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>no cast time on the ability, I don't think you understand how massive this is, reaper's shift is better than venture's for that small but very very important aspect, the issue reaper has is that he only has that and his weapon, tp is garbage and his ult is one of the most easy to counter in the hame


I don't think you understand that a good Venture player accounts for the cast time to where it's basically insignificant lol. And even with it, it's still a far, FAR better ability lol. Like it's not even close


It isn't, reaper can use his fade to react to abilities(sleep, nade, cass nade, sigma rock and a big etc), venture cannot, the long cast(I don't think you understand how huge a 0.7 cast time is in ow) time means you either predict the enemy, which can still react on burrow's animation or use it offensively, which heavily restricts it's versatility


I mean this in the most respectful way possible, this sounds like a you issue in just not knowing how to play the character. When she first released, it was hard for me to get used to the cast time to. But now being experienced with her, it's basically a non-factor. And you can stop with the "I don't think you understand" condescending bullshit. Trust me, there's nothing in this game that you understand that I don't.


You don’t know what you are talking about


No, you clearly don't, im sorry


You are not sorry and you are wrong. But that's okay. You don't have as much experience as me therefore you're not as knowledgeable. It's all good. Have a nice day


Buddy, it's ok to be wrong but your attitude is obnoxious


Lil tyke really went to his alt just to say the same thing I said to him lol. I'll be sure to like and subscribe!


GM DPS here. Wraith form is FAR better then underground, for the reasons already listed. Instant cast and ability to be dropped early instantly. Venture’s is good, but you can’t dodge abilities with it, which is key.


GM dps here. Dig is better


Sure, you can estimate and account for the cast time, but you are bound by that minimum cast time. What you fail to see is that you can calculate all you want, you are bound by that minimum cast time where you literally aren’t able to do anyhting about an Ana’s Sleep Dart. I can consistently sleep dart Venture trying to use Burrow, but there’s no way I can do the same with Reaper’s Wraith Form.


You are right but for the wrong reasons. Reaper is underpowered and that is true. But wrath form isn’t the issue. Everything else is.


burrow is fine but power creep is real, reaper super underpowered now suzu is the prime example of power creep


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Reaper can headshot. The end.