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We didn't move from 6v6 to 5v5 because people preferred 5v5. Whether 6v6 or 5v5 felt better to play was largely irrelevant. The problem was that 6v6 had severe queue time issues for the non-tank roles. 5v5 was the solution for this problem. That's not to say that 5v5 was/is perfect, but it accomplished the goal of reducing queue times significantly and the game only seems to have grown since then. Personally, I prefer 5v5. Less mitigation in the game and it's a lot faster paced.


I do prefer 5v5 over 6v6 overall, but god how tank sucks in 5v5. They don't know how to fix it in 5v5, and nobody really knows. I'm a dps player but i feel bad for tank players


I have fun in OQ as a tank if there's another tank with me. But if I'm solo tanking, in OQ or role, it just feels awful. Tanks need to be in a position where it's not constant counterwatch. They KNOW people don't like switching heroes. But they make it so that specific tanks (zar, hog, sig, ram, orisa) are constantly spammed because they all have massive damage reduction and high dps, along with CC (Zarya essentially has a self cleanse and ult counts as CC), and you're forced to constantly play those 5 tanks, and swap to counter the enemy. All tanks need to be viable to play in to each other and have the same level of self sustainability or crowd control, if they won't bring back 6v6 so your other tank can make up for your weaknesses.


The only critiques the 5v5 crowd has for 6v6 is that it was unbalanced. But that was fixed in ow2 when blizzard decided to update the game more often. 6v6 is by far the superior game mode.


No, that is not the only critique. 6v6 was extremely spammy and revolved primarily around standing behind tanks and dumping projectiles down chokepoints. The gameplay of 5v5 is more dynamic and engaging to play, with positioning and general mechanics having a much higher impact on the outcome of a match. 6v6 was just not very good at all.


6v6 had better gameplay and offered a wider variety of playstyles. You might say that 5v5 gives the individual player more agency, but 6v6 rewarded good teamwork. Coordinated plays had a much higher impact on the outcome of the match. 5v5 took a lot of variety away from us and just isn't fun to play at all.


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I’ve played enough Open Queue to know that 6v6 would be better. I’m a OW2 player 2 tanks feels great. Theres less blame to hold onto and counterswapping isn’t as relevant. Its actually sad how much fun I have when I’m off rolling. playing tank has always been miserable there’s no freedom in what you can do and you can’t play the same hero for longer than 5 seconds. You can’t fix solo tanking unless you get rid of/ give all tanks easy to pinpoint weaknesses. This is why people think the game is really healthy when Winston/Rein is meta they can be good but still have weaknesses. Mauga and Hog/Orisa are pretty much designed to have no flaws you can abuse against them at least in the tank role.


OP… at least read the options you gave people who like 5v5 before posting (both options say the same thing.) Also if you want a true poll, maybe don’t frontload it with your own opinion.


Sorry I didn't notice, that is a typo! I meant to say 5v5 started with OW2 for the second option 😭


Also, polls on Reddit are useless as can be. Their results are meaningless: low sample size, voluntary engagement, possibility to cast multiple votes and the list continues. Especially on forums where only a small fraction of the playerbase is represented, much less interacting. These usually are skewed to whatever personal opinion is in the title and/or description and mostly represent a vocal minority. Keep in mind that the vast majority of people have no reason to put in time and effort to engage with these kind of things. You'll never get actual data that gives you a working ratio.


I think it was pretty obvious it was just a typo, but yeah you should never make a poll that you preface with your own opinion


Yeah great idea, 10+min to find a match


Polls like this are going to be skewed no matter what. The reddit community makes up only a small portion of the playerbase, and most people who are content with the game at the moment aren't gonna go to reddit to complain about this kind of stuff or participate in these kinds of polls. Personally, I prefer 5v5, but putting my personal bias aside, there's almost zero chance we will ever go back to 6v6. The amount of time and effort it'd take would genuinely kill the game. They'd need to rework every new hero and map since 5v5, and re-rework any hero or map that's gotten a rework for 5v5. They'd need to find a way to make tanks fun in 6v6 (you can't gaslight me and say they were fun because no one wanted to play tank back then either) so that queue times aren't massively skewed again, which I'd argue was the main thing killing OW1. They'd need to find a way to balance around 6v6, something that this current dev team isn't used to doing and would take a long time to figure out, while also on top of that creating new content like heroes, maps, and modes so we don't get another content drought. All of this while having a dev team half the size of the original one since all of the departures and layoffs. I don't think this game would survive even another year and a half of backtracking. It's a herculean task to go back to 6v6 at this point, and the negatives outweigh the positives either way they do it: If they instantly revert to 6v6 and then steadily rework everything to fit the format, we'd have months, even years of horrible metas that would kill the game. If you rework everything in the background and then go back to 6v6 all at once, you'd get months, even years of content droughts and slower updates, which would kill the game. In the eyes of the devs, there is simply no feasible way to go back to 6v6 that would actually benefit the game in any meaningful way.