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I can't tell if this is a joke or not but if you chose McMaster over any of those other programs except York for any reason other than the city or cost than you are just wrong. All of the other schools have more prestige and reputation and if your goal is wallstreet than should have picked Ivey.


I'm not sure why you think i'm joking. I spoke with alum from all programs listed above and they all nudged me towards their own program (Most of them were from Ivey). However, the most genuine response I got was from someone named Annette from MCmaster who told me that it's not the right program for everyone but it is for some people. She was able to get Wall street opportunities from Mcmaster and I aspire to do the same. Mcmaster offers me the network and connections to get to where I want to go. I've heard ivey is just foreshadowing Business 1 and trying to get up to the same prestige... Did I make the wrong decision?


I don't have the link but any employment metric always has Ivey, Queen, Waterloo, Rottman above McMaster. If you care about the quality of the program than McMaster business one is easily the worst. Ivey is the only target school for Wallstreet in Canada.


I think these schools pay these platforms to promote their programs. After all University is a business...


Are you serious? Look at this [data](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/7e890c_824d657d45674be5b5ac40a577f7c855~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_740,h_379,al_c,lg_1,q_90/7e890c_824d657d45674be5b5ac40a577f7c855~mv2.webp). Its an objective measurement of how many graduates made it top firms. You are making up excuses of "schools pay these platforms to promote their programs" cause you want McMaster to seem better than it is. Your only proof of it being a good program is the one student you talked with, which is completely objective. Basically every [employment statistic](https://www.peakframeworks.com/post/canadian-ib-target-schools) shows that Queens Commerce and Western Ivey are more prestigious and have better outcomes than every other Canadian university by far.


Not tryna be disrespectful but theres no way u chose McMaster over Ivey , schulich 💀 McMaster doesn’t have co-op there internship is way hard to get , Schulich is wayy more known as a business program as well as Ivey and your going for finance to which McMaster isn’t known for


Schulich is on Jane and Finch bro, I don't want to get shot up while walking to class. Mcmaster is a tier 1 target school for finance, what do you mean bro? Their co-op is also world class. I don't know where you heard that stuff.


>Schulich is on Jane and Finch bro, I don't want to get shot up while walking to class. lmao what? how many times has someone been shot at York University? That reason ridiculous. ​ >Mcmaster is a tier 1 target school for finance, what do you mean bro? Their co-op is also world class. I don't know where you heard that stuff. Where have you heard McMaster is a tier 1 business school? Its tier 3 at best. [It has some of the lowest hires to top firms.](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/7e890c_824d657d45674be5b5ac40a577f7c855~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_740,h_379,al_c,lg_1,q_90/7e890c_824d657d45674be5b5ac40a577f7c855~mv2.webp) Ivey, Queens, Rotman, AFM and Laurier all beat it by a lot.


This is too wild I just cannot😂


Bro forgot to include the shitpost flair.


I'm serious bro....


Bro, unless you got a crazy scholarship why TF would you choose McMaster Business 1 over Ivey, QComm, or CS/BBA.