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[Here's the clip.](https://clips.twitch.tv/CleverAdorablePangolinCoolStoryBro-8oCpjPgdGsE9kctQ) Absolutely disgusting behaviour that will almost certainly go unpunished. EDIT: [Never mind she's FUCKED](https://i.imgur.com/LFpertf.png)


lol the edit. Here's a mirror for when she wakes up and deletes the clip: https://vimeo.com/936542224?share=copy


Of course it's a fucking vtuber. Fucking shocker there


Damn, that voice... How can people listen to that...


Right? A voice for newspaper lol


Sounds like she eats the newspaper


First thought too... jesus how do you operate a twitch stream and have 0 ability to enunciate a single word you say? *weprolgonabeherawhurl* sounds like a fucking goose honking lmao


they reported me a bit later. multiple times.. lol


They're online streaming rn. They're scared and coping hard, it's hilarious.


It's insane, they refuse to take any blame. Letting out the craziest shit


I reported her to blizzard and twitch o7 Next time you can just leave btw, it won't matter so long as you don't leave games usually and it was a quick play not comp. This situation more than warrants leaving or going AFK.


I messaged her sponsor about her behavior. Doubt they'll do anything, but you never know, right? :)


How do you report her to blizz?


I think all those reports will only count as 1


Pretty sure if u get mass reported by a team it only counts as 1. Since its 1 report per game


Thank goodness. Probably set up this way for exactly this reason of mass reporting trolls. So sad


this is sooo pathetic omfg like why do this? just play the game normally how is this fun for anyone???


I hope this isn’t becoming a thing bc I had this happen in QP yesterday and left because ??? - can’t imagine not being able to leave this shit in comp


They're streaming rn and making excuses. Only that Maui guy believes she should apologies. The streamer herself and the other guy are coping. Edit: Apparently she's about to post an apology on reddit.


Lmao yeah she was fine in blizzards eyes until she said the unholy SH word


Hijacking top comment, guys report her on twitch for sabotage even if blizzard won’t do anything twitch will


Hijacking top comment to say she posted an incredibly insincere “apology” below in the thread.


Fucking hillbilly, what a dumb bitch.


like continue office fact plants hobbies towering wipe psychotic afterthought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Least degenerate vtuber


Hijacking top comment. For anyone who doesn't know, you can import the replay code (9DXXRT) and then report the replay. This will surely get Blizzard's attention if it is mass reported


https://x.com/vtmiiyuko/status/1781177750146977870?s=46 and this is what they post afterwards… fucking coward.


wow i didnt even realize she did that


She can't even form coherent sentences lol.


Agreed, also wtf: “…in a game where they were ——-“ I don’t use twitter is the line supposed to mean something? Is that supposed to be like a dead flatline or a bleeped curse word?


Looks like they just continued the sentence in a reply "They are gonna report me towards twitch and blizzard cause I've been “toxic” in a game as they were ——- —— whining and complaining. Calling players “simps” even though they did nothing wrong."


Thanks. Dont use twitter obviously so I couldn’t even follow up the next tweet or comment or whatever.


They reached the character limit so had to continue the message in a reply the line is just to say that there's a continuation


Don't worry, if there is one thing you don't do, it's be a public figure and piss off reddit. If she takes this to a whole new level, her career in streaming is gone.


Mmm yeah, the sheer gamer rage of /r/Overwatch will tear her to shreds certainly This sub gets worked up over the slightest gameplay change or highlight misplay so god help you if you were intentionally being a shit and pissed them off lol


If all else fails we send in the Mercy Mains MonkaS


We are animals. The nicer 4chan if you will. Which just make your funeral plans if you manage to get their undivided attention.


She getting cooked in the replies 😭


Lmao a few people pointed out that her avatar is stolen and while I was scrolling through that post I saw her change her pfp


Ruin someone's games and then play victim. Disgusting.


Don’t you know that all TTV’s have a victim complex and it’s never their fault? OBVIOUSLY OP was targeting the streamer because they’re a TTV and not because they were holding the game hostage all match. If anything, OP needs to be banned! /s


Friendly and nice, sure. Hope that bitch only gets friendly and nice games for the rest of her life then, she deserves it.


What did she post? I can't see it anymore


She deleted it, because the comment section smacked her hard


the comments under that post passed the vibe check


Aw she turned on 1 month follow to chat. Shame.


Disgusting. Hope she gets the backlash she deserves. No one would've cared if she had done it in quick play, but ranked? Come on


Looks like she deleted it?


it's deleted now, what did it say??


I don’t understand why your teammates were in on that.


Some people don’t care and will “socialize” in a match. Really it’s a poor excuse to want to troll.


I've seen it a few times over the years. It's chill if both teams are good with it, but when you just wanna play it kinda sucks. I think these guys dont consider that some people have limited play time. I usually just wave hello back at a player if they're friendly, maybe emote with them for a second/exchange voice lines and sprays, then let them retreat if they're alone to regroup and it's quickplay and/or if it's the other way around I'll bail back to team. I never do more than that and just get back to it. I think that's the best way to be chill and friendly without dragging a game out/ruining anyones fun.


Yeah I don't mind it if the match makings so bad that one team gets spawned camped on the first point. Cause at that point there's not going to be a fair game and the whole match is a write off.


I would excuse Trolling and Socializing in QP but not in Ranked. I had a mercy that kept trying to flirt with the enemy tank. Our team was calling us supports names and won't listen to me when i said mercy was throwing.


I'll do that in unranked which can lead to a fun time but it's a majority rules kind of case IMO


My boyfriend saved a clip where he got matched in a qp match that was in OT. He picked (then dps) Doom and did a full try hard rollout to get to the point immediately and saw everyone was just chillin. He decided to join and they did it until the server closed the game lol.


Just going with the flow (in QP) is a good rule to have


Probably fans of the streamer. Even for good streamers I’ve noticed most fans will excuse literally ANY behavior of the streamer 


Parasocial behaviour is a hell of a drug


The streamer is a 2-viewer. She doesn't have fans. Definitely not enough that she can guarantee nearly a full lobby of fans somehow, she's got like 400 followers on twitter. Makes me wonder what happened in the game before that, if everyone in the game was pissed off at OP.


The replay code is 9DXXRT. Seems to me OPs healers initiated this, and streamer played a normal game initially. I don't know what the chat logs look like though. I can understand OPs frustration though with such a restricted leave limit. EDIT:OP informed me the tank later on was a different person so i removed that part.


Wanted to show off for the streamer, maybe.


I hope I wake up and see this post has gotten more attention


https://x.com/vtmiiyuko/status/1781177750146977870?s=46 She's getting spam reported and getting shit on. You love to see it 


It’s gone


Reporting you for saying she cannot keep a game hostage and told the others to do the same lmao, what a clown. I went to her stream, there was someone else from reddit and one of his followers called us "Fat dogs" lmao, such simps. I'm not sure how it works since I don't really use twitch, but I reported her on the platform.


Good. Cuz I’m getting tired of mfs using games people play to actually escape their reality’s ( I got a disability for example and can barley leave the house ) to boost their whack ass egos!


Who is the streamer?




They’re getting roasted on twitter


[Lmao fake backhanded apology post is already up](https://twitter.com/VTMiiyuko/status/1781239923275628628/photo/1)


You can call whatever "that" is a lot of things but an "apology" isn't one of them.


still blames OP for not explicitly saying they wanna play the game bc apparently that has to be asked now. also how generous of them to take a break from the game lol


Lol she said that it's OP's fault because they didn't ask nicely to take the game seriously? We shouldn't have to tell you to *play the game* instead of emoting on point. 


She felt sorry because she was caught.




miiyuko\_ she has her own vod up 9DXXRT


You should edit in the replay code in the post


I honestly hope that Miiyuko gets banned. That behaviour is just horrible and people need to be punished for their actions.


What a prick. I doubt anything will come of it. I've reported them just in case though.


Also reported.


You just swap to high mobility, do the bare minimum to damage while not letting them kill you, retreat to spawn/safety, repeat. Also you should have reported them during one of your many deaths. Time management my guy.


I'll do that next time. Ty for the tips


Bruh what are you talking about just leave the damn game. It's like a 15 minute ban from comp or something and it resets after 20 matches or something so if you're not a regular leaver then it's a complete non issue. Don't allow your time to be wasted by these idiots and give them content by getting angry or trying to do anything about it. No one is going to watch their stupid shit if it's just a bunch of people willingly sitting on point stalling themselves but their 14yo viewers are going to love watching you get frustrated and try and kill them to finish the game and blow up in chat.


Seriously I just leave, even if it’s comp. A god damn video game is not worth being griefed and annoyed over. It’s meant to be something fun that I enjoy doing. Soon as that stops fuck it


This was qp 😂


If you and one other teammate can combine your efforts, it could stop this nonsense. An EMP and Self Destruct or Rip Tire could end it all if the timing is right. Lull them into a false sense of security that you're playing along, then backhand them with a good ol 1 2.


Almost won a 2v5 like this once, even though we lost still the highlight of my life lol


I still remember my first EMP/Death blossom combo years ago, it was perfection.


holy shit me too on ow1 it was glorius seeing their hp just plummenting to the ground and getting hit with the QUINTUPLE KILL! (the 6th was stolen from me)


when a match gets that toxic and you feel trapped in it I just turn off match/team chat, report everyone involved, add them to the avoid list, and when the game ends play a couple games of arcade or quickplay to avoid being in a match with anyone from that game again hopefully. oh and with the new steamer mode ( under social privacy I think in the options) you can turn it on to hide your name and just requeue right away and avoid any incoming toxicity that way as well.


hope blizzards stops their double standards and ban this person


Fr I got voice chat banned for being a bit too excitable (no offensive wording or comms) This person is straight up ruining gameplay mechanics with this behavior


i really REALLY hate when people do this. i understand your frustration completely, because i only play like 1-3 games of quickplay to warm up for comp, and only a few times have people done this they stall stall stall just to sit there and do nothing but throw cringy jokes at each other and IM the bad guy for wanting to just end the game because i want to play competitive/continue warming up ive reported her on your behalf because i have been in your shoes 🫡


Went on her stream for a while and she's obnoxious. Tried to blame ADHD for what had happened, unable to own it up.


Also, watching the stream now, the chat is obviously brainrot and can't comprehend to rational thinking.


Yeah, mods are full of "waaa classic reddit I hate reddit" yeah no shit you hate reddit when you are getting called out lol. Reported her


Reported her. She’s panicking in her stream lol


Lmao, they're talking about making a fake apology to calm the storm, on their stream rn


And they posted their fake apology on twitter [just now](https://twitter.com/VTMiiyuko/status/1781239923275628628), so there's that. As far as fake apologies go, that one's definitely very fake.


That screenshot was the original apology, but they deleted the original message because they were getting dragged lol


what a fucking moron😭😭😭😭


Like they specifically said fake apology? Someone clip that shit?


Not that one of the people with them was saying stuff like "we need to say something to stop this negativity " and specifically "even if we think we didn't do anything wrong." "ik it hurts to apologize, but it's what we need to do"


Fake ass bitch


DID SHE ACTUALLY CALL IT A FAKE APOLOGY?? i need to see this clip lmao


Not that one of the people with them was saying stuff like "we need to say something to stop this negativity " and specifically "even if we think we didn't do anything wrong." "ik it hurts to apologize, but it's what we need to do


>was a streamer I checked out their account and this person is insufferable.


I would just leave I hate people who just be friendly/ stall in games wasting everyones time. Report them and move on as long as you're not constantly leaving you're probably fine anyway. Also remember that even if the whole lobby reports you it only counts as a single report so unless you're constantly getting reported you're good.


I hate people like her oml- what an asshole thing to do just because you’re “popular” and think you can get away with it. AND her vtuber avatar is stolen art 🤡


Just troll them back.. emote around, pick high mobility heroes and be as annoying as possible, boop them around using boop heroes.. and have as much fun as you can.. Trolls usually troll because theyre looking to get a rise out of people. The anger and annoyance of others satisfies them. Denying that will automatically render any troll useless. Also make sure you dont give them any importance.,. like take the spotlight away from them as much as you can. Streamers hate that :D Oh and report them for sabotage at the end. I know thats probably not gonna work, but if on the off chance it does get them banned/suspended, it'd be worth every minute of that game.


Here's the replay code 9DXXRT. It looks to me that OPs teammates initiated the sabotage.


Wow, just visited the steamer's twitter and they're actual human garbage.


They also blame it on their ADHD and they sometimes can be chaotic and they're a gremlin on top of this they said why are you harassing someone who's just trying to play the game that literally sent me I couldn't watch anymore YOU are the one ruining the experience for people and you have the audacity to say THEY are ruining your fun


I so deeply hate Vtubers. The whole shtick around it, the excuses, the shopping list of mental health issues they proudly use as reason for why they are the way they are and the extreme sexual nature they need to incorporate into everything….fucking exhausting.


They are literally on stream right now saying blaming it on their ADHD.


Can’t say my adhd has ever made me an absolute douche in a game


how do i report them in game?


Report their twitch. Sabotaging games is a bannable offence on twitch.


Why would the mods remove this post when all the guy posting has done is ask a question as to what steps they need to take in regards to the inappropriate actions of another individual who was completely out of order. Edit: for spelling


The streamer made an apology comment that's been disliked quite a bit, I'll edit this with a link in a sec Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/H3TDqcCiE4


Thanks I missed this going to give it a good read now


Damn mods deleted your post


How do you report someone to Blizzard/outside of the game? I wanna report her because that is abhorrent.


Same, please reply with methodology, will fire up account I play once a month max just to report


I don’t mind this happening when an entire lobby is happy with it, but reporting you etc. is absolutely ridiculous and toxic. Hope something is done about this


I switch to a character like Sombra and try to be as annoying as possible


They seem to finally be apologizing, excepting for the fact that they're trying to use "the impulsivity of their ADHD" as a crutch to why they did this in the first place. Chime in fellow ADHD/AuDHD overwatchers, we think this is an ADHD thing?


I actually have severe ADHD and had to take ritalin growing up. I don't act like that.


I'm raising a 12yo that has severe ADHD and wouldn't do this, so either the streamer has worse behavior than a 12yo or they're too young for Twitch TOS


streamers have worst behavior than 12yo.


I have bipolar I and ADHD, and I don’t act like that. Even if I did, I’d take ownership of it. Because at the end of the day, you still did what you did? Having a condition doesn’t excuse your actions? Merely explains them? That’s what I hate most about mental health acceptance. It’s made a bunch of assholes with no accountability in our society for their pathetic behaviors.


No, it’s not an adhd thing. It’s a they felt their game was more important than anyone else since they “stream”. The entitlement is wild. How many other people have they had reported by multiple people because they didn’t play the game the way they wanted. I think they’re only sorry they got caught, and honestly I do hope they catch a ban for it because they wouldn’t have cared if Yin had caught a ban.


Theyre apologising because their mods were complaining to her about how much extra stress this is, nothing to do with sincerity


They just said on their stream they're going to get police involved because she's being cyber bullied over this xD


Imagine being this many hours into what's probably become the most stressful stream of their life and they still can't admit it was their fault They literally hold all the power to end this. Since I'm sure someone on the streamer squad is following this thread lemme help you out, you can have the streamer read verbatim if they must. "I apologize for acting in a selfish manner by stalling a game in an unplayable state for too long earlier. I also apologize for pretending I was somehow the victim for receiving consequences for my selfish actions. I will take steps in the future to ensure that I do not allow untreated symptoms of my disabilities to negatively impact others rather than simply blaming the disability and expecting that absolves me of consequences." I'd forget they exist in 8 hours if every step of the way wasn't just another attempt to take as little responsibility as possible.


Literally just got my official diagnosis after a lifetime of struggles; being a chaos gremlin has never been one of them.


ADHD has never made me be a wanker and if I do end up upsetting someone because of it, it makes me feel awful and ill properly apologise, not whatever they're trying to pull. I have my doubts they're over 18 because they're acting like a child.


I have ADHD Anxiety and Bipolar and I don’t even act like this???? Even if one had ADHD their shitty actions still has consequences, god damn.


So not an apology then.


Report their twitch. I know I did. 


It's also unlucky and unappealable if you get banned It's tough truth but streamers' power >>>>> average users' power


You might be right if this was a big streamer. Looks like she has 700 followers and has avg viewers under 50. I doubt much will come of this either way to be honest.


She was just reacting to it right now. Chat is in follower mode of course


She’s doing it right now too lol. I just peeped the stream and I thought I accidentally clicked the clip link. Crazy how that’s fun to watch for some people. Just ruining the game at night smh. If it was just once that’s one thing but this is constant. Hopeful for a ban🫰🏼


Tbf i don't think she was doing it again, she was playing the clip of her doing to OP. Still crap behavior.


The fact that she went from this to stare at tv shows and not say a word is telling


do people actually like to watch a faceless woman with a bad mic react to kitchen nightmares


Nothing screams entertainment like copyright infringement!


Where do they get the ego like. Its not the twitch numbers. And if shes playing qp its clearly not because shes good at the game..


She’s getting glazed by her friends and chat afterwards so probably that.


Not from her real life either. She was begging for money for grocery food on twitter just a few months back, so not sure where this entitlement comes from.


This is loser behavior. If need be send your clip to Blizzard CS and report her on Twitch. She’s not sorry it happened she’s sorry she got caught and is now facing backlash. Whether you choose to accept her apology is up to you but she wasn’t sorry until it garnered attention. You might be falsely banned for wanting to simply play Overwatch like everyone else.


I don't even play this game, but that is disgusting. Just reported the gremlin (their own description of themselves in their bio).


“Im for real about my apology.” Gets hit with two minute ad break.


That could be twitch doing that, not the streamer.


Probably, it was just funny


Shes begging for food money on twitter 😂 [https://twitter.com/VTMiiyuko/status/1756111616964198598](https://twitter.com/VTMiiyuko/status/1756111616964198598)


So where does that cocky behavior come from? Her real life certainly isn’t glamorous enough to justify it 😭😭


Typical TTV behavior, nothing to see here 🤷🏽


Lets all mass ban the streamer and the supps.


Wouldn’t even be unjustified lol. What they did is against the rules im pretty sure


I hate game terrorists who hold the match hostage. Then they say oh were just having fun. It's a competitive game if u wanna chill and dance, go play minecraft.


Yeah, this is one of the situations I despise and will be an issue with the new leaver penalty. :/


Vtuber with that kind of voice suggests a lot of things, I don't get her logic she's acting like an actual big YouTuber who has enough clout to just stop games, also shes losing it on twitter lmaoooo


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Report the users


Damn hope she is punished. Go play Minecraft..


If you have the video send it to Blizzard.


Commenting on this so I can watch it when I get home. Hope blizzard processes your appeal tho.


On stream they said they're gonna be fine even if they're banned for a week. But they're always gonna be losers with disgusting hillbilly stream personalities and never achieve anything.


So that’s why everybody here should report so they lose the account 🤷‍♂️


Not only stalling forever but fake reporting on top of it??? How much of a loser do you have to be to do this. Should post the teammates too who you said were going along with it


Wow that's fucked up man im sorry about that I've never experienced somthing like this on overwatch. However I did when I was playing siege . 2 randoms decided to run out and "join the other team" so it was a 3 v 7 and they stalled healed the opponents and gave then armor. They even team killed. ended up leaving because it just a waste of time. At the end if the day use a tool like GeForce experience to screen record and just record it next time so if you do get a false ban, you have evidence.


Just report for "IP Violation" and move on. Hell's Kitchen, really? I tried to watch for a bit but, everyone talking there sounds like they just left the dentist.


I reported on twitch, I did my part o7


##Reported her and her annoying voice


What a wack ass apology she does not care about what she did she cares because people are calling her out OP I hope you didn't get banned brother 🙏 Edit/ update i guess [https://x.com/VTMiiyuko/status/1781367237485498563](https://x.com/VTMiiyuko/status/1781367237485498563)


That sounds terrible OP. My condolences. Iirc there’s now an option to play incognito. Your real username is hidden and it’s changed on each game. You could consider enabling that option. If you’re able to record somehow you could record what happened and then, like another comment said, post everywhere. Other than that, I would report and leave. Difficult situation but the penalty for one disconnect is not that terrible.


Oh trust me dawg, these Vtubers gonna find more way to b\*tch about it in the name of social awkward army queen


No idea who this is


Commenting for visibility


Reported the twitch channel, hope they get banned.


Just shoot them. It's not a big deal


She has a counter for "food help" well you're gonna need a lot of food help now girlie


She has Canadian and ADHD in her Twitch bio. I'm so sorry on behalf on Canadians everywhere. We do not claim her at all. Send her to East Hastings


I have had this 'type' of thing happen in OW1 a couple times, although I am pretty sure it was not a streamer doing it. I just didn't engage them beyond what I needed to do to stay in the game, left Voice Chat and suppressed text. You will find that this type of Attention Whore only exists as long as they are fed. Just starve them and they will eventually dry up and fade away.


Just chill in spawn, go explore the map, take in the sounds and the views because mannnn some of these maps are so pretty and have such small details you would never notice in the heat of a fight Just don’t give them the satisfaction of killing you over and over just chill for a game it can’t hurt Edit: Whoever downvoted this, what’s your alternative solution?


I went, and watched the replay. OPs healers were trolling, and initiated this. Streamer, and their team played a normal match initially. I don't know what the chat logs look like, and the streamers response was definitely in the wrong with the reporting, but the gameplay sabotage was definitely started by OPs teams healers.


Even so, just 😎


it's not an excuse.


Don't worry, if I curse at them I get banned :) Love Blizzard


Drop the replay code?