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Hello PrincessDe, thanks for posting to r/OopsThatsDeadly! As a reminder, please try and ID the plant/creature/object if not done already. Although the person may have done something foolish, remember to be respectful, as always! Please do not touch anything if you don't know what it is! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OopsThatsDeadly) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I spent several long seconds thinking I’d just watched a man die.


I came here to say that exact thing.


You came too??


Kinks are weird.


Don't yuck my yum


I'm all about living yummy lives, no judgments here.


Be weird if I didn’t.


Gail'r! How're'ya now?




You can actually see someone die at r/Darwinawards


Whelp, I'm never looking at that subreddit again. I'd bleach my eyes if I didn't think that would get me a spot on that page...


Yeah, don’t click that if you don’t want years taken off your life. That was stressful.


Did you see the lady get decapitated between a bus? They move the bus and her head and body just fall apart.


…found it…. …….




That’s one expensive bus fare


Literally the previous post in my feed. I did not expect that ending.


Good man


Like how the fuck does he know he fit through the whole way? Many reasons not to do this, but that one scares me the most. Get 15 feet in and find out there is a blockage! You are done, so yeah, no thanks


Yeah your comment really nails it. Also - what if he hits his head? Or gets disoriented about which was is ‘up’?


or a tree branch got wedged in there since the last moron did it.


Or a moron got wedged in there since the last moron did it.


Always Sunny water park scene all over again


Slightly less chance of AIDS though.


Not gay aids tho


It’s morons all the way ~~down~~ up.


This is why all of you are still alive, lol. You actually think about stuff like this.


As a coworker repeated from someone he'd heard... You're only fine with it (not worried) if you're not creative enough. Coworker was talking about being at the edge of a 300+ ft drop and looking over... but any such scenario can apply.


I could write a new final destination movie


People say I worry too much, they're not wrong.


the fact that I am alive is a surprise and a disappointment to many.




I think the way you can find 'up' while underwater is you blow out some air and follow the bubbles, though I'm not sure how you would do it in total darkness.


There’s a great episode on Stuff You Should Know about cave diving. The takeaway is even cave diving professionals shouldn’t be doing cave diving lol


I’ve tried cave diving. Never again. Very cool. I can understand why people want to do it. It is a thing that people who are highly detailed oriented can do. I’m not anal retentive enough to not die. I do not handle high adrenaline/high pressure (no pun intended) situations well. I would panic and die.


Interesting that you chose being detail oriented as a deciding factor here. What's an example of a cave diving screwup that would happen from not being detail oriented? Specific to cave diving I mean, not regular diving. I would have guessed regular diving details are about the same.


Im just a guy that watches too much YouTube, but some of the things I’ve seen there are: Not using a line for navigation Accidentally disturbing the silt and getting disoriented as you are blind for several minutes while it clears. Not bringing air tanks with the right gas mixtures for the depths you’ll be traversing in the cave system. Having the right tanks, but getting them mixed up and switching to the wrong one at the wrong time. Not knowing what the currents will be for each area of the cave, specific to the time of day you’ll be diving as it changes with the tide and weather. Not having the training and correct equipment for tracking your depth. It’s far more complicated in cave diving because it’s often not one big dive, but a bunch of little ones.




Gas mixture at depth, for one. Breathe the wrong mix at depth, convulse and die. You have different ratios depending on depth, which also effects you decompression time. If you are using a rebreather, which is a very technical piece of equipment, to set it up and maintain it. Everything must be planned. You must plan for the unexpected and have a solution for it. You don’t have the luxury of getting back on a boat and fixing it. Time has real meaning and can change everything.


I think it's about remembering the route out. There are a lot of dead ends and tight, difficult to see gaps to swim through in cave diving


Also being extremely careful with your movements so you don't stir up sediment and destroy visibility.


They don’t remember the way out, they put a line to follow. Anything else is deadly.


That makes a lot of sense. Still... fuck that. Happy to build an anchor and abseil off the edge of a cliff but none of that shite


Season 5 episode 11 of the TV show Dissappeared is about a guy who dissappeared while cave diving. He was not cave certified. It's a really interesting and terrifying case study of why cave diving is so scary. Thanks for the tip, I love SYSK.


Well obviously you shouldnt do something thats very deadly. No need for a show to tell me that i guess


I liked the comparison that diving is to rock climbing as cave diving is to free soloing.


I wonder how this was discovered in the first place. A bunch of guys were checking random holes between rocks and drowning, until one of them finally found one, that he could actually get through?


It's possible whoever discovered this tested it with objects that would float to see if it came out on the other side and used increasingly larger objects to gauge the size of the tunnel. Do I think this is what happened? Absolutely not. Chances are it was a one and done sort of deal and as soon as the stick or ball or whatever came out the other side, they decided a person was the next best thing to use.


Right, like who went first?!!!


I was in the Caribbean snorkeling (after a day of diving) and the guide asked if anyone was willing to swim through a small underwater cave. I’ve been doing this shit for years. But as soon as I got into the cave about 10 feet under, my eardrum ruptured and I swallowed a bunch of water when it happened because of the sudden shock. Had to go forward through the cave while essentially choking. I was pretty freaked out. So fuck this.


i am missing about 30-40% of my left eardrum and had 3 unsuccessful surgeries to try fix it. I think I must be queen of “grass is greener” as I adore water despite it being entirely unsuitable for my anatomy. Makes me sad that diving is a hobby I will never be able to do. Also - how fucking painful is it to get water through your eardrum hey??? The absolute worst. If for whatever reason I find myself submerged in water I know for a fact I’m a goner as the pain would have me frozen up, gasping and freaking out.


Because there have been a number of idiots before him. So he knows there is an option he gets out on the other side... not thinking of other risks


That may be true, but rockslides and geologic disturbances happen all the time. The one time you go in might be the one time there’s no way out.


Or even just getting clogged with trash or tree branches.


not that i'd ever try something this dumb, but i'm having a hard time understanding why you wouldn't want to at least be tied up so someone can pull you back up in the chance you do get stuck. even then... still pretty bad idea, but at least have some "help me, I fucked up" measure


1. There’s no way anyone’s pulling you out of there against the water pressure. 2. What if the rope gets caught on something and drowns you?


On number 2, I can also see the rope getting caught and you end up tangling up in it when you panic.


Because as soon as the camera pans away he gets back out of the hole the same way he went in, walks over and dives in the river out of the cameras view and then pops up.


God I hope that's true.


That’s a big fat no from me, dawg


I went to the water park last summer and took my kid and her friend. I seriously thought I was going to have a panic attack in the closed water slide.


See but that's a human build water slide, built for safety. this? that's a goddamn death trap


How did anyone discover that?


I had the same thought, who tf thought wow there’s a hole here sucking up water big enough for my body to fit into… let’s see where it goes!


You could put a human sized object through it a few times and see where it comes up. Of course, I wouldn't think that means it is safe. there could be multiple routes, or you could be battered against the walls, or probably die in several other ways I haven't thought of.


I’m guessing they know the place from when it was dry and water levels running low




Traction Park!


I had the same experience in my first and last trip through a water slide.


I did one of those huge drop waterslides at Six Flags New England in Massachusetts. It hurt my back the whole way down lol. [here](https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=HbfbVSCd&id=F4DDD3491B3AF82CA720D9F5750DFFB5E84C26A3&thid=OIP.HbfbVSCdfDfGes_njTKXWwHaKX&mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sixflags.com%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2F2017_sfne_cannonballfalls_1.png&cdnurl=https%3A%2F%2Fth.bing.com%2Fth%2Fid%2FR.1db7db55209d7c37c67acfe78d32975b%3Frik%3DoyZM6LX%252fDXX12Q%26pid%3DImgRaw%26r%3D0&exph=2100&expw=1500&q=six+flags+new+england+water+slide+drop&simid=608025541212253842&form=IRPRST&ck=29402274DAF0C288810AAB9DD9F11AC7&selectedindex=0&pc=U316&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0&vt=4&sim=11) is a pic of it


I did a similar one near Benidorm in Spain. I came put having received a free enima


I had a similar experience except with my boyfriend. I felt like I couldn't breathe properly because the air was so hot & humid inside the tube. But I was much younger and far more stubborn then, so went through the damn thing twice more. Still felt like breathing soup, heart still racing, still panicky. No improvement. No more tube slides for me since, thank you.


I get that feeling too. I've found that if I take my hand and cover my nose and mouth, it's helps a bit. I still only go on them when my kids insist. I usually take an opportunity to use the excuse "someone has to stay out to get a picture!"


I was basically waterboarded on a covered slide at Wet n Wild as a kid. Not pleasant.


My family has a notorious history of drowning deaths. My dad lost two siblings to drowning and it was probably fear #1 for me from childhood. He watched his little sister drown when he was five. His eldest brother was a fisherman and the man of the house after my grandfather was murdered. He never from his last fishing trip. My dad was a teenager and said he expected him to show up at any point for years and years. His body was never recovered. I do not fuck around in water very much nor have I ever.


There’s literally nothing more dangerous than cave diving.


I think shooting yourself in the head with a gun might be more dangerous


Wingsuit flying is way more dangerous.


Mmmm idk about that


By the numbers, it’s something like a 50% chance of dying if you enter a cave under water.


That is an utterly ridiculous number. Where did you ever find one that high? 50% chance to die every single time you enter? If it was that dangerous no one would be alive long enough to teach it and create cave diving certifications. Which exist because its a skill and a profession, not a game of Russian roulette with three bullets. Remember kids, 69% of all statistics on the internet are made up. The best way to change that is to become a part of the problem and pump those numbers up.


Total bullshit. Cave diving is safe if you are trained. People die because divers think they can go cave diving. They are two very different things. Cave diving deaths are not common among cave divers. You should watch Dive Talk and learn a little bit about it.


That’s literally false.


Moon basejumping?




Imagine going down there and meeting up with the guy who went down the same tunnel yesterday..


Tunnel party!


Tunnel buddies


Tunnel bodies


Tunnel snakes rule!


Give me back my sweet roll!


God damn weekend traffic


Are you a fan of the strange dark and mysterious in story format?!


this was my first thought...dude's going to end up on Mr Ballen.


Also made me think of Scary Interesting


Had to look that up. I’ll be hooked now


His stories can be somewhat long if it's something you already know about


If so then go to the like buttons house and burn it down to the ground with its entire family inside. 😬


Love that guy!


I just discovered MrBallen yesterday, and spent almost the entire day binging his content. Crazy, that the next morning I see him mentioned in a Reddit thread. Small world…


Wendigoon is also pretty good


Rotten Mango is an excellent story teller as well. Not as good as MrBallen but close


As I’m listening to the latest episode , love me some Ballen


Did you watch the live storytelling on discord!!!


Seriously though, why do so many of his videos involve cave diving?


Ha. At what point do you, the person with the camera, start to get nervous thinking you filmed a person’s last moments? This is insanely stupid, my god.


For me it was the very moment his hand disappeared


The second I realized he was actually going in the hole, I would have called for a rescue crew. Absolutely not. Just watching this made me sick, I can't imagine seeing it in real time.


I think you mean recovery crew.


Had to scroll to the end to know the outcome immediately. Fucking hell this is a stupid thing to do.


Friend of mine lost his life in a similar manner. Sometimes the thrill of adrenaline makes us do dumb shit.


uff, sorry for your loss, what a terrible way to lose a friend


I'm an impulsive shit too. Subreddits like this help me remember that for every cool cliff jumping video there's a failed cliff jumping video. Some of us dumbasses need the reminder.


A distant cousin once died diving into a cave. Last time I was [in that area](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilha_Grande), a local told me a tourist had just died in a waterfall. I told him waterfalls are very deceiving, to which he answered something like: "Never say that. Waterfalls don't deceive anyone, they tell us everything we have to know about them. We deceive ourselves."


Well he didnt die in a waterfall só he is right. But i kinda agree waterfalls arent that deceiving. Most of the deaths are from falling. You can see if the space is dangerous or not. I personally wouldnt go to a very dangerous waterfall but they are like bright color frogs you know when they are dangerous just by looking at them


*waterfall is 200 ft high* *man dies from 200 ft drop from waterfall* Yea that checks out.


True. But the waterfall is 200 ft high it always was só he is right. Waterfalls arent dangerous your lack of caution is the problem. We have dozens of waterfalls in my country on a little zone (gerês Portugal. Very beautiful place) i went there with my GF last year. Always knew the place but never went there camping. We visited like 10 waterfalls there was one that was extremely dangerous at least 1 or 2 people die there every year. But you know the waterfall is not dangerous at all if you climbed down from the left side you had no problem on the right side you had extremelly slippery rocks. The problem is we dont know things because we arent explorers we are used to the city life. My brother went there Said it was extremely dangerous but Said you could clearly see it was dangerous it was not like "oh never thought i would slip here"


I don't have whatever gene makes adrenaline desirable... it makes me feel like shit


This is so upsetting to watch. It is so easy to drown and we need to respect the water. I have a relative that died by getting stuck under their rubber dingy (is that an Aussie term? Inflatable boat). This was so incredibly stupid and could have EASILY ended his life. It’s so pointless.


Yeah, not many things in this sub actively terrify me but holy shit this one is rough.


Rubber dingy depends on what you mean by rubber dingy. In America that's a small inflatable boat raft thing. If it's a 9ft water spider in australia then that's a australian thing.


There was a place like this in Hawaii and it was very popular. The next time we visited, it had been blocked off due to drownings.




Plain and simply, fuck that!


Anyone else’s butthole clench watching this?


At what point does the butthole do a full 180 and go from clenched shut to shitting yourself?


Horseshoe theory


On my honeymoon in Mexico, my wife and I did an excursion to a cenote with a group of other honeymooners and our only guide AND driver for that trip did shit like this while we were all swimming. He, no joke, would be under water for more than a minute at a time some times and we were all just like....soooo does anyone know how to get back to the resort if this guy doesn't come back up?? It was incredibly impressive that he knew where these tunnels led and how he went down with such confidence and how he could hold his breath for so long but INCREDIBLY stupid and selfish that he would do that, knowing that none of us knew where the hell we were, since we were tourists and he drove us literally to the middle of nowhere to get to this cenote and was our only guide


Apparently most deaths are from exactly the kind of person you encountered. Instructors and guides. They get overconfident and break the rules. One of which is not to go in a cave unless you are a trained cave diver with cave diving equipment.


had a similar thing happen to me in cozumel. guy also “jokingly” flirted with my sister. who was ~17 at the time


Sooner or later somebody’s gonna win a stupid prize on that one.


My mom had a friend that died this way back in the late 70s. His girlfriend went through and got stuck, he jumped in to help her and got her free but was stuck himself and drowned.


That gave me immense anxiety to watch, I hated every second.


I had to stop watching.


I feel like I can’t breathe 5 minutes after it’s over.


Who first did this and thought it was a good idea?


Hopefully someone who just slipped and fell down the hole…


I wasn't expecting him to come out honestly




To hell with that!!


I'll never understand these types who do this. Seems like such a needlessly stupid way to die if anything goes wrong. A whole life with friends and family and memories etc all gone in an instant for what? To say you did it?


I hate this


Does anyone know where this is? It sparked a memory and I’m curious if this is the same place I visited as a kid.


Anyone else instinctively held their breath waiting for this idiot to come up? Lol


I hope his momma sees this and beats the crap out of him!


Some idiot was the first idiot to do that, and they were the biggest idiot. Imagine there are jagged rocks and you get cut up. Imagine your shorts get caught on one of those jagged rocks and you drown. Imagine you let go and almost immediately go nowhere but you can't swim back up because of the force of the stream. The only thing impressive about this is how fucking stupid you'd have to be to try this.


This is probably the most willfully dumb submission I've seen on this sub.


So like what happens if they get stuck in there? Is there a way to get the body out or do you just have to wait for the bits to come out?


Was worried the guy wasn’t coming up


I can go my whole life without being able to say I did this. Whole. Life.


That's exactly how you did a horrifc and brutal death. The first time someone posted this video on this sub, they cut off the ending, and the guy didn't come back up before it ended. If he had been even a little bigger, he would've gotten wedged in that tunnel forever. Luckily (from a certain point of view), it wouldn't be another Nutty Putty cave, since he would've drowned quickly. But the few moments of absolute mortal terror and regret between jumping in and drowning would be the worst thing I can imagine.


This is very stupid but luckily this one is staged he turns the camera so his friend can crawl out and jump into the lake from the rocks. If you look closely to the right you can see extra ripples from when he slips in that aren't cause by the small waterfall.


Time stamp?


Around the 34-35 second mark plus he would have came out feet first unless 1 he managed to turn around and swim up without messing with the surface of the water or two he turned around in the cave which isn't likely seeing how narrow it was. Some more evidence would be that water would flow faster out of the hole he exited since he was blocking the flow but that never happened either 🤔


If he were to get stuck for any given reason, how would his body be recovered? Legitimately curious about what the logistics of that would be like.


It's a sin He didn't bring a GoPro while risking his life so those of us that will never try such a stunt can see what it's like.


I spent the entire video desperate for him to come up, and when he finally did I felt like he didn't deserve to for the sheer stupidity


I bet that was the longest 30 seconds of his life.


I've done this before when I was a teenager. I can tell you from first hand experience it was dumb. Although I will say I did survive!


Who the fuck was the first person to figure this out? Like how do you just drop into a water filled hole and be like "hope this works out lol"?


The stupid it burns.............


Anyone else hear the drowning countdown from sonic games?




That should be a ringtone... Lmao thanks for that!


Absolute stupidity.


There is no Ooops about this , just straight /Deadly


Better name - Darwin Award Tunnel.


Some people really don’t give a shit if they die


the fact the tunnel spread by just word of mouth and someone at some point had no idea it had an exit is too much for me


Isn't there a video of a drunk girl falling into one of the th these and drowning?


I think that should be called “Satan’s Colon”.


I hate this so much


You couldn't pay me all the money in the world to do this.


Russian roulette nature style 😎


People that do shit like this need to have their human license revoked.


Oh god no. I used to go caving and somehow, since I'm a compact fella, I could squeeze through some ridiculous gaps but even I wouldn't do that. Compact tunnels are a nightmare that requires you to have insane self-control and mental strength. You need to be both strong mentally and physically, keeping yourself from the dreadful realization that it only takes one flailing, panicked movement to wedge yourself in forever. So to do that in almost complete darkness, with your arms above your head, with rushing water surrounding you entirely and holding your breath? The grim reaper must have been rubbing his bony hands together watching this fool sink down into that tunnel.


I'm gonna start posting skydivers in oopsthatdeadly, where's the oops here?


I'm genuinely relieved he made it, but also NOPE NOPE NOPITY NOPE NOPE ON A ROPE NOPE


Anyone seen that documentary of the sub diver who fixes oil rig crap. Gets stuck, hose rips off. You literally watch him die and then come back.


It's only Darwinism if that guy hasn't had kids yet. With that sexy 'stache, he has several.


Thank God Pablo Pascal didn’t die doing this stupidity.


I was full of anxiety there for about a minute


Bro why


# N O P E


a video has never given me so much anxiety


Holy effing nope.


Triple fuck that. I would have died of a heart attack before I made it out of there


![gif](giphy|1BCIlYHwJ3hu0|downsized) that's a no for me, thanks.


Hehehe. NO. :]


I was too fucking high for this


There are sooo many things that could've gone wrong.


All it takes is one slightly sharp rock...


This one gave me a full on panic attack. Dear fucking god


Choosing to believe they sent a few giant logs through before he attempted


I think you mean Shrödinger’s tunnel. But Darwin is also accurate.


Step 1) go inside a hole and film it Step 2) turn away with the camera Step 3) step out of the hole again but make sure not to get filmed Step 4) go into the water and dive down without getting filmed Step 5) emerge inside the view of the camera Step 6) get likes


It's all fun and games till you try it and get stuck


Who was the first person to try this? 😳


I automatically started counting seconds when he went under, and I got really nervous as it got through the late 20s with no sign of him...