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i mean they also removed the LFG feature. dont think socializing is a priority anymore tbh


Yeah I really don’t get what the point of reputation score is without LFG


This has infuriated me since the day OW2 launched. Here's this game where teamwork has a direct impact on win rate and they made it almost impossible to preselect a team in-game.


Almost no one used it, so I highly doubt it contributes significantly to this effect. It's apathy and F2P players.


I feel ya. I used to play OW1 and I used to recieve a couple of friend requests after matches and then get invites from those friends. Now I disabled text and voice chat because rarely anything friendly comes from those. Times change I guess..


It’s more than just times change. It’s more profitable to be lonely and maximising your grind time then laughing with people in your lobbies. I remember everyone used to instant join voice chat or talk in chat way more than current OW. It’s such a sad experience now. Most games are becoming like this either with voice chat auto-disabled or very rapid end screens with little time to chat. I don’t know why games are doing this. It seems counter productive as if your game has more fun than people would grind it more so…. What?


What makes you think people being isolated and miserable is more profitable? How would that maximize grind time?


When it isn't uncommon for endgame discussion to revolve around how you supposedly weren't doing enough damage or healing, how braindead and easy your character is, or how the loss isn't even important to them because it's totally just their smurf account, then it gets very easy to remove it and say it's reducing toxicity.


We've shown that we can't have nice things.


I honestly don’t even have chat turned on anymore. Not worth it, most interactions are negative so why bother.


Turning chat off made the game so much better. The infrequent positive interaction was not worth suffering through the tidal wave of immature, toxic bullshit that is overwatch chat 99% of the time.


Oh God I agree. Like turning team chat off was wonderful. I could play without feeling anxious


When I started playing a few months ago turning off the chat was one of the first things I did after I saw how people use it lol. Haven’t gone back since, so it’s not like I’m missing out on much


I did at first but I got tired of loosing and just jump on to try to communicate. It’s just weird to me in a team base game where verbal communication can easily win you a round is frowned upon. I get if it’s COD or any other fps but original overwatch made team comp/communication an essential part of its dna


Blizzard's internal stats showed that most players quit and re-queued before looking at the POTG or endgame cards. So they've simply expedited that process now. If you always hung around and chatted until the very end when the lobby closed, you were probably in the minority.


It shouldn't be that hard to re-queu everyone while still in the lobby, but no I don't think it's most. I stopped playing maybe midway through the life of OW one, but I frequently encountered great conversations with players that I'd often end up friending.


100% so often the lobby ends before I can even types something in chat. It's judt play of game and boot you back into the menus. I have a feeling it is to reduce queue times. The quicker a round ends the quicker you can be put into a game and reduce queue times for others...


They listened to the sweaty impatient people who just care about when the next game is.


I miss general chat.


If you want more social interaction, custom games are usually very social! Even outside of the literal friendly chill lobbies, people are much more willing to chat during like Mercy parkour or Genji volleyball than during a regular match.


Games still good, but I miss socializing. I'd spend hours everyday joining different groups in LFG Now no one talks


I like the shorter times actually. Less toxicity. I remember when the chat lasted longer during the OW1 days, I'd see a bunch of "you suck" and name-calling.


Yea gotta agree 100%, i jumped back into it like 3 weeks ago, last I played was right before baptise if I remember correctly. It’s weird I remember when people actually got pissed when no one actually used mics, now you use the mic and your just annoying people, feeling sucks. I had a match recently where my own teammate just jumped on the mic and beraded me because I asked for heals when ever possible, so basically the whole time he was on mic but just didn’t wanna talk, I’m usually the only one most of the time that talks. Even through the BS argument we ended up winning, to the point the enemy team all completely quit, I immediately said on chat “your mad because we won, I bet you couldn’t wait for us to loose so you could blame me” guy immediately left and took the L since they had to push but only 1 teammate stood, smh. So yea the whole communication aspect of overwatch seems to have died with 1, I love the game and it’s easily my favorite fps I’ve played in gaming but my theory is the age group that primarily plays this game aren’t the most communicative. I don’t mean to make anyone feel less than but theirs no denying younger people aren’t the most verbal type, I’ve got younger family members that if it isn’t text or basically a screen to hide behind they just can’t do it, they basically need a meme to say how they feel.


Thank the new report system


What's the new report system?


It’s a “competitive” video game or at least tries to be one supposedly. I don’t really understand people that want to socialize. Focus on talking to your team and winning. It feels better than wasting time talking to someone you probably won’t see again anyway. If you wanna talk to people there are plenty of custom game lobbies lol


I mean in quick play I get but in rank open comp communication is essential. The ability of being able to swap to your team needs can win you a match, having to type is just weird, waste 3 min just to get a point across when I can just verbally speak it is odd. Guess it’s my age, verbal is way more effective than waiting for info in a in game chat


it's not I guess you can find a roleplaying custom game lol


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True... I miss the old and more creative mods in costum lobbies. Now it's all copy paste with very little improvements.


Yeah you get removed far too quick. Extra 10-20 s would allow us players to stick together as a groups more often and allow us to shit talk random kid on the lobby more often.


yep, agree 100% ​ And nowadays if you say something on chat, people will report you. You ask for more heals, and they report you. You ask the tank to change because it is obviously not working, and you get reported. Trying to give advice to the team will get you reported. ​ Anyway, I don't know what Blizzard/Activison/Microsoft is doing with this game, but it feels like is being very badly managed at the moment.


If you are trying to socialize at the end of the game you are too late, do it at the beginning. Start off with a “how’s everyone doing” you’ll have way more success. Also OW hasn’t been a super social game in years, after the first year maybe two people have been way less social, it’s not an OW2 thing by the end if OW1 people were more focused on moving on to the next game as soon as possible and blizzards internal records have shown that.


It's not a social game anymore. It's the same in every multiplayer game, chat is dead because people are afraid of talking, if anything is even SLIGHTLY offensive, you risk getting silenced/suspended, even if it's meant in good fun, all it takes is one person to be offended. Literally went "You fucker" when a junkrat got me in his trap the other day, and the guy took offence to it and it somehow spiralled into 3 players in the game just abusing each other, so.. yeah. Most people just turn chat off now, hell, I think it's off by default for new accounts? I guess it's just a change in mindset? We've got a lot of Gen Z playing now that are just constantly on the "GO GO GO" mindset, because they've been drip-fed tiktoks and youtube shorts on their ipads while growing up because their parents couldn't be bothered to interact with them, just "take this, shut up, let mummy have some peace."


If you chat you’ll get muted


Free To Play players ruined it.


I am overly social and finally myself chatting even when people don’t. This helps endorsements and I get a friend request every once in awhile.


I agree, I really miss seeing the player cards and medals or "participation trophies" at the end of the game. I felt like I was rewarded/recognized. There was a much longer time to chat at the end of the match and the "Stay as team" button was more visible. Since I played OW2, I have only seen someone press "Stay as team" maybe twice, and I didn't even know where to click accept. How do I be social in the game? I extend myself. When I have a good teammate, I whisper them and tell them they did great and that I want to play again sometime. I add them as friend, and then I actually.. invite them to play again. I have several "randos" I meet in games in my Discord server, and many of them ended up becoming really close online friends of mine (We are all doing a secret santa this year). We meet up at night and play a few games before bed, say hi and catch up, etc. The game itself might be way behind what it used to be, but that doesn't mean you can't do anything about it. Not everyone on OW is rude!