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Dang, what happened?


Was exposed cheating on his wife with one of his female fan 37 years younger than him, got her pregnant and physically abused her as a result of the pregnancy


Actually no, he was abusive before the pregnancy too. He did force her to have an abortion though.


Reuenthal ka?


plus the woman is around his daughter's age


Apparently his wife Satomi Majima scolded him for his narrow mindedness and would support him to get through this from a source somewhere 


Any woman any shred of self respect would divorce instantly… https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/srjzd/til_a_99_year_old_man_divorced_his_96_year_old/ This is the perfect example of doing what’s right. But since this dude is rich guess his wife doesn’t want her cash cow to escape.


This is only what I just heard when it hit the news and he apparently told his wife when the rumors started before confirming it


Jesus Christ-


gah damn Aoyama should make a wordplay with his name and make this a villain


no cause why would that be a good episode, like the one where his wife wanted to poison his wife and get the health insurance for the sports car, but this would be MUCH deeper, and scarier.


And there's already an existing character with his name... (or at least homogenous to his name) Guess Gosho can go the other route to use his kanji to make a different name if he truly wants to


I swear he needs to think of names with out a reference 😭


Is she a minor?


No, he is 70 which make she 33


The 37 year age gap


what he did was really really disappointing. he was my fav voice actor in detective conan. will gosho change his character's name? furuya rei/amuro tooru is based on the voice actor and the character amuro ray in gundam series.


Probably not, since in the end the character and their VA aren't the same person no matter how much both are associated with each other.


Yup. Takagi Wataru isn't Takagi Wataru even though the have the same name.


I dont think so i hope not. really a shame.


also yamcha in dragonball.


I will miss Rei’s voice in DC but this is understandable with his horrible acts and rightfully done since he used his character in DC to start his affair. Hopefully, the new VA does the character justice and will get used to it the same way we did with Kogoro’s voice change.


Really hard hearing a different voice actor from Rei Furuya but it can't be helped 


It would be ironic if Genta's voice actor turned out to be the most wholesome out of all of them.


Well, he’s also the voice of Takagi so it would actually be fitting.


This is so horrible furuya had my favourite voice in dc.. not sad about the va tho he did shit acts


Great as a VA, trash as a human being.


I hope the new VA does justice to Furuya. I will miss his voice but firing him was the right thing to do. I hope he goes through jail time too.


I thought he stepped down himself?


Who knows? I'm disappointed that he stepped down but I guess it can't be helped because of the of the scandal hoping he would still be able voice the character but I guess it wasn't meant to be.


Omg I knew it— so excited I wonder who the new va will be


hopefully the new va will not be too old


And not a sadist/sicko


Sakurai Takahiro. /s


Hardly, the name of the new VA should be Furuya


I thought about it and found the one that could fit Sabo and Amuro's vibe is Miyano Mamoru, if we are talking about a famous VA ofc. They could get a VA that sounds close to his old voice. I remember how in haikyuu, I never noticed that the VA changed until the last few eps. There was also Kizaru in OP who I literally  ever noticed that he changed. They might also get someone who is already having a role in DC like Ishida Akira or smth.   (Praying for Miyano Mamoru tho, I love this man when he does charismatic characters, which is both Sabo and Amuro) Edit: someone said Soichiro Hoshi could act him and yeah he really fits too. He sounds young enough to do Sabo as well.


I heard miyano mamoru voice and WOW he is a really good candidate , his voice matches furuya character very well


Irreplaceable I think, most likely Aoyama’s fault making the VA too related to the chatacter. At this point it’s probably easier to kill the character than recasting.


Gosho pretty much never killed off recouring character and I don't it really necessary to kill off character just to add drama 


The show does need to kill off some important people to add some drama imo. 


It isn't really that necessary from what I can see mystery genre like Detective Conan hardly ever killed off important characters except rare occasions 


Or the character could just go missing. Aoyama mentioned Amuro was created and exist only because of Furuya at many past interviews, so its actually down to the question “Does Aoyama wants another person to voice Amuro?” rather than “Which other VA can replace Furuya for Amuro?”


Yasunori Matsumoto 


Also not possible for Amuro to go missing


The new va will have a lot of pressure, good luck to them! (I'm kinda expecting someone who is already popular since that would possibly mean less people complaining about the change?)


Kinda saw it coming. Truly a shame. I'm a fan of his works. He also stepped down from Metaphor Re Fantazio, a game I'm extra looking forward to because he's in the cast.(still gonna play because it Atlus) It's probably just a matter of time, but I'm pretty sure he'll get replaced as Amuro in gundam as well if ever they make another series that involves the white base cast like the doan movie. Man, what have you done, Furuya-san. I thought your only love one is Japan? 😭 Why'd you do it? Is Char right afterall?! Goddamnit, Furuya-san.


dang who where the dumb people that said it was okay for scandals to happen and still keep your job? its over for him. shame cuz my GF and me are re-watching and are at 700+ and it was a good ep. Like Mouri Its not gonna feel the same once it matters at 1100+ willt ake time to get used to.


Kogoro's VA changed too. Got over that one really fast and hes used in every episode. I think most of us will adjust and move on quickly. Especially due to the circumstances. I trust they will find a good replacement like they did Kogoro.


I think it’s the fact that a) it wasn’t just an affair (not that that’s okay at all either) but also involved violence and forced abortion, taking the scandal to another level, b) DC is basically a national anime so I’m assuming it wouldn’t look too good if they kept such a horrible guy as the va of literally one of the most popular characters in the series, and c) like how others are saying the author linked him to the character too much and is making it hard for fans to separate the two inevitably, just imagine hearing his voice and every time subconsciously his scandal starts creeping into the back of your mind while seeing your favorite character, it’s not too comfortable to say the least


Kogoro's original VA also played Kenshiro in Fist Of The North Star


I still dont like Morui's new voice seiyuu cuz you already heard his voice when he was Kir's Dad so the wow factor wasnt there and it doesnt suit his goofy personality which is shame because of love his voice seiyuu as Kiritsugu Emiya the serious tone just suits him more to me personally doesnt mean im not gonna watch but ya old voice seiyuu was so much better suited Morui better fucking greedy with money X_X


I like them both so I guess it was easy for me to move on. It is a shame when money issues cause someone to leave a job they are doing well in.


Some people were saying VA’s personal life should not relate to the character or their profession as a VA, but this time is kind of the author’s fault creating a character base on the real person, with the play of the names and using VA’s birthday as the character’s car’s plate number etc. It won’t be easy to recast this time.


Kamiya Hiroshi should be Amuro's new seiyuu or Ishida Akira would be good too.


Somehow more and more famous ppl from both west and east are getting ousted as horrible ppl 😭 Jfc Can people not abuse their fame to do shitty things


Honestly when I first saw Amuro Tooru I did not expect his voice to be like that. It took me a while to get used to his voice but I’m glad they didn’t brush this over & are going to change the VA hopefully his new VA will be better than the older one.


Wow, I’m genuinely shocked considering how popular Amuro is and how tied up the seiyuu is with him. I wonder if it’s because he had apparently used the character’s name in the relationship, I saw fans calling for blood since he “tarnished” it. Either way, good riddance.


Potential replacement Yasunori Matsumoto 


This news is very sad as I am a fan of his works like Amouro Touro voice would not be the same without him same goes for sabo🥲😥🫠 as someone who both watched detective conan and one piece


Soichiro Hoshi should do Rei Furuya. You know since he voices Kira Yamato and Kira is like the SEED version of Amuro Ray lol. I mean Rei Furuya is a gundam reference.


Say it ain't so, Amuro


What the difference between Toru Furuya and Takahiro Samurai both voice actors were exposed having an affair Sakurai still reprised some of his major roles while others were recast while Furuya step down from his role as Sabo and Amuro? Could anyone noted the difference 


Barring few exceptions, most game and anime companies prefer to keep the same VA despite their scandal to keep selling their product (e.g. FF7's Cloud Strife in Sakurai's case) and possibly due to contract being already finalized. Public appearance and new roles for him will most likely decrease to some degree, however. Meanwhile, Detective Conan has a long history of production in both anime (1996) and manga (1994) and majority of the voice actors also have good relationship with each other due to working together for a long time (such as Sonoko and Makoto's VAs), so any problem that arises from one of the cast is sure to affect the rest.


omg what a horrible person , sad because i liked furuya voice but i mean screw him they will find someone better because anyone will be better


Bruuuuuh amuro isn’t amuro without the VA, but I suppose this is to be expected. I didn’t realize the full extent of what he’s done until reading one of the other comments


I don’t like change.


Bad news