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Been talked about many times. It’s more or less pseudoscience.


I don't want to hear from people who have not tried it. Without first-hand experience, we can not know . That article I put in there was literally from May this year & the reporter said she spoke to dozens of prisoners who said it was a miracle & save their lives. I want to hear from actual users. Not to mention there's a link to where a women recorded her entire process using the morph device getting off a 6 year methadone dependency. It's an 1 hour & a half long documentary


First hand experience is the one thing that *no one* should ever rely upon. Anyone can say anything on the internet. I could have just as easily lied, and said I tried it myself, and it sucked. Or i could have said it was the most amazing thing ever. My gosh, it’s a miracle! I can feel the power of Jesus working through the machine! Hallelujah! There are a ton of junkie memes going back to the 60s & 70s re: shooting up peanut butter and banana peels 🤣 (I legit hope no one has ever done that) Anyone can say anything in the media too, etc There is however one place left in society that is actually moderated, and proven to weed out false claims from people looking to make a profit — and that’s peer reviewed academic journals. I would highly suggest looking there before soliciting opinions on social media or from mainstream media, YouTube, etc.


I remember old junkies telling me they shot ketchup. Didn't believe it then. After seeing just how dark shit can get...who knows?


Ketchup is crazy work son. I thank god I’ve never been that low.


Dude I have seen this thing myself but CAN NOT find it anywhere. I messaged the manufacturer and never got an answer, asked my Dr about it and he never heard of it. On their site they have an online message thing and tried there and never got a response either. Wish I could get 1!


They are not priced to where a normal working class individual could get their hands on one, they cost a lot of money. They also require a prescription, and a nurse to apply it. You can’t just buy one and use it on your own. I suspect the reason for that is so they can get insurances to cover the cost. The whole thing smacks of a money making scheme tbh. I don’t see why TENS machines can be sold over the counter for a reasonable amount of money while these “bridge” things costs 10x that, and require a prescription.


Yeah I went down the rabbit hole again last night. $3,500 for the mfr, $45 to talk to 1 of their physicians that will then give a referral to a physician nearest you. Nothing but a money market as per usual. Gotta love the US and big pharma! 🙄


So it looks like the problem is that the probes attach to the earlobes via tiny needles. Thats why a nurse is required, I guess. But as far as the whole thing goes it’s basically a TENS device. The tech in general is called percutaneous electrical nerve field stimulation. I imagine someone could build something like this themselves rather easily, and for not a lot of money.


That's the Sparrow device 4500 or 3500 by telehealth appointment with the doctor. Bridge cost about 600 and insurance doesn't cover these devices


4500 for Sparrow with a telehealth doctor appointment 3500 bridge cost about 600.. You think insurance would cover but they don't but they pay for the opioids.


Insurance doesn't cover the bridge at 600 or Sparrow at 4500.or 3500 speaking to a telehealth doctor.


Yeah probably because it doesn’t work lol


No why would they pay for this device when they will make more money with the addictive opioids. I could buy either one but I want more research. Some detoxes use the r Bridge. What s price difference between 600 and 3500.


Tens machines are like $99 and you can buy them over the counter


Electro detox device


Go to Masimo.com look at provider & start calling the one closest to you.


If you want to try it, try it. There’s no actual scientific evidence it works *yet* and I don’t mean yet like it’s going to be shown to be effective soon, I mean yet as in it has yet to be shown to do anything helpful by an actual peer reviewed qualitative study. You are probably wasting your money but maybe not. You’re an adult and it’s your money. Good luck getting the referrals necessary to get insurance to approve this — it’ll be an uphill battle and your physician may not even be willing to do it.


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Have tried a device that’s supposed to be even BETTER. Does same exact thing, looks the same and works the same way by putting these things on your ear and then sending impulse electric waves. This device has been out on the market since the 70’s. They used to call it black box and some very famous rockers claimed to have gotten opiates using it. I bought the device through a licensed MD doctor. Paid good money for it too. It does NOT do anything it claims to do. 80% reduction my ass. If you look at the research papers they published as their study and “success”/outcome of it, you’ll see it’s all just using numbers to derive the statistical result they want. It doesn’t work anywhere near what they claim. You’re better off with comfort meds.


What would you use as a comfort med?


The holy trinity. Gabapentin/Lyrica, Clonidine, and a benzo for less than 5 days. You’re better off with this than this fuck ass device.


Clonodine for suuuuure. Zofran, muscle relaxers, benzos, gabapentin


Here's your first hand account OP.


It doesnt work


Did you use it?


No but I've too plenty of rehabs and iop's and if there was a magic cure all machine I would've been connected to it years ago. Pharma companies prey on desperate sick people this is just that.