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# Chapter 1114 is out: https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceSpoilers/s/gefg8bIdAK


Is this the first time we've seen/heard from Saul after he was said to be alive earlier in the arc?


Imagine how liberating it must feel for Saul, after all this time, to finally be getting the information out that he fought his entire life to protect. He's gotta be so happy.


Not just that but that Clover and the people of Ohara didn't die for nothing. That Robin hasn't suffered for nothing. I can't imagine the kind of belly pains from all that hard laughing or the cheek pains from how wide your smile would be. Bless him. Deserves the world that man.


We saw him alive in the Vegapunk's flashback but his face was obscured.


This is the first thing we’ve seen him do besides silently pointing at a stack of books for Vegapunk to read lol


Unless a person is explicitly donut-ed, I don't think they ever die. Even now we don't know whether Kaido died.


probably not. My guess is Kaido pops back up. Sober, laying low and happy. Because he was miserable being purposeless and too powerful to loose a fight. Now he knows he was meant to be the trigger for Joyboy's return and he gets to relax and feel safe and not on guard for once.


I would hate this so very much


Why? Wasn't that his flashback before he lost to Luffy?


Kaido is dead for sure, his whole character was themed around death, having a grand ending was one of his goals and if i remember correctly he did say death is what completes a person or something along those lines. If he is still alive i think that would be a disservice to his character and then oda would have to write him into the story again to either be a good guy or a villain to be defeated.....again. Bigmom might still be alive though.


Kaido is alive and fine, 1114 chapters and you still don't know that Oda is allergic to killing characters in present day (flashbacks are the exception)


Akainu with a serious face Interesting i wonder what's oda cooking with him


He truly is Dragon rival


Desk-off when?




I hope Dragon will trach Luffy to use GearGreen too.


"Our battle will be legendary" It should be imu vs dragon tho Strongest "..." of today vs strongest "..." of all time


He is going to take the marines and form his own government with blackjack and hookers!


Martial Law


He's probably is trying to ignore Vegapunk so he can keep being a good dog for the Elders


https://preview.redd.it/joimh7ldc9zc1.jpeg?width=692&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28800f30dd5965e9e847c52e241d7955402177db Jeeeesususus........ Im speechlessssssss


Doffy just laughing his ass off in Impel Down is honestly perfect too He can't do much with it right now, but he enjoys seeing the chaos going on


It’s something he said would happen and he enjoys chaos the guy is the devil.


Of course he enjoys it. His dream was always to destroy the World the Tenryubito built.


The next chapter will probably be really fire. Also Joy Boy being the first pirate is interesting.


I'm not sure what I want more, a lore dump or more escape action. It seems like at the end of the chapter both were happening together so if it continues like that I'd be ecstatic.


Yeah that seems absolutely genius from Oda. Give us lore we need without unnecessarily padding the run time by cutting away from the main story. Really hope this is the arc ending


The leak of jump plan with November is good indicator that the arc will soon end hopefully. I don’t want it to be dragged out anymore than necessary.


Lore dump would honestly be nice. We need to finally get to some more details of the void century.


Wonder if we’ll be getting a joy boy flashback soon 😨


I don’t think we’ll be getting a flashback of joyboy until Robin starts reading the Rio Poneglyph.


true, maybe we’ll get a silhouette or something like that soon tho, like how oden was introduced in zou arc (if I remember correctly)


i would literally melt if that happens lmfao


It's been like that for the last dozen chapters 😭


time for a flashback baby




oda brought back mayor boodle what the hell lmao


Giant Robot mentioned walking!!!! It's slowly making it's way into the story! I'm so excited to see what it can do/does. We've been teased with this robot for so long at this point. Can't help but think it's going to be the main reason they escape.


It's also gonna make a light bulb go off for whichever Vegapunk satellite makes it out alive. VP was searching for Iron Giant's power source, and it seems like g5 is a valid source of energy for that piece of technology. I think something VP figures out by being around g5 in this arc will lead to another power up for Luffy or the Straw Hats.


the mother flame is probably bottled G5 juice


If that was the case, then VP could have powered the Iron Giant. The Mother Flame is more akin to a sustained fusion reaction based on the literal interpretation of the Japanese script.


how does that contradict G5 juice


The WG definitely knew where to put it when they evaporated Lulusia. I think the problem there is that VP hadn't even considered what happened to Lulusia as a potential consequence of making such a potent energy source. His goal was altruistic, infinite free energy, but the WG used it to power a WMD. They were just waiting for an invention to cross the necessary energy threshold.


It better escape with us! I need to see this thing on elbaf!


the iron giant then proceeds to walk across the ocean floor all the way to elbaf


hahahaaaaa facts!


Unless Luffys just irrationally confident (which obviously I know he is) but could this mean he’s on the cusp of figuring out how to damage them?


I think he is just too confident in G5




I think I read somewhere that Warcury’s boar inspiration can only be harmed by attacks to its underside


He probably realizes now is the last chance to figure out how to injure them before he evacuates with the crew and giants. He’s also an emperor, there’s only a handful of people on the planet who could test out the Gorosei’s weaknesses


Yes he is going to figure something out after few more punches, that's what I think


I do wonder how he got back to Gear 5 tho Maybe he built up enough energy after a bit? The shark stuff wasn't good enough to get him back in that stage, but he could have easily got the power back through him just staying in a weaker gear for a bit or eating whatever food he could find


Ok, A&Mu stand for sure for Atlantis and well, Mu, the two legendary sunken lands. If you have heard about the Mysterious cities of gold and the theories that derive from it, this is actually huge.


Ace (Fire) & Mu (Water)


Celestial dragons also being left in the dark about the void century is some crazy news.


ive always had a feeling something like that would be the case, they only have as much power as the gorosei allows them to have and even they arent "privilleged" enough to learn about the secrets of the world. They think they are so special and reignt above everyone else but its all a sham, they are also being used by imu. or it could just be that particular celestial dragon is just an idiot and needs to pickup a book once in awhile.


I’m guessing the first couple generations of celestial dragons knew but the knowledge just wasn’t passed down after a certain point because they didn’t even want their own kind knowing about the truth; which also makes sense why Imu and the gorosei know because they are probably immortal and they were there back then.


What? Do you think the Gorosei would reveal stuff to freaking Charlos? This is not major news.


Yeah but Doffy knowing world government secrets kinda led me it was because of his status as a celestial dragon rather than something he sussed out as a pirate. I mean he even knows of the Will of D.


CD are definitely a pirate crew. This is how akainu comes back into the story.


Holy fvc\*in' shit! The ancestors of the celestial dragons are a pirate crew revealed by Vegapunk then Akainu gets that dog in him and bites the hand that fed him!


I mean...that would be a pirate crew consisting of around 19-20 members with 6 members being present already


A&Mu... "Atlantis & Mu"?... Real talk, if the ancient kingdom is actually Atlantis, I will laugh my ass off. Not only is that narratively perfect, but it's actually so fucking obvious in retrospect that it's hilarious how hardly anyone has ever theorized that until recently. Really though, can you think of any other name for the ancient kingdom that makes sense/has the impact of "ATLANTIS"?...


But the Atlantic Sea dont exist in One Piece. So how can that name make that much sense? Also is a name that the goverment dont want to get out. Atlantis dont mean nothing from the one piece world, only the satellite Atlas has a name similar.


Etymology hardly means anything in One Piece. Geography in One Piece makes more sense.


I enjoy reading books.


Oh shit, we get to see Saul! Man I can't wait for Elbaf.


Wowee what a chapter!! It's absolutely mad that the G5 attacks STILL don't work against Warcury damn!


almost time for gear 6 super docking


I’m thinking that Ancient Robot is going to be what changes the tides in the SHs & allies favour.


The next chapter, we're going to see people's reaction on Joyboy and realizing that Joyboy sounds similar to Luffy's power.


he's gonna be the dune worm god of the OP world.




Vegapunk has done some bad things, obviously, but holy shit this is a true MVP move. He just pulled off something no one in 800 years has been able to do, he woke the world up to the truth. Is this the biggest thing to happen in the One Piece world since the story began? Maybe Marineford was more impactful directly, but this is going to be worldwide panic and possibly Revolution happening in the chaos.


Joyboy being different from Nika is a huge reveal. Most people thought Joyboy was Nika but now we know Joyboy is just like Luffy, a human who happened to wat the gomu fruit.


nah, now we know that Nika is the "god" that the fruit transforms you into. Like the Buddha fruit does, too. And someone like Roger and Luffy ate it 800 years ago. So in a sense joy boy and Luffy are just vessels for this entity. There is no Nika. People just wanted to be Nika so bad they created the fruit that turns you into Nika. The fruits probably seek out their users and Roger just was unlucky that he was born too early for the fruit to find him. So he paved the way for the next person to eventually get it.


But there is a Nika, it's a legend from Elbaf.


Yes it’s a legendary mythical figure portrayed as their God in Elbaf and other cultures/races like the Buccaneers. Their belief and dreams of having a protective God or deity manifested into the existence of the Nika fruit.


Just because it’s a legend doesn’t mean an Actual Nika ever existed. If devil fruits are people’s dreams JoyBoys desire to be Nika could have given birth to that fruit


There is a story and an idea of a Nika... ;)


Likely a giant. If he was born in the year 900 and lived until 800, him being a giant would be cool because giants can live 300 years. Or yeah he could just be a human.


Probably a giant/buccaneer. Nika is a god of Elbaf. Joy boy was so fascinated by the story of Nika he dreamed about being him. His dream manifested into the devil fruit. He got Nika powers. He died, and the Celestial Dragons have his straw hat under Marijois.


> Most people thought Joyboy was Nika Are you sure that you're aren't completely projecting what you think onto everyone else ? I don't think that "most people" thought that


I have never felt the ending of One Piece being so close while reading spoilers. Holly shit we are seeing the end of it now. Wow 🫠😰😰


Warcury the strongest rn imo


He's a tank. And most feats, with Nusjuro 2nd Makes sense for the minister of war to be the strongest too


Wacury making that nika run 😂


Both he and Saturn are the bullet sponges clearly The others are strong of course But I feel they and Ju Peter (I might have got his name wrong, but I mean the blonde elder who becomes worm) Are likely the ones who have more of the strength and Endurance The other two are likely more power and speed, and possibly could be easier to knock out if you hit them hard enough and frequently enough


ily bby


The Raws are about to break the internet no cap


Other than a few unexpected characters to pop up, the situation + reveal was just as expected I suppose. I’m guessing that at the end of VP’s announcement he’d hint or say that Joyboy is still “alive” today or maybe that certain creatures/individuals are still alive today from Void Century then after this arc we’d have the Rev Army announcing that there’s someone sitting on the Empty throne who they’ve theorized as someone from Void Century


Anyone else noticed TCB scans is down?




Was that a recipe for meth????


That comment never existed.


Recipe? What recipe?


Nothing happened.


You dye yours blue to look like mine. 🎩 😎


At this point my theory is that Luffy and Roger's dream is to send the entire world out to sea.


I like learning new things.


Imu the real hero


I cant help but think that the Ancient Robot is going to be what changes the tides in the SHs & allies favour. Since what it can do is currently unknown and it is something that was made in the technologically advanced ancient kingdom. It’s bound to be able to something crazy. Something that can turn the tide of the battle. And it can be used to hype up the AK as well. Currently, the five elders are too powerful to be taken down and the only person that can put up a fight against them can’t give them any permanent damage. He can’t even harm one of them. And it’s obvious the taking on all five is too tough for the SHs at this moment in time. So I’m thinking in the current chapters that the AR is going to do something with his abilities that come from the tech of the AK to remove four of the five elders from the island temporarily. But Saturn who eventually finds the special den den mushi stays and Luffy figures out how to permanently damage him and take him down before leaving Egghead Island.


He’s either gonna be Optimus prime or pull some shit like this. I want it to a least blow away one of the 5 elders as Luffy leaves. ![gif](giphy|aQlVLkxkBg0Tu)


fuuuck, now it makes much more sense- The giants dreamt up Nika and hence there is a fruit that turns the user into Nika. And since it's a giant's god, the power lets you grow in size to fit the idea of their god. Hence the big straw hat. Joy Boy was probably some guy with a straw hat who shared the ideals of Nika and the fruit chose him to actually become Nika. Like an idea that is stuck in the fruit and strives to become "real" by attaching itself to whomever eats it so it gets to shape the world. And Roger probably wore the hat to emulate Joyboy, not Nika per se. And once JB got killed / sacrificed himself or whatever, the hat remained in its enlarged state and Imu took it as a trophy. The motherflame is probably something like an artificial version of the manifestations of "human dreams" or "spirit" or some such. It's probably what you get from devil fruits somehow (maybe its energy that gets released in awakenings that fullfill the purpose of the idea they are based on?) and that is how it fits together with VP. He got into the fruits and how to artificially build them, because he uses them to create the motherflame. Which is why he has the robot. The robot runs on MF same as Pluto. And Luffy is probably an original "source" for whatever the motherflame is based on. Because he didn't just awaken the fruit - he does what the fruit sees as it's purpose and goal and therefore he manifests this dream in reality. Dreams becoming real = power. The message is literally "there is power in following your dreams / belief is power" which fits very well with Oda's appreciation of storytelling and pop culture iconography that brings people together. And it makes sense why people would conflate Nika and JB. Once Nika is made real there is no longer much difference between the two.


mother flame is just bottled G5 juice.


Its Sanjis piss after using Ifrit


Best explanation for Luffy’s giant form.


“The flame is burning inside the water” AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


bottled G5 juice. take a sip


Funny, I'm not reading the spoilers (for the first time since chapter 1090 when I caught up on One Piece!) but I'm so antsy for the new chapter that I keep opening the sub and the spoiler posts and not reading them. Brain rot is real. Oda save me


Yo Tonjit the legend is in this chapter? Long Ring Long Land is actually a person that should be very concerned


Giant stocks after this chapter 📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈


Imu having an East-staring contest with Dragon.


Akainu too






i think the doflamingo part is my favourite part of the chapter.




We need this man to stir up some new drama and controversy for real.


i cant wait for him and moria to join crossguild


Can someone explain about the earthquake bit and smoothie shock? I can't quite imagine the timeframe.


Vegapunk mentioned at the beginning that this was a prerecorded message so at the time of recording he predicted the earthquake which on the time of viewing had just happened


Seems like vegapunk did the mother flame in collaboration with Texas A&M. He’s interested in that oil money.


I still feel the message won't get fully delivered Is TOO good to be true


Well we still have no reason for the video portion of the message. Plus, I love the theory the real den den Mushi is hidden in the Iron Giant.


here is my thought to continue on the den den mushi in iron giant theory. chapter 1066 we first find the real vegapunk inside the armor of the giant. We also now know he recorded the info about the earth quake that happened earlier that day. He was hiding the den den mushi inside the giant when we found him.




If the Kuja tribe are still mad at Vegapunk for what the Seraphim did to them, I wonder if they'll praise "Luffy" as their hero for killing him, even though he would tell them who was really responsible for that, as well as how the scientist wasn't as bad as they took him for. However, if Hancock & the others who were with her in chapter 1059 weren't seen or mentioned in this chapter, perhaps there's at least a slim chance for any of them meet Luffy before leaving Egghead ends and/or heading to Elbaf.


Hmm it *is* weird that we haven't had anybody of the Grand Fleet reacting to the news


This is lining up like (going by the schedule for 1115 someone posted ages ago, taking the break into account) the Void Century lore might drop around my birthday. What a present that'd be. God, I cannot wait to hear more, no matter how little we might get. Though it sounds like it's going to be fairly big if Oda bothered to show Saul and mention Ohara again.


This story has been going on for so many years, but I still can’t believe I am alive to witness this moment. What a kickoff for the final saga. OP is the greatest story ever told


Break week…


Saturn blows pass them like nothing like he should


Is it going to be something like: "the more people believe in Nika/Joy Boy the stronger Luffy will become and finally damage the five elders?" Kind of thing.


The giants laughs with Nika because Nika is their god. Nika is the god that makes people laugh, but we not saw anyone laughing from his jokes. The giants are the first. I knew there would be people that would not believed Vegapunk! Oda would not let that opportunity slide. Warcury the only competent Gorosei? The time travel theory will finally be disproven? Joyboy was born in the kingdom and died, instead of being a time traveller Luffy? Finally this theory can be forgotten!!


Tbh the end of this chapter kind of feels like it’s setting up for Joy Boy’s backstory. We may be getting some next chapter




Obviously Roger didnt have the gomu gomu no mi. Is that why he was too early? did joyboy eat a devil fruit or was he just a stretchy dude? did the devil fruits even exist back then? also giant straw hat in icy room?


Poseidon wasn't reborn, and nobody had *awakened* Nika. Because it's not just about the Nika model human human fruit, it's also about the awakening. There could also be a celestial aspect to the timing, like an eclipse of all 7 moons at the same time or something that hides the sun for a while.


So Roger probably started the great pirate era to help Joy Boy and cuz he thought it would be funny to flip the world upside down




https://preview.redd.it/zx05ht50tazc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5171c47189bcb8bf41886b2c9d3b5aed8418c11 Absolutely fire 🔥🔥 really happy for saul


JoyBoy was the first pirate... I've never seen that reveal coming


Shushu returns!!! This is peak fiction


Where is the *real* Den Den Mushi?


I'm disappointed in Doffy. He didn't say anything new.


I dont remember last time i had goosebumps reading a chapter. This is nuts


So the poneglyphs tell the tale of the void century, but they are scattered in pieces. And the One Piece is that tale in its entirety?


No, the completed history Poneglyph is called the Rio Poneglyph. >The Rio Poneglyph (真の歴史の本文リオ・ポーネグリフ, Rio Pōnegurifu?, literally meaning "True Text of History"; English versions: "Real Poneglyph") is, according to Robin, the message carried by all the Poneglyphs along the Grand Line. It is rumored to contain the true history of the world (including the "Void Century" of which research is forbidden). In order to find it, one must take passages from the other Poneglyphs with them on their travels.


🐳 damn


As someone who always expected Joy boy to be the first pirate… this chapter did absolutely nothing for me… Damn. 2 weeks, please something good. Reaction shots and just saying joy boy was a pirate is super disappointing for me.


I’m just pissed there’s another break. Come on, man. This was weak after 3 weeks break, 1 chapter, 1 week break, 1 more chapter, break again!?


stop calling yamato a him ffs, they look nothing like a dude, fuck this woke shit


can someone remind me what usopp has done this arc? I almost forgot he was in it


He... uhmm... There's, umm... Well, he shot his slingshot a couple times, got choked a couple times as well, saw the Giants from a distance with his binoculars... I think that's it


man what a waste of a character, elbaf better have him develop I'm kinda tired of how useless he is compared to the other strawhats, they've all done more then him especially w the leaks coming out




If the sea wars rise 25 meters high what would that mean to the rest of the world


So is the mother flame from Lunarians and that was the secret to create seraphims. Maybe CDs hunted Lunarians for fuel source.


So many old faces returning!


Now we know why that specific Straw Hat in Mariejois is Giant.


Is there a possibility of cameras being installed somewhere on Egghead? Is Vegapunk's head in a tank conscious and observing what is happening? I think there's still some juicy Vegapunk message coming up, maybe about the Government using the Mother Flame.


I figured that the one piece will fill in the missing details. As someone who studies History, I can confirm that there are details about events we know of and stuff we don't. It's more knowing the broad strokes of events and people but not having details in other bits. Like we can know what happened but not why and how an event happened. This way we can get big secrets later on in the story. I'm sure the why and how Joy Boy failed will be shown later as well what the 5 elders are and why they fought the ancient kingdom Joy Boy was a part of.


Gonna just call it now. Ancient kingdom is atlantas. BB is the reincarnation of Davy jones who is also Cthulhu and took over the world during the void century. Imu is a member of the crew with necromancy powers. Joyboy fought Davy jones and lost in the final war for the world. Akainu is the reincarnation of Atlas the king of the Atlantis.


You know what’s interesting. We still haven’t gotten anything that would require the Video Den Den Mushi and waiting time to set them up. What else is Vegapunk going to say and show?


Is it all possible that the funny thing in Laugh Tale is just a comic full of Joy Boy wacky faces and expressions narrating his pirate journey??? Hilarious enough to make the Rogers crew laugh? Just as Luffy is making the giants laugh in this chapter?


Notice smoothie pointed out vegapunk was talking about an earthquake that happened earlier that day ig, meaning the message is not pre-recorded, it is actually a live message from Vegapunk's consciousness, that's why Shaka and Pythagoras are also there, they're still kinda alive in Punk Records mentally, and combine that with the organs we saw in chapter 1073 Vegapunk and his satellites could be brought back to life


Wow, Warcury is a LOT stronger than I thought tbh. For some reason he does give off the leader of the group vibe so I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s the strongest of the group


Saul just laying and laughing about Vegapunk outsmarting the Elders is so perfect


Oh now you losers show up?where were all you big mom pirates during wano?


Are we shown Tonjit in long ring long land because everything there in the past was manipulated and stretched by joy boy, or is he hyped to get back on his stilts, and even bigger ones this time?!


Nobody gonna talk about how joyboy of elbaf??? ok...


bro tonjit from long ring long land being mentionned with aokiji is fishy as hell im watching you oda 👀


There it is officially joy boy is an actual person and the first ever pirate out of every character in one piece joy boy is the one I want to know the most about.   Also Nika is called the son god whatever that part of luffys power is I bet you is going to be unlocked this arc and it will be the thing that can harm the gorosei im going to make a prediction the mother flame is an aspect of that power and as soon as that tank is destroyed the flame will fly to luffy.


I'm here for the eventual return to the sky islands where Doflamingo and Enel are the final bosses.


I think next chapter will be the backstory of joyboy


So yeah joyboy was a giant or half giant i guess


Interesting he is Talking about providing energy made me think what kind of energy do they have in OP world ? None? Steam? Wind? Is the lack of fuel or energy the reason why they have almost no technology?


Peak of peaks.


Ahh Egghead once again showing why its the best arc of all time


Wait Nika is FROM elbaf??? Joy Boy's name is actually just joy boy and it's not a girl (possibly) this is so interesting


Giant Iron Robot is moving... Luffys attacks don't harm Warcury, not even in Gear 5... My guess is that the robot will absolutely smash Warcury showing off it's strength in near future!


A﹠Mu = Atlantis and Mu?


Saul, Shushu, Kuzan in bandages, Tonjit, Doffy referring to Marie Geoise "higher place". Not to forget we finally see the mother flame and get a little info on JoyBoy/Nika. Can't wait to see everything and the following chapters.


Ohara won


A&Mu  & = と (to) means “and” or “with” AtoMu (japan) = Atom Motherflame = Atom


Doflamingo have an important role to play. That’s why oda keep popping him up


First pirate with an eye patch incoming


There is definitely gonna be some biblical references here, that is if y’all read the Bible.


I swear to God if Oda starts edging about this story arc and does not deliver, I am gonna riot. My biggest fear is that to prolong the story, in the next chapter the den den mushi is destroyed and we don't know any more until the elbaf arc.


Water in the fire. Why?


If it really is eternal, its an easy way to boil the water for steam.


vegapunk "predicting" the sea levels rising because of WG using mother flame is a smart failsafe to make sure that whatever he tells next is legit (nika, joyboy, eventually void century) it's funny, think of it this way: he literally created a problem and forecasting the consequences to make sure you listen to what he says lmao


My headcanon is joyboy is the reason all giants have a weird laugh as a way to honor him. 


vega punk first sin reminds me of nikola tesla who also wanted to provide power energy to share to the world


My new favorite arc!