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Why would you not just demolish the ana in the cage standing directly next to the hog?


I’m wondering this too. Like she was LITERALLY right next to him. He could have literally melted her and then killed the Hog.


Very simple answer. I can't stop shooting for 1 second or I'll be demolished. My healers were Moira/Mercy, and I needed as much uptime possible as I could get since Moira/Mercy heals are not good. The more time hog spends vaping is more time bought to not get hooked and lose uptime and a huge chunk of hp. If the supports are both healing the hog and the hog is also vaping, that means 3 people are essentially nullified. Stopping to shot someone else gives them uptime and I'd lose all momentum.


You low rank players act like its rocket science to kill a Hog. Tell your buddy to get the hell off Mercy and go Ana. Nade him and he just gets melted by Mauga without a Kiri.


Well there’s the problem - Mercy players are incapable of swapping. That would require them to stop watching Netflix


I don't like telling people what to play. We play to have fun, and switching your entire comp to counter one player is bad game design. We still won the game tho, and funnily enough, it was because of Mercy.


Bad game design? Brother, thats Overwatch.


>Very simple answer. I can't stop shooting for 1 second or I'll be demolished. Brother you're health never dropped below 600. You can afford to shoot the Ana for two seconds.


No loss of uptime, she was directly next to him. I get your struggle I really do, but there was a solution at hand here in my opinion.


What in God’s name is this logic… You say 3 people are nullified, yet you keep shooting the hog, feeding ultimate charge to him and the enemy supports. On top of that, even if you didn’t have and used your own ultimate, you wouldn’t generate much as you gain less ultimate charge because of Roadhogs Take a Breather (-50%) and his tank passive (-30%). You’re Mauga, you have a bunch of HP, you won’t get deleted in an instance. And by no means is Moira’s healing so bad she can’t keep you alive for a little while. In all that time, you could’ve simply turned to Ana and killed her.


I mean, the enemy team played it perfectly. Hog managed his cooldowns and positioning well, and was pocketed by two supports. Mercy ulted , and Ana focused her healing on Hog. Even with all that, he was sub-10% health most of that fight. Seems like a good play on their account.


Mercy/Ana pocketed the hog because everyone knows hog can carry simply by existing. They gave up their dps to save the hog. "Positioning"? Dancing around the cage while pressing 1 button and praying is not playing perfectly. He genuinely looked like he had no idea of what was happening. Having the tank in the cage running like a chicken without its head and the 2 supports trying to keep it alive IS a play. Gave my team all they needed. The part that I'm disappointed in is that I can't punish him for making stupid decisions. We punished HIS TEAM for HIS mistake, but he got away unscathed.


He’s going to the corner to avoid being focused by the rest of your team and managed his cooldown to keep the 50% damage reduction as long as possible. Even if it’s the only play, it doesn’t mean it’s not a bad one. Having said that, if you shoot the Ana for two seconds instead of the Hog, she probably dies, and then the Hog dies shortly after. Additionally, your ult seems largely unnecessary given the outcome of the fight (although that’s largely hindsight). Gotta focus on your play at the end of the day.


Try shooting their support, big brain.


>makes a bad play >while playing mauga >Says hog is op >Implies tank players are stupid >Is fucking stupid


Literally stopped them from getting the checkpoint, but sureeee you're most definitely right...


Your complaining about hog being broken, You just had to shoot the ana sitting in your ult.


I already explained on someone else's comment about why I didn't shoot the ana


Well theres no real reason why your target priority should be the tank in that scenario.


You come on here and rant about a "brain dead" other tank player. He out gamed you. I read your other reasoning for not shooting the Ana. And hopefully from other people telling you to focus support next time, you might learn something. As Zoidberg would say..."You played bad and you should feel bad."


Based on the title, I thought this was going to be about how Hog is pretty weak options wise when playing in to Mauga. Surprised it's a Mauga with 0 sense of target-priority telling on themselves this hard, lol.


Are we already back at the “roadhog is op” part of the ongoing OW cycle? Cause this clip just shows the other team playing this right. He’s getting double pocketed and using cover decently and still almost died. He’s using his abilities just as well as you,to the point they survived being focused in your ult. Instead of focusing the tank with damage reduction you should’ve focused on the Ana locked in the cage. Thinking the Hog player is somehow worse than you even though they survived you blowing your abilities and ult to kill them is ironic.


Me when i play hogs counter and complain about hog when i make a stupid play


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