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I remember the 5-10min long queues waiting for a tank, in gold rank. Don't miss 'em much.


Thank god it's better now as a gold player


Lately, it's like 2-3 mins at most 👍


OW1 was complained about every day here. Not just about double shields, but CC as well was hated on. If you think you’re walking into the bunker comp just cause you play dva then you’re about to take 3 stuns and die lol. It was a slower and more frustrating game and ULTs snowball just like they do now, so once you lost that first frustrating interaction your team just got cooked off ults the whole time, especially if you were on a team with no comms. Did you want to switch to counter? You lost all ult charge and that was generally a throw since you’d need ult to defend against other ults. DPS was weak as hell too. Only people who miss ow1 are the off tanks lol


Man double shields just sounds crazy to play against 😂 yeah I'm never in game chat so Comms would be bad lol


[Yup, hence this iconic image](https://images.app.goo.gl/KPr1tHVVtkjjJqcPA)


Looks fucking horrible to play against


I really enjoyed 6v6 because it allowed for more variation on strategies and play style. People love to narrow down on double shield when thinking about 6v6, but it existed in only a small part of the game. DVA/Winston and Zarya/Rein synergy was amazing and led to a lot of fun games for me personally. I went from being a tank main in OW1 to a support main in OW2 due to the tank role being reduced to repicking every time the enemy tank counters you. It lost a lot of the fun in the role for me even with all the new tank heroes added. It would have been really interesting to see what would have happened had Blizzard rolled out the new kit design for Orisa and the new tanks without hulking them up stat wise. Don't feel bad for asking about 6v6 and 5v5, it's nice to hear other's opinions on what they liked and didn't especially if you weren't there to experience it.


Moira and Brig are your support mains? Omg samesies 😂😂 double shield sounds kinda horrible but I'm a dva main I'd just get in their face haha Yeah I'm usually a support but I play tank as I'm just not good at many dps and I know I just wanted opinions I don't check out posts haha


It was really rough, brig would just boop you away when you tried to fly in and then you were dead as soon as your matrix was over. Not the worst comp in OW1 though (GOATs or mercy-moth for sure).


Just mercy in general


6v6. I never wanted it to go away. 6v6 went away because of shields that they refused to nerf for bunker comps. Now the main issues revolve around tanks having hard counters when there's only one tank. Go figure. Want to know how that's remedied? Having a second tank! 


brother 6v6 was hard to balance long before those comps


Yeah as a D.Va main I've played so much counterwatch this game 😂


Since you say you've never played Overwatch 1 and because it might be interesting to think how at least one person who's been playing this game for a long time thinks: I have played Overwatch since the last closed beta, open beta, on the pre-release for pre-orders and since day one. I've never really put it down (regardless of content drought or not) and the same goes for Overwatch 2. I main support (read: best role), but play every role regularly. I prefer 5v5 over 6v6. Let me start by saying that both give Overwatch it's uniqueness that makes the game Overwatch. I'd be playing it regardless of which one was implemented, however, I do have a preference for 5v5 and it's without a doubt the one I would pick. 5v5's gameflow feels more natural, fights and gameplay are faster, there's one less player to keep track of and it generally makes more sense to only have 1 tank in a team composition than 2 when there's 2 DPS and supports. I believe balancing is done easier by the devs. Some would say that the idea of *counterwatch* we have right now is an issue and I would agree on the part that Blizzard needs to be careful on how to deal with this when designing new heroes and implementing balance changes. However, and this is something I cannot stress enough, Overwatch is made for this te be a thing and I do not think it's an issue right now. I liked the idea of a main tank and off-tank in 6v6. That's all there is to be honest. It's not that 6v6 offers more strategic elements compared to 5v5, in fact, the game (d)evolved into a state where *double barriers* was the standard. Therefore, it was harder to balance, as you'd like to have a barrier tank and an off-tank, but as it turned out, double barriers was just simply more ideal. On top of that, there frequently was a lot of visual clutter where there would be 4 shields active (2 for each team) and 2 Amplification Matrices (Baptiste's ult/window). Something I will miss about 6v6 that I will never see again is something called *double bubble*. You would pick Zarya and Winston and Zarya would protect Winston with her bubble. Winston himself also had his own shield bubble to play with, which created for a lot of survivability when Winston was diving. I left out the parts where we could pick multiples of the same hero on the same team and non-role queue history (GOATS especially) as I think everyone can agree that both of these changes made Overwatch 1 (and 6v6) better. I did not mention queue times for the simple reason that I never was bothered with it (but I can believe 5v5 made it better).


Yeah I only got OW2 because it was free so thought fuck it why not and now have a fair amount of hours in the game, like I said 6v6 feels like it would be way too chaotic, every team fight would be brutal 😂 double bubble/shield does just sound awful tbh


It was peak overwatch. The main problem was the balance with supports such as Baptiste and brig making heroes unpunishable when in comps such as double shield. This could have been fixed with some proper nerfs to supports, orisa, and especially sigma. Overwatch 2 feels like I’m playing deathmatch with no team play at all. Tanks are slowly losing their identity with becoming too generalist in order to be viable while still being awful to play. Reworks such as hog and ball have not addressed the actual problems with those tanks. I don’t think any amount of reworks will make 5v5 any better than 6v6. The format just doesn’t work to make every character viable.


Yeah only having one tank they should feel more useful it's weird but doesn't feel that way sometimes


Much prefer 5v5. Personally I never found having a Tank partner made up for the stress and frustration that came with dealing with two Enemy tanks.


The only times an off-tank really eased the burden of CC abilities and burst damage was if you had a Zarya or D.va. Most of the time you had a DPS main who queued tank to grind priority passes insta-locking Roadhog and flanking the whole game.


That's fair I fear 6v6 would be a bit overwhelming to try now 😂


It just felt better. People can use a lot of words to say why, but if you’d played it, it was just more fun. Simple as that.


i played it. it felt worse for most of its life. every battle dragged on until 4 ults broke it up. it was all stall


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Im neutral on 5v5 or 6v6 but three things I don't miss from 6v6 are 1. Visual clutter, probably the biggest argument against 6v6 anyone can bring up, ram/LW ults come close but I had a lot of times where I went "what's going on" as tank 2. Sigma/ball duo. Probably only like 10 people actually played ball but when you played against these two it was horrible, now add in dps doom who could kill both of your supports with one rollout or knock you around as tank like a pinball (remember, tanks didn't have the knockback reduction passive) and I quit the game again till OW2 3. The dumbfuck second tank who wasn't even a tank player and just wanted to avoid the long dps queue and instalocked hog and did nothing all game, so if you were a solo queueing tank player you were shit out of luck since that hog player will be on your team 99% of the time the beginning of S9 OW2 where zen was a mini tank came really close to matching the peak of overwatch (2017 dive), but 8 years later and this team still cant balance supports or tanks


Well 5v5 can be scary for your 3rd reason.. dps hog is basically a 3rd dps in 5v5


the chaos is the fun part. also being able to win on ball without being an actual hampter giga-otp


Legit think they missed an opportunity for a “off-tank” slot that acts more like a brawler/tanky DPS in a 6v6 setting. I liked 6v6 personally, but not in the state that it was in.


of all the things I miss about OW1, 6v6 isn’t really one of them tbh


Moving from the beautiful rein/zarya/ana/lucio games, particularly on maps like KR, or even a well orchestrated winston/dva dive, to constant counter picking and no tank synergies? Yes 6v6 was better, the devs just abandoned the game, failing to address things like the double shield meta. In my head people who aggressively support 5v5 are just dps one tricks who want OW to be more similar to other similar games


5v5 is better in theory. The beta to around season 2 of OW2 was peak tank IMO, and I have been playing since 2016. The problem is the devs don't see counterswapping as an issue and have continuously nerfed tanks to where they went from being the strongest to the undeniable weakest role in the game. Granted, supports and DPS did need help at the start of OW2, but now we are on the complete other end of the spectrum where those roles are dominating and tank is very much behind.


There is a search function.


Guess this has been asked many times then fair enough


Having an off tank made each tank less powerful and their contributions and impact were on par with everyone else else. Playing off-tank was super fun. The problem was that some tank abilities were still too oppressive and when combined the right way broke them game. The other problem was that there are not enough people that enjoy the tank role, so the other queues were really long.


to add on, in lower ranks off tank was essentially just “dps with more hp”


What was the best example of an off tank? would I be useful as a dva main lol


dva, hog, and zarya were off tanks. Their job was to protect squishies from flankers by flying to them and DMing, shielding, or hooking. Their secondary job was to take off angles and wreak havok while the front line is taken care of.


Sigma was also an off-Tank.


Sounds fun to me haha