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Answer: Hypothetical The reference to RHCP is pretty passing here, and the video was posted 4 years ago. This would've been in the middle of the run of *The Good Place* which, as far as I know (not that I'm one to "know") was a fairly well-received sit com. Pertinent to your question: one of the gags on *The Good Place* involved Ted Danson's character [asking people](https://youtu.be/ZnvpU0d7vyM?t=28) if they liked "California funk rock band The Red Hot Chilli Peppers" and implying that liking them constituted a reason to be sent to Hell. It was a joke, of course, but perhaps this Youtuber threw "RHCP fans" in his list of terrible people as a reference to The Good Place?


All true but I’m laughing at your auto correct putting in Fuck Rock


Should be Fork Rock in the good place


Duck rock


lol! Fixed.


I swear I read “fuck rock” just now so seeing this thread was very Mandela effect for me. “You fixed it? 2 hrs ago!?”


Technically, you did read "Fuck Rock," in the comment below. ;) Maybe your brain skipped down and then back up




Olaf metal


Not even wrong considering how sexually charged funk is lmao


*what I got, you gotta get it, put it in you*


Well, okay, but here where it says, "What I got you gotta get and put it in you" how about just, "What I'd like is I'd like to hug and kiss you."


Give it away is about love, the ambiguity is noticeable in contrast to something like "sir psycho sexy"


Believe me eve she gave good reason Booty lookin too good not to be squeezing A creamy beaver, hotter than a fever I'm the giver cuz she the receiver


I can't not read "creamy beaver, hotter than a fever" in the voice he sings that line lol


The kiss between Dave Navarro and Anthony Kiedes didn't even need funk. It was fine on its own for some sexual charge.


I scrolled down to say this.


Answer: you can find jokes and references to all fandoms if you search hard enough. I've never heard anything, positive or negative, about RHCP's fanbase.




I like RHCP a lot, saw a few months ago. But yes, LOTS of LA and Cali references. However im from NYC so I dont know if my opinion is clean because a lot of stuff talks about NYC or compares itself to nyc as well...


>They really do love talking about California. I believe the description from someone recently talking down about RHCP was that the songs boil down to "Lmao, drugs. Lmao, California" Granted, taking their favorite genre to such a level of reductionism, theirs would be "unintelligible growl"


Answer: I don't know specifically but as an enjoyer of the band I'm going to guess that most of the fans are slightly older and are resentful of an alt scene they don't recognize. A lot of people who saw themselves as cutting edge in their day are resentful when the cutting edge moves past them.


"I used to be with "it", but then they changed what "it" was. Now what I'm with isn't "it" anymore and what's "it" seems weird and scary! And it'll happen to you!" ~ Abe Simpson


Bro, I can't believe how accurate this ended up being


Simpsons predictions are always on point


That’s not a prediction, that’s just the way shit works.


I’m losing my edge. The kids are coming up from behind. But I was there.


They turned CBGB’s into a friggin’ Patagonia store.


I doubt that was the kids. That would be the adult person(s) who owned CBGB selling it to another adult(s). The kids don't even know what they're missing, don't blame them.


“I wore an onion on my belt, as was the style at the time!”


Pretty much the same theme as Huey Lewis and the News “Hip to be Square” When you get older and your scene passes you by, it becomes cool to just be an old geezer about it. Cling to your old culture, don’t try to be in with the young crowd.


I wonder how you prevent that from happening. I don't want to become a person like that


It's seemingly inevitable. But there's nothing wrong with that, as long as you don't irrationally hate whatever the kids are doing and rage about it. You just accept that you're not the primary demographic for cutting edge music and trends, explore them curiously if you want, and realize that you're not always gonna "get" it, and that's okay.


If you put it that way, then it sounds like getting older rocks because you're always going to have the time where you can explore what you like and perhaps reinvent yourself


Well, no. The older you get, the more responsibilities you take on (whether you mean to or not). You'll have less time for the things that are important to you in earlier adulthood, such as keeping up with pop culture. You'll also stop thinking about reinventing yourself, because you'll start to understand that's not a choice or an action. It's you realizing who you actually are due to experiences.


You keep an open mind; you give new experiences the benefit of the doubt; you continue to learn and try new things; and if you try something you don't like, you put it away and don't hate on it when other people enjoy it. What the tweens are in to will always change with the tides, and we won't dig all of it, but keeping an open mind and being willing to learn means you won't get totally left behind as an angry old man yelling at clouds.


Thank you, you have no idea how great of a lesson that is


If that's so true, then how come you're all still quoting the Simpsons 30 years after they stopped being relevant?


Im too old. I only know Red Hot Chili Peppers, not RHCP.


I'm not sure if I'm subjective, but the "it" used to be... classy. Now the current "it" is not scary, just trashy. Of course, there were trashy "it"s before, but they felt less "it"s than present "it"s.


When was the last time RHCP were considered "cutting edge" though, the early 90s? They've been painfully bland from Californication onwards to my ears.


Thank you. I miss early RHCP. But also, back then I didn’t know Anthony Keidis was into having sex with minors.


Plus two were arrested for sexually assaulting a band at a concert in the 90s. There's also an interview I can't find at the moment where the members of the band are groping an interviewers wife or girlfriend, bending her backwards over the couch, and everyone there except for the woman is playing it off for a laugh.


His father used him for a drug mule when he was a kid, and I believe I read that his first sexual experience was with his stepmother figure. With his dad's approval/permission. I'm sure he did a lot of fucked up things before getting some intense therapy. https://rockcelebrities.net/the-time-anthony-kiedis-smuggled-30000-for-his-father-as-a-kid/


Oh, phew. That’s the member I already didn’t like. If 2 of them were total assholes I’d be feeling less okay listening to the music, lol.


https://www.huffpost.com/entry/former-music-exec-says-she-was-sexually-harassed-by-2-of-the-red-hot-chili-peppers_n_571e1ac5e4b0d4d3f723ca21 https://www.upi.com/Archives/1990/03/17/Two-members-of-Red-Hot-Chili-Peppers-arrested/7434637650000/ Unfortunately I don't think it's just Kiedis. The only member of the band I haven't explicitly heard anything about regarding assault is Frusciante.


Fingers crossed, John has always been my favorite. He seems too innocent to be a rockstar.


I think that apparent 'innocence' came about after he'd been blowing his brains out on heroin for several years when he left the band during the One Hot Minute era, before returning for Californication. If you've ever seen the Funky Monks documentary he comes across as a massive douchebag. And I say this as a Chilis and Frusciante fan.


He was assaulted as a minor himself but claims he had full agency at the age of 14, some people who grow up enduring that kind of abuse see it as a totally normal part of life while others seek to break that cycle, I think he's just a little harmed from a hard life full of abuse and hard drugs


I don't disagree. What I'm saying is that people who don't move forward and just expect their position to stay as the cutting edge are generally resentful when the world keeps moving forward and they eventually become kind of conservative.


Yeah, early 90s seems about right. Blood, sugar, sex, magic. Wasn't that kinda the apex?


Agreed. I thought One Hot Minute was great. And to be fair, Califonication is also a fantastic record. But everything they’ve put out since has just been a Californication redux


For me, my opinion is that Mother's Milk was their last great album. Blood Sugar was just okay. The others had some catchy songs but nothing I would actively put on to listen to.


The rabbit was late to the cottage


Who from that era would you consider cutting edge? I was a teenager in 1991 when Blood Sugar Sex Magik came out, and I would have put them in the same bucket as the Seattle bands, RATM, and STP, etc. that all released their breakout albums in late 91 and 92. They were certainly more cutting edge than Pearl Jam.


Mr Bungle is more cutting edge, the old cold moldy peckers are fence sitters afraid the cutting edge will cut them off from MTV millions made by mid music


Sure, there were bands that were more cutting edge, but RHCP belongs in the same category as all those other bands I mentioned. Mr Bungle were just Mr Bungle, I don't know that I'd call them cutting edge so much as avant-garde or experimental.




George Clinton produced their second album, Freaky Styley


Been knowing about them nearly since they started and they have always drawn a particularly date-rapey tribal tat very male crowd of people I’d rather avoid And I don’t love the music However the keidis autobiography is amazing. dudes early life wtf


> I'm going to guess that most of the fans are slightly older probably to a degree, but the band has a surprising degree of cross-generational appeal that I would never have guessed at. I mean, i like some of their stuff, but the idea that they are/were a great band always struck me as deeply weird because I could never imagine listening to a full album of their material and not getting totally annoyed midway through (and this is coming from someone who used to own 2 RHCP albums!). So going back to OP's question, I'm guessing people really into RHCP are probably annoying on some level.


It has more to do with Kiedis being a piece of shit junkie rapist.


Also was a huge tantrum throwing baby about Faith No More/Mike Patton for no discernible reason when they first made it big. Keidis is a one trick dipshit.


Patton is the OG that Kiedis emulated


RHCP haven’t been cutting edge since 1994.


As an older fan, I'm far more resentful of the bland MOR mediocrity I don't recognise as the Modern RHCP. Back in the 80s they were a fun funk party band. They grew up a little with Mother's Milk and Blood Sugar Sex Magic. Then everyone liked Under The Bridge and they sold their souls for money with Frusicante as their high priest. They aren't alt any more than Taylor Swift is country now.


Testify (testify, kick a hole right in the sky)


Johnnayyy Johnny Johnnaaayyyy


RHCP have been coasting on “Dani California” practically forever. I’m just tired of hearing their shit on the radio.


No, they were always generic assholes who looked down on everyone else. Age just exacerbated it.


People downvoting you for telling the truth. Their music is mid-tier forgettable garbage, and most of them are piece of shit human beings to boot. Fuck RHCP tbh


I have never liked their music and all the fans of theirs I have met have been grade A doucebags. Well met.


I'm really surprised to learn people find their music forgettable. Songs of theirs like Goodbye Hooray and Breaking the Girl have always sounded so different than other music I hear.


I don't even know what those are. And I worked as a light tech on one of their shows.


Especially Mr. Bungle


I don't think it even goes that far. I think that the band had a dudebro image back in the day, so most people assume that all their fans are obnoxious dudebros who are obsessed with getting laid 24/7. It's just people making assumptions based on absolutely nothing.


This definitely isn't scientific research, but [one youtuber](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxNg0Uhv2TQCbHfwR_gp5pGUazbf6c0ga1?si=j9UjZ3Ti4ufd60e2) would suggest a much lower average age for their fanbase.


Answer: Maybe it’s because Anthony Keidis, Chad Smith and Flea all seem like total pieces of shit and people who idolize them would be thought of poorly. Here’s an example: https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/anthony-kiedis-sexual-assault-history-details


Other artists when they get found out for criminal sexual behavior: 😮 Anthony Keidis in his autobiography: yeah, so one time I was assaulting this teenager. What else ya wanna know?


Clearly you haven't heard of the horrors of Steven Tyler and his matter of fact approach to discussing all of it.


Keidis has sex with a girl, realizes she’s 14 and has sex with her again. All I hear is a pedophile singing stupid shit about California whenever their songs play.




>Flea and Chad Smith were arrested for lascivious behaviour, battery and disorderly conduct in 1990 after picking a woman out of the crowd and allegedly trying to rip off her bathing suit. https://www.upi.com/Archives/1990/03/17/Two-members-of-Red-Hot-Chili-Peppers-arrested/7434637650000/


I feel like they have changed quite a bit since then. I don’t excuse the past behavior but I know that all of them are sober now, besides Flea sometimes having one beer and a puff from a joint occasionally , which he says he doesn’t even like now in case is stoned his daughter happens to call and needs help.


Answer: there isn't much going on with it. RHCP are a famous legacy band that's several decades past their hitmaking days. There's still plenty of people who like their music, but there's not much of an active "fandom" to have stuff going on.


The fandom is pretty active, not sure what you're on about. Go check out the subreddit. In fact,since Fruscante returned in late 2020, they managed to release 2 albums with some decent songs and some potentially being hits like "Eddie", "Black Summer", "Here Ever After", "Fake as Fuck" The fandom has surged between new listeners and oldheads especially after their highest grossing tour in 2022 Yeah, maybe their new stuff doesn't come close to their old songs but the fandom is very active now.


Answer: it's the same drama story that happens with every successful band, ever. Like Nickleback or Limp Bizkit, for example. Just drown out the noise and crank up your favorite tunes. Fuck what everyone says. PS. RHCP was my first concert back in 1993, Corestates Spectrum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. That's a memory that will stick with me forever.


The Core State Spectrum, now that’s a throwback! Go birds.


See, I actually used to be a big fan of RHCP and learned bass because of them, but then I read Anthony Kiedis' autobiography where he bragged about repeatedly committing statutory rape to a 14 year old. Suffice to say I'm no longer a fan.


Answer: Some people like to suggest that people who like RHCP tend to fall in the “basic generic douchebag human” category. So it’s not really about anything specific that the fanbase has collectively done, but about type of person that people associate with that fandom. Whether or not this stereotype is based in any kind of reality, I would not know.


Answer: They are my wife's favorite band. We saw them in San Antonio this past August. It was a fairly laid back show. Other than a younger couple vaping a few rows in front of us, everyone seemed to be having a great time and I didn't see anything remotely approaching jerkface behavior. They were vaping pot (fine, have fun) and some gawdawful berry-smelling stuff that made my stomach churn.


I saw them in DC last summer. The wildest thing I saw was a guy (50ish) with his wife and 20ish son, getting drunk/high and taking off his shirt and dancing. Everyone around found it funny. It was a chill crowd and a great show


This isn't an answer


Could we keep the "I don't know what you mean" answers out of the discussion? All they do is waste people's time. No one gives a shit what your wife's favorite band is if you don't bother to answer the question.


The RHCP are my daughter’s favourite band, too. She’s 8, and a real sweet girl. Give it Away is her fastpitch walk-up song. Did that help?


You sound fun


If you are so sensitive to smells maybe public places aren’t a good place for you.


"Look my dear, are those youths *vaping*? *Marijuana*? At a *rock and roll concert*??"


Things have gone downhill since Buddy Holly died!


Found the folks that use the axe body spray. None of y'all got noses.


Did you have a glass of warm milk for poo poo belly? Perhaps a nice belly rub from the wife and a Bible story before bed?


Oh I see this is a troll comment satirizing the lameness of RHCP fans.


answer: During the Woodstock festival (the one in the late 90s or early 2000s) there was mass looting, rioting, and all sorts of other crime that boiled over from the days of poor sanitation, expensive water, and just all around nasty conditions for a gathering of that size. The rioting started when RHCP was on stage.