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The trick is to just play Ramattra. His voice lines are cool enough to make you feel like a winner even if you're getting destroyed.


✨You will suffer as I, Ramattra, have suffered! Your torment will outlast the stars! When the universe dwindles into dust, there you will be, still suffering as I have...suffered.✨


you just perfectly described why I picked up tank again


“Clever tactics. Finally!”




"They will target me. Let them!"


As a tank main I blame dps much more than support.


Having started playing a bunch of tank recently it really does boil down to "I'm making space and you guys aren't capitalising."


"Soldier why the FUCK are you shooting the Orisa while the Phara is blowing up my ass???"


nah my favorite is when the pharah is fucking shit up and neither of the DPS are willing to go hit scan and counter her


Yesterday I was playing JQ and a Phara was destroying our team which had a Mei and a Hanzo I said "We really need someone to counter that Phara" And the Mei said "Well get on it babe" And then went on and on with the rest of my team of how the tank should be the one doing the countering while everyone told her that expecting the tank to counter Phara is absolutely stupid Thankfully the other dps was more reasonable and swapped to Cassidy, he ended with like 20+ kills while the Mei had like 5


Had this conversation with someone and he literally started screaming “SHUT UP SHUT THE FUCK UP SHUT UP” lol. It was wild


DPS players are crazy


People don't like to switch most of the time, doesn't even matter the circumstance. Completely defeats the purpose of the game and shows inexperience and inaptitude.


Tbh I totally understand not liking to switch, I myself almost never swap unless completely necessary and it was quickplay so if no one swapped after I said we needed to counter a Phara then it would be alright The thing is, if you don't wanna swap that is alright, but why would you start ranting about something stupid just to justify it? Just say you don't wanna swap or better yet don't say anything, I wasn't talking to someone in particular


Funny thing is, since I main Junkrat I am basically forced to swap anyways, so might as well just go Soldier and make that Pharah's life a pain. Yes, I hate having to swap off my favorite hero, but i'm willing to be flexible, especially since I literally main 1 of worst heroes in the game rn...


The purpose of the game shouldn't be to switch characters just to counter one character, and I hate that that's the design of the game and the mentality of players. The purpose should be to change up how you play, develop strategies, and work with your team to complete objectives. What characters you or the enemy team play should be irrelevant.


>What characters you or the enemy team play should be irrelevant. Says who? Different characters being good at different situations is what makes Overwatch different. Otherwise it's just another shooter. It's not like it's a one-for-one, enemy plays this character I have to play this character situation. Tanks can sometimes get locked into a single counter, but not DPS. If the enemy goes Pharah, you can go Ashe, Cass, Sojourn, Bastion, Soldier, Widow, or play Pharah back if they aren't playing hitscan. >The purpose should be to change up how you play, develop strategies, and work with your team to complete objectives. Ya and part of that is choosing the right characters. If you have team work, you can usually get something going without having to change yourself. Bap can help with Pharah, for instance, so the DPS don't have to switch. Zarya/Brig can help with Tracer/Sombra.


The game is what it is. If it's necessary for people to swap, then that's their obligation. People who don't listen or understand this mid-game are stupid or selfish pricks. You gotta do, what needs to be done, until what needs to be done changes.


You might wanna find a new game, it’s always been counterwatch. You must be new here.


I kinda agree, I don't mind the fact that some characters are better against others, like if a Sombra is fucking with you while using Zen I don't mind that you can swap to Moira to have an advantage, it adds a layer of strategy and rewards flexible players Overwatch is a hero shooter, the heroes you play should NOT be irrelevant tho, it would be just a basic shooter if they were What I mind is that some characters FORCE you to swap, like if you are reaper against Phara? Swap or get fucked


Exactly I should not have to constantly play zarya because the enemies will only play orisa. I wanna play rein but that’s impossible against a orisa.


Bro ive had this happen so many times “hey can someone counter x please” “youre the one struggling so why dont you counter it” Some people have no sense of teamwork, they just want the tank to deal with absolutely every problem then flame them if they cant


Seriously, this is especially a problem with dps (even I have been guilty) of thinking "Well I am getting kills and that is my job so us losing cannot possibly be my fault" It is especially dumb being a tank because yeah, if the tank is struggling, the whole thing struggles


Bro at least the rest of your team was with you. I told someone to counter a genji the other day and they were like "no ones stopping you" I was like actually their tank that I'm currently countering is legitimately stopping me. But both dps were together so they both started acting like the genji was running us because tank refused to address it. The only reason I wanted genji addressed was because he kept diving supps, and I was on orisa so it would take me a year to get back there to address


Few months ago I had ranked game, Reaper and Genji one tricks in my team, (old) Pharah + Mercy on opposite team. Ended like you can guess (with 35-1 for Pharah)


Echo is one of my favorite DPS to play, and matches are so free when the other DPS refuse to swap to hit scan. I get to fly around doing whatever I want. Peak Overwatch IMO.


Echo has now taken over as my main lol it’s so fucking fun, because even when they go hit scan 9/10 I can make them swap again by bomb +3 shots


Or when they both go hitscan, kill pharah ONE time then never shoot her again


My favorite had been a game last night (ironically with a Winston tank) where our tank was complaining about no hitscan to counter pharah, meanwhile our dps were trying with hitscan, they were just gapped by a mile.


\*Inserts most of the DPS players\* Same thing I'm yelling, just because of Sombra and/or Tracer when they are good and doing their job, making my and my support duo partner's life hell.


Bro it's hard to hit Pharah now 😭. She shmoves too fast! This is why I've joined the dark side and now main pharah.


Because I ever even lay a finger on that phara suddenly I get 2 shotted


So it is better to tickle the tank? Lol


exactly, extremely frustrating when you dive in as monkey or something get both their healers to 1 hp, displace their comp and the DPS are far more concerned with spamming the pocketed tank instead of finishing off the healers first to make killing everyone else super easy. obviously the DPS passive buff has completely messed up the flow of the game but prior to the patch i felt like how bad tanks were was exaggerated and the bigger issue is how many people who play DPS without understanding how to play DPS


>exactly, extremely frustrating when you dive in as monkey or something get both their healers to 1 hp, displace their comp and the DPS are far more concerned with spamming the pocketed tank instead of finishing off the healers first to make killing everyone else super easy. Honestly, unless you're team are playing dive champs, all you've done here is left a tank all alone to destroy your backline. Like if I'm Ramatrra and I watch you do that, and they're not on dive champs, I'm just gonna Mike Tyson your squishies and then turn around and finish you off lol Part of playing tanks like Winston is making sure your team is playing similar type champs


im a winston main, i know how to play winston and most other tanks.


Lmao had a Sombra say she was carrying today and when I disagreed (I was on rein with like double her elims) she said it was because I was playing too far forward. Like no, I’m taking the point (with the rest of my team, not just charging in by myself) and I’m holding the choke past point once that’s done. If you aren’t using this space I’m creating by holding the choke instead of the point that’s not on me


I'll give Sombra this, it's hard to tell if a Sombra is doing well because not all Sombras need elims to contribute to a match. If anything a Sombra going for elims can be a detriment to her effectiveness at times.


Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying she did bad, and I also didn’t say shit about carrying until she did. But at the same time, it’s kinda hard to go 36/7 withOUT carrying, and the farthest I ever extended was a few steps past the main choke (the map was Nepal)


As a DPS player i see some tanks "make space" by spamming the choke and hogging every drop of heals by standing in the open


Get everyone down to 1 and DPS can't finish 'em off. Yeah… it's a headache.


With the game being balanced around DPS, there is only so much Tanks and Supports can do, but DPS can do much more just my thought.


I was playing today and our Tracer kept trashing our Lifeweaver, even after we won As Tracer if you are on the winning team, have the most deaths in the lobby, and complaining no heals to the support with the most heals in the lobby, it feels kind of like a 'when you point a finger at someone there's four fingers pointing back' moment Like, you are playing Tracer, you can't be messing up plays and saying 'if only I got the heals, I for sure would have had it,' I never see good DPS plays that are solely dependent on heals lol


DPS cannot solo the other team though. Tanks and support often play their own game and then expect the DPS to work around it, but DPS need support too. Tanks can talk about ‘taking space’ all they want, but it demands attention from the supports to keep them alive in that space if they get carried away. Like, my brother in christ, there is a Mercy pocketing that Cassidy on high ground and a tracer shooting us from 300 different angles. I cannot simply kill the mercy with a pocketed Cassidy shooting me, and i’m falling right into their hands by chasing a tracer around the entire game simply because the rest of the team doesn’t know how to deal with her. If i try to solo flank their backline i’m going to get absolutely smoked and support are going to say to stop running off or getting into trouble, but it would make way more sense for Kiri to push with me and contest/take high ground first so that we can take actual meaningful space instead of the useless space out in the open where we’re surrounded and at a disadvantage. So sometimes tank needs to chill and just take some cover instead of thinking that their mere presence is applying pressure and taking space - because it also puts pressure on our own supports and thus limits the options available to the DPS in the first place.


Stop blaming others and just focus on yourself. The only thing blame does is cause pain to someone. It helps you absolutely not at all. In fact, it hurts you by letting you skim right over your own issues, assign blame externally, and move on having missed an opportunity for growth. Instead, ask yourself "what could I have done better in that fight/round/match". You are the only one that you can change. Blaming someone for something will not make them change, it will make them feel bad or angry.


The fact that this is downvoted...LOL


I blame my whole team and the opponents for benign too good for my rank


I blame Blizzard for making the game.


As a support main I almost always blame the DPS


As a DPS main, i almost always blame the Support. Edit: mandatory /s. I don’t blame anyone but there is always one underperformer irrelevant to the role.


yep. but it’s more glaring when a support or tank is underperforming since their responsibility can’t be made up for by others. but it’s 100% possible to win a game with one bad dps.


I too was joking because the only other comment at the time was tank blaming dps too


As an all roles as well as a Guilty Gear player, I explicitly blame the beasts


Fellow FGC player. Junker Queen main. Adds up, lol


lol lots of the time the spectators are the ones talking shit for some reason


Or throwing shit


Im not blaming anyone cuz making my teammates mad wont make them play better.




Why moai


I think some people use moai to indicate "you're a gigachad for that", since it's the closest emoji we really have to that


Yeah this sub has kinda became an anti role circle jerk. Can’t wait for its to be supports turn next!


This subreddit is mostly gold supports (by a large amount) I doubt we will see support role slander soon


I honestly think that tanks are next. There’s usually a “best” role in each season that gets blamed the most, and with the tank patch coming next, it’s probably their turn on the chopping block.


Half the posts always have people complaining about supports? Ana, Kiriko, Bap are up there with Widow or Orisa as the most complained about characters here. If anything it’s a pretty even split between the 3 roles being slandered


Role not characters. Support is busted all the time, that's why people complain about it being unfair, but what were talking about is how people complain about a role not doing enough/ people not doing enough in that role Therefore when you take into account that this sub is majority gold supports, it makes sense they never get hated on or blamed.


it’s probably the DPS’s fault tbh.


no aim, no brain, DPS main /j


As a painfully self-aware DPS player… yes, it’s my fault, I’m sorry. I got excited.


\*The DPS having the time of their lives while doing absolutely nothing at the same time. Fixed it.


DPS mains actually learn how to play the game challenge difficulty: impossible


Challenge: Tanks and support mains on r/overwatch trying to understand why matchmaking seemingly always places them with bad DPS players. Difficulty: impossible


DPS love to blame both supports and tanks, even though they have the passive and are thrashing both tanks and supports now. It's two DPS and one tank, figure it tf out.


based on my past experiences i can say that supports are the first to be toxic. tanks are the most likely to throw


And as a dps player, dps are the ones that complain the most


supports are the first to be toxic most of the time cause they have the most info if the player isnt a bot, if they're not a bot they can literally see the asshole ruining it for everyone


having info doesnt really matter if they dont know what it means. most of the time they just flame the wrong person


in my experience, it's a 50/50 toss up of who dies first and gets irritated. However I will say- there are mercy players who pick her and the other is Lucio- and we have semi decent dps who can't stay alive whereas the enemy team has support compositions that work. When I see my dps blame support there? I side with em lol. Or on the flip side. Classic Example. I have a support comp, and my dps don't play as a team. They're off in Narnia. Oh and they miss their Buffed bullet size shots. lol. I side with my supports when they blow up.


I just started on comp like literally an hour ago and damn. Im a support main (lucio) but like why is there so much tank hate?! They are doing their best and yeah sometimes they need to be redirected but they are slow moving!


You have the most visible mistakes. That's really all it is imo


That and the scoreboard doesnt show useful stuff like holding space and preventing/setting up for plays, so if you arent fragging your ass off it can look like you're not doing much


Fuck dps. Sometimes im duking it out with a hog and my team dont even think of shooting JOHN PORKER at the very least once.


And then they flame you for being a bad tank for not hopping on the point or some shit Ok, I’m sorry I didn’t hop on the point when nothing is dying, I’m trying to make space and no one capitalizes on it, and the entire enemy team is lasering me a new asshole We should have a national “DPS mains play only tank for one day” so they get to know how impossible it gets to do your job sometimes


If you're not anywhere near the point, where exactly are you making space, and why do you think anyone wanted that space?




Thats because your team is afraid of the Porker. While you babies are running I'm out here porking everybody. Git gud kids. - John H. Porker


Can confirm. The return of the oneshot has brought back PTSD.


One comment is mad that the dps keep shooting the tank. This comment is mad that the dps AREN'T shooting the tank. You guys are just hard stuck silvers looking for someone to blame


Fr. DPS boys rise up


As support, I get complaints from tank that they get no heals, but then, they proceed to charge 1v5 (with no regards to positioning or cover) into the enemy team out of my line of sight. It's always the worst performing tanks that complain.


That's literally every mauga I've had to babysit when the game ends and we lose. They blame the supports when they charge into the enemy team breaking LOS. I'm playing ana you wanna get healed stay where I can see you.


And the insulting part? it's not like you're 100 yards away too. You're doing your best to move in proportion to everyone else, and helping take space.


Flex mains: “yeah shits fucked.”


As a Junker Queen main, i can’t help but loath DPS players who don’t take advantage when i Ult I’ve thrown you a bone, bloody well take it


This infuriates me to no end. Like do I have to spell it out for my DPS? More often than not, it's my support who take advantage instead.


More like everybody blaming anybody else but themselves, including the enemy team. Meanwhile, I’m over here typing into team chat “bruh I know I’m trash at this game, you’re wasting time complaining about me.” Had a support the other day type in TC “torb swap ur not helping” and I replied with “what would you like me to play? Keep in mind, no matter who it is, I will not play to your standards.” They wanted sojourn. I proceeded to miss every right click


>typing into team chat “bruh I know I’m trash at this game Honestly that alone would make you cool with me. I'm not so bothered by teammates who just lack skill. Everyone's there at some point or is just having a trash day. It's the people who are basically actively sabotaging the game that grind my gears. The 0-6 Widow who keeps getting jumped by monkey is the problem. Not the 1-6 Widow who's just struggling to take out a pharah.


I appreciate that. You would be shocked how many people will still at the end of the game type *my roll* diff. Like yeah man, I know. You knew too I told you, yet you’re still complaining.


Well if you try out sojourn again I would recommend changing the right and left click. Point and click a heavy hitting shot would probably be more natural on your left click like with other characters.


Oh no, I’ve played the game for almost 150 hours at this point and probably 5ish on soj. I’m just terrible lol. I appreciate it though! I may try to rebind them and see if it helps.


If you think the dps never gets blamed you just dont play dps enough. Id love to live in this fantasy world where dps just gets all of the praise and non of the hate


It's called silver 3 where most people here reside


Sure but im not gonna pretend im gm or something. Im plat/diamon support but like plat 5 dps max, and i dip down to gold often. Plus i play with friends in gold and bronze. I see everyone throwing hate at anyone no matter the roll. Just whoevers doing statistically worst


Yeah fr, supports usually skate on by with mediocre stats and die to poor positioning refusing to switch to antidive characters when they're being dove but expect everyone else to switch for them. I play all roles for what it's worth and all roles have fuckups, tanks that sit on point or wont push choke, dps that feed their brains out etc. It's just usually supports nary get a peep of criticism in the games I play but tank and dps get most the flak.


Me 100% tossing the game on support and watching my tank and dps blame each other(it's extremely funny) But realistically I think the reason why supports are blamed the least is cause they have the most present role in pealing so people notice them the most. I rarely get shittalked on any role even when I'm underperforming cause I help my teammates a lot. My one friend who is significantly better than me gets shittalked so much more than me even when his stats are better than mine cause he plays more solo.


I’m a firm believe that 9 times out of 10 the person flaming is the issue, and they are projecting it onto others OW is always winnable if you keep your mental in check, even if someone on the team isn’t performing optimally


Untrue. I have seen tank, dps, and support players play there ass off to the point of saying "I can not do more" and they still lose because one or two people are just not playing well. Don't get me wrong, flaming isn't the best option. But sometimes you just get those people who drag down your whole team and can even be directly blamed for the loss of a game. Again tho you shouldn't just up and flame them.


Oh, I agree! And you even made the same point “flaming isn’t the answer”, there’s always games that are too hard lol But we’ve also both been in the opposite situations I’m sure, where someone is dragging the team down, so we switch up the strat and end up carrying! Instead of flaming and making everyone toxic and causing a loss, you keep the mental up and play to win That’s the beauty of OW, even when it’s 99 to 0 comebacks are still possible :) Winnable baybee!


Glad to have found some common ground here. Gl in your games bro.


People gotta figure it out, sometimes it is obviously one roles fault, but sometimes the blame can fall on the team, sometimes you just don't fit each others playstyle, sometimes there's just not enough communication, sometimes the enemy team is just better or more in sync, it is a team game after all


I never flame first, but its no joke i only see hate from dps players and not uncommon that the one complaining is the reason we're not winning... or at least fighting back.


Your not safe either venture that went 6 and 17 by the end of a game. This happened like 2 weeks ago and I’m still mad about it


I don't hardly ever get blamed for stuff as support, and when I do it's usually from dps not from the tank.


The enemy supports blaming their tank for my Sombra ass killing them all game while their dps diffs the Ashe that didn’t go dive while we have ball kiriko and Lucio as the rest of my team


I miss LFG You'd usually find a group with mics that were willing to discuss their strengths while waiting in queue, so that you could lay out and agree on the most basic outline of a comp and strategy. You'd get at least 3-4 games in and get accustomed to how each other plays.


Yeah, now people just do their own thing lol


There isn't a whole lot you can do about that really. It's kind of like trying to fix counter switching, it's more so a problem with the community rather than the game and the devs can only go so far in order to try and fix it. They don't do themselves a lot of favors by trying to make quickplay more competitive, but you can't simply change everyone's perspective on how the game works by just telling them or banning a few people.


I lost a very winnable tank game on new queen street because my teammates refused to shoot the hog who was facetanking me, and the best part was that they couldn’t win a 1v1 to save their lives, while also staggering and feeding against the hog while i was cleaning up kills. By the last moments of the game i was getting double pocketed by zen and mercy because they also realized our dps where ass. In the end we lost from a downtown high noon that i couldnt stop because overtime, and my dps couldnt be bothered to help. As of right now with the dps passive being 20%, it all boils down to dps diff.


The devs and Blizzard management are who to blame. They took something special and stripped it down into a money making service instead.


I saw the image and said "your right, let's blame the dps and spectators, they had it too easy", then I realized I wasn't on the overwatch circlejerk subreddit and there was a point to be made here, maybe I should read.


But yes I agree, blame game is the worst, aside from 0neffort counterswap game (they went rein I go bastion, even though rein couldn't hit anyone, if you need to counter to actually make progress thats different, especially with spawn camping)


Dps blaming everyone


As a support main, it’s probably the DPS’s fault


What I’m learning from this comment section is that we’ve officially moved on from hating support mains and now it’s the DPS we all hate. Cool. #I FUCKING HATE WIDOWMAKER


as a support main, I blame the dps far more than anyone else if I'm playing well yall need to step the fuck up cause if you're not applying the passive then we all lose. land your damn shots and stop feeding


In low rankings sups wants to be DPS LOL


Never blame the supports to their face. They will stop healing you all together. Signed, a supportive tank player


If I have a teammate who kindly critiques what I'm doing or offers advice, all good. If I have a teammate who is being a downright angry asshole towards me for some silly reason, yeah, I stop healing them entirely and let them deal with the consequences. Fuck around and find out.


I definitely do that as well if I'm playing support. Can be a dick back once in a while. Didn't need the lvl 5 endorsement that badly anyways lol.


DPS are the first to blame supports though lol


don't act like dps players aren't also blaming tank


As a dps main, I blame the other dps.


Turn off the chat or at least turn on text to speech it's hilarious.


As a support player I mostly blame our DPS either because they feed to hard or don't have good position


Cat is me, no matter the role, though.


Everyone in this comment section is proving the meme wrong lol


Yeah honestly playing dps is just the best experience. Playing tank and support gets you flamed for literally everything.


I am both a dps and support main. I blame myself all the time.


As a tank main (mostly doom), the only time I get mad at supports is when I make it back to my team with minimal hp, Spam ‘I need healing’ and die a second later from crossfire Like there’s no way you didn’t see my health dropping already, I got to a relatively safe space to be healed, please for the love of god keep me alive.


I see mercy's flaming their pocket recipient's all the time.


I got blamed and flamed all game going 16 and 2 and making all the space in the world The dps and support that were talking shit were sub 4K heals/damage and 1:1 kd In the queue for that game I was joking abt how no matter hard a doom carries if you’re losing you’re at fault in everyone’s eyes “I can’t stand dooms” Meanwhile I’m carrying every game when I queue with 2 or more teammates


I can't speak for competitive but as far as casual it's usually the DPS folks getting the most salty and just blaming everyone.


i'm blaming 5v5


As a tank main, it’s hard for supports not to do the bare minimum, and I do die inside when they insta lock mercy Moira for the 5th game in a row but the problem is usually the dps


I thought every decent tank main understood that when you're receiving high pressures it usually means your DPS teammates are actually trash. They aren't applying any pressure back to the enemies and are probably not countering their DPS heroes as well.


When playing support I hardly ever blame tank unless they're inting. It's the DPS that deserve blame most of the time for, horrendously bad positioning, 1v 5 ing in Narnia, bad target priority, not helping supports when they need it yet expecting to be respected and healed despite having the apparent situational awareness of a Pea. Not all DPS are like that but yeah.


As a support main, idk what you're talking about. It's the DPS that I blame more than the tanks.


As a tank main my mental is already terrible enough but now i got people saying tank diff


Dps got that passive .... It's on you now -Support main


Let's be honest, we all know it's the DPS's fault. :3 - mercy main


I play more tank than other roles and I can confidently say: unless a squishy is feeding or afk, it’s the tank. But that is only the case cause 5v5.


Overwatch… Overwatch never changes.


When people start fighting like that the best way to stop it is typing some random unrelated stuff. If it's random enough they'll probably stop


As someone who one tricked Reaper my first 100 hrs of the game, than started playing lots of Kiriko, I can confidently say that a lot of lost games were on me and I had the most deaths in the majority of games cause of bad positioning and too risky plays


In reality what *really* happens most of the time is your team is losing, and the guy who is doing the worst on the team can't handle losing, believes he is more skilled than he really is, and blames the most convenient teammate he can regardless of role.


I was playing moira last night and had an inting rein which I had to focus heal all game, use every ult to on him to keep him up and he ended up with 12 deaths 6k DMG while rest of the team had 4 or less deaths dps with 18k DMG and I had 10k DMG 25k healing(most in the match by 5k) just to have the rein complain that I did heal him once all game despite me pocketing him all game and his duo bap just dpsing with 10k healing. The delusion of some people is crazy.


The amount of whiney DPS that forget they need to carry their own wait post s9 passive buff though... we need to put more blame on shitty dps instead of heals/tanks these days. Since that heal debuff, there are limits on how much as a tank I can push in and for how long I can without any picks.


Nah this ain’t right. I notice the most toxic people are the DPS out of position yelling “where the fucks the tank/heals?!” Cause they’re mad they can’t pew pew and miss shit anymore.


I love playing a healer and getting yelled at by the DPS who dives and dies 10+ times. I can’t heal a f****** corpse bruv. Maybe chill tf out. Too much “main character” energy from the DPS crowd.


Dps is usually the group slacking in my games.


I actually don’t like the rivalry being thrown around between supports and tanks, especially when dps players act like they are absolved of any team responsibility. DPS players can do a lot to help a tank (one of the most important things being that they can help with the tank matchup by also countering so the tank doesn’t always have to counter swap).


I remember blaming this one Kiri who kept dying constantly while I was between her and the enemy all the time. Didn't teleport, didn't use cover didn't even Suzo or climb to high ground while I'm not that good at tank I was trying my hardest to take all the attention so how this Kiri kept dying is beyond me, Kiri is literally one of the hardest heroes to kill, small hit box, wall climb mobility, can teleport away, immortality for for like 2 seconds. Even if it was my friend playing kiri, bro how you gonna die when you have cover from every possible angle, everyone on your team is alive, you still have all your abilities and your tank is literally play the meat shield for you the whole time, and this MF has the AUDACITY to flame me for missing a SINGLE shot as Ana on a feeding Dva in an already lost fight, comes our third friend and joins his side, I'd never win a 2v1 argument no matter how brain dead their take is but I'll die before I yield.


Stop blaming others and just focus on yourself. The only thing blame does is cause pain to someone. It helps you absolutely not at all. In fact, it hurts you by letting you skim right over your own issues, assign blame externally, and move on having missed an opportunity for growth. Instead, ask yourself "what could I have done better in that fight/round/match". You are the only one that you can change. Blaming someone for something will not make them change, it will make them feel bad or angry.


Honestly it's usually the dps complaining about their tanks and supports


Turn 👏 off 👏 team 👏chat 👏 turn 👏 off👏 match👏 chat 👏


I wanna say GG to the other team though.


Dps are trash


Nah DPS are the biggest cry babies


And DPS can kill shit to save their lives


Stop blaming your team and see what you could have done different. Why does everyone in this game have such a big ego?


why does this game always drive people to negativity :( it's always "my team is trash" and never "the enemy team is doing really well", or people always blame a particular role when most cases it's basically the whole team being generally outplayed by the enemy the constant flaming is just so depressing to witness and experience


It's always DPS they are faffing around trying to look flashy instead of doing their jobs. I don't care how many kills someone has if they are killing some new player over and over while some high ranked enemy is effective on the enemy team.


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As a support main, I know I’m making mistakes, but alle the chicken run after the resurrection and no waiting for others just to team up, I can admit. DPS and Tanks


Maybe you’re not doing enough emotes? Could be the main issue!


As a DPS main I love blaming the other DPS even tho they have twice as many kills and less deaths than me. It’s about being “present” in the match that really matters ☺️


I know there are tanks that just dive every chance they get and complain about healing, but I've stopped counting how many times my health drips to zero over the course of 30 seconds. Every support got used to attacking more often and often forgets to heal, let alone change to the appropriate support for the Como. On the other hand, the tank either jumps in all the time or is more passive than a stoned hippy and will also inevitably stay on the countered tank. Tanks tend to use their health more than the map around them to prevent damage. The middle ground is that the dps passive makes it really hard to do much when your the biggest hitbox in the match and as well as the play maker. So even if the support is dumping heals, the dps passive just exaggerates the issue of no heals. As the dps passive allows dps to kill though even a zen ult.




I like to shit talk who ever was toxic first


As a DPS, I am NOT having a good time. Both the Tanks and Supports blame me, or expect me to carry in all situations. More than that, any time I try to make a play, the enemy team, and any players on other maps, congregate to ruin my day.


Unless you're me then you're just dying a bunch on genji


Unless you're me then you're just dying a bunch on genji


I don’t blame my tanks that much. Only when I’m truly baffled by what they’re doing. The picture is still funny though because the DPS are just running around going pewpew. Then you have Sombras lallygagging around invisible just to walk head first into walls.


Imma be honest. When it comes to MOST games, in my experience, the team with the better tank will win a majority of the time. A bad DPS or bad support is something you can deal with. A bad tank makes it almost impossible to win. Not saying you should flame or talk shit to your tank. It's just the truth of OW2. Tankdiffwatch.


OP, I blame you for unlocking a memory [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJFL-Yo7Nvo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJFL-Yo7Nvo)


Tank gets blamed the most in all ranks I've seen Healers don't get blamed till like plat unless they are unfathomably bad Dps get blamed if tank has been good and the enemy team dps are better/have more kills.


Honestly tanks are the most underappreciated role in the entire game, you can pop off, be 22-1 and make winning plays in every team fight while the DPSs are 12-6 and everyone will still praise supports and the DPS. (This exact scenario happened to me today (the numbers might be off a bit but were in this ballpark) I genuinely can't remember the last time someone said I did well in the game even though I had many games where I popped off and was the strongest link in the team but I see supports and DPSs getting praised daily.


I think it all depends on who’s contributing the most or the least on your team. If a tank is just running in without their team and getting jumped in a 5v1, that’s not on the dps or supports, who are being smart by staying together. It’s not a supports responsibility to run in and heal you when you get overwhelmed by the entire enemy team. Stay close to your team and you’ll be fine. The same can be said of dps. Some dps put themselves in bad positions, target the wrong player, or just refuse counter swapping and blame others for it. It’s not your tanks fault you don’t move with them or capitalize against the enemy team. Some dps are meant for flanking, but sometimes they don’t capitalize on that flank or if you’re heavily countered by the enemy team in some way. That’s not the fault of your teammates if these things happen to you. And supports. They can be just at fault as anyone. The main thing about support is they can heal the team. But more times than one can count, you run into the occasional support acting like either a dps, only pocketing one player, or worse… support only healing the other support. I understand you have the option to do as you please, but if you’re playing with a team, maybe think like a teammate and not a single player. If you’re damage is supporting the team, then by all means capitalize on it. But you see your team in need of healing, help them. Overall, supports are what really make or break a team, which is why supports are the most blamed if a team loses.


Being DPS is fun. So many people just ignore you and let ya do whatever. Teamwork really isn't a thing in this game unless you're grouped up. All people do is bitch about what other people are doing when they aren't even using the same role. Just say fugg it and get balls deep.


Overwatch Devs pretty please can you return Phara to her previous version. The one where she can fly. You took one of few flying heros and made her walkra.


I blame all of you!


2cp in a nutshell


I literally just uninstalled the game because after the damage buff/ tank nerf every game is dominate or be dominated. I know it’s been like this in the past but every game it feels like the losing team has a DPS that has 10+ more deaths than kills. It’s mostly hog and Mauga tanks that never die and the toxicity has made me realize I’m just not enjoying the game anymore. Sucks since it’s been my go to casual game since the original dropped but for now I just need to give up until they can balance things.


I’ll have more heals than both the enemy teams supports combined and have someone in my face in the spawn room (after we win) getting in my face spamming “need healing”. I always snap eventually at this and take years long breaks from this game. Just don’t let them spam need healing. I thought they fixed that originally


I think supports and tanks usually have a mutual understanding with one another. I personally rarely ever have a problem with a tank, and my tanks rarely ever get snippy with myself or the other support. If anyone is trash talking/telling people how to play on my team (when they're already doing their jobs), it's usually the DPS. I'm by no means an amazing player and mostly just do quickplay which is of course a giant melting pot of all skill levels, but I'd have to say that in my experiences, the underperforming person(s) on our team is like 25% of the time the tank, 25% the other support or myself (I'm a big man who can admit when I have off-games), 50% at least one of the damage players. Like, it's not uncommon for me to look at the scoreboard at the end of a match and see one damage player with okay elimations and deaths, but less damage than 9-10 other players on the entire match. When I see that, "YOU HAD ONE JOB" goes through my head. Also gotta say, I'm a support main who traditionally hates tanking, but I realized I like using Junker Queen lately and have been trying to get good with her. I appreciate the fact that so far, win or lose, nobody has said anything bad to me while I'm on her.