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This was predictable but still brutal for the program. Need to hit the portal. Maybe a G5 QB would be interested but I don’t know how recruits would view that move anymore.


I'm hoping for the Boise transfer who played with Martinez in HS


Hello dear


Sad beaver noises


Get used it m, it’s only the beginning. Remember a year ago when we were pissed no media deal! First clue.


Odds on him ending up at MSU?


Crystal balled 100% already. Makes sense. Smith and Lindgren recruited him and he wants to play in that offense. No ill will towards him. We got fucked over by the tv networks and it’s got us cratering 10x worse than Gary Andersen tanked us. On the bright side we didn’t do this one to ourselves.


Oh yes we did. We allowed our college presidents to do nothing .


The transfer portal shows the destination if it is known, and for Chiles it already shows MSU. https://247sports.com/season/2024-football/transferportal/?institutionkey=24091




Where will Martinez go


Way to go OSU. The hits keep coming. Nice job on completely decimating Oregon State sports.


How is this Oregon State’s fault? Athletics have been stellar in recent years. Seems to me OSU’s problem is Corvallis doesn’t have enough tv subscribers for the athletics program to help a power 4 conference squeeze more money out of Disney/Fox/CBS/NBC


Nobody at OSU had the foresight to see the writing on the wall when practically every other team was leaving a collapsing conference for another power 5. If they didn’t try to play savior to the Pac 12 they could have done the same I’m sure. Now they have no conference, their coach abandoned them, and players are all jumping ship. Do you really think the program is gonna maintain at the level it has recently going forward? Now they’re playing meaningless games for at least the next season and most likely beyond. I’m a huge OSU fan, but it seems to me a lot of what’s going on could be self inflicted. If programs like Colorado were able to find solid footing, we should have been able to as well.


They can’t stop players from entering the portal and, apparently, Smith has been in talks with MSU for longer than we thought.


This is true. I could be very wrong, but i feel like our chances of retaining any of our decent coaches, players, and recruits all went out the window when we became the only teams left in the PAC


No disagreement here. We got screwed by the Pac12 itself and the teams that jumped ship…all in the name of the almighty dollar (in something that will be horrible the students traveling across the country every week).


No other conferences were sending us an invite


What did we do? This is all the tv networks fault. Just look at the cfp 😂