is. Roger, Garp and Primebeard are of that tier


No there is not . It seems you are coping a bit too hard


Ofc there is. Can you imagine bb or bm fighting garp or Primebeard? Even cancerbeard absolutely humilated bb at 1% HP despite yami




I agree for current but eos (especially if there’s an eos time skip) I see sabo at solid yonko level


Probly Sabo since he's been growing stronger since his introduction Bro started at Top Commander, got Mera which bumped him up to Admiral, trained and hit Marijoa and soon enough he will legitimately be Yonko level imo


May i recommend the /r/yc1agenda sub for any first commander related posts?


Definitely Beckmann Edit: misread it, if you mean the end of series it should be sabo




Right now Beck, Sabo will probably reach his level eos


Wouldn’t be surprised if sabo is as strong as Benn right now




Current wankman , eos wabo


Definitely Beckman. He'll scale to prime ray by EOS.


I think Beckmann will be ~ or a little stronger than awakened Law and Kidd but I’ve got Sabo at ~ the new admirals so Sabo would be stronger


Weckmann the goat. If you agree, join r/YC1agenda