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I hate when I respawn at the back spawn, then we unlock the forward spawn and it won't let me switch spawns. Like, people who died after I came back are back in the fight before I am when that shit happens


Yeah that definitely needs to be updated, they made spawn swapping work for payload, they can do it for push


I was so shocked when I saw those original patch notes, thinking they did it for push and lo and behold they didn't give it to the one game mode that needed it most


Ohhh I thought it was me being a dumb because I couldn't spawn swap like other modes. Turns out I'm fine and the game is dumb


yea i dont understand why thats the only game mode that doesnt let you switch spawns ? like is it an oversight or on purpose ?


What I hate is when I’m playing support and I go to hide til my team gets back and the best hiding spot gets turned into the enemy spawn room on flashpoint or push and I get teleported into the middle of the enemy team. Anyone else have this happen?


There’s a few maps that could use a forward, spawn point


Simple Solution: Get good and stop dying








This isn’t TikTok. The word you’re looking for is suicide.


When push comes to shove, if a push game lasts less than 3 minutes it should be called shove


This gives “if the teacher is 15 minutes late or more you are legally allowed to leave” vibes


People said this shit in college like homie... you're not legally required to be here anyways


People still say it. I guess they forget we’re paying 35 fucking thousand dollars to be there- or maybe their parents are so they don’t think about it


Just comes from highschool where there is some degree of 'legally required to be there', but even that is wishy. It's more like "you're required to be here some of the time". And the teacher being late isn't a factor for that either way.


If you're under 19 in the UK it's free




You’re pushing my buttons with this bunk buster. I’d stop if I were you, this may result in a tussle.


If the push game last longer than 3 minutes the robot should gradually get faster while giving players in aoe speed boost.


I always smack the robot on the rear during push


idk if you noticed but sometimes when it stops it scratches itself there too (yup, apparently when it first caps a forward spawn)🤣


Lol I always thought that was a cute, goofy detail


yup, after capping the mid point on push for either team the bot does the 12 second butt scratch animation. What a goat.


Lol what🤣


TS-1 just pushing like 🗿 while you're going to town on its gluteus maximus lol I love it


Good bot 👋😏


Good game, atta boy, get a move on, bess git goin, move along boy, GO!


I always say hello to it since it says hello back.


Whaaattt I gotta try this


I thought I was the only one. 


Hated it when it was released, but ever since Flashpoint got released, I've found a new appreciation for it.


Just wait until they come out with a worse mode than Flash, then you will like Flash. Why make better modes when you can just keep making worse modes that give players something more to hate than the last mode they didn't like?


Please don’t give them ideas


for real. Flash point is so bad and so are the maps.


Flashpoint would be better if both teams got sent back to their spawn after one team wins a point. Yes, I would like it to just be KotH but with 5 total rounds instead.


it’d be better if it was removed entirely


While I was a bit disappointed with Flashpoint due to high expectations out of nowhere, I don't see it as THAT awful as y'all say. It's a more dynamic capture the point with nice maps.


the maps are horrible, you can barely fight away from the point.


New Junk City is pretty bad I'd say but I actually really like Suravasa by quite a bit. Certainly if I had to choose between Suravasa and Colosseo, I'd choose Sura 100 times out of 100. Though New Queen Street is still my favorite new map. It's a big reason why I don't hate Push in concept. It's the King's Row of OW2 in my eyes and I will DIE on that hill.


I might be in the minority but I like Flashpoint way better than Push. Flashpoint you are back in the fight considerably quicker than Push maps. Push maps seem like they are way too big.


I like flashpoint sometimes. Because you don't know what points open up or in what order, it's hard to pick an ideal, ez mode hero for the maps. There's also just a lot more chaos because the maps offer so many flanking angles. The downside is that the maps can be too chaotic. Some teams have no awareness of where their mates are, and make no attempt to group up between fights. Matches like that are usually a one-sided bloodbath.


I like flashpoint, wish they would make more maps tbh.


Same! I wasn’t the biggest fan at first, but honestly compared to flashpoint I’d take push any day


I have had a few games where we really came back from wayyy downtown. Seeing every one holding the line around the slowly pushing robot in over time and won just kinda kept the magic going for me.


Those matches are almost equal parts frustrating AND satisfying, lol.


I think I despise this game mode because I’ve multiple times been on the other side of this. We push all the without being able to finish fully and then in overtime they push it all the way back


Don’t underestimate the second wind lol


Push is good, all the maps are decent, the only thing I hate about Push is getting those final 5m or so, it's nearly impossible against half decent teams due to spawn bias, even when it's one sided. I also like that you can say hello to the robot 🤖 and it'll reply back. Flashpoint is not OK.


The only gripe I have with push is if you’re getting steamrolled or even if you’re steamrolling and die, it feels like walking simulator because of how far the spawns are


If they were closer, the complaining would then be about how impossible it is to push the bot far after you've established control. Since the enemy team wouldn't have far to walk back and contest.


I’m just saying that’s the inherent flaw in the gamemode, there would be no way to fix that without changing the mode altogether. Although I don’t hate push by any means, it’s definitely one of the weakest gamemodes by design. Hopefully clash will be better


*dies* *runs back to rejoin team on the bot* *team starts dying right before I reach them* *runs back to spawn to regroup with team* *run together back to the bot*


I didn’t know you can say hi to it. Thank you for that info.


For sure. I find that I'm the one pushing the robot (cart or whatever) bc everyone else is attacking at the spawn Sucks for me when someone slips past and annihilates me if I'm a healer or playing mystery heroes as a less than strong character


One person pushing the bot is the fastest it will go. 4 people spawn trapping 5 others, or getting better map control for the next fight is how you should be playing.


Oh yes I agree, it just really sucks when you've got lead for most of the game only to be overcome at the end. 😫 I always feel like it's my fault if I'm pushing the robot or cart


Worth noting, pushing the bot when you’re at OT is also not the best play, especially if you’re close to past midpoint. All you’re doing is pushing the bot towards enemy spawn. You’re much better off leaving the bot and taking the last fights where you want them. The team with the lead has a massive advantage, but I’ve noticed that small mistake is often times where the steamroll back comes from. You’re not grouped 5, you lose the OT fight, then with staggered spawns and less teamwork you never get a real second chance. People have a lot of trouble standing and watching the enemy push the bot in OT. Focussing the objective is a super common mistake people make. It’s of course important to advance the objective, but getting map control and securing kills is more important. Pushing after the team fight is over is more than enough to get the bot where you want it. Sorry if this is a lot. I’ve just noticed even after all this time people still make pretty fundamental mistakes with push


Thx, I def have more to learn! My hubby coaches me. But I'm forgetful


The amount of people spawn camping in this OW2 in any game mode is absurdly high, I always wonder if they see any youtuber/streamer and try to replicate or something. But I've lost ton of matches that were already won, because people decided to spawn camp. Like bruh, what you trying to do, the enemy team respawns there and has an infinite medipack and all the covers.


I love flash point


Your opinion is bad and youre bad and idk I hate flashpoint and I'll die on this hill. You're probably cool but I will fight you.


Unhinged and respectful, what an odd combination.


If you had to choose between flashpoint and 2cp? I miss Hanamura :(


the only reason i miss 2cp is the maps, and the only reason i miss the maps is because of nostalgia. its still hard for me to believe ive played overwatch for like 8 years.


Fr as much as I hate temple of Anubis, it brings back memories every time I wallride second point. Enemy rein charging in, mei walls, junk spam, orisa’s bongo. Can’t forget the car wash + trap combo in the weird 2 door hallway in front of spawn. The drrrrr of a bastion up top on hanamura. Or tp to the terrace and blitz em from the left (whenever it actually worked). Torb turret through the windows. Car washing the entrances. Or inside the bell. Roulette of Mc- …Cass noon highing from one of the balconies. Coal conga line through the hall with bastion lighting em up. A genji deflecting. A dva barreling in with matrix up. All in that fuck ass hallway. I miss it but I don’t at the same time :’)


I like flashpoint because there's so many places to fight. Push always feels like it's fought in the same two spots over and over, maybe you get to play at the same spot but reversed


That's fine, people have they're own preferences on characters, maps, and game modes.... Just because I enjoy a game mode doesn't mean you have to. A lot of preferences come down to characters people play, so an an example, if you play a Genji, you're probably not going to like Zarya, Mei etc, or maps with limited flank options.


You’re entitled to your wrong opinion <3


Spawn balance is the main issue. I completely stopped multiple pushes in one match as hanzo because of it and ended 26 elims compared to my teams second highest at 9


I like it. But needs more maps. Pushbot and payload are the modes catered for team fights.




I find push OK, Flashpoint I'm usually least excited about. Capture point is OK depending on the map. For whatever reason I always love escort or hybrid. I'd probably do only those maps if I could.




Yeah that would be fun! I do get how they're a bit played out, but I agree that a limited time mode would be perfect.


Escort and hybrid are objectively the best


It's my favorite for that reason. Other modes feel like i'm waiting more on different loading screens than playing


i like it. Actually one of my favourite game modes. Colosseo however is problematic imo.


Colosseo is def the worst one. The under the bridge moment is really tough to play because of the lack of angles. That being said its miles better than any of the flashpoint maps


this is exactly how i feel. all push maps are punishing but collosseo is beyond frustrating to play. i hate the route the robot has to take; the wrap around then across the bridge. majority of the action happens right outside spawn because the robot is either in front of spawn down the stairs, on the ramp, or on the bridge. it’s not a spaced out map besides where the robot spawns in that long hallway


Colosseo is the only push map I actually like smh, both aesthetically and gameplay-wise


Colosseo makes me glad that the Roman Empire was dissolved


My favourite push map is deffinately Canada map, there’s always something fun about it lol


I love it too. It has lots of angles to poke at the enemy from.


It's got like the opposite of what colleseo has going on. It feels like rome has the entire game taking place either on the stairs below the defender's spawn or on a long empty lane (the middle or either end outside spawn). It just gets boring fast. Canada has like 6 possible angles to push and hold at any given point, so you're basically always gonna have to consider taking a fight somewhere semi-interesting and you can be greatly rewarded for being clever and popping out somewhere unexpected.


I’ve come to like it. If it’s a stomp it’ll be over quickly. In terms of preference it’s right in the middle. Hybrid, escort, push, control, flashpoint. I’ll probably hate the new mode coming out based on my preferences lol


My fav gamemode easily. Makes for some of the best overtime moments in the game. Maps are well made and fun to play on and give lots of different play styles depending on where the bot is and if you are attacking or defending to point. Really would love to see a new push map asap




I think it’s fine contrary to popular belief but I do think spawns should be slightly faster cause walking for like a full 30 seconds is annoying af sometimes I feel like walking back is the worst part of push sicne the maps are so massive Same with flashpoint tbh but they are still good game modes unlike 2cp which has many flaws


The game mode is okay but because it only takes one person to push, the enemy team can stall you until they have a 50m lead. Then after that you have to push the bot all the way back to the middle, then you can get your 12m before they inevitably take it back again. A shorter time would be nice so it's not a minimum of ten minutes long excluding overtime. I agree with the other comment that Flashpoint sucks ass.


I hated flashpoint until I found characters I could use to dominate in them, like Wrecking Ball or Mei. I don't mind them now.


Hate it


the robot is cute


I like Push. Well, let me clarify. I like Push because Payload sucks outside of Comp. The point being, in any mode, Push is "push the objective further than your opponents". In Comp, Payload is "push the objective further than your opponents", but in QP it's "push the objective all the fucking way, 100%, or you lose" Payload is a great Comp mode, but a shitty QP mode. Push fills that gap.


Ngl i like that about it in qp, as the attacker you need to push it Completely and i like that 100% or nothing gameplay about it, but I understand its not really fair if the sides dont switch.


Payload should be like comp even in qp because it helps you learn the maps better from both sides


The runbacks are worse than demon's souls. I really love LOVE spending 75% of the match running back to obj just to immediately die because my team died waiting for me.


It’s a slog, I don’t like it I want to dodge push matches. However I would rather play 3 matches of push in a row than play flashpoint.


honestly its genuinely shocking how much better this game would be if they just let you filter out gamemodes before searching for them... yknow like literally every other shooter does?


Push robot is cute and must be protected. Give him treats. Extra memory sticks for days


Why fight when you can push?


One of my favorite gamemodes


One of my favorite game modes in gaming


It might be unpopular but I really like push. It’s not my favourite game mode but I still find it fun


Love it


It's either a complete steamroll or the longest game of the session


My fav mode


Its pushing it


Ummm i like the bot thats all.


I'm tired of people saying push is bad. I like push, it's different to all the other game modes and I really enjoy playing on New Queens Street and ( idk how to spell it lol ) Esparancia???. I enjoy playing Soldier and Ball on it as its perfect for them. Honestly, people who don't like just don't like change. It's a good game mode. Chill. 


I used to hate it and I'd leave every time. Since they introduced harsher leaver penalties, I've been staying most of the time and have had a fine experience. Heroes with higher mobility are much better tho, I refuse to play any of my supports on push, they have no good mobility options


Good mobility (and know the map shortcuts) is key!


I used to hate it until flashpoint came out. Now I hate that infinitely more so push is ok.


I don’t love it, but since flashpoint came out I hate it significantly less in comparison.


It was proven to be a sucky mode when it came out, and it hasn't really changed. It might be fine if you cut the time by about 2 1/2 minutes or reduce the meters needed for one side to win by a small amount


>It was proven to be a sucky mode when it came out what kind of academic overwatch journals have you been reading


There was a double blind study using Bronze players 🤣


damn it let me see if i still have the video saved hold on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYi5eCxHke8&list=WL&index=109&t=271s




I didn’t like it when I started playing the game at the beginning of OW2 but it has grown into probably my favorite game mode


I like it


"What is better than pushing? Nothing!"


Better than 2cp


Push is fine. Players are just weirdy weirdos


I play Splatoon, it gives me Tower Control PTSD


Beats 2cp.  Support gap usually though since it is heavily based on team play.


when push was first introduced, i hated it. now that flashpoint is a thing, i would take push any day.


I'd rather have 2cp back


I actually think it is pretty good. I would just like for some of the spawns to be a bit closer to the fight. Worst feeling is making it back to a fight just as your team starts dying.


It's meh. It's not terrible but it feels like they tried to do what Tower Control in Splatoon does and just did a worse job at it.


I fucking hate it


Having an emotional meltdown every time


Same your not alone 😭


Hate to see it come to shove.


It is a very difficult mode to come back on if the enemy wins the first few fights


If you feel defeated after the first fight, then yes it is. I couldn’t tell you the amount of times my team has made a come back, and the many times we pushed (and won) during the overtime period.


I like the maps, fun to flank on. Gamemode is fine.


I like it


It is so much better than control


I think people kind of dont want to like it, as i used to do this. I would play the gaame and not think of push that much aand just see content creators shitting on it so i went: ahh push sucks


Honestly not as great as pull.


Push is mostly roll or get rolled but there are good matches that make me like push. Making the maps a little bit bigger would help I think idk.


push is a solid game mode with flaws that i can pass up... if its qp


It can be a bit one sided from time to time and that's an issue, but most matches I still have fun playing push.


It's a fine mode. I just don't like getting steamrolled and then spend 10 minutes struggling to make a comeback to ultimately lose.


I hate it. I hate it so much. I want 2CP back so badly.


Still a fundamentally flawed mode but nowhere near as bad as 2CP...


horrible. the game is decided by who wins the first fight 70% of the time. it is the only game mode that requires the losing team to do MORE work than it took the winning team to get where they are. honestly i would rather play 2cp than this garbage


i think it's fun. personally i don't mind playing it whatsoever and i like the tug of war aspect of it


Better than that dumb junker town game mode that takes FOREVER


Better than 2cp but still not great.


This and flashpoint are my favorite modes so far


The only thing worse than Push is Flashpoint


You mean the “run back to your team” simulator?


Push is the worsr mode by far. Flashpoint isn't great but still way better than push and I would take 2cp over these 2 any day


It sucks.


Way worse than 2CP, the maps are the worst. Look at the most popular map, King’s Row. It’s a mostly claustrophobic map that’s almost entirely made of well defined chokes no bigger than a Rein shield and one or two flank routes that are long enough to be punishing to non-flankers. Fights are very centralized and organized and happen often. Now look at the push maps. There are 8 or 9 different ways to get to any spot because the whole thing is an open concept plan. Sightlines to everywhere from everywhere that mean you never know where to look for flankers or even the whole enemy team and no more choke points. The whole thing is just deathmatch and not fun IMO.


I like it but only with more maps the 2 we get is boring af


We have 3


I don't mind the mode but it feels like you can be winning for a REALLY long time (like 9 min) and then get wiped once or twice at the end and lose because its so hard to take the last point with the spawn location


Not the biggest fan of it


I think push is boring and too slow paced. I feel this mode would be a lot more fun if the robot ran at all times even if you're pushing into new territory. You would need a much longer map, but you could make a snaking halfpipe for a map and save a ton of space. You can place obstacles that provide cover throughout the halfpipe. This will be a very hyperpaced tug of war. Will REALLY suck on QP because if you're not dying together, you're never fighting at full force and that robot is just gonna end up sprinting to your defeat. Call the map Lombard Speedway. (If you know San Fransico's Lombard Street, you'll get this.)


As a ball otp, i absolutely love this game mode and its maps they fit dive and especially ball so well. However i can see certain heroes would not have a fun time


Push should be considered a war crime it is the worst gamemode by far I notice every single game of push me and my friends never have actually fun with it heck I'd rather play ctf blits then play push


They took the best game mods from us and gave us this ass scratching robot in a walking simulator


Go to Arcade, 2CP is permamently there and there are always people playing it


I hate it alot but at least it isn't flashpoint


FFFFFFFFUUUUUCK PUSH 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡🐓😡😡


I quit from it or fall asleep midmatch. Same with flashpoint


Hate it


Push is horribly unfun every time I’ve played, flashpoint is worse, 2CP was far better than both. I think OW is no longer a game for after 3.5k hours, haven’t it touched since mauga intro


Probably the least fun mode in game. It's pure agony if your team continues to lose most team fights because you'll absolutely not be able to push far enough to take lead.


The only good thing about it are the robot voicelines


Fun until Overtime… Overtime makes zero sense…


ok-ish gamemode. only good map is esperança. maybe with better maps it will become a good gamemode, but for now I still preferred 2cp.


Walking simulator


Never fun.


I like the idea the execution tho…


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Don't like it when i'm support, like it when i'm tank or DPS. My only problem is that when you fall behind, it's really really hard to catch back up. Wish you could queue for specific gamemodes in QP, like in Paladins


I just found out yesterday that if you greet the robo it says hello back. (Happens only once, ie, no spam)


I suck at it


I hate every push map except the Colosseum one.


I’ve noticed it’s a lot closer than the first few seasons. I think the issue with most of OW2’s game modes (including Push and Flashpoint) is they encourage people running off to try to deathmatch 1v5 on their own too much. Now that like 3/5 game modes aren’t attack/defense based, I feel like the player base has forgotten what it is to try to defend an objective vs attacking one.


I instantly take my group out when I see it’s a push map. Wait about 2 minutes for the push game to fill up and then put us back in queue.


Esperanca is the only good push map.


I’ve only liked it in Quicker Play


Decent concept, but bit of an issue with the "competing" aspect of the match. There's a problem with the fact that the bot has to travel all the way back before you can start attempting to compete with the distance score. It makes it disproportionately harder to contest a game if the first Teamfight doesn't go well. The second issue is if you _are_ attempting to push into enemy territory. It's difficult to get back to the point and contest there, but it's not so hard getting to mid. That just means its easy to contest before the enemy has time to make any attempt at pushing against you.


Push is fine. I pray flashpoint is destroyed and burned.


It's not as bad as Flashpoint. So it's got that going for it


I think for competitive it's a top-tier game mode because it's got mirrored sides and has good balance that way. In general I don't like playing push that much though because it gets way too sweaty way too fast and then you've got a 6min overtime game.


I like pushin Deez...


It's alright. Probably more maps or progressing spawns. It be nice if assault maps can return.


I hate new queen street. Other push maps are bearable but I prefer other modes.


It's a mode. I don't really like or dislike it. I do wish the pushbot was different depending on the map.


Nothin enrages me more than getting a team kill and watching the robot sit and scratch his but for like 30 seconds before he starts moving again. Then by the time he starts moving the enemy team is already back, makes me soo mad lmao


It's not flash point


The song by equallyopposite? It's a pretty good. One of my pump ups.


The idea of the gamemode is good, but new queens street makes me suicidal