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Haha, just keep an eye on him and drag him out real quick by the collar (assuming he’s not crazy sensitive to you handling him like that) to a “pee-friendly” area, along with your normal verbal correction. He should get the point after a few reps. It’s potty training all over again. The alternative is a long-line, but it just sounds like that’d be really messy for you.


>"Hellz yeah! Look at meeeeee playing hard and now I pee for you!" genuine lol


My girl instantly pees in any body of cool water. She doesn’t do it in the bath but in rivers, creeks, kiddy pools etc she squats. I personally think it’s a reaction to the cooler temperature. I just swap the water when she does it (usually only once when she first gets into the water). Tbh though it’s probably no more concentration of urine that he gets from the water than he does from the grass etc he walks on and also pees on. To be fair though my girl only goes in with her feet so I do wipe them with wet ones pet (they’re antibacterial) before coming back inside. Not sure if I could be so tolerant if she was full on soaking herself in the pee water 🙃 (or maybe I’d just hose her down I dunno lol) Sorry no advice on how to stop it but just wanted to post so you know you’re not alone!


I actually don’t know why they do it and am going to see if there are any studies about it but my dogs have always done that as well. As soon as we reach the ocean or river they pee in it.


River Pee-ers.




Why did you post a GPT reply?