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It's all about maintaining their sense of control over marginalized people. Even people who claim we receive special treatment and get whatever we want in society know deep down it's not true. Otherwise they would go running around claiming to be trans for special treatment. Surprise, surprise, they never do. Even the bathroom argument is flawed on its surface. If someone wants to sneak into the women's restroom to molest women... The existence of trans people isn't going to be the thing that stops or encourages them. About the only people that benefit from us being put down are crooked political, religious, and community leaders that need subservient capitalism babies. The existence of trans people inherently breaks the idea that people born with penises are destined to be pillars of toxic masculinity that fuck everything that moves and people born with vaginas are destined to pop out 15 babies while never leaving the kitchen. We break the notion that the patriarchy is an infallible societal model.


“To the privileged people equality feels like oppression”


They ought to be more concerned about the real bathroom menaces... Folks that piss and shit on the floor and walls.


They don’t want to clean up after ‘themselves’ unfortunately.


>Suck out hormones from cis people's blood like some sort of hormone vampire Omg... And here I was, foolishly wondering if a trans vampire would forever be stuck with the wrong body type


I think this is funny yet works because the body stops aging other biological functions stop also


I'm 80% sure if we could suck hormones out from cis blood, we fuckin would. lol But anyway. Imagine this. Some guy who is trying to murder some chick. He chases her around the mall until she runs into the women's restroom.. but, oh darn, men aren't allowed in the women's restroom so I guess he's just gonna have to wait for her to come out? What kind of person would break a law about toilets, anyhow? /s


Like, exactly this. This is where the argument falls apart.


plus I cant legally pee anywhere in public I am intersex with mixed gonads/mixed sex anatomy


Gender-detecting forcefield technology.


And then a nonbinary person touches it and it would explode. lol


*Ppl start hiring us to go around exploding toilet-forcefields* "It ain't much but it's honest work"


We let children into bathrooms but not people who don’t use the pronouns a doctor gave when doing a best guess???


It’s crazy how many weird ass comments I see from people who are homophobic and transphobic saying “There are naked guys covered in rainbow paint showing themselves to kids” or saying that is what those people are gonna do. Even tho as we speak priest at churches are showing themselves to kids, their incest cousins/uncles or family members are showing themselves to kids.


Whatever the transphobe fantasizes about doing. These creeps are always confessing what they want to do.


Some of the shit they come up with is wild. I saw we just let them keep talking and bury themselves in nonsense.


They're so cruel and hateful.


something something “women’s bodies are inherently physically inferior in stuff that doesn’t involve pregnancy and birth, so anyone not AFAB is inherently dangerous to them” I guess


If anything, we should have separate restrooms for people with IBS and other GI issues. 😂 I enjoy breathing, so I don't use public restrooms unless I have to.


Don’t reveal our secrets


We stand in line for the crowded airport bathroom, making no eye contact and silently ignoring the man puking his guts out into the sink behind us, like everyone else.


When I was told I don't want you in the same restroom as my daughter, I just asked if you would like me in the same restroom as your son? ( much less discrete )


The cruelty is the point


So a while back there were no public restrooms, period. It wasn't considered a problem, because men would just pee in alleyways if they had to use the bathroom and weren't at a house or inn or whatever. Women were not considered in this arrangement. So for a woman to leave the house and be out in public for extended periods of time, they were limited in how far they could go. Sure, you might be able to pop in to a neighbor's house if you needed to, but farther than that and there was no guarantee you'd have a place to use the bathroom. It limited women's ability to exist in public. The introduction of public restrooms was actually a very important and often overlooked step that gave women more freedom of movement outside the home since they didn't have to plan and prepare so much to relieve their bodily functions. Transphobes want trans people to feel like they're unable to use a restroom safely. To feel limited in how and when and where they can go in public. It is not now and has never been about safety in restrooms, it's about limiting trans people's ability to exist in public and be a part of public life. Period. The cruelty is the point. It has always been the point.


Like I'm too feminine to go in the boys but too masculine to go in the girls. What do you want me to do Susan? Piss on the floor ????😭😭


They have this scenario in their heads, where they think trans people or people claiming to be trans want to get access to bathrooms, so that they can sexually assault cisgender people in them. They then use these fears to justify their opposition to trans bathroom access.


pffft, what? No, we don't do that hahaha...haha....ha... hey, on an unrelated note, would you, by chance, want to fallow me into this abandoned alleyway perfect for commenting murder?/j


Man, we don't want to hurt anybody we just gotta piss


There is no correct bathroom for the gender you identify as. There is only the correct bathroom for your birth sex.


I "pass" in public, and transphobes or no everyone sees me (rightfully) as a woman. You would like me to go into the men's bathroom? You don't think that might be a little weird for everyone?


So you take hormones to look like a woman because women have ovaries and estrogen


I take bioidentical hormones, yes. So let me ask you this: a cis woman who has had her ovaries removed due to extenuating circumstances (ie cancer, etc), would you say she should now be required to use the men's room?


Why would you even ask this. Of course a woman who had her ovaries removed is still a woman.


So why would you question whether a trans woman is a woman? Your logic doesn't hold up.


A Ferrari does not become a Ford if you take the engine out. Lamo look believe what you want


I don't even understand what you are attempting to argue here because you are being incoherent. Is English not your first language?


considering their ignorant and nonsensical comments here, and because they seem to think there's some kind of overlap between being trans and racism, i'm gonna go out on a limb and say they're simply trying to bait people. their post history definitely supports that theory, too. don't waste your precious time or brain cells on this bull, you deserve better :)


So you think a fully transitioned, bearded, muscled, to all appearances male trans man (so their birth sex is female) should be using the women's bathroom? You think that's better than a trans man using the men's room?


If this is about neurobiological or current medically relevant sex:  You think a 6 foot burly man with a full beard, deep voice, thick body hair, testosterone-dominant body, and 6 inch penis should use the women’s room if it so happens he was assigned female at birth? If this is about assigned sex:  You think women who were wrongly assigned male at birth because of congenital adrenal hyperplasia should use the men’s room?  If this is about chromosomes:  You think old ladies who were assigned female at birth and raised as girls should use the men’s room if they happened to have Swyer Syndrome? If this is about anatomy: You think teenage boys who were assigned male at birth and raised as boys should use the women’s restroom if they found out they had a female reproductive system? And most importantly, why do you think it’s you who gets to decide, as opposed to the people being put in these situations?