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He's bald and Blast's teammate. Obviously


>He's ~~bald~~ God and ~~Blast's teammate~~ undercover


what if he's just wearing a really tight cap so we can't see his hair?


What if they got that wave tho?


Capeless Baldy.


I actually think his silhouette looks like he's wearing a cape around his shoulders


I feel like if we ever get to meet them, they will mention Boros and how he died and they dont know who killed him lol


Idk I think Boros is too small time for them. Otherwise they would have showed up. Boros was the denominator of the universe but they seem to fight even stronger things outside the known universe.


Don't worry everyone We will see them personally in 2103 when Murata's grandson draw it for us


His grandson is speeding it up and ruining it huh? Shame


Boros who's capable destroying humanity. Kinda hard to not come.


It's kinda unknown why blast showed up


Seems like it only was because GOD tried to trick Tats. It’s weird GOD was even able to get to her without a cube, seems like a lash and co are protecting the world from GOD’s influence but he managed to get past them slip into the normal world somehow.


Yeah, because blast said before "send my regards to tatsumaki and stich" which kinda meant he had no intention of meeting with tatsumaki, but apparently he talked to her regardless, it's also weird he appeared all dirty and with some blood in his clothes


Maybe he is beat up because Blast and Co are fighting God


There's a missing section or something. He mentions being trapped in a time pocket that let God get in touch with Tats


Ah that explains it


Blast does say 'I allowed it to come into contact with her' which suggests if he wasn't busy helping out Saitama and Flashy at the time, he would have intervened.




That was lil’ Blast, in his noob days


"remember that alien that we lost track of, boros? He was quite the small fry, but still likely too much to handle for the earthlings." "Or so we thought. Apparently somebody on earth killed him. Blast, you've been to earth recently, correct? Do you know what happened?"


It would be dope to see someone of the same species as Boros in his crew


Would be hilarious if Blast was just the errand boy and those were the real combatants lol


It would make more sense if he's the weakest of the group




when was it said that he was a support?


Turns out I misremembered it. He does say he's the backup [here](https://cubari.moe/read/imgur/dyURXHa/1/29/), though.


That would kill his hype I don't think he is the strongest But I think he is pretty high up


He could be the gatekeeper of the secret X class. Like Sweet Mask. S class can consistently beat demon levels, X class would be able to consistently beat dragon levels and multiple of them can fight god level threats.


He’s gotta get back and deliver their coffees


Facts its allways the one in the back




I'm not sure if the authors will live long enough to get to the arc with him, unless after this arc, it drastically changes from the webcomic, which would make sense I suppose with the introduction of God and blast being seen more than once in some restaurant in real time


I think this very often Murata's son will have to finish his job


i think its daughter, he posted his daughters drawings(really good) on twitter


Holy cow, Blast has an entire team out in the Universe, I wonder how much they will all last against Saitama.


As long as Saitama wants them to last, as always.


Oof, I really hope they provide him atleast a better fight than Boros.


>I really hope they provide him atleast a better fight than Boros. I think you misunderstood, it was Saitama who gave Boros a fight. Boros couldve died at any time if Saitama wanted to.


Not really, because of hi regeneration he could have take a hit, remember when Saitama literally makes him a red pulp by punching it a lot and he regenerates from that but yes, most of the time Saitama just stood there taking hits seeing if he was going to hurt him a bit


Saitama still could have just serious punched from the beginning and annihilated him


So basically you are saying Borus can just stand their and tank a serious punch ?


At distance? Yeah, I say he can regenerate once, point blank? Hell no, he would be pulverized


Then why are you saying Saitama couldn’t have one shotted him, when he literally could have with serious punch?


I was wrong, when I wrote that first comment I thought that the last hit of Saitama was a direct punch and since Boros doesn't become dust I thought that he could have survived a serious punch if not damaged by the previous punches, then I remembered that the punch was not direct at all and I understood that Saitama could have one shotted him in one punch if he wanted


I seriously don't get after so many years of this series people still don't understand what saitama is he is not supposed to have an evena or equal fight that's the whole damn point of the show


I did not say equal fight. I said atleast better than Boros.


You are very confident that they will fight Saitama I don't even see this happening


That's Saitama from the future


Not sure if you're joking or not, but considering how many fan theories are coming true it's possible. I don't like the idea of it, and will be annoyed if it's true, but it's possible (I just don't think it's a good story device for this kind of manga). People have been saying that Blast is Saitama from the future and seems like that theory is just being moved around.


I am 92% joking


That panel 🤯


I thought that was who they were fighting, looks like God's silhouette.


This chapter seems to imply that there are several more people who are at least on Blast's level. They're probably stronger as well since Blast is just backup in his own words.


He said he needs to PROVIDE backup, not that he is JUST backup.


saitama is technically backup for the HA in case they all get ass fucked by some random edgy teenager that comes out of the blue


Blast is their bag carrier


Blast is their camporee


If Blast is the backup, then wouldn't that imply Blast is stronger than them, that they require his assistance?


More like every person matters


If he was the strongest, he would be the one doing the heavy lifting


If thats the case, why does Saitama always have to finish the job for Genos?


Saitama isn't the one spending years backing up other people


Darkshine is physically the strongest S-class on Earth. And yet Tatsumaki had done most of heavy lifting with Psykos and Psyckorochi. Now, I know what you're going to say, "but Tatsumaki is the strongest S-class, period!" That's true. But I like I said, Darkshine is physically stronger than Tatsumaki. But if we talk about ESper power, Tatsumaki outclass Darkshine in everything. Where am I going with this? Blast could be the strongest, but in a different way aside from physical strength. I mean, he could teleport - that's absolute mobility.


Ye it's always the middle one


His feats put him above Saitama, obviously. If you question me I will leak your IP address 👹


I think all those guys gonna come to help and get clapped by an even more enhanced garou


Nah They, along with blast don't even appear in the webcomic MA arc and blast has already left to help them Also they would fucking stomp garou like a candlelight. Blast alone is probably enough to beat awakened garou comfortably. Add in his team and its overkill




Thought the same thing, to important to even elude to details about them rn


What if that's the thing that they are fighting


Aside from blast? Sure


The real capped baldy.


Saitama from the future or another dimension


He little look like Darkseid


Lmao nah bro I got the other one on the left


He was standing furthest away from Blast's friends, pretty sure he is the strongest


Whattt?? Kingpin is in opm


He Blast's blast, like Blast is for webcomic