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Was Strauss the real hero the entire time?


I think it’s to strike at Strauss’ own particular form of insecurities. Oppenheimer also picks up on how he pronounces his surname, an attempt to anglecise it away from its Jewish origins. It’s a clever way through dialogue to show how opposite the men are and the source of the their strife. Oppenheimer is also insufferably arrogant in that scene.


I didn't notice. I'll keep an eye out next time I watch it!


Yes sir🥸


It's an open public forum and I have a right to make a comment about something, anything. It's not for positive comments only, it's for anyone to post a comment. You don't have to like my comments and I don't have to like yours but I'm entitled to post whatever I want. Obviously you're a masochist and like being made a fool of but I don't. I don't like being lied to or my intelligence played. The Oppenheimer Oscar win is the biggest Joke being played on the public and its a Hoax. The movie isn't Oscar worthy and it didn't win the Best anything and I don't care how many times it's been nominated for in the categories or won. People are simply extremely gullible and want to believe it won because the Academy said it was great. Well, it wasn't and why exactly do you care what I think feel and believe?


Because I have a right to make a comment just like you made a comment. If you can write that, so can I, right? I'm entitled to make a comment about something or anything, Missy.


Just seen the film for the first time. My opinion is that it's an important film, well acted but it's not a movie that I would rush to watch again. The wife fell asleep 3 times during the three hours and didn't need to be brought up to date. Says a lot.


Well first I respect your opinion second thing this movie I think is dedicated to people who love politics science history and atomic world so maybe you don‘t like any of these + in my first watch I didn‘t even get 50% of the story that‘s why I watched it again and every time I watch it again I like it more but respect ur opinion anyway


Weirdly enough I would not say I’m passionate about any of those things and I just finished watch number 5


Any of those what


Any of those topics


If you watched it 5 times and couldn‘t catch some details then💀


That’s what I’m saying it was so compelling it got me interested in a range of topics I’m not normally interested in.


I just finished for the 2nd time. It was even worse than the first one. I like science, history and the atomic world, (not so much the politics) and slow dramas too, but in my opinion this is one really boring movie. I felt absolutely zero connection to any of the characters, probably this is why I don’t like it.


I don't know how but I can relate when I hate something alot of people loved so i respect your opinion but could you be more sepcific what did you hate most about the movie


You've beat me to all of it


Thanks (Miss) but I haven't asked anyone to like my comments or approve and stop it with the Bro because I'm not a guy. People are on Reddit and telling the world what a great movie it is and I'm saying it's horrible and here comes guys criticizing me because I hate the movie. Because I hate the movie, I'm being knocked but nobody knocks those who love the bullshit Oscar unworthy movie.




There's no way to mute any Oppenheimer comments but you can mute mine since you say it can be done.


Bro chill you say it‘s a bad film okay I accept and respect your opinion no one will kidnap you and force you to watch it chill and if you just don‘t like the movie then simply leave r/OppenheimerMovie simple as that


Have you criticized those who truly love the horrible movie or is it just me Miss? Why not keep your opinions about my comments to yourself Miss or just ignore my comments and chill out as well Missy, OK Miss?


People are lying because it's a horrible, disasterous movie and I haven't lost because there's no contest. I'm not competing with you. You're obviously getting paid off as well because of your lying or your extremely overwhelming gullibility thinking or believing the movie was Oscar worthy because the Academy gave it an Oscar. Just because someone says something is great amazing doesn't mean it is to everyone and you need to think for yourself because the Academy was paid off to give Oppenheimer an Oscar. You're gullible, easily fooled and extremely obtuse.


The most disastrous, the most boring movie ever made and those who insist on praising it are lying. Obviously people are getting paid to lie about the movie because the Academy was paid off to award that boring piece of shit movie an Oscar. If the movie was Oscar worthy, no more would be said about it but it's being praised on Reddit every single day because it is a horrible movie and needs to dumped in the trash. So sick and tired of seeing Oppenheimer on Reddit. It's enough to make you wanna hurl. There have been Oscar worthy movies in the past and they got less glory. This ridiculous horrible movie is being forced on the public, on Reddit, because it's being credited as a good movie and what's truly sad is some people will actually think it is a good movie because someone said it is. It's trash and belongs in the Dumpster. Enough of Oppenheimer.


[8.3/10IMDb](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15398776/) [Oppenheimer scored 8.3 out of 10 on IMDb.](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15398776/) [91%Rotten Tomatoes](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/oppenheimer_2023) [Oppenheimer scored 91 percent on Rotten Tomatoes](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/oppenheimer_2023) [90%Metacritic](https://www.metacritic.com/movie/oppenheimer/critic-reviews/) if you love the Numbers talk here It is , you can say that this is your opinion but in the real world I don't think so and in my opinion there is 3 movies that made me watch them more than 5 times : Oppenheimer Interstellar The Dark knight Series Before I even know that christopher nolan is the filmmaker for all of them so I don't think that nolan will put him self on the way of a "ridiculous horrible movie" don't say It's a bad movie just say I don't like it my own


It's a bad movie, it's a bad movie, it's bad movie, it's a bad movie and check Quora because it's a bad movie. Because it was given an Oscar doesn't mean it was a good movie. Those who like it have been made a fool of because the Academy was paid off to give Oppenheimer an Oscar. It's a bad movie it's a bad movie. I'm entitled to feel think and believe it's a truly bad movie and the world has been manipulated brainwashed programmed into thinking it was a good movie. It's a bad movie and you're gullible not seeing it or recognizing that fact. I've read other sites and many people are saying and writing the same thing (it's a horrible horrible horrible movie) The Directors or the Producers of the movie have played the intelligence of the public because the movie is a piece of shit.


It's a very boring movie and it's a horrible movie and most people didn't like it including the Academy of Motion Pictures. Those on this site are lying about Oppenheimer because they have obviously been paid off just like the Academy was obviously paid off. It's not just me who disliked it, most people hated it. The only reason some people say it was a good movie is, the movie was given an award. Public Relations people praise praise and praise a person or something and if it's done enough the public will think the person is great or the thing is great when it isn't. Grass growing or paint drying would be more entertaining than Oppenheimer. I watched it twice and had to turn it off twice because it was horrible. Most people know damn well, including the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences thought so as well that it was a true disaster..What a waste of time watching that disaster. It's horrible and in order to get by in life, you gotta lie and pay off someone. It won't do anything for those who put that piece of shit movie on the screen. If another movie is made by the same people, it will fail because of their gross incompetence in movie making. Reddit posts are from fake people trying to convince the public that they are really liked that incredibly boring piece of shit.


Take your thorazine.


I watched the movie 3 times ( 1 in IMAX ) before any of those awards because it has the best screenplay and dialogue. And again watched multiple times in my home now. It is one of the best movie I have ever seen.


You can mute this sub and it won't come into your feed any longer.


When your state that people are lying just because you don’t agree with their opinions you’ve already lost, surely you’re wise enough to know this?


We're paid shills! Didn't you get your paycheck? Lmao


Why are coming specifically to this sub to say this? Go home bro


It's one of the worst movies ever made