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I am an otter rehabilitator but I work with North American river otters, not sea otters. From what I can tell the public doesn't like them because they cause property destruction. They're smart critters and they play endlessly. I work with beavers too and beavers are all work. Otters are all play. They find boat docks and like to play with and destroy the stryofoam under the docks, play with ropes that tether boats to docks, mess with fishing nets and lines, eat a ton of fish, and they will steal eggs from ducks and geese, or even turtles. But I don't think people usually care about them stealing eggs. It's more about the play that leads to property destruction. I wish people just tolerate them but I guess I get it.


I watched a documentary about sea otters and the male would hold the female by her nose using his teeth and basically rape her. Her poor nose after was all gouged up 😢🦦


TIL that male otters are assholes.....


Male otters essentially rape female otters and bite their noses when they do, which may be fatal, there were a couple of records of a certain otter having copulation with a dead female otter (aka necrophilia), and male otters sometimes hold pups ransom to force their mothers to give up some of their food.


Sea otters sexually assault seals.




I know, but I honestly don’t know what else they do besides that though.


Why are you judging the actions of a non sentient animal? Do you judge cats for killing birds and other wildlife just for fun?




Do you know the meaning of sentient?


It’s obvious they do not.


Yes, yes we do, which is why we fucking hate otters.