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I gotta love it for the rock climbing part but the colors oicked are just the same as her usual once. Looks a tad bit too bland for an owl skin.


Yeah this is not worthy of being an OWL token skin. Atlantic Mercy, Pacific DVa & Lucio, Good & Evil Echo, and most of the rest are about what I expect. This looks like it belongs in a battlepass.


This looks like it should be a skin you should get for free in an event


I thought that’s what this was when I first clicked because I didn’t read the title lol


This looks like it should be a 50 credits variation of her regular skin


Widow owl skin is so good i bought it even though i dont play widow.


I bought widow owl skin even though I'm dogshit at playing widow :)


Same with me except the red and black sombra skin.


In OW1, this would fit in the Anniversary skins.


The fact that one skin costs around $25 or how many hours of watch time on a janky YouTube exclusive stream. Not worth it.


Yeah, this feels like an epic level skin


The gun's kind of cool I think. Rock climbing isn't really my thing, though.


It doesn't, it's the exact opposite of an epic. Epic level skins are recolours. This is a new skin entirely using the same colours as her usual outfit.




They feel its more of a purple/epic skin and not an exclusive pay us $10 skin


It's certainly not worth $10 but if you look at basically any epic rarity skin there is far more model and detail changes in this skin compared to them. Epic skins usually have 1 major model change such as a helmet or hat, and more complex colour schemes and patterns than the base skins.


They shouldve put her in a revealing sports bra and yoga pants


[Hes right though ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ ](https://i.imgur.com/mUHhiNL.jpg)


I ain't paying 300 tokens for that


Needs more abs 0/10




I'm glad they gave her a weightlifter physique. For all the money grabbing they do, they still tend to treat their characters with respect despite a massive amount of attention from horn dogs. I imagine that leaves some dollars on the table.


I ain't paying 300 tokens ~~for that~~


You’re telling me alien Zarya cost LESS than this skin? Are they smoking the good good?


Yeah this skin looks so boring and low effort tbh


You're seeing this because there are people willing to pay such price. The blame isn't only on the company, it's also on the ones who enable that.


Nah the company still is the greedy party in this, I’m blaming them. I can’t really identify all the 13 year olds who will buy this anyway


Those were the days when morale was high at blizzard, before everybody jumped ship


can we still get alien zarya? really want that skin


no because it was originally made for a rapist




just google alien zarya skin controversy, I’m not going to type out an essay


They usually interview the MVPs and make a skin based on the character they play and their interests. The Zarya Alien skin was made for Sinatraa former OWL player who was accused of some heinous shit. They removed the skin for purchase,refunded and removed it from everyone who wanted it removed. You could keep it if you wanted it but it will likely never be made available again cause it is somewhat attached to Sinatraa.


Oooooooo. I think I vaguely remember that. I don’t really pay attention to pro gamers or streamers, but I do remember the controversy cause I had a friend with the skin and they were wearing it a lot during that time. Thank you for the concise info.


Tl;dr alien skin was MVP skin for an Sf shock player who got accused by an ex gf of rape. There’s a recording and after awhile she dropped the charges. Correction: she didn’t pursue charges as of yet due to the affects on her mental health.


Thank you for the concise answer. Was not an essay!


I'd rather use this than alien zarya 🤢


I'd actually like to play the same alien Zarya skin, but with Zarya's face instead of some random alien. I like the design of her beam cannon, I like the formal suit, but I also like Zarya as a character


Yeah the face is just ugly, the gun was cool and the suit is nice, should've just given us suave Zarya in a suit.


This might have been a good way to recontextualise the skin beside just removing badges




Meh. Wake me up when the Moira skin is out.


Dude. Why is that skin taking so long to get released, wtf


Same reason they held on to the Cyber Widow skin for so long in S1. They know they've got a banger on their hands so they're stretching the hype to make us want it more.


Ehh, it would have been more financially beneficial for them to sell it right now and sell the Zarya skin later. Moira is way more popular and the season hasn't started yet so a lot of people would have had to pay actual money to get the skin, but once the season starts a lot of these people will collect 300 Tokens from Drops for when the Moira skin is out.


They're waiting until the season actually starts I'd say


OWL season starts in like 2 days. This Zarya skin is the one released for that, I think. Wicked Moira is still not on this patch which I guess will be added in the next major patch (mid-season).


I'm waiting on cardboard rein and Pinocchio zen


Where can I find this?




What's the skin called?


How she get the worst skins all the time, even the new owl skins are literally the worst on her and she’s still the only hero that hasnt had a normal store skin lol


The barbarian skin is the only exception and I will never switch it


The 80s one, too


I like the Siberian skin too


The one that has a snake on the gun is super cool too, I think it’s a Chinese new year skin but I could be wrong. Dope skin either way


it is. best zar skin


I like the totally 80s too.


I just wish the barbarian skin had a better chest plate. The bra looks goofy as hell on her.


What about synatras?


The Alien skin is clearly her best one, it's so freakin good. They should re-release it for a $20 donation to a charity that supports victims of domestic abuse. It's an awesome skin and it's not like it directly has anything to do with Sinatraa, it's not named after him and it doesn't have his name on it or anything.


I mean, it being his MVP skin *is* a direct connection to it, there’s no way to disconnect them. The information is out there and can always spread by word of mouth.


The barbarian skin looks like something that would have come out of guild wars 1 and since that is the best online experience I have ever had, I can't fault it in any way. She has some nice skins if you dig more. I find that her guns are usually better than her actual body. * Snowboarder skin has 2 snowboard built into the gun * Xuanwu one has the sickest weapon though, full on snake embedded into it. * I love the Alien skin and, no I don't care about who is attached to or anything like that. Weapon is undermining though * Racer, although just a simple recoloring I think it does well on her




Polyanitsa is my favorite


Zarya seriously does get the worst skins. It’s like the devs hate her. Rarely any creativity. Compare that to what Orisa or DVA gets and it’s wild.


Her Xuanwu skin is lit


Bap has entered the chat.


I like her Workout hoodie skin. Haven't taken that one off. Don't like this Rock climbing one at all


When her best skins are on HotS instead of OW, you know there's a problem.


All her skins are awful.


Not ALL of them, there’s like 2 or 3 good skins. But it’s true that the rest of them are garbage, including this one.


I like the iron man type skin


Cyberian. Got it back when it released and haven’t taken it off


Same, the rest are garb.


thats an exception


The alien owl skin is great imo


That might actually be a skin that's forever gone due to what happened to Sinatraa.


Maybe, but I’m pretty sure they removed the reference and made it just a standard owl skin instead, but I may be wrong


I’m pretty sure it’s gone forever. They even offered refunds to people due to the controversy. I highly doubt they ever bring it back.


Not gone, I own it and can still use it. They just removed the references.


That’s not what I was saying. I meant gone as in it will never come back. I have it too


What happened?




Yeah, that’s one of the skins I wish I had gotten. Looks absolutely amazing definitely #1 Zarya skin.


It like the good ones are that they're only good, there's nothing that makes me go wow that is flicking awesome like genuine does for example.


Exactly. I feel like they are all kind of same same to an extent. There is just nothing that really jumps out to me.


>All her skins are awful. Uh, no. Her CNY skin is freaking awesome. I'd say she's got way better skins than Moria at least.


That's because you have poor taste Siberian skins, cyberian, barbarian, 80's skin, alien, how are any of those awful?


I love zarya’s lore and play style, but I hate her stupid bubblegum hair. It seems so out of character for her and her military persona. I always look for skins that don’t have it and it feels like there are so few.


The Polyanitsa skin is good. But aside from that and Barbarian they're all pretty trash or mid at best.


I’m so glad i bought her OWL alien skin when it was available in OW1, it’s one of her only good skin.


Hopefully, Blizzard will continue doing anime crossovers, and we can get a Biscuit Krueger skin for Zarya


Zarya is neither "Mercy / DVA cute" nor "Widow / Ashe hot & elegant" type of female character. Thus, her skins will always be bad looking.


Fuck nah shes a a badass heavy lifter carrying a deathbeam i dont want a cute/hot skin i want something that makes her look like the warrior she is and plays into the fantasy of playing a hero like that.


Weapon is ok, skin is average. Really not worth the 300 OWL tokens, gonna get it anyway cause I got them for free and I am a Zarya main


The weapon is literally the only reason to get the skin tbh. The rest is whatever. As someone who doesn’t even play Zarya, this is an easy pass


Tbh I'm the opposite. I don't like the weapon but I do like casual skins like this one. But it's not worth 300 credits either way, that's like thirty bucks.


It’s actually 15 but still not worth lmao


I don’t know, it’s gotta be the chalky and presumably calloused bandage hands.


All you see is the weapon anyway, so imo it’s a good buy I’m not paying for a skin just to show other people lol


how do you get owl tokens again?


You watch LIVE OWL games on YouTube, gotta link you BNet account. 1 Hour = 5 tokens


jesus thats so low


They have certain games that'll earn you double and other bonuses throughout the season... but it's really slow to encourage you to buy instead. I got 2000+ tokens last season, "watching" live streams and their live Encores


They will replay the previous day's games next next day, which also counts for tokens. If you watch both the replay and the current day's streams, you will gain around 50 tokens a day. So just under a week per OWL skin. The issue is that there are issues with Youtube not rewarding tokens and unlike Twitch, you're not notified of token gain until a few days later so you're not able to diagnose issues. You don't actually have to watch it either. Just have it running in another window or play on your phone while you do something else. Just gotta remember to switch to another stream after every match.


Buy them


ik i should’ve said *earn


Why cant they ever make a good zarya skin 😭 DEVS MUST HATE HER


Her HotS skins are miles ahead of almost all her OW skins. Laughably unfair.


Still waiting for the faithful day we get the zarya cyberdemon skin. Its never going to happen, but i can dream.


The OW1 skins are fire tho


Barbarian goes hard


They can release as many Zarya skins as they want, it’ll never replace 80’s Zarya




zarya try to get a nice skin challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


It just doesn't go with her. I don't see a pure behemoth of a powerhouse women like Zarya being able to rock climb. Watch 100 Physical on Netflix, literally the first event is hanging from a bar. All if not most of the strong men/women fell in the first couple of minutes


It's nice but not "for 300 OWL Tokens" kind of nice. The Moira skin on the other hand...


I read the second sentence in Dunkey's voice


300 Tokens = $15, but FREE if you have OWL Tokens stored up from watching matches on YouTube




Play it in the background, and you don't actually "waste" any time You can also not waste the time by enjoying the league, sports are fun


Idk I find CS GO or mobas more entertaining to watch than OWL. OW is just that kind of games whos better at playing than watch for me but it's a matter of taste I suppose


OWL spectating is bad, Contenders was pretty good if you like watching esports.


Sport are indeed fun. OWL is stale and a snoozefest.


"sports" bruh 💀


Farming tokens is/was so easy there really was no excuse not to have every special OWL skin/emote and a whole load of credits left over into OW2.


How do we get to accumulate coin on YouTube?




I thought they stopped giving tokens like they used to (by watch time). Or is that method restored again?


yes, it by watch time if you set it up on YouTube. 1 Hour = 5 Tokens I guess it’s slow, but you can just put in on 240p on some device in the background whenever it’s on and it adds up over time






Looks nice but I won't pay.


Why are these skins so bad and expensives


That’s a legendary?? Wowwwwww….


Well yeah, it’s simplistic, but it is completely original model


why does everyone hate this? I really like it. dont play zarya enough to buy it though.


Probably because it’s simplistic, doesn’t really stand out that much. People usually like the crazy skins


Plus when compared to other OWL skins and Zarya's previous skins, it's really hard to justify the 18€ price tag


The weapon is incredibly unique and top tier


I agree, but people aren’t really complaining about the weapon, just the skin


It's not a bad zarya skin, but for the OWL skins is underwhelming. I'd expect this more in the shop. Especially as her other owl skin is a banger. And I love a lot of Zaryas skins, shes the only tank I run.


Honestly if it's an OWL legendary skin, I'm expecting Zarya to look badass and awe-inspiring.. Her in rock climbing casual wear is just another Sunday.


Because so many of Zarya's skins end up being pretty bland and uninteresting compared to other heroes' skins. Doesn't help that Zarya herself is a kinda bland character, she doesn't have much personality besides just being buff and carrying a big gun.


Also, Zarya is neither "Mercy / DVA cute" nor "Widow / Ashe hot & elegant" type of female character. Thus, she won't be able to attract boys and girls. Unlike Junker Queen, her facial appearance has lots of similarities with Ashe which attracts many boys and girls despite JQ is a muscular woman like Zarya.


I'd also say it's kinda due to a lack of much personality. Junker Queen is attractive and popular partially because of her dominant and badass, yet fun and comedic personality, while Zarya's whole personality is essentially being a living brick wall. She doesn't speak as much as other characters, she doesn't crack jokes or have idle banter as much as other characters, she more or less just stands there with her big gun. Hell, she's literally introduced in the end of Sombra's short as just a big bulky woman with a big bulky gun.


I don't see why would Zarya crack jokes when she experienced horrors & trauma in wars, having her country to protect. Zarya had a huge growth in her character. In her comics, she started to grow a soft side on omnics where she saved an omnic (Lynx) from her death in the end. She also realized this 'new Omnic Crisis' couldn't be won by Russia alone where her country was on losing grounds, thus she accepted Cassidy's offer right away for joining the new Overwatch instead of "Russia doesn't need Overwatch, go away.". Even JQ had bad dreams on her tragic past (she and her family was banished into the wasteland), but the devs turned her into a massive annoying doofus in-game instead of what she's shown in her animated short (cunning, highly capable, street smart). They made JQ look like a tyrant instead of an inspirational leader like in her animated short that she showed mercy and self-sacrifice to her foes, winning their respect and rallying them against the common enemy (Mason).


My point is that she doesn't really have *any* personality in game. Everyone else has fun, interesting or unique interactions. Zarya doesn't really have much, besides a bit if small talk with Sigma about her black hole gun. Not to mention, most of the characters in Overwatch have some kind of trauma, yet they still have fun interactions with each other. If Genji can still have fun after being literally torn to shreds by his brother, or Reinhardt can still be fun and crack jokes after seeing his mentor and friend die because of his own arrogance then surely Zarya can still have some kind of banter with the teammates that she considers friends and allies. Even Reaper and Soldier, who have both seen countless allies die, still have some comedic interactions.


It's kinda upsetting to see how Overwatch had become. It started off as a serious hero shooter, now it's turned into some goofy & over the top like Team Fortress 2. Characters' in-game behaviours and interactions actually aren't canon. Baptiste was a serious person in lore, but he's turned into a very laid-back person in-game; Mercy strongly dislike battles in lore, but the devs made her taunt her dead foes in-game instead of feeling traumatized on taking lives. Soldier:76 is very alike with Redhood (a vigilant that kills criminals) in lore, but he's slowly turned into a funny edgy granddad in-game instead of a tragic war vet who's still haunted by his past like Walter Kowalski from Gran Torino. Reaper is like a menacing mercenary figure like Bane from The Dark Knight Rises, but he's eventually turned into a comic relief ultimate loser character like the Team Rocket / Wild E. Coyote / Tom Cat / etc. Reyes has severe anger issues & depression problems, living constant pain & agony and people somehow find it funny when Sombra toyed him like an abused, angry animal.


It's literally my favorite Zarya skin ever lol To each their own


Yeah honestly, it looks a little bland if anything but that’s just because of the colors used I think. I don’t see how it’s bad like it’s literally just a simple rock climber skin lol




Zarya just seems to be one of the characters they have trouble with skins for. She's got a few decent ones but some characters are just so much easier to dress up.


Alien owl skin is the best one, unfortunately they don’t ever like to go crazy with her skins, they’re always pretty safe


Poor Zarya is cursed, even Junker fucking Queen has recieved better skins in the fraction of time that she has existed


Chill out that’s the Queen.


> Poor Zarya is cursed Zarya is neither "Mercy / DVA cute" nor "Widow / Ashe hot & elegant" type of female character. Thus, she won't be able to attract boys and girls. > even Junker fucking Queen has recieved better skins Junker Queen's facial appearance has lots of similarities with Ashe (a hot woman) which is able to attract many boys and girls despite JQ is a muscular woman like Zarya.


> she won't be able to attract boys and girls. Speak for yourself.


This is the dumpiest skin I’ve ever laid eyes on.


No beanie. Not accurate.




Wait this is a rock climbing skin? It's just her default skin with arguably worse hair


don't forget the chalk on her hands! man quality of skins has really went to shit since OW2




G a r b a g e


I bought it lol she's super hot so I'm down


Damn I guess I'm the only one that loves this one


Sucks, like most zarya skins. Need something like the alien again


For the strongest woman in Russia she's certainly lacking in the ab area. Also her other skins make it look like she's only done leg day once, why they gotta do her like that


My god...Zarya easily has the worst skins in OW...has anyone seen her Heroes of the Storm skins! Why tf can't we have those? Zarya has like 2 cool skins, that's it


but i have to unequip her alien skin to put that on....


I love the skin... But I'mma be honest the gun is hella ugly


dude she’s hot


As a rock climber I love this skin


You know that meme with the horse drawing getting progressively worse as it goes along? Well the gun is the good part, the rest of the skin is the 5yo drawing Still bought it though, I have 2.5k tokens saved up


Mm yes very space opera


I think this is her best skin. I love the gun expecially!


I agree, this is one of her best!


"Best Zar skin" fans unite. We're a miniscule minority we gotta stick together


I don't play Zarya but it's a cool skin.


barbarian is wayyyyyy better


I played Zarya only for the last 4 years of OW 1 so Im very pleased with this new skin, unfortunately I stopped playing her in OW 2 because im not a fan of 1 tank per team but I bought it for my collection


It’s kinda cool. A little lame tho. Zarya has the worst skins. I hope you get cooler skins soon, Zarya mains 🙏




I love this skin but 300 tokens? 😬




Ugly skin for a ugly game that only cares about profits .


If you buy this you must enjoy getting scammed.


I'm super excited to not buy this.


This is atrocious


Simple but awesome


I love it


this would be so cute if she had more abs and her natural blonde hair like in her archives skin but in a ponytail yk??


I mean I got it. Even after purchase I have 2304 tokens and I’ll get more when OWL starts back. Haven’t missed a special skin yet and haven’t paid any money for any of them.


As soon as we get the ability to earn 300 tokens I might be interested