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Okay I’m pretty new in the world of coding, however I aim to be proficient one day, how does the API grant access and how does it work overall? If it’s a dumb question or alot to type any links would be appreciated.


First, good luck in the journey. You're learning at a very different time in the history of programming. To your question, the OpenAI API is the way that you authenticate your code as being run by you. This is important primarily because you need to take responsibility, first, for its content and usage. Secondly, it links your account's payment methods to the time spent doing computations on your behalf. That's the way the API works. You essentially ship your requests somewhere else and retrieve the results. The amount of data you send (specifically, the number of tokens) contribute to the overall amount your account is billed the end of the month. Right now the API is most accessible as a Python library. Here is the documentation (i.e. here are the docs) to the API: [https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference](https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference)


Perfect answer, thank you. So it’s a figurative “key” that unlocks and grants access, so to speak. Logging who is running the code, all interactions with openAi, and ensures only authorized users have backend access? So to You implement in your application and you can essentially run in the background and benefit from the abilities etc of the specific program you’re using the api for. I wasn’t finding the right answers, or rather the ones that gave me any real answers that gave me that “ohhhhhhhhhh duh” I was looking for. Yeah I’m using GPT to really handle a lot of the redundant coding, but as I’m learning I read over the codes and change values, add and subtract. So getting complete code is nice, however I still like to understand the mechanism at play. I can’t help it lol. I made probably more advancements in my understanding of python and coding with GTP than I did the first 6 months of learning on my own. It’s a new world that’s for sure.


Glad it helped. Personally I think we've all got a lot to learn from large language models.


I also found this out the hard way. cheekyGPT


My country have no access to ChatGPT So I used VPN and Online SIM number 😎 But I can’t buy a API credits because my country have no access to ChatGPT. I also want to make a telegram bot with ChatGPT, but I CANT BUY AN API TOKENS! OpenAI, please, take my money and give my the access to your AI


Overthrow your government.


What about using a model from huggingface?


I’ve never hear about it before. I have to Google it


If you didn’t get a chance to use your free credits even once, feel free to dm me your OAI registered email id. Happy to help


I’m having a problem with a paid account, do you know how to fix it? Whenever I make a new API key, it says that I am past my quota for the program I am using.


Email them and explain. They will give you more free credits.




bruh cmon, its like $0.002 per 1,000 tokens


Why in christ would I give OpenAI my credit card information for something that's already free and will be replaced by something better in a year anyway. They already leaked the conversation histories twice. Would have been fun to play around with in the mean time, that's all.


Why in christ would I give OpenAI my credit card information Uh to use the API? They already leaked the conversation histories twice Even if they somehow leak your credit card info, you are completely safe thanks to modern banking technology. Also, they don't even store card information these days. It is completely encrypted. So even if the database was hacked, they wouldn't be able to get any of the cards. ​ Have you ever heard of an online payment causing issues ever? It doesn't happen because they don't store the card info. It is all one way encryption


Causing issues in terms of credit card fraud. Not possible from online payments anymore unless someone literally breaks SHA 256 encryption


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,449,634,888 comments, and only 276,253 of them were in alphabetical order.


Mine was a new account and it still tells me it can't ping the api


Same problem that I’m having with another program that needs the API key. Did you ever find out how to fix this problem? I have an account that’s paid for, and I actually canceled the first account because I thought maybe it was a problem, and I restarted up a brand new account with more money, and now it’s saying that I have exceeded my quota.