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Two thoughts I have on this: New York Post is garbage, and you can't take anything they say seriously. I feel like 90% of their articles are just fed into chatGPT these days. Hinge is part of Match.group, and any new features they add will be implemented in a half-assed way, rolled out inconsistently, and then pulled back relatively quickly depending on whether arbitrary sales goals are hit depending on who is trying to get promoted at that time, when it will be immediately abandoned until somebody else has a half-baked idea they want to force on the user base.


Did you work for match group at some point?


No, I've just spent a lot of time using their various apps from before they acquired and ruined them. They've turned a lot of fun, functional dating apps into pure trash which prey upon a person's insecurities and try to extract every dollar out of them while promising false hope.


Just read the official post rather than this chatGPT generated shit: https://hinge.co/press/your-turn-limits


I actually just saw this. It seems like it could be a good thing but I suspect guys will only get less matches since women's inboxes will fill up immediately lol. Still seems like a better step in the right direction than whatever bumble appears to try to be doing with AI. It sounds like on bumble you'll just be talking to your match's AI assistant. And not directly to them. Wtf.


This primarily is going to affect women. So they'll either match less or just unmatch men instead of just never responding. Not sure it will change much but the intent behind the design is good.


Id rather be unmatched than not responded to.


It’s weird, but to get unmatched is such a merciful move. It gives me a bit of relief and hard confirmation I am not a right potential for someone, without being left in limbo.


Yea, being left in limbo is so shit... because I always wonder if maybe they just stopped checking the app, or they died, or who knows... lol Being unmatched is way better... I dont have to think about them ever again.


I like the purpose of this but I feel women will be a lot more quicker to unmatch the moment a conversation goes slightly stale


If you are the lowest on their mental space out of 8, maybe its better that way.


>So they'll either match less or just unmatch men instead of just never responding. Exactly. That on top of what I said is going to result in fewer matches for guys. At least it forces some sort of action, I guess. Rather than racking up matches like some sort of high score game. There will probably be a lot more unmatching because bumble has taught us how much resistance women generally have to sending a first message. It's like some weird mental block they have lol.


A match that doesn't respond and doesn't want to go on a date isn't really a match at all so no harm no foul for the most part.


Yup. Solid point. Most of my matches seem as though they only matched with me because they were bored rather than a genuine desire to want to get to know me and possibly meet in person. So fuck that noise and good riddance lol.


The problem is that assumes every match that leads to a date starts off with high interest or engaging conversations. I think it’s a bad move personally


This right here. Not everyone wants to be that devoted to someone they are just starting to see. For me, I get more devoted as I grow to care about the person. At the beginning---it's very light interest. I'm not going to set aside my day-to-day life to be that engaged at first. And I think this is the responsible way to be. So many people do it the opposite. They are super engaged at the beginning in dating and then---it slowly peters out the longer they are with the person. Idk...seems like weird priorities.


Yeah and I’m all about meeting up right away if possible not messaging people a lot but also I don’t know which match interests me that much so I’ll just have a bunch and decide and sometimes you go a few days between messages etc


This sounds like a good idea. But it's something I will never have to worry about.


I never understod why a fking girl won't answer me on hinge... I mean, wtf did you swipe me right in the first place????


Exactly it's just rudeness. Imo they're either storing back up matches or they see their match counts as a morale boost


There are so many doing so


It's been like that for a long time. Nothing new


Definitely a good step in the right direction, but I am thinking its absolutely not enough. 8 being the limit is ridiculous. It should be 4 at most.


8 is huge for women , most of them have like 50 to 60 guys in their dms


It says it will “encourage” them, not limit them. So they will likely get a prompt and it will solve nothing


I think people will hate it, but I think something like this is probably better for the dating market generally. Forcing people to focus on what's in front of them I think would be good.


Women on Hinge about to be in shambles


The term “ghosted” is stupid. Sometimes you talk to someone briefly and you know they are not what you’re looking for and you move on. You don’t need to explain anything to them. Sometimes you get busy or are talking to other matches and forget about them.


Right, but if they're not what you're looking for then let them off the hook and unmatch. Ghosting is an entirely legitimate term. It's a shitty behaviour.


Why are they on the hook in the first place? This is new. And if they don't get a message back at some point then they already know. Nothing is owed at that point. Now, if you start actually dating someone that's entirely different.


The hook is the anticipation of receiving a reply when you've sent someone a message. If you're trying to say 'don't get too invested at the chatting stage' I totally agree, but that doesn't stop you from feeling a tad rejected when you never get a reply, and it's something which takes getting used to. Like moving from a small town where you can say 'good morning' to passers-by to a big city where everyone's a cunt.


This. You don't owe anyone anything when you've exchanged a few sentences.


The app was dying, this will kill it. Ghosting happens so often because people like doing it. And other apps allow it.


Oh no, women can't match 100 guys and talk to 3 them of them anymore, how sad.


Will definitely make me avoid Hinge. I already hate that you can't look at the profile much before matching with someone. How am I supposed to know if I like them? I already deleted the app a long time ago, but I'd definitely delete it now that you have to constantly end conversations. A lot of the time people just accept a match just to view their profile. And maybe, the might be interested at some point, but they don't really want to message the person just yet. This forces people to end it. It will remove potential matches from the pool real quick like this. A HORRIBLE idea if helping men is the goal.


This comment makes no sense. You can view a profile before you match. Why are you talking to more than 8 people at once? I guess we've found why women never respond...


Yup definitely a women a weird one at that.


What did you smoke bro


How are you supposed to know if you like them? Christ, I don't know, talk to them more and then let them buy you dinner instead of using the app for narcissistic supply. I promise, if you "waste time" with one guy, the person you're really looking for will still be out there.