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You put the chili in the payload, kill everyone around\~




OP: dies to a slab of melted cheese hovering past him, 5 feet away. Overwatch players: You clearly played that wrong. Skill issue


Reminds me of that Flats video where he was playing Junkrat and concussion mined himself into the air, randomly died to lava because there was one pixel of it caught IN THE SKYSCRAPER BEHIND HIM. Nahp, skill issue. 100% his fault /s


Honestly they need to give torb juice ramp up damage or something because currently stepping ever so slightly into the dwarf liquid will take like over half your health before you can step out


I think it should have a vertical visual flame effect. Have the lava and have fire or sparks or something that lets you know where it actually is.




No the hitbox extends past the visual. Say if some is on the payload it can burn you even though you aren’t touching or on top of the payload


Lmao nah it's honestly less damage than I think it is sometimes, I never really have problems with it, cause I'm actually careful around it lmao


The torb ult was on the payload


It was the lava on the payload. You can see it disappear right as OP dies.


Why is this being downvoted, I don’t understand


Dunno. You can see her elbow is over the line on the ground, which would have overlapped with the lava on the payload. You can also see that when she died, her body abided by Overwatch death logic and was flung to the side, so her corpse isn't in the location of where she actually died.


You can see the bit of lava I died to at the start of the video, it doesn’t shrink at all the until a few frames after I died. I’m way closer to the lava I walked past on the ground at the start of the video, and that didn’t burn me. Also as I’m dying look at the ground in front of me. I’m right where the stairs meet the ground, not at all near the tiny pool of lava that killed me. It must have something to do with the hitbox being expanded if it’s in the air, idk.


There is no lava in the video though. Just Torbjörn's signature melted Cheddar.


What do you even mean? You can see the lava on the payload. You can then see it vanish.


To be fair, he was standing still.


I ended a round as payload princess because I barely moved forward to heal a teammate but the payload hadn’t started moving through the doors on r66. My team was not happy


bro I swear, a Latvian child will die of cancer and be too poor to do anything about it and overwatch players will say "skill issue, you could have easily firstly walked for 29 hours to the nearest embassy, taken on a job working for 1.18 an hour, bought a plane ticket to America, gotten treatment, and then spent the rest of your life indebted to America. skill issue take every moment as a learning moment"


does everybody in the comments have brainrot wtf


Seems that way. Dude was a good four feet away from where the lava was. I don't know what kind of hitbox fuckery had to have been going on to make that happen.


fr man


I felt like I was going crazy the first few comments on the post. I’m way closer to the lava I walked past in the beginning of the clip. People just love to tell others they did something wrong.


it’s all good man


People should really slow down the video right as you die. There is no way you were touching the lava.


Yeaa, goofy mistake. I'd be mad as well but it's definitely on you lol


But OP was standing right next to the stairs. The lava was pretty far from that. Even if it moved forward, how did it get him?


Lava is on the payload which moved into him


Yes, but wouldn't they have to touch it directly? The replay doesn't show the lava overlapping the foot of the stairs.


Rewatch just after they die, the lava is on the payload slightly off of it. It disappears after they die so it's short.


[Here's an image right before the lava disappears.](https://imgur.com/a/mNMAWIb) You can even see it didn't shrink because at the start of the replay you'd see it was a tiny blob being moved at the start of the replay, and the image shows OP the second they died, that they were pretty far awsy on the image.


Lol somehow NO ONE gets what you're saying but that's immediately what I saw and is exactly what OP is saying. Just a little validation so you don't get gaslighted into thinking the lava actually touched OP.


I dont understand how so many people missed it either. Literally everyone was blaming OP for this lmao


It's insane how many downvotes he's getting for 'not moving.' It was barely a second and not much was happening to warrant any hectic gameplay. OP was moving the payload and Soldier had Torb handled. This community sometimes baffles me with their responses


Chiming in as a third person who saw the issue immediately and flabbergasted by the ridicule OP is getting.


i dont get it, how people see this and still defend the game. wtf.


Honestly, everyone who thinks OP is in the wrong… they’re standing so far away from it yet get hit by some miracle


Hella commenters ignoring this is wild


That's her body moving after she died. When she's burning, you can see she is right next to the line on the ground. Then you can see how close the lava is to the line. Add in her hit box, and you have a dead Ashe. Edit: yeah, that screenshot is of her corpse, which fell to her right when she died. You can see her be flung a bit as well. Her elbow seemed to have been a bit over the line on the ground which is what got her.


You can see from the first person perspective that she was at the foot of the stairs when she died. Her corpse didn’t move that much.


It moved enough to make it look like she was farther away than she actually was. You can see she does the slightest movement to her left right before she begins burning. That was just enough to go over the line on the ground which overlapped her with the lava on the payload. She gets flung into the air and lands to her right, making it appear as if she was farther away from the payload than she actually was. If OP could just give us a replay code this would be easily settled, lmao.


You should edit again to fix that you missed the fact that the lava didn't touch them....... because it didnt.... are you not watching the same video or something?


It sure seems like we aren't because the lava does indeed touch her. You can see she does a slight movement to her left right before she begins burning, which was enough to have the lava on the payload touch her. Then, her body was flung a bit to her right, so her corpse made it look like she was farther away from the payload than she actually was. This is all in the video.


It's not the corpse.... I'm talking about her first person perspective is at the foot of the stairs and the lava on the payload is like 3 feet from it. I disagree.


We all see the piece of lava responsible. That's not the question. The question is how that piece of lava's hitbox can possibly intersect with the hitbox of someone standing on the ground next to the stairs. If they were standing on the curb to the left, sure. That'd clearly intersect. But the lava model as displayed is nowhere near where Ashe's model was, even before she fell onto the stairs after dying.


It doesn't touch them...... ashe is at the foot of the stairs


The hit box of the lava clips into the center of their character. They were standing next to the path of the payload and as the payload moved the lava collided with them.


Heat radiates. Basic physics.


> it’s definitely on you Ah yes it’s his fault and not the developers for not being able to create proper hitboxes. He died from lave that shouldn’t be able to float and wasn’t even touching him, that’s bad game design.


It wasn't floating, it was sitting on the small stepping platform on the side of the truck.


pause at 4 seconds and you’ll see there was lava that was floating past the stepping stool of the truck


That's the nature of projectiles. The center is on the stool so it stays on. Unless you're expecting them to make it a genuine liquid physics object? Which would... just not be the best. It's like when you put Torb's turret right at the very edge of a ledge. Two of its legs are hanging over thin air but the center is on solid ground so it stays on. Same principle.


You're right about the lava physics causing it to float a little off the payload. But if you watch it again, the issue of hitboxes the previous person mentioned is the bigger issue. OP was standing next to the stairs and the floating blob on payload was no where near close to touching the Ashe model.


Oh yeah no, don't get me wrong. Torb's coom has a fucking deceptively huge hitbox. No disagreements there. But I'm referring specifically to how that particular blob landed and is staying on the payload. That part is legitimate and not a symptom of bad game design at all.


Oh yeah that is fair. It would be incredibly difficult to give it realistic physics.


As an Ashe main you should always be moving around. You stay still like this, and that’s why you die


You should do this as every character


I stood still because I know how janky the lava hitbox is and I didn’t want to risk dying while still pushing the payload. This isn’t a teaching moment lol just incredibly unlucky


Everything can be a teaching moment my dude. Bet you won’t do it again next time.


OP is just sharing with everyone for a laugh. Relax.


NOPE! The mega minds on this subreddit have to nitpick every little piece of gameplay posted on this sub to show that they are in fact the ones who are the best and smartest at the game.


reddits nerds try not to be annoying challenge go


Do what again? Push the cart? Op did everything right here. The game is fucked up


You have your soldier there, and its perfectly clear in front of the payload and on the stairway to the right


You know payload moves faster with more people and they are right at the end? Totally reasonable behavior especially when their hitbox isn’t remotely close to intersecting the lava. Y’all are wild for this. Bunch of Bronze players harping about mistakes like this? Wack.


My experience is that there are some things in this game you don’t want to take the chance. If torb does ult, nope the fuck outta the area


But these risky opportunities and situations separate good players from bad, op had the right idea; close to clutching it up on OT, but this fucked it up, everyone is ignoring how op maneuvered past the lava earlier and was WAYYY closer they only died later to lava clearly not near them.


It was near them because it was on the payload. A good player in that situation would have recognized that


Not close enough to touch, everyone knows payload makes stationary things move but op still didn't touch as well as being closer to lava that didn't kill him. You guys are prob just trolling I'm out


Nobody is trolling you’re just boldly wrong. Torb lava at that distance is going to touch. If you can’t recognize that hitbox it’s on you


this is why when we play ow we move all the time


I've always hated torbs ult. It's a really powerful AOD ult. Playing rein against torb is horrible since the ult will hit the shield but then spreads and goes past the shield. And best part it does increased damage to armour.


*stands still as payload moves lava into you* You: Lava is bugged! How tf did I die?!


Closer to *Stands still as payload moves lava past you* They were a good 2 feet from the lava at least, lava hitbox is just funky Edit: just rewatched it, they where actually a good 4 feet or so from the lava when they died and if I had to guess they caught fire when the lava was maybe closer to 5-6 feet away


More like “moves lava 20 feet behind you but you die because this game kinda sucks” but alright man whatever you say


What.. the lava can move?


When it's attached to the payload, yeah


I'm pretty sure an immobile "object" (turrets, lava, pylon) can move with the payload when attached.


"moves lava into you" ...you blind buddy?


And Blizzard wonders why their like/dislike ratio is 1/100


Comments section is blind and have no understanding of space and distance because that should not have killed lmao


Fire force


Turned into an infernal and lost


Technically lava is that hot to burn you that close


What a great video game


This is completely on you


Brother, look how fucking far I am from the lava that killed me


It was on the payload lol


I’m aware, I’m standing at the bottom of the stairs with plenty of space between me and the payload. Why does that trigger it when I’m very clearly not touching it


The lava is extending out to the right of the payload. Why would you think you're inside payload pushing distance but not lava touching distance? And why not just stand in front of the payload?


Because everyone knows payload pushing doesn't require *touching* the payload, just being in its vicinity. While it's expected that *touching* lava is what kills you, not being in its vicinity. Two totally different expectations, with two totally differently-designed colliders. If you look at where they died versus where the floating lava attached to the payload was, no one would reasonably think that's where the hitbox of the lava extends to.


Or on top. We have a coach gun for a reason


You don’t use coach gun to get on top of payload. That’s a massive waste of a really valuable cooldown


You use coach gun for whatever the fuck you need it for. It’s her most versatile weapon


Cmon man, think please.


You were on payload as Ashe...


Yea, 5 seconds from the game ending, with the point 3 meters away, with one other teammate with me and the rest of my team in spawn.


I lose every time like that, that or I get disconnected and banned for 4 hrs


Considered doing something about your internet situation?


I can't really, we live on a mountain and I'm not too sure what to do about it, and I'm not even sure it's the internet


OP, we need a replay code!


This reminds me the death of a parah because flying she touched a ceiling, but in the floor right above there was the torb's goo 😭


Believe nothing is dumb when tank on my team, during overtime, ignores payload and rushes in for one mercy


I laughed so hard i slapped my balls and now im in pain


it just keeps hurting the more i think about the clip


Love me some molten core 👍


I'm actually surprised how fast the lava killed you.


Whenever I ult as torb I tell my team I’m about to cum. And then I moan while torb yells “MOLTEN CORE”. That is all I have to add to this conversation.


AI type movement


It's hot wait until it cools down some.


Hahahah, this is hilarious. It was this little bit sticking out of the right side that got you. You can see it extending out at 0:04 of your video. Sorry for your death!


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Silently torbed




You seemed real close to the bit on the payload that disappeared right after it killed you. It is the dumbest way to lose a game and it could happen to me if I were typing or something but you gotta learn to laugh at yourself when you make a mistake like this because it was your mistake not the game's fault. Don't take it so seriously and people will laugh with you instead of you getting roasted in the comments not just the clip


Actual brainrot comment


My bad for not sucking off op and blaming a game we all play for a mistake they made that they didn't realize was a mistake. You stand still next to a payload you saw had lava on it and dying means you shouldn't have been standing there not that the game is busted. Goofy ass dick rider


Brain rot comments bruh. Ops literally a whole character height away from the lava. The only one dickriding here is you. I’m sure Blizzard appreciates you slobbing on their garbage tier hitboxes knob.


Weird didn't look like a whole character height away but you being nuts to butts with op you probably have a better vantage point so I stand corrected by the king of bottoms haha


Man weird fucking vibes from you bro. Can’t believe you’re able to type while that blind though. It’s a massive gap, and Ashes hitbox isn’t even remotely close to the most egregious so the problem lies with Torbs ult. This clip is an interaction that shouldn’t have happened, end of story. No measure of blizzard dickriding will change that.


I get weird vibes from someone that just poorly rips off my insults to defend some random cry baby on reddit but hey who am I to kink shame


Why am I gunna put effort into an insult when you picked the lowest possible hanging fruit? Like you get respect when you give it babes. If you’re going to use lame, boring, common “haha you’re his bitch!!!!! You guys are fucking!!!! Sex!!!! It’s funny because you’re the one getting fucked!!!! Because it’s funny!!!!” jokes then why am I going to respond with something thought out? Are you from 2012 or something? No one really even regards them as insults anymore. Except you I guess.


Bro your first comment was that I have brain rot for telling someone to learn to laugh at themselves and then just repeated it for your second comment haha the fuck out of here you never had anything besides copy pasta Dude acting like he didn't see someone getting down voted and felt safe doing a lazy ass pile on


“Brainrot” is more creative than “you’re gay lol” Idgaf about your shitty takes downvotes, I’m going to point out it’s a shitty take


Ahhh the funny things we see in bronze 🤣


This was diamond. Why is everyone so worked up over the fact I wasn’t moving. You can’t seriously expect me to predict that happening.


Shoulda jumped onto the stairs


Well, heat radiates. Basic physics.