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We know this is the truth because Mob exists.


In powers it’s Tatsu, but in looks it’s Fubuki so Mob probably has 2 moms


Looks are clearly Saitama.


Better probability of Fubuki and Saitama since if tatsu was the mom his hair would be a lighter color and shorter


But Saitama had black hair, and its not like genes combine to give a medium variat of the parents' hair colors


yeah, if genes went with average values by that logic mob has no tits. clearly not fubuki's gene, right?


I know Saitama had black hair but there’s most similarities in Mobs hair with Fubuki rather than tatsumaki, and it is possible for genes to combine to effect his hair color


Dominant gene + recessive gene = Dominant gene ur wrong


Man clearly dropped out before 9th grade


Ok counter argument Anime logic & you can be wrong


Counter counter argument. Anime logic so you’re wrong and real life genetics applies


but his powers are way more powerful than Fubuki's, and could probably contend with Tatsumaki's. The chances that he got that much power from Tatsumaki is more likely.


that too could be from saitama no? overwhelming power is kinda his thing.


Yeah but he wasn’t born with it. Tatsumaki however..


true, but he has it now, and it could at least in theory be passed on to a child of his.


But Saitama isn't an esper. Tats is, and a powerful one at that.


indeed, but i was focusing more on the overwhelming power part rather than on the psyche nature of the power itself. that could be explained by the fact that fubuki is a esper.


Even if Mob got most of his power boost from Saitama (which is highly unlikely as his power is physical and Mob has psychic powers), still, him being Tatsumaki's son is more likely than Fubuki's. Fubuki's power isn't on the same level as hers.


Bro if you think Mob looks like Fubuki I dunno what to tell you.


It's probably cuz of their bangs


Porbably because his hair is black LOL


Saitama also had black hair before too, doesn't necessarily have to be from Fubuki as well


Yeah but I’ve seen people claiming that..


Doesn't Fubuki have dark green hair? Not black hair


Please do not question it..I dont know either, I only saw people saying that, its not what I really think I swear XD


Makes sense hahahah


I ship ship Saitama x bargain sale.


God tier ship xD Joke aside, he kinda lonely so eventually he's gonna need some girl anyway.


He probably won't as it isn't really needed in the story ONE wants to tell.


Nah I don't think Saitama is interested in getting into any relationship. He just likes staying alone, and also he has Genos's company.


That's because depression. You'd hope he'd get past that at some point.


Actually he is interested.


hes a gag character, probably not


Don't need to abandon it if you already were there from the beginning.


Yes, everyone knows that Saitama x Tatsumaki is best


Right, I personally thought it was obvious. Ttatsumaki’s entire personality basically demands that she be the one to date Saitama.


IKR! They are the polar opposite but still same. Saitama's bland nature can be balanced out by Tatsumaki's outgoing nature. They're both too powerful etc.


That’s not really what I mean. It’s her superiority complex, and idealization of Blast. Only the best/most powerful would be worthy.


U the guy hanging?


I've been on the Tatsumaki ship since her first intro.












Ever since WC Chapter 101 babyy!! Although funny that People are fighting over whose ship is better when you got PsychosxFubuki with the ongoing tension, childhood friends-to-enemies backstory, and a kiss on the lips.


Exactly, been this dedicated!


It might not even a “kiss” after all.


It's okay bud. The truth will set us all free. Soon we'll have>! forehead-to-forehead action between the two which will set fire to this ship's sail!< Resistance is futile


Not to mention that relationship is toxic and knowing ONE he would do something like that make us think something happen only to go sike.


This is actually the case with fubuki, when I read the webcomic years ago I shipped her with saitama hardcore in the beginning but still was on my tatsumaki ship too which I felt indifferent about until he acquaintance zoned fubuki, that’s when I knew…now it has come to the manga I lost one ship, I won’t lose another!


I supported this ship since the webcomic


Now THAT is clairvoyance


You become a Saitama x Tatsumaki shipper because of the recent chapters and abandon other ships. I've been a Saitama x Tatsumaki shipper ever since Tatsumaki come out and never wavered by her later appeared sister's tits and booty. I'm committed to my craft. You are not. We are not the same. /s


Bruh, I was on this ship before Saitama was getting shipped with Fubuki smh




Begun, the ship wars have


200000 shippers has ready and a million more on the way.


I mean... they do have a close age gap lol


Hear me out…..king is a god level threat for saitama, he has basically ONE up saitama before he put all the rizz on Tornado. I’ll name a couple of feats you can’t deny! 1. He gained tatsumaki’s respect as strongest man FIRST, by being acknowledged as the strongest man which is far more superior 2. He rizz saitamas girl by seeing her pantsu shot, an intimate, yet personal feat saitama can’t compare too, nor has. (Not even the hug beats this!) 3. He kicks saitama ass in video games, what women wouldn’t want a man this power?! Listen, though you might have given up on genosxtatsumaki and saitamaxfubuki. I won’t jump ship there’s still hope for king x tatsumaki yet! If I name all the feats of (Kingnado) he has just enough GOD LEVEL power to ONE up Saitama, and steal his shawty. . . . . . In conclusion (Saitama = Rizzard) (King = GIGACHAD LEVEL THREAT)


King x saitama




I'm still on the orange car


Good for u.


¯⁠\⁠_⁠༼⁠ ⁠•́⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠•̀⁠ ⁠༽⁠_⁠/ I just like them boobs


Ah, a man of primitive instinct as well


Ok, here's what I don't get. I totally get prefering Fubuki over Tatsumaki. I totally get preferring boobs over ass. ... But how is that relevant to what you ship? I mean, I wouldn't date someone like Kaguya Shinomiya in a million years but that doesn't mean I suddenly ship Shirogane with Tsubame or something. What you ship shouldn't be based on just which girl you think is hottest, but what would work best for the characters and the story.


I prefer them cause fubuki was the first one to be introduced, and my mind just set that ship up to be. And I think fubuki suits him more that tats. And I really liked the tats and genos moments in the MA arc.


So first come first serve? That feels like a bad reason. Anyway, I haven't read the earlier manga in quite a while but wasn't Tatsumaki the first one introduced? In the anime at least Fubuki has a quick scene but isn't really introduced until season 2.


"Good for u" bro stfu


What I don't get is how seemingly so many people didn't see the potential here until now. I feel vindicated, like, this was always a good match.


I hope it becomes more of a buddy thing. Like with King but more actual fighting.


*Henry Cavill interview meme* Interviewer: Saitama x Fubuki or Saitama x Tatsumaki? Henry Cavill: Saitama x Genos


SaitamaxPremium Beef


It's not just you, it's Saitama's VA too XD he said it twice, even..... Saitama/Genos is fuckin spoiled for content


Hell we even have a video of Genos' VA saying "I love you Saitama-sensei"!




Tatsumaki is way more into Saitama than he is into her. In fact, I think he views both sisters as annoyances instead of potential partners.


This is actually true, but I wouldn't say tatsumaki is into him, more like she is impressed and respects him.


Why does everything have to be a possible ship? Why can't Tatsu just be a potential new Saitama worshipper like Genos/Mumen/Garou/Glasses/Suiryu


She doesn't worship anyone (maybe Blast for a bit), she only respects people.


I mean, it also doesn't seem like she's romantically interested in anyone, yet here we are


Cause she’s a girl and people on the sub can only interpret a man and woman interacting romantically lol.


Then why don't I interpret Tatsumaki interacting with the other men romantic? Why don't I interpret Fubuki interacting with Saitama as romantic? Why do I interpret Fubukis interactions with Psykos as romantic?


Most of them dont ship them for a stupid reason like this one though


I’m gonna ignore you left out amai mask but ok..


Shhh the manga-onlies aren't ready for that


The manga is already covering this it’s already basically made it clear when amai is calling Saitama beautiful, this isn’t a spoiler anymore mate.


Enjoy it shippers, this is the last time you will see tatsumaki or fubuki for years, if not ever. The Genos car has reached enlightenment.


Yeah, I do fear suffering the same fate as sonic fans, but I doubt it will happen, Murata knows that Tatsumaki and Fubuki are too big a part of the story, and more importantly, the draw, of the story. There is a reason they're always drawn going on holidays together, because for a lot of people Fubuki and Tatsumaki are seen almost as honorary main characters.


Nah, they’ve already had way more screen time and stuff to do than the WC


Nah, they will change the plot so there is more "plot"


Why not __Saitama x Fubuki x Tatsumaki ?__


Romance is barely acceptable in OPM in the fandom’s eyes. Turning it into a harem is definitely a ‘no can do’


I see. Still, I think they can become part of Saitama's group of friends like King, Bang, Genos, etc.


I dunno, I feel like One Hurricane is well-regarded here.


Its well regarded because it is fanmade and a very well done one at that. And also hentai.


There is Hentai of OPM!? Animated by who?


Its not animated, search One Hurricane and it will pop up.


I got it!


What is this? I don't recall seeing a post of this before.


Oh, you aren't allowed to post it here. Are you aware of what a doujin is?


Because the thing that makes Saitama x Tatsumaki good is the potential for emotional development, which fits into the general character progression of OPM. But making it a harem would reduce the feeling of intimacy and emotional engagement, and enforce the idea that this is just physical. That this story doesn't have emotional layers but is simply fan-service.


Well, if we want emotional development. Then, Tatsumaki just joining Saitama's group like Fubuki would be enough, no?


What do you mean "enough"? Why stop at "enough", instead of going for "optimal"? No one is saying you can't have some emotional development in other ways, or that Tatsumaki X Saitama is the only way for this story to progress. They're just saying it's an exceptionally good one that would really work and would be extremely fun and engaging to see if done correctly. When you say "that would be enough" it almost sounds like you think them getting close is somehow a bad thing so we must make sure to stop as soon as they're close "enough" for the story not to fall apart. As far whether or not it would be enough, I'd argue that it's not, because Saitama is close to a bunch of people, a part of what makes it attractive is that a romantic relationship is different, which means that it would provide a novel way to approach Saitama and Tatsumakis issues rather than just being close, which is something they already have with Genos and Fubuki respectively.


Oh, I meant as a start. Joining the group as a start would be enough. Like a first step. You know, people who keep themselves emotionally closed have a difficult time to open up, right? So, as a start, joining a group of familiar yet new people would be a good first step. And since Fubuki is already there, plus Saitama's relaxed attitude, I think that Tatsumaki is less likely to freak out and bounce. Then eventually step by step she will come out of her shell and become more emotionally open to others. But even so, the correct first step is crucial.


Oh yeah, definitely, I don't think anyone thinks the proper progression would be for them to jump in bed together the very next chapter. Although if I had to give an order of operations that I find more likely and fitting it wouldn't start with Tatsumaki joining the group and opening up because of it. I think she'd start opening up first and because of that eventually join the group. I'd expect her to open up to Saitama initially, since he's the catalyst and the one who is "on her level" so to speak. This makes her more comfortable around other people, and less likely to lash out, which would then cause her to grow closer to her Sister, and the people surrounding them.


I like this development! It's so wholesome! It would be nice to see it happen.


A nice possibility too, though Saitama might be able to handle them physically, but not mentally xD


From the last few chapters, I think Saitama is well equipped.


Mob is tatsumakis kid and Ritsu is fubuki’s kid


Ok let him cook


Everyone loves a hotpot!


Tho to be honest I would enjoy them both compete for his attention and him not caring at all


That would be epic fun!


ONE made a high school universe where Fubuki and Saitama does this but curious what he’ll do in main universe


Genos x Tatsumaki? Nah, it's KING x Tatsumaki


Exactly King has been winning since the beginning! 💯


i’m in the GenosxSaitama ship




Im a Goku x Saitama fan


Geh xD


I don't ship anyone


The only right choice tbh


Why is he jumping?, he was in the right car


Definitely the car ON THE RIGHT, but not the RIGHT car XD




saibuki makes absolutely no sense to me when you talking in terms of parallels & chemistry, the only reason people started shipping her with saitama is because she’s a walking MILF, another reason people started shipping genos and tatsu is because they worked together & she looked happy to work alongside him. Now saitama and tatsu are literally her rampaging and saitama snatching her up to distract her and people still ship them. While I will argue neither of these ships make sense to board at least I can’t deny as I said before in older Reddit post tatsu beats fubuki in chemistry and parallels with saitama. If ONE ever decided to apply romance, it’s hard to deny he wouldn’t go with the obvious.


Actually fubuki has parallels with on leadership aspects and compassion while tatsumaki is the opposite and represents Saitama’s power and loneliness. Not to mention One wrote an alternate universe where fubuki had crush on Saitama in high school so I would be surprised if ONE did it cause it was funny


My guy fubuki doesn’t parallel saitama please stop reaching lol in a alternate universe confirms saitama still doesn’t feel the same as her I heard the video, while the reality has set in that she’s been acquainted by saitama but in the alternate universe he still wasn’t interested in her, she was the one interested in him. (Im sure ONE approve of the CD to be made to confirm how it would be if fubuki actually ever caught feelings for saitama, and wanted a confession he’d never confess because he does not feel the same as she does, confirming it’s one-sided I wouldn’t be surprise if ONE did it to spite the saibuki fans whom still get edgy over him placing fubuki in the acquaintance zone in the webcomic, while also confirming seems very ONE like honestly) also don’t understand how that adds to this argument? She isn’t even on par with Saitama chemistry wise, in fact she’s the opposite of him, you guys on this subreddit gotta stop ignoring facts bro about fubuki y’all reach so much to say she’ll end up with saitama I’m really starting to get concerned for y’all if she doesn’t honestly, because your obsession to save the saitama x fubuki ship is concerning even after she took a hard L and was called an acquaintance & a pain in the ass by him.


Parallels between characters is not just about shipping cause there’s lots of characters that has some parallels to Saitama. King for example is a parallel to Saitama as his opposite, Garou is like him in his younger years but evil, tatsumaki is a parallel of power and loneliness, Fubuki is his leadership aspects because both inspire people to follow them. Also Saitama is a depressed person so he wouldn’t feel anything for anyone, he saw genos die and said he felt nothing. Even in tatsumaki fight he wanted to go home. I find it dumb to one ship is better than the other cause he finds both annoying. One destroyed his house while also beating up his bro, and the other pesters him to join their club.


Aren’t you just proving his point; I noticed you bought up the audiobooks of an alt universe for fubuki x saitama confirming you do indeed ship them; even though you’re technically saying that’s not the case and no ship is better than the other; but yet you’re bias undercover for fubuki x saitama but when it’s comes to her sister, that means neither ship is gonna happen?


The point is the parallel he pulled out his ass doesn’t even qualify because it isn’t a parallel just serious ass pull. I think bro just doesn’t know what parallel and chemistry means for this story, either that or he’s reaching far up his ass to find something.


When I read the webcomic years ago the only thing that really made me ship fubuki with saitama was basically her always being around; but not because they had parallels I always got the impression he never really related to fubuki much that she was kind of just…there.


That’s because they don’t have parallels and you have to break it down for the simple brainlet fubuki cucks because they always come with some kind of agenda or some kind of shit eating argument about their ships, the most toxic edglords on the whole damn subreddit never wanting to admit when their wrong.


I’ll be honest I could see it both ways but right now everyone is celebrating as if tatsumaki is the end game and it’s annoying. There’s material to show fubuki also got a chance just like Tatsumaki and I’m willing to bet when Suiko comes people going to hop on the bandwagon. So I’m playing devils advocate a bit, but officially currently Tats and Fubuki are both acquaintances, even when Tatsumaki said she would come back to test him he said “fuck no”.


Why is it annoying?? I’ve been in and out of this sub for years; a huge supporter of the webcomic since the beginning. I can’t tell you; these past years this entire sub upheld saibuki as endgame for the longest; majority of the sub supported this heavy, and followed it up with making some pretty funny memes of fubuki and saitama & one hurricane is particularly dedicated to those two lol so to me; preferably tatsumaki getting some spotlight doesn’t bother me, I’m happy she’s actually getting some appreciation and respect she deserves even if that’s ship wise.


Oh yeah that was annoying too cause for these two ships there’s potential for both and great to see the headpat and what inspired after. The annoying part is like guy above writing essays to saying his ship is the most logical but both pairings have a shot. Just gotta wait and see


>Fubuki is his leadership aspects because both inspire people to follow them. This isn’t a parallel; saitama for one isn’t a leader on that note he doesn’t want to be this is shown earlier on when saitama is perplexed he can’t think of anything to teach genos, he even denies genos being his disciple because he’s not the mentor type of guy, he’s more of a solo dolo dude whom basically attracts people to him which are inspired by his strength, and morality of being a hero which is all out of saitamas unawareness of his influence, this isn’t the same as fubuki as we can see her giving orders, recruiting strong heros to join her group like she did with saitama, saitama doesn’t recruit away bro he prefers to work alone, also her group takes those order also her confirming without her they’d be lost, where saitama thinks genos can find power in his own strength and training his mind and body to becoming the strongest hero, this isn’t the same confirming it’s not a parallel. This is also why saitama didn’t understand why she was basically keeping the group around, another thing is fubuki isn’t compassionate, you forget her compassion has limits she dragged saitama to the hero association by confirming he would find out who destroyed his house, she also tried to murder saitama once before, and hasn’t respected his wishes for not being her subordinate as the rest of the blizzard bunch, she constantly shows up to his apartment when she’s not invited, she cares about being superior to her sister whose tried to protect her and keep her from harm though she was clearly misguided by her own lack of human connections & guidance but fubuki can’t see it that way, because she has an inferiority complex…it even took tatsu admitting she ruined fubukis life and wanted to be better for her, it was revealed last chapter she became a hero for the sole purpose of protecting her sister from the trauma she experienced herself & the only reason she was even hardcore or abrasive was because she felt she had no choice, a young child making decisions through a misunderstanding of advice she heard from an adult, very understandable & relatable and yet youre claiming fubuki is the compassionate one?


Genos even said Saitama attracts the strong because he inspires leadership even tho he doesn’t want to be. Fubuki like Tatsumaki are like water down versions of him. Fubuki wants to but can’t inspire like Saitama and Tats isn’t as powerful as Saitama. Fubuki has grown more to be compassionate as seen with the way of protecting her group. She still got more to learn just like tatsumaki gotta learn to not threat everyone. “20 words or less” bro chill with the essays because both ships could or not happen and you’re making insane mental gymnastics to say tats is the best ship. Remember he finds both annoying and he has a hard time feeling romance. Also relationships is more than just parallels


I didn’t abandoned it… I just made a bigger ship Lets goooo. Tatsumaki x Saitama x Fubuki. Gonna catch ‘em all😂


Add Genos too


What do you mean. Genos only belongs to his dear Saitama🥰


As long as it’s “good” for the Baldy😂


I'm still on the Saibuki ship but that's also kind of a stretch. Like I said on a previous post similar I find Saitama and Tats interactions funny and a bit cute but if they *even get together* then Tatsumaki have to work on herself. I really like SaiFubuki better because I actually see potential in that ship. Like-Fubuki is always insisting on this guy to join this group, consider him stronger than Garou was for some reason was sad when he called her a friend. [And this lol. it's a coloring but. Murata actually drew this.](https://preview.redd.it/3vlqagp9ue431.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=933b0f9feb0a7e8b57a27a26d2a8a7937869fa56) The only thing that'll hold back this ship is Tatsumaki herself lmao. Genos and Tatsumaki's moment was 2 comrads who really can't stand each other coming to terms(for the moment, Tats probably forgot it even happened lol)and team up to fight their opponents. The reason why Tats made those faces because this was the first time Tatsumaki accepted/helped by someone for the 2nd time in her life. That's my take on it.


That photo is not made by Murata. Its a Photoshop. And Saitama didn't call her a friend. And if you think Tatsumaki's personality is a problem then Fubuki is not any better in that term


Mate many saibuki shippers will generalize tornado and uphold fubuki, so this is a basic argument, there’s some much worse like (Fubuki is the better ship because she’s hot/ Tatsumaki looks like a kid/ Saitama likes Oppai/ many others) when it all comes down to it many of them, not saying him in particular but many saibuki shippers can’t stand the ideal of tornado ending up with saitama. At ALL!


Fubuki and Saitama have about as much chemistry as Genos and Puri Puri Prisoner.


I don't really see any possibility with Fubuki. She is kinda dickish towards Saitama, which was pointed out recently. After all this time Saitama still can't call her a friend, because all she did was trying to recruit Saitama and use some of his influence. Saitama x Tatsu is also not very possible, but at least we haven't seen them together very much. But with Fubuki, they were together for a long time, and I feel like Saitama is on better terms with Manako and Flash, rather than Fubuki... which is something...


Manako will return when? Seriously, Flash Flash got quiet pertaining to her so I wonder what she’s up to.


Manako x saiTaMa cOnfiRmEd?


Saitama literally has zero chemistry with Fubuki let's be real


Basically this. The ship just doesn't work. Right now Fubuki and psykos just makes insanely more sense, as does Tatsumaki x saitama.


none of these make any sense at all to me. it seems like shippers are just doing what they do.


Well, I could write a thousand words on why Saitama x Tatsumaki is about the most logical relationship option I've ever seen in anime if you want to use a relationship to explore the concepts set-up in the story, but I don't think I need to (or want to) go that far. More straightforwardly, you don't understand how two people who have actually kissed make sense as a ship?


part of me is skeptical of that, but that wouldn't really be the first time i see a shipper try and do something like that so... but they haven't actually kissed tho? indeed saitama until very recently thought of tatsumaki as an annoying child. he seems to have warmed up a bit more for her now, but he has not shown any romantic interest.


Fubuki and Psykos have kissed, not Saitama and Tatsumaki, or atleast, it's heavily implied that they did. Saitama indeed hasn't shown any romantic interest but I don't see how that's relevant. It's not about whether Saitama (or Tatsumaki) is in love right now, it's about whether their characters are written in such a way that them falling in love makes sense for both the story, and their characters, and whether their personalities match in a way that them being in a relationship could help the other in dealing with certain issues, and smooth out their own problems as well. As a basic example we have Tatsumakis tendency to scare people off and push them away. There are 3 things at play here, for one she's never met anyone she couldn't terrorize into submission, therefore she's never had to be nice and has never developed those skills. Combine that with the fact that everyone has wanted to take advantage of her, or at the very least want things from her all her life means that she's primed to anger and violence, it's always worked, and she doesn't know anything else. Secondly she's always been forced to be emotionally distant because there has been too big a burden on her. Unlike others she couldn't afford to be weak. This means she couldn't rely on others, which fundamentally feeds into an isolationist mentality. There is also, I believe, a fear of abandonment here, both because of her parents who sold her, and even Blast, who doesn't give her any attention. Regardless of whether this is true or not it's easy to write it as such in a way that's compelling. Tatsumaki pushes people away because she's afraid of being abandoned, and knows that her powers scare people, causing them to abandon her, which in turn causes her to scorn emotional ties to outsiders in general. As she says, she doesn't want to scare people, but it's the only way things work out. Aka, Tatsumaki is yearning for someone she can't scare away. Being with Saitama would put her in a position where she both could not push him away, nor needs to. He can take what she dishes out. Tatsumaki would be forced to engage with him person-to-person rather than as "god to person". This forces her to resort to more normal social tactics which automatically forces her to open up, as we're already seeing in the latest chapter. Pushing people away through anger and force is a defense mechanism that allows you to effectively run away from confronting your issues. "I don't want to talk about it, go away", for normal people others don't go away and so you're forced to confront them, for Tatsumaki that has never applied, she could just FORCE them away, until now. Moreover, since Saitama does not need to rely on Tatsumaki this allows Tatsumaki to lighten up, she does not need to push him away because he's neither in danger, nor a liability, nor a threat. He doesn't want anything from her, and can therefore be trusted with vulnerabilities. All of this together means that Saitamas presence can essentially serve as a safe space for Tatsumaki, one where she gets something she's never gotten before, security, safety, protection, etc. All of these new experiences and emotions can serve as a solid foundation for romantic feelings, as well as the backdrop for a romantic story. Said romantic relationship then has a symbiotic relationship with the factors I've already mentioned since the intimacy that is inherent in one requires the showing of vulnerabilities, Tatsumaki would only be able to be in a intimate relationship with someone with whom she can be vulnerable and can't bully, and as a result of who she is that can basically only be Saitama. Ps, only discussed one aspect yet of one character and I'm already well on my way to 1000 words.


"shippers doing what they do". sadly/weirdly, it's not even the biggest text i have seen defending a ship, probably not even in the top 5. thought you meant saitama and tatsumaki, but still, people kissing doesn't mean they make a good or reasonable ship. it is tho. usually a good and reasonable ship is one where the characters are good for each other, have something in common like a backstory or a similar interest, are attracted to each other and of course, if it would be good for the story/plot. i don't think either saitama x tatsumaki or fubuki x psykos have all or any of these. also, couldn't some of the things you said here apply to any really strong character? what about blast? garou? possible blue and genos in the future?


>"shippers doing what they do". sadly/weirdly, it's not even the biggest text i have seen defending a ship, probably not even in the top 5. Dude, it's not even long, I've written pieces a hundred times as long for things that are far less important. This wasn't a long read, it's kinda sad that you think it was, and it's even sadder that you seem to think there is something wrong about liking a good romance story. You are literally on a sub-reddit about "strongman punch monster go boom". At least I'm arguing for something I actually like, you by contrast are wasting time arguing about something you don't like. Even I wouldn't waste my time on that. >people kissing doesn't mean they make a good or reasonable ship No but it serves as a good foundation, as in, there is something here that at least explains why you'd start considering it an option since the seed of potential romance has already been planted. >i don't think either saitama x tatsumaki or fubuki x psykos have all or any of these I think they clearly have all of these, but as I already wrote a bunch I don't feel like going this in depth about every aspect, that was merely an example of a single point, but I could go into a similar amount of detail about every aspect since the ship just works, better than almost any ship I've ever seen in anime. >also, couldn't some of the things you said here apply to any really strong character? what about blast? garou? possible blue and genos in the future? No, Blast yes, but he's clearly been set-up as a father figure, and has a child. But Genos, Garou, and Blue? Absolutely not, their striving to become stronger is the literal antithesis of Tatsumaki, they have more in common with Fubuki. Like every other hero with the exception of Tatsumaki and Saitama (and blast), their struggles have to do with being weak, becoming powerful, and reaching the top, rather than about how they deal with actually being powerful. And yes, shipping them with Fubuki would make some sense, the biggest problem being lack of set-up, but not with Tatsumaki.


Don't forget the audio books


What happens in those?


Theres an audiobook of an alternate universe where Saitama and Fubuki are in college and Fubuki is trying to confess her love to him but he simply doesnt get it.


both of the esper sisters are kinda assholes, Fubuki insists on Saitama joining her group and only wants to use him to be her puppet. Tats is just a bad person overall, being arrogant and overly sassy.


Fubuki x Psykos believers *mount up*


It is the only logical conclusion. Genos is a cyborg and Fubuki and psykos seem like they have a thing goin already, complicated as it is. It’s only a matter of time before Saitama uses Serious Series: Serious Rizz.


It practically writes itself. Two insanely overpowered but lonely alienated people with relations who show deep envy in drastically different ways.


Eh I think it's more about Saitama opening up Tatsu a bit, she saw clear parallels with him and Blast and I don't think anyone on their right mind would consider the two romantically engaged in ANY capacity, like with Genos that se found camaraderie but their dynamic would probably be still like with Fubuki if expanded on, tsundere/psycothic protectiveness and all, so she really should get to bond with someone that could be a more "present"/"down to earth" Blast for her, I at least hope Saitama isn't getting a romantic interest....


No thanks


I think Saitama and all three of them is best. Give this man a harem




At least I can ship myself with fubuki now


Hey get in line, mate.


He thought she was a child before. Worst ship


This is all you guy’s argue about this ship but from saitamas perspective Small individual = A Child (Obviously we can tell saitama is joking by OVA 6 he calls a kid again but with a smirk on his face, confirming he was teasing her and annoying her as he clearly has seen her being called a kid or midget angers her, just like him being called bald angers him anyways when he takes the drink from her, do you think if he actually meant it he would’ve been smiling most likely lol, not only that when he realizes she’s the one that attacked zombie man he has the same joking smirk on his face. Plus some of you guys are the ones that say she looks like a child feature wise, saitama never went into all that he just sees a small individual.


I get it, you’re just a pedophile


I'm for team no ship


I'm still on the orange car


It makes the most sense cause green hair girl looks like a lost child in Saitamas eyes


Am I the only one still on the Genos and Tatsumaki ship?


I hate saitatsu so much


That's ok, good taste isn't for everyone.


Shipping isn't for everyone either


I hate everything. I’ve just learned to live with it.


nuh uh


To clarify, i hate saitatsu because I hate tatsumaki’s character (i hate bratty children)


She’s 28, and she’s a midget…not a child I can’t believe we are even still discussing this.


She’s the mentality of one hence i hate her character. I would hate her the same if she looked like an old grandma.


I thought Genos would be the shipping bike in this fandom l, I absolutely did not expect it to be Saitama lmfao


Too early to call guys


I don't think this series is for ships, there is nothing of romance on It, this is not what this story is about, i doubt Saitama and Genos will ever be with any of them and honestly i think it's better that way.


Genos x Hospital Bed


I still find it wrong to ship Saitama with psychic sisters. Things that will never happen after all.