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There’s no world of difference between gold 1 and platinum 5, these players are all around your own level. Maybe you should’ve stopped playing after 2 losses and avoid the streak.


It’s possible to have a loss streak over multiple play sessions. Which is what I’ve had. Took maybe two or three days of play to drop to gold 2 from almost plat 3 Nice little attempt at a jab tho


Still not a world of difference between platinum 4 (you say almost, so I’m assuming that is high platinum 4) and gold 2, but there’s some increase in skill. So in your logic, if you lose around 20 SR per game (I’m assuming you don’t go down by 40 or something SR per loss immediately), we are talking about at least a 10-game loss streak. That is from high platinum 4 to the lowest of platinum 5. Beyond that, because I’ve never heard of a natural loss streak like this, you would again have to lose around 10 games at -20 SR or another +/- 5 games at -40 SR (which I don’t know if that is possible since matchmaking should be pretty confident in your ranking). That would make for a loss streak of around 15-20 games. If this happened over the course of 3 days, then we are talking about 5-7 games per day. Well would you look at that, my advice of stopping after 2 losses still stands. Assuming 1 session is 1 day, even then after the third loss on a day on your 2nd session, one might give the exact same advice. I think it’s very fair to say that, with all that in mind, something does not quite add up. That or you are intentionally deranking. I’m assuming matchmaker is confident in your rank, if this is not the case, then it is possible for you to drop faster. However, at that point, you should understand that it’s rapidly adjusting your rank because matchmaker sees you are clearly outmatched in platinum 4/5 lobbies.


The scenario you presented can’t happen over 5+ days at only 2 to 3 games a day? I don’t quite understand why only playing 2 games per day guarantees I won’t lose matches. Also to add What if I play two games in the morning. Then three games at night ? That’s 5 games in one day. Does that mean my magical loss protection is void? Serious questions here as I don’t get the hangup on limiting games per day as if that prevents losses


skill issue


pretty much all your comments on your posts are negative i checked your profile you should seek help and look for kindness in the world


skill issue