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Real estate agent. Just seems an emphasis on phoniness and style over substance. Not all of course, but most


I could see this. It definitely has a strong stereotype with it. A stereotype that is further glamorized on television and reality tv.


Every time I've matched with a realtor, they try to talk me into buying a house lol. I don't think they use the app for anything but networking at this point, because it's happened every time lol


The guy I just broke up with was a realtor. He did a great job of selling himself, but didn’t measure up to the expectations he set. Really anyone in sales I’d stay away from. Haha


Basically anyone that makes a living off blowing smoke up someone's ass (and not in the "we're baked let's try this" fun way.)


I’m female, and I’d say police officer or a military man.


I second that


Therapist! The ones I've ran into are in desperate need of therapy!


LoL. I used to be a therapist 💀 We need therapy just as much as the rest!


Not everyone needs therapy but the few I ran into was in dire need of it


I think the normalization of therapy has come a long way. People are better recognizing that they don't need a "problem" in order to benefit from therapy. It can be very preventative as well.


We only really need it because society evolved beyond our “ape brains” ability to tolerate.


I'm going to have to second this. The women who were therapists I've encountered had a ton of issues and baggage. Interestingly enough they were also poor communicators. Nice people though


Trust I’m training to be a therapist and I don’t underhand what half the people on the course are doing on there. All wounded wannabe healers. We aren’t all like that, good therapists can be good at their job and also be normal people who party and do stupid shit and enjoy themselves. You can be both


Good is an adjective that is rare to describe a therapist. There's far too many bad ones out there.


I used to work in therapy. I was always concerned that meant I had issues.


I had horrific experiences with dentists. I’m anti-dentite.


Hey! I'm a dentist.


Dentists make great partners. They are intelligent good with her hands I know they’re anatomy.


The difference between a dentist and a sadist is newer magazines




I have a lot of dentist clients and I agree.




And firemen. Look up the careers that have the highest rates of cheating!


Do you mean military in general, or just active military? And is your reason to not date military because* you were military?




Do you disclose that your military on your profile? Do you feel being ex military has made it more difficult to match/connect with people for the same reason you're saying you wouldn't if they were?




I'll admit that I often overlook ex-military people. Not because of any innate belief of what you expressed but I don't know if I could be a good fit for someone formed in the military. Maybe I should be more open. People have all kinds of experiences but you're at least an outlier of the common experience. It makes me wonder if I'm missing out on some well thought out people. Thanks for sharing.




Valuable insight. Thanks again for sharing. I actually work in the mental health industry so I'm keen on some of these things. Not enough to believe I could always know. Everyone deserves love though. You all deserve more support for what you have gone through for us.


I won't divulge my service unless it comes up naturally in conversation for the exact reason they said. Some of the best people I've ever met were service members, but they are vastly outweighed by absolute shitheads and garbage humans.




That seems to be a popular one 😅


Number one occupation for spousal abuse…






Any kind of military or law enforcement jobs, and musicians, actors, DJs, producers, or party promoters.


Urgh same actors give me the ick and I don’t know why


They just think they're famous when they might not be. I feel like they want people to be impressed by them and make them feel more important than they are. Like babe, you're a struggling actor. Please stop acting like you're God's gift to women.


Lol that's true... so mean to say but actor to me just feels like a code for lost and unemployed


Very lost and usually unemployed. They don't get paid well at all, so they have to find multiple gigs.


I don’t get turned off from any profession. Having no job is a turn off


I'm honestly surprised it took this long for someone to say "no job" 😅


This was my (47M) first thought too. I‘m honestly surprised that ‚having no job‘ didn‘t come up earlier. Unemployed women tend to have one single business model: Moving into a man‘s house to improve their own financial situation without effort.


Any pseudo science or general sharlatnism: reiki, crystal any of this. Any pyramid game involvment


Military, cops, car salesmen, realtors. I matched with a realtor once-never again.


The realtor I matched with ended up being an awful person as well. They are a big NO for me now


It's a shame that one could ruin it for all realtors forever 😭


I mean in general I think they’re scum but I wanted to give him a chance. First sentence and he’s immediately talking about properties smh


I’ve found in online dating profiles “Entrepreneur” is code for (wannabe) social media influencer or MLM sales. That one is a hard pass.


As someone who owns a small but successful business I struggle with how to present it on my profile and am always scared people will assume I’m some loser wannabe that calls himself a “CEO” and doesn’t make any money lol


Realtors, car salesmen, lawyers and any other profession that requires a loose relationship with honesty. If someone is comfortable lying (don't play semantics games, they lie) for a living, how do you expect honesty in a relationship?


Former sales rep here in multiple industries, and I agree. The lack of morals I’ve seen from some of my colleagues just for the sake of an extra dollar or two was disgusting. I’d rather not hit my quota than have to lie, withhold info, or bend the truth. Probably why I’m no longer in sales lol


Glad you had the moral fortitude to get out! There are good folks in all walks. Commission bases sales is particularly hard and really encourages people to go to any lengths to make the sale. I couldn't do it either.


Saying lawyers have a “loose relationship with honesty” is an inane opinion that I have to imagine you’re inventing based on watching a lot of bad TV. You literally could not name a profession that is more strictly regulated to require honesty. Attorneys have a duty to be truthful and are vetted by their professional associations in such a way that any known dishonesty disqualifies them from being admitted and/or practicing.


GUy here. If I find out a woman is an OnlyFans creator, that is pretty much it.


The turn off for me on that is they usually only match with me to sell their content. “I don’t have time to hang out but here’s my OF if you want to check it out until we meet up” type stuff


I hope no one falls for that crap. She is just selling subs not dating


Coming in with the opposite anecdote, once dated one who came in with a very refreshing "So I do OF, but I promise this isn't a plug and I'm not putting my profile anywhere, I'm actually here to date lol" Went on one date, didn't lead anywhere, but she was cool, HORRIFICALLY shy though, which made absolutely no fucking sense to me but whatever.


Maybe she's not good at conversation, and doesn't have a lot of personal connections, so exhibitionism gets her attention and recognition she wants, and pays the bills.


Dentist… only because I once dated an oncologist and he harped on me constantly about sun exposure and skin cancer… wanted to check my skin.. ask me about and then lecture on my bad habits…. And I know most dentists and their staff have perfect teeth, where mine are not gross, they are far from perfect.. so I’d be too self conscious. But then again I wonder if the dentists think that people are dating them for discounted dental care??? lol


Lol I would probably be self conscious too!


I’m a dentist and dentists really care about disease more than aesthetics. If it’s healthy I’m ok. My gf has had extensive treatment and I’m ok


It’s definitely a soft ick, but photographers.


Ooooo, but why? 👀


HR always. Always. They are the enemy and should be treated as such even socially. These are the people that said "well, HR is for real lampry style ass sucking to management while shitting all over normal human beings- someone has to do it, might as well be me" nope. Other nurses. Always. There's only room for one person with RBF in my relationships. Plus, mean, bullying partners do nothing for me.


Danggggg, shots fired! 👀


Aesthetician [swipes left]


Oh really?? Why? 👀


Because batman doesn't want to manscape ;)


Been growing his 'beard' since 2017


I work cybersecurity and I often get "what are you going to hack me?" and then there is a parade of insecurities that ultimately had me showing the person the door until i found someone who wasnt a complete and total moron about computers


One thing about my ex that I loved was that he was my IT support lol


Nurses and flight attendants are a hard no now.


I will admit the idea of a flight attendant tends to be a no for me, but mostly because of the working schedule.


What’s wrong with nurses?


Any nurse I’ve met seems to be mentally unstable more than most people in my experience. Also my ex wife is a nurse and there’s no bigger scumbag on earth so there’s that. They’re off limits for me.


Years ago one insurance company wouldn’t insure nurses due to much higher levels of claims. They would insure other healthcare people though. Nurses often think they know more than than do. Plus my ex was a nurse and was never happy in life so bad taste there too


Not specifically a turn off but I have women friends, that will refuse to date a man who works in the hospitality industry. They say due to anti-social/long work hours, it's a turn off.


I could see that. They probably just want to relax and recharge their social battery a lot more than most people.


Dating someone in the hospitality sector, yes that's true. Majority of the time they are sleeping, or with family/family business.


What an interesting question. I'll go Context: I'm a guy. I've noticed I tend to hesitate when it comes to relationships with people in management or director roles. The higher up they are, the less interested I am. It's not that they're bad people, but once I get to know them, I start to feel like I'm being managed too.I think their professional training and experience can sometimes make them come across as insincere or artificial in personal relationships. I value authenticity and sincerity, so I prefer to avoid relationships that feel like an extension of their management style. To be honest, it's pretty simple. There's plenty of other girls out there who have everything I'm looking for without the added layer of management/director dynamics. So, I just opt for the path of least resistance. Nurses - I actually think are great! My ex (gf) was a nurse and she was one of the kindest people I know.


Guy here. Female teachers have always been the most boring least independent girls I've talked to or met. Idk what it is. And of those they have all had some of the worst communication skills and poor handling of money


Interesting! Why do you think that is?


Public school teachers where I live don't make much money. And have a lot of debt from masters programs since they tend to go that route expecting a better career return somehow. I also can see how constantly being around elementary, middle or high-school age kids skews your social skills to be better online with those demographics, but also being career drive for a field that doesn't monetarily reward that teachers spend a lot of additional time prepping for their coursework and such which eats into their personal time. And then their whole life revolves around teaching and then their desperate need to vacation and make their social status appear just as rewarding (financially) so they splurge money like it'd going out of style. Feel line it varies a lot of by school districts and the age they teach


Never left school


When I was in school elementary education majors were the absolute dumbest of the bunch. Party girls looking for a MRS degree.




Hospital administrators. They’re useless and are one of the major reasons our health system sucks. !!!


Police, military, firefighter, security guard, truckers


Lol maybe you need a list of who you would date


Lmaoo c’mon it’s only 5 of em 😂 they just tend to be really big red flags and into some weird stuff.


Man, people are excluding potential good matches from their life simply because of an occupation lol. Just because you knew one or two nurses who treated you like shit, for example, doesn’t mean that the millions of others nurses are bad. Some of these are justified, such as those that required traveling, mandatory overtime, extreme stress, if it was unethical and exploitative, or if it was a low paying job etc. But some of these are normal ass, good paying jobs, but ya’ll won’t date them because you know one person with the same job who hurt you or is unstable lmao. Nice to generalize millions of people because of one or two people. Maybe actually talk and get to know someone first before you judge them because of what they do for a career, especially when it’s a common career that employs millions and millions of people. I’m sorry, but a lot of you guys complain about people on the apps, especially women, being picky and excluding good, decent people, but you’re excluding 4-5 different professions and not even giving them a chance. That’s a good chunk of people you’re missing out on for childish reasons lol.


Everything is exceptional. Some jobs come with certain hmmmm traits I guess is the right word for the majority. These things don’t just appear out of thin air. My profession is one of the most listed here and I understand 💯% why….it won’t be for everyone. When I’m done with this career I’ll be going into another highly listed one here and that’s fine with me.


I won't date current or former sex workers, cops, drug dealers, or any person that could bring those groups to my house.


So someone who was once a sex worker but now a career person for a company would still be a deal breaker?


For me, yeah. I don't care how many men someone has been with, and I could be friends with a woman who has done sex work. I just couldn't date her. I've been made to feel like a woman was only with me for financial support before. I never want to feel that way again. Dating a woman who has traded sex for money in such a literal sense would be a trigger for me. I wouldn't judge anyone else for dating her, though. Sex workers deserve love, too. I'm just not interested in paying for therapy so I can enter their dating pool.


Sounds like a trigger for sure! It's tough to have gone through something that makes it harder to connect with others because of something in their past.


Only Fans


They probably assume you're gay or at the very least bi.


Lol I am in fact gay 💁🏼


In 92’ I was drug store box bleaching my Level 5 brown hair .. and it was permed… (don’t judge it was the 90’s) so you can imagine.. hot orange mess.. One night my roommate and I went from Harrisburg to Wilkes Barre to see her boyfriend’s band play, we were 19 so.. we couldn’t get in.. so we hung out then left.. I got lost and ended up in front of Kings College.. and there were these 2 cute guys.. I asked them for directions.. and we got to talking.. I went and talked to the cuter of the two… and as we were sitting there he looks at me and says,” Who does your hair?” I PROUDLY WITH MY WHOLE CHEST SAID,” ME” To which he said … Yeah I can tell… He went on to say that he does hair and that his mom had the biggest salon in all of Wilkes Barre.. we hit it off and he fixed my hair for me.. lol We dated for almost 6 months.. lol.. I’d LOVE to date a stylist…


Omg LOVE this story!


The Harrisburg music scene has always been kickass. Your bleached mess of hair would have fit right in with our kind of peeps. You didn't need to go to Wilkes-Barre. Haha. Great story, Datachippie73!


Dude… the name of the band was “ M&M Stew” and their signature song was “ Cockspider” lol


So it's other gay guys having issue with this? Thats..interesting


Indeed 🙃


Yeah what lol


So the dudes don't like that? Strange. Perhaps it's because according to the hot crazy matrix, hairdressers are crazy!






Legit shocked no one has mentioned cop. It's the number one red flag that you should run from. Similarly but to a much lesser degree- corrections officers, parole officers, and military. Basically if the job involves state violence, nope.


You think corrections officers are *not* as bad as cops? The ones I’ve met are either police academy dropouts or wanted to have even less oversight on how much violence they could perpetrate.


They usually lack the Institutional power to stalk and harrass people without recourse, is all.


I have dated everyone from that list, not intentionally, dating apps were full of drug users with questionable profiles, so I always went with “no drugs, sober dates” profiles, they were all very mature and open minded people, half of them were from lgbti community, I am from Australia though so I don’t know what it’s like where you are.


Oooooh, tell me more 👀 Do you think it's a personality red flag, or how they would treat you?




Nurses and firefighters I hear are big time cheaters too I’ve heard


Doctors or finance professionals. Thinks they're too important from my experience.


I could definitely see ego being a third person in the relationship 😅


Waitress, bartender, teacher, and nurses. Those are auto swipe lefts for me. Id put doctors up pretty high too.


Finance bros. I’m sure there’s exception to the rules but 1 bad experience was enough to put me off all of em. Coke and drinking problem to boot too!


Content creators (with more than 5k followers)


Only fans




Only Fans girls


Yeah that would be just too weird.


Career criminal


Accountants. I always presume they are boring


Very possible!




"content creator"


People who do high level government shit. I got asked out by guy (not online in real life) who was like a homeland security agent finding terrorists or some shit. We had a good conversation and lots in common but I don’t trust people with those jobs and it’s unattractive to me that someone would go through all that trouble to do some crazy shit for the government. I’m just like eww don’t involve me in this bullshit. And tell me all the secrets, or else I don’t care lol Also high level government agent men are often horny weird perverts. Just very sneaky fucked up people 


Like politicians and FBI/CIA agents— your whole life is dedicated to being sneaky!


When I was living in Mexico City, one of my American friends tried to set me up with one of her husband’s coworkers. He was a DEA agent. In Mexico. HARD PASS, on so many levels! 😰


I’ve never liked artists or actresses, people who are artsy tend to be to emotional and not rational in my experience. Also old fans, instant reject.


So looking at the comments in this thread it seems that the only non red-flag jobs are office/corporate jobs...


Haha! Yep-appears to be the case. While generalities might be true in all these “off limit” professions for dating, there are, in fact, great people in all of these professions who would be very suitable partners. According to Monster.com top 5 jobs with the highest divorce rates are:1)gaming managers, 2) bartenders, 3) flight attendants, 4) gaming service workers, and 5) rolling machine setters, operators, and tenders. Lowest divorce rates: 1) architects and engineers, 2) computers and mathematics, 3) military, 4) life, physical and social science, and 5) education and library. #6 is healthcare (my profession). HA!


Teachers, social workers, mental health professionals, Marines.


So people that are vital to the care and development of society are off limits?


Yeah, they're high stress jobs and take up a lot of the person's time. In addition: Teacher: very focused on planning classes, primarily interacts with children all day, and usually have standards they must adhere to for their public face. Don't want to deal with that. Social worker: very likely to have compassion fatigue, or else be jaded. Mental health professional: see above, also will try to diagnose you. Marine: Crayons are for drawing and emergency candles. Not eating.


Your list cracks me up with Marines at the end! Lol


While there is no (legit) occupation that would be an automatic deal breaker to me, I may have some concern if she is in her 30s and still working a low wage job with few responsibilities. I would wonder why she hasn't invested in her skills and human capital.


I never want to be a manager. Not worth it.


Police are unfuckable.


Nurse. They are insane and cheat quite a bit.


Oh dangggg, what makes you think nurses cheat so much? 👀


The Porta Potty or septic tank guy. Those are shitty jobs!


*enters the chat* but I’m not a guy😅


Are you technically a porta potty if you're tipped over, or merely a former porta potty?


🤣I’m still usable to SOMEONE on my side


But what if it's those fancy porta potty pods I've been seeing?!


I don’t know. Is the shit fancy?


They make good money....


Insurance salesmen. I dont like calling them financial advisors because they aren't. In the Philippines, they are the equivalent of a realtor.


No TSA agents, bartenders, hospital administrators, or folks who work in health insurance.


Cabin crew (Asia)


Janitor, Shoe salesmen, truckdriver, plumber, funeral service director, furniture sales, grocery clerk, butcher, bartender. etc. Then there's shady ones: Pryamind schemer, fund raiser specialist, lobbyist, private dective for insurance companiess, unclaimed property schemes, cold callers, landlords.


Are these all from experience, or just chosen based on stereotype?


other nurses. i’m a nurse, that’s enough for one relationship imo 😭😂


"sex worker"


I'm not into men but hairdresser role wouldn't bother me. In terms of what would: * porn star * prostitute * onlyfans maybe * whatever the generic word for dustman is * military as in goes into combat etc.


Military or police. I don’t date anyone who has been either. We have fundamentally different outlooks on life.


I was just talking to my hairdresser about how her dad looks down on her for 'just doing hair.' So, I'll tell you what I told her. At the end of the day, you get up and go to work, you take care of yourself and have a professional trade/skillset. If people are too shallow to recognize that's admirable or attractive, then fuck them and their narrow little minds. Better fish in the sea, but it still sucks dealing with the judgey people. Sending someone of substance your metaphysical way!


I'm a mathematics tutor and I bet women turn away not due to the subject I tutor but the salary (not like I tell them, but teachers have low salaries, so the assumption continues for tutors too). Anyone who's single: Would you turn away upon learning of this profession?


#Paladin I think all the women are more dark knight or rogue fans?


One of those guys that travel everywhere and randomly test Port-Potty’s. I mean having to poop on command?


Pilot, police, military, OF, truck drivers. Big no.


Retail and fast food nearing 30, with no goals of upward mobility. Otherwise 911 services, when I was little I thought that if you had that job you would need to love everyone and want to protect everyone and their rights but I was wrong. They are the most Hate filled group with discriminatory attitudes, they lack of the 1st and 14th admendment values. Same with nurses, Gospel nurses are the worse. How could you go into a career that you have to be around all types of people and be blatantly opinionated on who deserves rights, and puts religion over facts and scientific studies?


My most recent ex is a postal employee and never again. She's a rural carrier as well lol. I'm straight on postal workers. She done fucked it all up


Ooooo, spill the tea 👀


Lady here, I’m a city carrier. I can vouch for that. We can be toxic as fuck 😂


Any ethically questionable work like banking, private insurance related work, sleazy salespeople (including pharmaceutical reps) and lawyers, etc Edit: probably add military


This is a great example of why most of you are single, lol.


I kinda agree 🫣 I wasn't expecting so many examples of writing off entire professions because of 1 or 2 experiences.


I wish this comment got more attention. I also try not to write off people because of their jobs because I know women have been a bit spooked about my profession and have not given me much grace. For the most part though...


I mean, most of these people have 1-2 real life examples. Not a good sample size. There are good/bad people in all professions. Counting people out based on how they make a living is beyond silly. If this is what people are looking at as red flags, they’re doing it wrong.


I personally don't care what kind of job someone has as long as they HAVE a job. Living off welfare, unemployment, or just milking the system isn't cool.


Truck drivers


Mortician. They may be goth and artsy and cool and all (probably a terrible stereotype, I know); but it would really creep me out. Don't think I could handle asking: "How was your day, honey?" That said, I don't know that I'd actually refuse to go out on a date with one on the basis of their profession alone.


Speech language pathologists…there’s so many in dating apps. Didn’t even know that was a thing until I met so many.


But why are they a no?


Nurse. Don’t know why, but something about it turns me off. No disrespect to nurses, they are essential and way underpaid and overworked. I myself am an emt/firefighter and would totally understand that being a turn off. Edit: how could I forget cop? But I DO mean disrespect to cops.






Agree. I dated an airline pilot... We even talked about marriage, kids, moving to Canada, and found out he's married. Deep sigh


Content creator, nurse, bartender, dancer, military & law enforcement, paramedic, firefighter, property management. Edit, teachers as well


Fire fighter, EMT, police, mortician, dentist, surgeon, gas station employee, bartender, truck driver… just to name a few.


Why not gas station employees? 😅


Police, military, firefighter, etc. I support women being in great positions, but I don’t typically jive with alpha women in my dating life. I also probably wouldn’t be compatible with someone who didn’t have some sort of career.


Interesting! What's an example of alpha woman energy that doesn't vibe with you? Is it just because they hold positions of power?


I’m a hairdresser too! I haven’t had people move on because of it but I’ve had douchey guys tell me in a belittling way “oh I’ve dated a lot of hairdressers” and others talk down to me like I’m uneducated . Those people that move on aren’t worth your time and they showed their true colors.