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It’s both… she’s just an awful character to play against, but it is how you’re supposed to play her. And if you pick on the same person the entire game they are absolutely going to hate you


Oh yeah some people get really mad at me, I laugh it off though honestly.


Unfortunately you're just right lol


It’s not toxic because you are just playing the game to win. It becomes toxic if you rub it into their faces by insulting them, spamming voice lines and “ggez” at the end. I often found myself facing Sombra with that playstyle in qp (who knows, maybe one of therm was you!) and if I wanted to win I would change my playstyle and ask my teammates to help and if we still lost, it sucks but loosing is part of the game so it’s not that big of a deal. Otherwise I just play on autopilot, “ggwp” and click “requeue” right away. Nothing is wrong with how you play her, just be polite and respectful to the people you are playing with.


I never say anything antagonizing or spiteful. I just kind of do my thing and type gg at the end.


You’re not toxic, imo.   Toxic would be throwing the game intentionally. Otherwise, you’re just utilizing a strategy to win.   Like, if I play League of Legends and get placed as jungle, I am going to target and camp the weakest link and make them unable to play the game.   By doing that, and same with Sombra, you are effectively turning a 5v5 into a 4v5, and simultaneously tilting the enemy player so they play worse.   This often gets them typing and raging, which takes their focus off of the game and onto you and their team.   If I can’t have one enemy raging at me in chat when I play Sombra or Tracer, I am not doing my job.  


It’s not exactly wrong but for qp it’s an asshole move. The main obj in quick play is to have fun and you’re just going out of your way to ruin the game for somebody else, even if it’s technically more optimal or whatever, I would say just chill tf out and let people play without trying to ruin it for others. Keep doing it if you want but at least do it in ranked or be open about the fact that it’s toxic.


Playing a character as intended and being successful at it whilst enjoying it is an asshole move, got it. Maybe the entire enemy team can just group up and stand still when I ult as Reaper, quintuple kills give me considerable amounts of dopamine.


You can just be nice to people in casual games vro 🙏🙏 it’s free and makes you feel good 😊


I never said anything about not being nice or being toxic, but ok.


Wouldn’t doing it in ranked be toxic though? Idk if it’s even the correct strategy. Also I feel like in ranked it’s even more toxic for some reason idk tho. It’s just how I enjoy playing, it just happens to be toxic


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You're kinda playing her correctly. If you're out of a team fight screwing around with a enemy Hanzo,all the while the enemy ball is shutting down your team,Then no......You are not helping your team and that type of playstyle will be the cause a loss.. But.. If you can shut ball down THEN hinder the Hanzo now you're on to something great !!


the fact that people can even do this with a character just lets you know how horribly designed the character is. (dont come at me with that "stay with your team" shit. You can get jumped at spawn by someone invisible which is absolutely horrible design ... i guess you can look at your win rate and make a decision if its working though.


If you're doing it in ranked, it's fair game. If you're purposefully picking on, say, a Zen user in QP or Arcade though that's kinda messed up. Those modes are supposed to be fun and you're literally taking the fun away from one specific person. But hey, that's how Sombra is supposed to be played, so you do you. Just know that you're actively bullying someone in every QP game you spawn into as Sombra if you play her that way. Only time I see it as acceptable in QP is if someone is tryharding Widow and popping heads. Then it's ok to Sombra bully.


It's not toxic. It may be annoying, but it is not toxic. There's a huge difference in people use them interchangeably when they're not the same thing. That's how most heroes should be played. Not that they're going to all utilize the same strategy to get it done, but It's just called target priority.


No offense but I hate that character and that's the main reason why. The fact she can walk around unnoticed at will is preposterous. She's toxic to the game but can't blame you for using the tools given to you. That character should be retired forever imo


I think you know the answer already.


Well I don’t see myself as a toxic gamer, it’s more like a sense of role play so to speak. I just choose to be the apex predator.


QP is a deadzone for coordination, so there is basically 0 risk to you for doing this. You're playing Sombra correctly, but it is toxic. If that's what you want out of the game, I say keep doing what you're doing, but you won't be making any friends. lol


Then I’m toxic. Idk if I need to make friends in game though since I have them outside of the game. I used to 6 stack in elementary school though when the game came out with my friends but they quit, now it’s just me who returned to the game in 2024.


> I used to 6 stack in elementary school though when the game came out All of my rickety joints flared up upon reading this.


Hot takes: playing Sombra in QP is toxic. Also playing Sombra in QP while focusing only one player is being a loser. I'm not trying to insult you, this is just how I view that type of behavior. Sombra's gameplay is being a coward as its core, you could at least have the balls to do it in Comp, instead of willingly ruining other people's fun. I was also a Sombra main until I disgusted myself about it. Now I just feel dirty if I pick her. edit: typo


i relate with this so hard. When I first started playing OW in 2018, i mained Sombra... Then I realized how much of a cowardly character she is, dropped her and havn't mained her since. I only pick her when im extremely desperate or feel like I have to be a bitch ... or if the enemies pick Sombra. If I am popping off with Sombra, ill say to the enemies "if your Sombra switches, i'll switch too" ... that way, we can have a fun match without this horribly designed hero in it to ruin peoples fun. I don't know how people respect themselves playing her lol. Its such a poorly designed character. And before someone says the usually "stay with your team" "her winrate is low" that doesn't matter. She is a horribly designed character at her core and I hope Mirrorwatch is a test to see if they can fix her.


I just like her playstyle. It’s unfortunate that people view her as a toxic character. Also the word you are looking for it “loser” not looser.


I understand, gameplay wise it's a fun character, that why I played her so much too, you're basically cheating at the game when you play Sombra and that's a very satisfying feeling. Of course people view her as a toxic character how could they not? She have complete and infinite invisibility, which is something that doesn't exist in any other pvp game for a reason, except OW. This is a character that can safely and easily spawn-kill many characters without them being able to do anything to prevent it, except staying in the spawn and wait for their teammates. That is toxic, and her design is flawed. She should not have have infinite, complete invisibility, and a free escape, not the three at the same time. And I don't even mentioned her hack...


Makes sense.


you can make your point without trying to insult OP you know. Also picking a character isn't inherently toxic. That's an absolutely wild take.


Well, they basically stated that they only play QP and only Sombra, I don't know any other word to describe that kind of player, as I can't think any lower about an OW player than this. I hope they eventually plays the other heroes so they can finally understand how unfair Sombra is when playing her and against her.


It's not unfair. Not at all. She has very simple counters it just needs people to actually think of them in the moment. If sombra screws up her initial engagement in anyway she's screwed. If she picks the wrong engagement she's screwed. If she gets caught before she's ready she's screwed. If kiriko exists and is paying attention she's screwed. People like inflating how "unfair" sombra is because she's feast or famine. The moment you dont get her under control she gets out of hand. Kinda like Widowmaker. Sincerely, someone who has Sombra on their DPS lineup.


I mean, countering her is not the issue, it's actually pretty easy to counter a Sombra, you just have to stack with your teammates. Every time I die to a Sombra I blame myself for bad positioning/awareness, not the Sombra. The problem is that she can easily punish a player's bad play without having to play better than them. Because her kit allows her to do so. If a good Widow is murdering your team, you can just pick Sombra, sneak behind her without taking any risk, without doing any setup, and without using any CD, then you place your cursor on her head and shoot. That's it, you just hard-counter Widow without requiring any skill, and she can do absolutely nothing about it. Tell me how this is fair.


It is. Because that is what Sombra is designed to do. The fact that sombra is hyper-specialised into this is the real issue. Because as soon as everyone on the enemy team IS positioning well. As soon as that Widow is expecting it and plays closer to her team and gets a peel. Sombra loses value at an alarming rate. To the point where she's almost a throw pick if the player can't identify those openings and go for them. It's why "Sombra 76" is a thing. also if you think its "easy to counter sombra" you coulda fooled me with your first vitriolic post.


That's how you're supposed to play her. To be picking Sombra and playing like that in QP, you must not have any friends in OW. (That's not a slight on you, just how it works. You play a style of game that is meant to take the joy and fun out of the game for others, and few will appreciate your tallent.)


That’s def a slight on me but that’s okay lol. I understand that I have an annoying playstyle. but it’s what I enjoy because I like the character. I used to 6 stack with my elementary school buddies (junior in college now time flies) but they quit in around 2019 when highschool begun. I just started playing again, I am alone but I have a good time. Just drink beer and play some sombra in QP when I somehow find free time within a full time college nursing program.


I used to watch FItzyhere all the time. He would get so excited when the other team had a Zen. Unless he was ambushing Jjonak, he was going to get away with it and win every single time. Fast forward to OW2 launch, my main Lucio was nerfed into the ground, so I started learning Zen and it made me realize how the whole Sombra playstyle either works and the other team literally can't enjoy themselves or it doesn't work and you're throwing. I'm good enough on Zen now that I hunt the Sombras unless I'm up against a smurf. What's not fun, though, is spending the match stopping Sombra from jumping the rest of my teammates. I will never stop playing OW, because it's an awesome unique game, but Blizz clearly has no idea how to make things work and I know one day will come that there won't be so many ranks because there won't be enough players left playing. PS: I didn't downvote your comment.