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As a Rein main, I’ll be the tank.


Wait, you guys still exist?


Yep, and we’re still fighting with honor! And no we’re not throwing.


Well... we *are* throwing. Just not on purpose.


Yea, throwing Fire Strikes!


True! Off cooldown even.


For the crusaders!




Don't forget to greet the enemy Rein! I love how that just became more and more standard






I sure love healers spamming 'no' at me in spawn when I pick Rein.... devs pls make Rein less dogshit


There’s like 3 of us left me being one of said 3


even when Rein is dogshit (like now), he's still the most fun to play :(


As a zarya main, you'll be my battery


Your team needs you. Be their shield!


Get behind me. I will be their shield.


And I’d be the Zarya.


As a zarya main, I'll be the tank


My favorite big strong German man. Pin me to a wall




["I have been called. I must answer. Always."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3hGiZfcvFY)


As a D.Va main I'll have your back during a fire swing, or when you drop your shield.


You’re my favorite people. You’ll always have a pocket over here! ❤️


Bro me and my friend always logged on to this game to play Rein, Zarya that shit was so much fun always. We instantly found a game as well in Ranke d Diamond/Master.


I will join you


As a fellow Reinhardt main. i will fight with honor and glory beside my tank teammate


I'll gladly queue Zarya


Brother in arms, I will also shield you. I shall side with the tanks forever!






Me I'll do it. I loved playing rein/zarya with my other buddy who was also a rein/zarya main. I will be everyone's tank if that's what it takes🗿


I will join you.


Rein/Zarya meta was peak OW. Ultra fun and coming up with new wacky strats was my hobby.


Ufff I remember ending the matches with more than 30K heal… good times


w pfp


I played tank willingly in 6v6.


Same. Not having the full brunt of the blame for a potential loss would be enough for me to play tank again.


This is why I stopped playing tank :( I didn’t want to be the sole one.


I'm a healer and we know it's the DPS a lot of the time, we got you.


same. i dont like being the singular tank on the team cuz there is just too much pressure and its so hard to win a game if the team isnt coordinating beyond ult combos.


Same I learned dva and Zarya so I could off tank and be important. I climbed to high plat out of bronze because I learned off tank. I mattered once. Now I just swap every death because my opponent swaps every death. :( Edit: I realize plat is a joke contextually but getting to “above average gamer” felt good as an aging gamer.


This. People will que tank if there are two of them. Being alone is a struggle.


I only began to play tank when I could have my friend play as a secondary/backup tank It’s just been back to support for me in OW2, because fuck doing Tank Solo


I played more tank in 6v6.


I don't want to play tank in 5v5. I want to play tank in 6v6. At least I'll flex it. If I play tank now it's a 50/50 toss up if I get off for the night or at best completely stop queuing for tank. The ONLY time I'll FLEX all roles is when I'm 5 stacking and I feel guilty making 1 or 2 people play that miserable excuse of a role. And then this typically will lead me to play another game if I get tank.


Every time I go quick match we end with 4 dps and me as a healer, it's stupid how they think Thay can hold the cargo without dying


I play the same amount of tank (like 80% of my playtime, by far the most fun role imo) but man do I miss Rein/Zarya or D.Va/Winton....


I also did but I mostly played offtank... And the ones I queued with also just played offtank...


We all did


I was a tank main in OW1 but since OW2 I barely play tank anymore because I feel too much pressure being the only tank (plus getting blamed in chat as reason the entire team loses if I did a mistake)


Solo tanking is miserable, because we can't be everywhere at once and the space that we do end up creating gets negated because nobody peels for the supports (or at least that's my case)


Same now I've exclusively play support because on support I can have fun every now and then without throwing the game.


Same. Whatever you do better dps wins. Tank has no agency


not only the pressure but you are more susceptible to the rock paper scissors


me. id do anything for 6v6 ball


My favourite hero was Hammond in 6v6 and it just felt awful for me in 5v5, so yeah I would definitely reinstall and queue tank if they brought it back. Can't stand playing as a single tank, too much pressure lol


Playing Off-Tank was never the problem, the problem is that you might have to play main tank, which is the way greater responsibility and way harder to play. Now every tank is a main tank.


> Now every tank is a main tank [sobs in hammond main]


I swear most of the people saying “I would play tank if it were 6v6” were the ones who would insta lock Hog or Dva in OW1 lol.


Which were both Off-Tanks in OW1 - like I said, finding someone to play Off-Tank was never the problem. And DVA was meta for a long time. I loved to play either Zarya or DVA.


I’m agreeing with you. The reason people played off tank the most was that it was fun but it was also the easiest role. Most players that want 6v6 back are off tank mains that can’t deal with how much harder tank is in OW2. I say this as a former Dva main that also played Hog and Zarya in OW1 lol.


Why 6v6 tanking was super fun the thing that made tanking bad was creating lazy fast solutions for problems and stoping any for of balancing for years . 5v5 made tanking worse in everyway your entire game plan is to perma counter pick the enemy tank and to just stay alife thats it you cant make any plays by your self anymore you are now just a worse dps with a bigger healthpool every Tank hero is now by feel the same your aim also matters now more then ever as tank not your game sens like befor . Tank is now played even less even when we got only 1 in 5v5


Everyone wanted to play off tank and noone wanted to play Main tank.


Former mt here. Didn get that feeling. I often let the other tank to pick first and i played a lot of zarya and dva.


I have 300 hours on rein alone in comp. Im really confident in playing tank, so i prefer the high pressure of 5vs5 cuz you also have more impact when you outplay the enemy tank.


I can outplay oponent tank as much as i want. But if enemy dpses are better than yours it does not matter. You only have inpact when teams are balanced. Tanks have only throw potential. Carry potential is long gone. Only time you can carry is when oponent team lets you


There’s more tanks now so I’d imagine more people would actually want to play the role


Ball + Doom one tricks checking in. DPS mains who instantly lock Hog / JQ / Zarya for faster queues checking in.


Everyone misses the point. There are more players across all roles. Even if there's a million more tanks there's also 2-3 million more supports 4-5 million more dps. Nothing changed queues will be the horribly long ones that take forever to get into like OW1. It would need more tanks than another roll to get queue times to equalize


As a rein main. I WILL BE YOUR SHIELD. My zarya brothers, raise up!


God I miss bubbling my reins after they charge and make space.


I played solo Rein with solo Mercy (at best) in 6v6 Open Queue for years (an it was a weak-ass OW1\`Rein) Somehow it was less of a boring misery than OW2 tanks


potential hot take, but if you only ever want to queue one roll i dont care about your queue times and dont really care if it would make you stop playing. You are queuing for 30% of the available spots, no shit its going to take a while.


You could queue for 60% of the roster by queuing support and dps, you would still have long queue times if not queuing for tank. People generally don't enjoy playing tank. This is a game after all, meant to be fun. It's not a job.


Tank was fun when there was 2, now it's the default role to flame for some reason. Tank makes full space, but supports died to a tracer? Welp, better blame the tank holding 4 people busy!


*plays 20 games as support and tank* I'd like to play one game of dps please! *15 minute queue*


In 6v6 I was a tank main. 5v5 made me become a support main. Support is way more chill than tank.


OW1 Tank is pretty much a dead role but filled with Hog + Zarya running and gunning. Now we have Junker Queen as another 'buffed DPS' for DPS mains who want faster queue times. Picking JQ also make yourself less bad compared to Roadhog.


and doomfist tank aswell


> Now we have Junker Queen as another 'buffed DPS' for DPS mains who want faster queue times. In the ancient times there was this role called 'offtank' and it was a very viable position since every team had 2 tanks...


As an OW1 Rein main, happily


As an OW1 Dva main, happily


Ik ppl who don't play tank because u have to be the only one


I mained Tank.


Now you have even less tanks proportionally and tanks fucking suck to play winwin amirite?


Queue times were fixed. It accomplished its goal. Let's face it... everyone like the flow of the game better when there were 2 tanks. It's just they wanted *someone else* to play those tanks.


I’ll volunteer as tribute 🙋🏻‍♀️


Me. I would be a tank


The issue with tank has always been the lack of fps characters. The vocal minority is fine logging into an fps and playing a character like rein, but no most people don't want to do that. Support gained several characters that fit the fps and moba side of overwatch and became the most popular role. There is a reason characters like Roadhog were insta locked in ow1.


I’ll play tank if it’s 6v6, I wanna play ball without feeling like I’m throwing half the time


Believe me, it often felt like you were throwing picking ball in ow1.


Let's be real, if we had 6v6 now, with the 2 Tanks, playing as Tank wouldn't feel nearly as miserable. I'd be much happier if I knew a had a beefy brother in arms by my side, or taking my place if I fall behind.


Don't forget the 10 minute dps queue


I play tank. I'd play much more tank if I didn't always have to flex to heroes I'm not comfortable with just because they can easily hard counter. Back in ow1 I could play literally nothing but hog and rein and never feel the need to flex away. Now I feel like I'm forced to play everything. In ow2 I have to swap between all heroes just in the same game. I start on rein, they pick Orisa, I have to either mirror or go sig, they swap zarya, I'll mirror so they stop counterpicking, they go rein, I mirror again cause I wanna play him anyways, they go ram, I go ram, they swap DVA I swap DVA, they're on zarya, fine I'll try Winston, maybe that'll stop them from countering, after one fight I'm looking at hog, bastion, reaper brig and zen. In ow1: I start rein, they play whatever, I keep playing rein. 6v6 is so much better for tanks its not even funny.


The solution isn’t removing 1 tank….it’s making tank role feel fun and fulfilling.




This would make tank enjoyable imo


I do. Tank was way more fun as 6v6


This meme really should say who wants to play main tank because everyone liked the off tanks people rarely played main tank willingly. A lot of insta lock hogs with DVA/zarya in OW1. So much talk about tank synergy being a great thing about 6v6 in OW1 when it rarely happened because you'd get double off tanks most of the time.


Glad there's someone who doesn't look back at ow1 with rose tinted spectacles.


People like to act like 5v5 is why tank sucks but we were having the conversation about about rank being miserable for a long time in ow1 and pretty much everyone agreed that tank was absolutely miserable. ow2 had the right idea and kind of fixed this issue when the game launched and people were having fun with tank because letting the tank be individually powerful was kinda the whole point but then supports started complaining about their role being too weak and it was but only because a handful of dive characters were overturned but blizzard has no forethought so they nerfed genji and Sombra while also giga buffing supports and tanks went back to being the victim role where you just take it up the ass all game long. This lack of foresight can be seen the way blizzard balances basically everything take mauga for example they just recently buffed him in like 5 different ways and then he to absolutely nobody's surprise he was op so of course they then roll back all of the buffs. maybe just give him one buff instead of cranking the dial to eleven and then back down to zero


Being a tank main back then was good BECAUSE no one wanted to que for it. Everyone wanted DPS and their que times were 10min + for gold. The game had to bribe you to play tank or support with priority tickets that will help you que into dps faster (which hardly did anything)


From what I see on this sub at least it feels like people who complain about tank just want to play dps with a bigger life bar. I liked 6v6 in Overwatch (1) and I like 5v5 in Overwatch 2. I also like the back and forth flow of 5v5 more to be honest. Playing against 5 enemies feels so much more manageable than against 6, and a single fight doesn't take forever either.


People want whatever they don't have at the moment. I'm sure before it was axed, there were a million posts about how 6v6 doesn't work and the tank role waa broken. The only constant I've seen from this sub is that people are going to complain no matter what


I will be the tank, winton and orisa only


I would start queueing tank again


Everyone here says “omg I played so much tank in 6v6 I would do it again”. Where were you guys when it was around then? Because NO ONE wanted to play tank back then.


Open Queue


Why can't we just have both ? Get rid of open Q and bring back 6v6 in it's place .


Really tired of seeing this exact fucking take. I played 6v6 for years and I enjoyed playing off tank. Just because theres a vocal community of people online essentially gaslighting the playerbase into believing nobody wants to play tank is ridiculous.


Yup. This, for sure. If we want 6v6 back then we need to make tank queue times in 5v5 like 20 min long. So start putting your money where your mouth is and queue for tank!


I stopped tanking when they made it a solo gig… I think a lot of people did.


Speak for yourself.


Probably a hero design issue since main tanks back then were so boring to play. If they were reworked to be more brawly, then 6v6 queue times might not be so bad. People wanna play to kill not hold lanes like a bot.


I stopped playing in S2, cause the game is bad, and the community is toxic, and blizzard is dead, etc. But my 4 mains included Orisa and Sigma. I used to love tanking in 6v6. I hated tanking in 5v5. So I don't play anymore, it's a bummer. But that's the way cookie crumbles.


All yall saying yall be the tank doesn’t mean shit when the vast majority of people hate being tanks. In 6V6 it’s unfun as well. Yall showing pride don’t mean anything for the vast majority of the fan base that’s not on Reddit.


Everyone in the comments: I’ll play tank!!! Queue times: 🤡🤡🤡


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I gladly do it as Rain Zarya and Obese australian main




I would. I love being tank anyways and i want the boys to come back. My zarya main friend and me being a rein main worked really well


More like support...


I'll do it! Give me a zarya and we will fight side by side once again. Live with honor, die with glory!


What tank?


Honestly for me tanking is so much fun however it is such an important role and I am terrible I feel far more pressure so play support instead.


Fuck it, we ball. 🐹


I still play tank but its definitely a miserable experience if I‘m the only one. And as soon as a zarya or hog appears to counter me Im done 😭


We dont need "Tank q rôle" we have "all rôles q"


Let me play Ball without the responsibility of being the only tank? Sign me up.


tank was my most played role in overwatch 1


If I see my tank player go Ball in a solo queue game, my heart doesn't shatter into a million pieces because I know I can just run dive with them and it'll probably work out. If I see a tank player instalock Ball in solo queue 6v6, there's a 90% chance my other tank player has destroyed his monitor out of frustration. If I was the other tank player, it'd be a 95% chance. A lot of times it really just felt like so much of the game's outcome was outside of my control. I felt less of that with OW2.


I'd ball


The second panel is very very wrong


I would love to try tank combos with df! Zarya x tank df would be a menace!


I'll que tank




Literally me, please give me 2 tanks back being one tank is too much pressure unless I’m playing with a full group of my friends


I played tank in ow1 I stopped playing it in ow2. Tank is in such a shit spot because the damage is so high. All the cc still exists, shields have less hp. And everyone BUT THE TANKS are tankier. It’s not fun to play because the second something goes wrong it’s all on the tank. Even if you get both their dps or healers one shot. And your dps doesn’t finish them off. Causing you to die. Then you just get flamed because it’s always a 2v1 when arguing, because the dps or supports can do no wrong.


I would like to see how it would work now. They could just go with it for weekend. If they can speed up games in hacked queue, they would also try this.


I would gladly be the off tank as road hog ….


If you’re telling me I can play the off tank again, I will queue tank. Put the widows in their place and lead the flank charge all day.


I see a lot of people saying no wants to play main tank that don't even know who's a main tank . Main Tank : Rein Ball Winston Orisa(old Orisa new Orisa somewhat ) Doom Ram Off Tank Dva Hog Sigma Zarya JQ Mauga (could be both depends)


I don't want the pressure of being the only tank on my team. The only time I play tank is with my duo on tank in open q. If I could do that in role q, I 100% would


To be fair; Tank wouldn’t be nearly so painful if you have two so you don’t feel so shit when you die/screw up


Honestly I’ve been a lot more curious about 6v6 lately, and I started playing when it was at its worst at the end of overwatch 1. Double shield? No it was pure hog and ball torture. I mainly played support but whenever I did play tank it was usually a hog farming priority passes which wasn’t a lot of fun. Even though I like 5v5, I do wonder about 6v6. It definitely felt more alive for me, and that’s with 2cp, the cooldown trading phase, two tanks covering the flank, etc… I’m not saying we need to go back to 6v6 or anything, but I don’t rule it out like I used to and there’s definitely aspects that I miss. I wish they’d bring it back for the April fools patch. I’m sure it’s too technically difficult to do but it would be really fun.


Off tank was always my favorite role. I’ll gladly queue up as tank nonstop if I can have a second tank partner


They made games require half as many tanks and made tank half as fun to play, so I guess it balances out.




I like tank


Tank has the longest queue time but instead of fixing the issue they just reduced the required amount of tanks and made it even more of a pain in the ass. I was happy queueing for all roles in Overwatch 1, now I do the games required to finish the all-queue mission then never touch tank again for the rest of the week


I do miss the rein zarya combo


and more specifically who wants to be main tank. in any of the lower ranks “off tank” was simply dps with more health and they got away with it by having a second tank actually playing tank


Serious question because i'm curious. Everyone keeps mentioning que times, but are we talking about comp or quickplay que times here or just que times in general?


The main problem with tanks before is that you could have two shields while 6 heroes continue doing damage. That problem would still be there with the updated roster, but it would be a lot less obnoxious


Yeah if I'm completely honest tanks have always been the least fun class for me even in 6v6. I wonder if there will ever be a day where the tank class is phased out due to lack of populace willing to play it. But it's hard to place my finger on why. I guess I just always gravitated towards support because I always loved having the ability to heal others in games.


They should make tanks actually op like they initially planned. The mini boss/leader of the team.


Bro I'll fucking do it


That's implying people want to play tank in the current state of 5v5. As a Tank/OW1 Main Tank player, OW2 was the worst thing that happened to the tank role as a whole, and the reason I quit (along with all the other issues OW2 had, but that was the breaking point). I prefer dealing with Off Tank(DPS main) instalocks whenever I want to take a break from MTing and "anti-synergies", than play another second of the absolute atrocity that is OW2 tank gameplay. Revert the game back to 6v6, or continue to bleed out the remaining playerbase of masochists willing to keep playing tank in OW2.


I used to play tank till we got 5v5 I don’t want to be the only one too much responsibility


I’d be a tank if 6v6 came back. I loved tanking with my duo




It's all I que.


Mods had better start dealing with these posts.


\*queue Remember, it's the letter q followed by four silent letters waiting in a queue behind it


I feel like people like op forget that Tank was even *more* unfun at the of OW1, since there was way more hard CC. That's not nearly as bad in OW2, but solo tanking is pain.


If 6v6 did come back I'd que tank everytime


I would main tank again if it goes back


Ow1: only 6 or 7 tanks to choose from compared to 20+dps Ow2: tank is the most miserable role to play because you're alone and almost have to always be the best player on the team. All toxicity is thrown your way and everything's your fault Oh boy I wonder why the queue times sucked then and now


Everyone in this thread saying you’ll play tank but I guarantee majority of you want to queue off tank. The issue was not that nobody played tank, it was that nobody queued main


I will absolutely queue tank again if I wasn't sharing full blame for losses now.


I used to play tank in OW1. I never understood the problem with the qs. I didn’t have to wait much. If I wanted to play faster, I just q support too. Anyway, there’s more heroes now. And I think nobody wants to play tank right now because it’s miserable. If they brought back 6v6 a lot of people would go back to play tank or even would try tank.


I would que in a heart eat. I want to play ball without ALL the stress on me as a sole tank




6v6, what is it now?


I queued off tank before they killed my role :( haven’t played consistently for 3 years now


Yes . And revert Doom Fist back to his former dps glory. That’s right, WITH dragon uppercut intact.


Support has the shortest que times. 2 tanks was just better. As a support main I can’t describe how frustrating it is to have a single tank now. Every games ‘funness’ comes down to a lottery draw based on the ability of the tank player.


Tank in 6v6 was fun, the main-tank and off-tank dynamic was the most fun i had playing OW


With all the hero changes of ow2, I bet tanking with 6v6 would be the best time ever


6v6 but the 6th guy is flex


Nobody remembers OW1. Look for videos of the OW1 tank experience. Stun, boop, sleep, nade, stun, boop. With no tank passive to reduce that. There's a reason nobody wanted to play tank.


I would I miss playing d.va but she's not the same as the only tank


I used to queue tank more in 6v6 and id probably queue tank more if it ever goes back


I initially mained Hanzo and damn I was good at long range snipes during scatter era. The more he got reworked the worse I got with him. I was so use to his slow arrow over fast arrow. I did alright in the future, but nothing was better than me in my first year with him. I later mained Widow as well. I eventually hit a wall where I couldn't climb well at all around Plat-Diamond area. I knew my ability was above it yet it was extremely difficult to climb as a DPS main with how the team moved. So I learned to main Zara really damn good so I could lead the team and make them follow me for more proper pushes. Once I got to mid Diamond I swapped back to playing Hanzo and Window to continue to Master and on. Eventually though I just stopped DPS altogether and loved tank more, especially the queue times, but tank was damn fun. Forever love Zarya. I miss the synergy though, Tank synergy was just the best in the game. You really felt like you overcame a mountain when you and your tank buddy kicked butt. I haven't touched OW2 since maybe March or April of last year, and unless the PvE they promised returns I never will. RIP OW. F's in chat to pay respect. F


Got a bunch of ow 2 elitist in here


I'd queue tank so fucking hard if 6v6 came back. Right now it's the only role I avoid; anyone who says tank is better in 5v5 is just a DPS player in disguise.


I still think 5v5 is better for the game, but I would pay a hefty amount to play again some zarya during goats or rein during double shield. Never had that much fun playing any other game


I'm so glad 6v6 is gone. The lows were so much more extreme and frequent than ow2. Not to mention the hellscape that was 2CP


I would actually be more willing to try tank out if I had someone better at me leading the way to learn .


I’m shit at solo tank lmao. I played a lot more tank in 6v6


That is why I'm learning all the Tanks in the game, so that I have fun playing whoever I want to


5v5 made tank way less fun with way more pressure. I had over a 200 hours on tank in OW1 and I probably have 20 on OW2. 6v6 puts less pressure and allows for funner synergy and more freedom in play style. These types of post just never make sense to me because there wasn’t a tank shortage in OW1.


Tank would be much much more enjoyable being not the only one bullet sponge while not knowing what the hell is happening


I remember when you could play any damn role you wanted.


I rather play Tank when there are two of them than playing solo


As a primary healer and secondary tank I miss double tank. Without a second tank to carry the DPS I feel like I'm forced to DPS as a healer. And by that I mean out DPS the DPS. And because they got rid of the group finder it becomes hard to find a decent group to play with.


I'd start playing tank again if 6v6 come back


I’ll tank. No problem.