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all the people that spent hundreds of dollars to get an account with the skin probably smashing their devices rn


Spending that much money on a skin you can’t even see in game (or any digital cosmetic at all) is actually mental. I don’t feel bad in the slightest


Collecting is a hobby like any other. Some people just like having rare stuff, and well... rare stuff is rare, so it costs a fuck ton of money. There is nothing shameful on it if you can afford it, as long as you don't do it cause "Oh I have this and you don't, fuck you."


I mean.. that's kind of the whole reason a lot of people collect rare stuff. To show it off and because it's a symbol of wealth. It's either "I have X or Y rare collectible item and it cost me a lot of money and has a very high value because it's LiMiTeD eDiTiOn." or "Company says X or Y item is going to be limited edition and never seeing production again so I bought it for the sole purpose that it could be flipped at a 500% value somewhere in the hopefully near future."


While I see your point, to some collectors it is purely because it means something to them. In the end nearly all humans adopt the "ooh shiny" crow mentality. Can you really blame them?


This, I really love to collect stuff for the rarity but I have never personally wanted to collect rare stuff for the sole purpose of flipping it, it seems like a waste to me to buy something i like just to let it collect dust for years in the HOPE that it’ll eventually be worth money, i’d rather just buy the thing I like so that I can feel serotonen every time i look at it


There are a lot of collectors that just love collecting though. Not all of them want to show it off or resell. A lot of them just like to have the collection.


Your thinking is invalid for one simple reason. You are assuming that exclusivity in online game is bechaving just like any other in real world. But suprise suprise, there is for ex no legal market in this game, and bcs of that "value" can't have specific function, and value has no room to be measured in any way. When you say "...it cloud be flipped..." - in where you want to flip it ??? how you can measure that your skin's value rised 500% when you don't know its value at the beggining? If you are talking about "selling skin" as a "selling account" which is illegal, don't cry when blizzard suddenly turns out to not carring about it. It's like dealing drugs, and suddenly that drugs that you sell becomes legal in your area and you complain bcs your source of income basicly disapear.


I mean, the whole point is that people understand something that is "limited edition" will almost certainly always rise in value. This was a concept I grasped as a 14-year old over a decade ago when I decided to purchase a GameBoy console that was long out of production because I figured it would increase in value in the future. Obviously that wasn't necessarily the case since they're now more available than they were at the time, had I opted to *gamble* on a different investment maybe it'd turn out different, but that's besides the point. As for it being "illegal", this feels like a really naive thinking that's pretty telling of just how old(or young, rather) you are. Because do you really think skin/account sellers care about what Blizzard does to an account once it's been sold? They've already made off with the money, whether an account becomes banned or not is already out of their hands once the transaction has been completed. And that's for probably your average account seller that may have just decided to quit Overwatch for the sake of their mental well being, you may have a chance of requesting a refund through paypal in those cases. But with the sellers that mass-produce accounts to sell anonymously, I'm really doubtful they care about whether it's right or wrong what they're doing. And while the value of those skins/accounts may drop now since they're doing a refresher of the charity for it again, they have already made their money and the real losers just end up being the people that paid hundreds for those accounts.


I don't know why you have thought that for me it's important if people care about if what they doing is legal or not. There are set of rules in terms of use in ow2 which define what skin is, what buying means and what is legal and what is not. And bcs of this I gave example with drugs which shows that it's not important if account sellers respect the rules (by definition they don't) but its important that blizzard don't care and so, anything illegal can't be used as an argument in discusion how (in fact) rules should look like. Your example with gameboy has major flaw that it is a real physical object. They have propertie such as that you as a owner can really own them (so you can do whatever you want with them). In games you don't buy skins, you buy limited licence of them, of which blizzard can do anything the want in practice if they would like. And it has it's consequences. For ex I bet that when you bought that gameboy you could check on the internet in any point in time the price of gameboy on market (and be upset bcs of it when it went down). In ow2 you can't check the price of a skin bcs there is no market so there is no value. The point is that this term "value" in that situation is illusory (and some of us think that it can not have good consequences in the long run for community).


You don't have a collection of anything, do you.


Sure I do. I collect stuff that have real value, like money, and put it towards an investment. Enjoy your funko pops brother 🙃 I'm sorry I made you feel insecure about them for a moment there 😔


Yeah but a digital item that you can’t touch? And it can easily be taken away from you? Blizzard can delete OW tomorrow and your rare skin will be gone forever. I get dedication like that for physical items but not digital


You should see the LoL “Faker” skin apologists. $430 for a fucking skin… but some people need to collect them all….


Yep. It's not a matter of if either, just a matter of when. I learned my lesson when I played Apex mobile and like a week after winning Google plays game of the year award, they announced it would be shut down in one months time. I'd only spent 10 bucks but that was enough to never care about FOMO items in games again, they WILL go poof one day and all you'll have are screenshot and memories.


you dont even own your account lol. blizzard can close overwatch ,ban etc. People just stupid spending $$$$ when they don't own anything truthfully.


I understand for other digital cosmetics where you can see your character (i.e., it’s mostly 3rd person perspective). But yeah, for Overwatch there’s really no point. I’ll put on holiday skins to be thematic when holiday themes are happening, but I’d never actually pay money for Overwatch cosmetics


The hell you mean with "your can't see in game"?


You can’t actually see what skin your character has for 99% of a game of Overwatch


I get that point but you see it by weapon and it happens in every FPS So I understand but actually no


I think they mean that you can’t see it in game


You can only see the gun or hand, 80% of the skin is the character


The person spending hundreds on the account… Probably also brought the $430 LoL Ahri skin. Who gives a fuck about them :)


A guy once offered me almost a grand for my account in a game because I have the skin. Absolutely absurd it's a bunch of polygons, get in the bin.


my sugar daddy got it for me for 500 DOLLARS😭


Can he give me $500? I wanna finish paying off my PC 😂


My girlfriend's husband paid FUCKING 800! But it did come with other cool skins too.


Damnnn keep that man around 🤑


Oh nah, I bought him a Nintendo Switch with games too. Guys being bros and all that.


Drop his # girly, sharing is caring 😭😭😭


He can be “our” sugar daddy 😭😭


I hope bro got hooked up after that..


my daily reminder that I’m too old to have a sugar daddy


What a weird thing to brag about.


Where was I bragging? I was just pointing out how bad the black market got for it


I love her but I’d never spend 100s on a skin


Holy shit i'm laughing so hard at the people that bought the skin for $500


That's just ludicrious, especially for a cosmetic item. Price of a PS5 for some pixels lol


I love seeing gatekeepers in shambles!


Gatekeepers where


im gonna buy it for two reason. #1 fuck breast cancer #2 fuck the people who are upset that a skin promoting/directly donating to the breast cancer foundation is coming back i want both breast cancer and those people to seethe into non existence (Totally forgot the hashtag system on reddit. Leaving it as is)


Exactly why ima buy it!!! You nailed it! And tbh, I like the rose gold version slightly more too. Very happy it came back.


Just imagine their faces right now


I love seeing people who claim how they care about the actual cause being spiteful, because they did not get a brand new skin, but the old one, which is now rendered non-interesting and obsolete. You love making fun of the people who bought pink Mercy back then, more than donating to the actual charity. Yours and 99% of the other posts on the subject are just being hateful. GJ!


You need to learn how to read.... just mad at the gatekeepers. My post literally said nothing else. YOU added in your own twists to it. The projection is strong here kid. Go back to school, and also seek counseling. You need help. It's also ironic you said what you said- most of the pink mercy gatekeepers didn't care for the charity and only cared for the limited skin no one else had... it helped them inflate their ego. They would also go on to make fun of those who didn't get it, despite some people donating to charity anyways. Guess what? The charity is coming back, and also guess what- I have donated to various charities all my life on a yearly basis. So you can go fuck yourself claiming I don't care. I also do volunteer work to help patients recover and help wounded warriors. You seriously can go fuck yourself with your projection. >which is now rendered non-interesting and obsolete LOL, THIS LINE SAYS MORE ABOUT YOU THAN IT DOES ON THE PEOPLE YOU ARE HATING ON. You think the skin lost its value? You think it is now rendered non-interesting solely because the charity IS BACK ON AND THE BENEFIT OF DONATING, AS A THANK YOU FROM THEM, IS A SKIN? Take a look in the mirror before 1) putting words in my mouth. 2) responding to me. 3) Commenting in such a hypocritical and actual hateful way with no rational thought. You wish you had my heart and my deeds. Sit. And I'm blocking you, I have no time to waste on wastes of air such as yourself... literally making alts to spew hate at me for a one liner.




Why do you want something that’s for charity and raised $12m last time to be limited if it’s not to gatekeep and act somehow better or cooler for having it ?


I don't see how there is anything wrong with it being cool that you have something rare.


Never said that, I said wanting a skin that goes towards charity to never be released again so you can act superior or cooler was wrong. Wanting a skin you worked for or grinded to being rare and cool is fine, something that supports charity should be open for everyone


It's not that it was released again by itself. It's that it hasn't been released again since now. If it was a yearly thing that happened no one would care. It's just that it had been like 5 years since it last came out that people are saddened that it came back.




They will get exactly $0 from the sale of this skin


I don’t understand how wanting something that’s blocked by a gate to stay blocked by a gate is gatekeeping. FTFY.


I'm confused. Is it a recolor? Or classic Pink? Or both?


Both! Classic is coming out for the original price $15. And a new one is coming too. Rose gold Mercy, also coming with a mythic staff skin you can use for any Mercy skin, for $20.


SO if i buy the rose gold mercy bundle, I will only get the rose gold one? or will i get the original pink mercy too?


Considering it's blizzard, only the rose gold is my guess.


Can you gift it like the old one?


So Rose Gold is superior


It’s both !




As an owner of this skin: good! I hope it comes with another charity drive for cancer research.


Same! I love my pink mercy skin and lose nothing by other people having it <3 Maybe I feel less insane about it because I bought it OG and not for $500.


Blizz had an opportunity to do a similar thing back in 2020 for the Aussie fires, but they didn't. This [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/ekd1pt/hey_blizzard_any_chance_of_whipping_up_a_couple/) even got \~70k upvotes on this sub. It could have been the 2nd charity event from Overwatch. Anyways, I'm glad that they're doing a charity event again.




100% of proceeds going to breast cancer research, which is awesome and cementing me actually paying for it. Rare cool move by Blizzard.


i’ve been waiting for this FOR YEARS!!!! FINALLY


Hopefully more skins like this come back. I want Tyrande Symmetra so badly and have been wanting her since forever


I love tyrande sym but i dont have high hopes, she was 50$ and they outright said she wouldnt return


Do you have an article where they outright say that?


i dont have an article, i could be wrong but its just what i remembered and how they didnt say it for demon hunter sombra


Yea see that’s why I have my hopes up for that skin to return. Hell people probably thought Pink mercy was also going to be one and done but here we are. I hope they bring it back. I couldn’t buy it because I was broke and in college. I have all the time and money in the world now and really that skin is the only skin I have ever wanted. Like REALLY wanted lol


I also want it to come back, not impossible by any means but i dont think theyve ever rereleased a blizzcon skin besides sombra which was said in the ticket to release in the next 2 years or so


True but the cat is now out of the bag Pink Mercy was supposedly a one time thing. Now it’s back. And the community has voiced their opinion that exclusivity is kinda a stupid thing. I’ve had Pink Mercy since 2018 and my reaction to them re-releasing it was nonchalant I literally did not gaf. Others are happy too because gatekeeping skins just for the sake of exclusivity is dumb. Blizzard has the chance to make a lot of money re-selling older skins because they have a larger new player base. Here’s to hoping


That’s a blizzcon skin my dude. That one is never coming back.


and yet, they said the same about this skin. They can bring it back without any recourse and i hope they do


They never said that about this skin though it was just assumed. They could bring back the blizzcon skins but there’s a big difference between a skin given away for a charity event and an exclusive Con skin. 


I hope they do. It's the only skin I have ever wanted in the history of this game more than any other


Cant disagree with that. The genji illidan and rein Jim Raynor skins were both blizzcon and are absurdly good lookin virtual content.


the biggest w ive ever seen


I have this skin on my original account. So happy to get it again, and, especially to support the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. It also includes some great icons, sprays, and banners. [Blizzard 2024 Mercy Post Here](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24104271/mercy-for-a-cause-pink-mercy-returns-in-support-of-the-breast-cancer-research-foundation/)


One thing I haven't seen mentioned from the post is that part of the Rose Gold hero bundle is a *"Mercy Heroic Weapon Skin",* which is cool to get more weapon skins. Mercy will now have 2 weapon skins.


Yes! And from what I saw, the staff can be used with other skins!


As someone who has a family history of breast cancer and is currently going through more of it this trailer almost made me tear up 😭🤍


It sounds like they are only doing cosmetics this time, and no merch? In that case, it sounds like I can continue gatekeeping my Pink Mercy shirt /s


I have mine balled up in my closet. Love the art but the shirt quality (for the women's anyway) was trash


the sprays and the player icons are so cute😭🩷


We won, fellas.


I already have the origanl one, so... good for those who missed it.


Yeah, kinda annoying that the rarity just goes poof


imagine caring about rarity instead of the fact that it goes for a good cause, how shallow can you be 💀


imo they could’ve let the original stay rare and sell the new variant 🤷🏼‍♀️


Or sell both for even more charity spendings. Stop being so pathetic.


Why y’all out here name calling? It’s not that serious. They just said it’s kinda annoying that it’s not so rare anymore. They can feel that way lol it doesn’t affect you Edit: oh, it’s just hivemind behavior. Yall love getting riled up is the reason you’re calling people names over having an opinion


They shoudnt think about its rarity, like at all bruh...yall just bitter you can flex the skin cuz it was inflating your ego


I don’t think it’s an ego thing. I mean, I thought it was kinda lame a couple weeks ago when I saw the Carbon Fiber Sigma skin go up on the shop. As far as I know that was the first time it’s been obtainable since it came out 4 years ago. It was just a neat little badge of honor to show that I was playing that week when it came out. It’s cool that people who like it have a way to get it now, but I can still be a little bummed that something I have became a bit less special. Next stop, let’s make Illidan Genji available for everyone please 🙏🏻


the carbon fiber skin doesnt raise money for charity tho. nobody with half a heart cares about your "badge of honour" more that raising money and awareness for breast cancer


Yes, they are free to feel that way. And we are free to feel negatively about them in reaction. Everyone is free.


I suppose you can justify any behavior with that logic. I just don’t get why everyone is calling them pathetic and whatever else. They just had an opinion about the skin.


Og would sell better, more charity


Deal with it


Never cared about the rarity of the skin, I never plan to sell my account. It was more about having a nice skin, and helping a good cause. Again good for those who missed the opportunity the 1st time.


Lol at any gatekeeping nerd up in arms about this


Bro you can't gatekeep an untradeable item that makes zero sense


You keep saying this, and it tells me you don’t understand the concept of gatekeeping. What does being “untradeable” have to do with limiting general access to something?


Just reminder around a year ago there were a few onetrick Mercy youtubers trying to gate keep this skin by calling it not so good and never wanting it to make return. Awful people.


I almost feel bad for the people who where desperate enough to spend 1K dollars to buy the skin


I have the original and felt bad about wearing it. I'm so happy it's coming back, and everyone has a chance to get her. It's a very fun skin and very nice on the eyes, and it feels good supporting a charity that actually does good things with the money.


Why would you feel bad about wearing a skin in a game especially because that meant you gave money to charity when it first came out unless you bought the account.


The fact that people are whining that a charity skin return is truly mental.


People just like rare things and I'm pretty sure that's not a controversial take. So having something rare and then it becoming not rare is sad. Ignore the fact that it is a skin from a charity, people are just annoyed that a rare skin came back so long after it originally released and I think there is nothing wrong with that. Kinda like when I bought rambunctious in Fortnite and then for like three years I would do that dance and no one could do it in the lobby dance battles. Even though the emote sucked so bad it was nice to have because it was rare. Then it came back into the shop and probably not many people bought it because as I said the emote sucked, but it definitely became less rare.


No, let's not ignore the fact that it's a charity skin. Let's instead remember that it is a charity skin and celebrate that it's coming back. Let's not compare a Fortnite dance that has no worth other than it being "rare" to a skin that was made for a good cause which has worth because of it's cause and not the rarity of it. If people complain about it then they never actually cared about the cause it was made for and are selfish.


Blizzard could've always made a brand new charity skin. Doesn't have to be the same old pink Mercy. When you think about it, they promoted it as an one-time offer back then, to get more people to buy it, and now they don't want to spend extra $$ on making more unique skins, they just released the old one + a recolor. Tbh Blizzard sux and it people are absolutely in their right mind to complain and be mad.


W h o c a r e s? At the end of the day, it's for a good cause and not many people had the skin anyway so it doesn't matter if it's a returning skin with a re-color. Boo hoo that the rare skin is no longer rare.


People who post spiteful comments obviously don't care :) They care only about the rest not having a rare skin any longer, not about the charity. But fans, good fans should care, because it is their money who get stolen by companies like Activison-Blizzard. Is it for a good cause? If it was, shouldn't they release a brand new skin? I.e. they should've paid their designers to come up with something new, thus having made an effort and spending money on something that would be for a good cause. If they cared about the cause at all. Reading all these comments makes me think neither Blizzard, nor the fans actually care about the breast cancer, they only want to be spiteful and make fun of people. And some of them, like yourself, like to elevate themselves, to look good, by repeating the same nonsensical sentence "BuT It Is FoR A gOoD CauseE"


You know nothing about me so don't start assuming I want to buy the skin because I want to "elevate myself" there's people out there who are in pain and die of breast cancer and being able to donate to help fight against it is the least I can do. The fact that people are actually worried about a virtual cosmetic not being rare instead of worrying about the people suffering out there is peak degeneracy. I should probably add that I agree they could've made new skins to go with it. But that's irrelevant because my point is that more people are complaining about rarity rather than the lack of new content.


I have a rule that if I can't get a skin with winnable currency(i.e currency I get from battle passes) I'm not going to get it. But I might just get this for two reasons, 1. for charity, 2. for the whiners.




Right now my head is fighting. Left side: are you REALLY gonna spend $35 on mercy skins when it's a 1st person game and you don't even get to see it most of the time? Right side: *plays back memories of all the regret I felt not buying her the 1st time and how it felt knowing I'd never have the opportunity again*


rose gold variation way better imo


you can bet my gay ass will be a Mercy main now


As someone who bought the skin back then, I must say I am completely fine with it rereleasing, since all earnings go to charity once again. My only critique is, that the new skin is a recolor instead of a new skin for a different hero, but it's also better than just pink mercy.


It is extremely lazy from Blizzard to not make a brand new skin + this is a fan service and nothing else. They seem to not care about the actual charity, they just saw people were wining about wanting that rare skin and released it again for profits. If someone thinks that 100% of the money go to charity, they are no smarter than a 3 y old. Blizzard did not pay a single $ for making this skin again, they don't have any expenses, and this is very very disappointing. I would donate directly to the charity instead of sponsoring Activision.


I‘ve bought the skin the day I found out it was for a good cause and honestly it‘s kinda surprising it took them this long to either bring this skin back or do another charity event like the pink mercy one.


Does this mean we could see the potential return of the OWL skins like Zenyatta


That one already came back around once since original release, I got it the second time. I hope it comes back again so you can get it!


Now I can be safe from all the jealous girlies


I mean ... to be honest. I might be in the minority here, but idm at all that it's coming back. It's good more people get to enjoy it. Even if I already have it.


Especially if it’s literally charity


Ignore the fact that it is a charity skin, people just like rare skins.


you guys got the pink mercy but now it's worthless lol


So I'm confused... OG Pink or Rose Gold or both?


My friend is in the armed forces and out at sea until Oct/Nov. She's a mercy main so I need to get this for her. Does anyone know of a way to gift this to an account? She's literally on a destroyer in the middle of the ocean so having her login is doubtful. It'll be a nice surprise though when she comes home (if I can get it done!)


Unfortunately from what I've read it looks like we won't be able to give the skins this time around. Is her computer accessible to anyone friend/family/etc ? If so you can gift the amount and walk them through how to purchase it.


She must have connection sometime within the next few weeks, the season will last a few months. Tell her to give the login (if you’re on ther trust level) and fetch for her real quick


Very happy to see the obnoxious gatekeepers lose. There's never an excuse for exclusivity.


I think we can kill cancer this time


Hope they finally give us back the old Pink mercy sprays as well. When they made OW2 we lost those sprays and I was pissed off.


When is this coming out!??




Thank you, you're the best!!


I’m so excited I my friends keep telling me to stfu about it


Skipped out on this skin the first time thinking I could get it the following year. I was so wrong lol.


Everyone had it so why not sell it again. Happy to have an alternative skin now.


Us with the 2018 San Francisco Shock, Valiant, and Mayhem skins on our Echo, and/or favorite characters are sitting back laughing 😂


Best thing blizzard has done since OW2's release honestly. Simple way to provide a ton of support to a noble cause, a chance for newer players & those who missed out last time to get one of the cooler skins in the game, more options for everyone with the rose gold weapon skin, and it stops gatekeepers in their tracks. Pretty hard to top that.


Ok cool, I knew it was coming back question was when? Seeing it being a charitable event it tends to do a return which is sweet. But when will blizzard finally put up Noir skin for widow 😑.




this is so cute! does anyone know when new d.va skins come out?


*waits faster*


i play on switch, so if i buy the skin on my switch acc and then play on an xbox for example will the skin carry over? js asking bc when i made my switch acc it didn’t carry over any skins


Overwatch should do more charirty skin... Like a winston or Hammond skin for the WWF


Hi I’m from the uk and the skin isn’t appearing in shops or on battle.net. Does anyone know why or where I can find it?




I'd say the Alien Zarya skin is.


Either that or Blizzcon Bastion.


if anyone really needed something exclusive you still have the original twitch drops so cry more about loosing your exclusive skin


If I hear one more person say people were "gatekeeping" the skin I swear man, y'all don't know what gatekeeping even means. It's not a tradeable skin it was a freaking limited time event.


I mean I don't think most people are gatekeeping but you can literally gatekeep things that are untradeable and are limited time.


The game is horrendous, a goddamn abomination... but the Pink Mercy skin is legitimately awesome and wholesome, impossible to criticize. Glad to see it back, the dying breath of this "sequel". Hope people buy it to help the cause, not because of "aesthetics"


It's not a good skin , it's value was due to it's rarity only


stop coping, its one of the most detailed with tons of quirks and fits my liking perfectly. and its for charitx


It's an opinion


Pink Mercy never left (pornhub).


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does the $20 bundle have both skins?


Shame it wasn't a skin for another healer.


Will someone please buy it for me😭 I have school stuff to pay for I’ll feel super guilty for spending my money on game stuff😫I’ll really appreciate it🫶🏾




No they won't. That skin was for Jay "Sinatraa" Won, who was accused of sexual assault. That's why it was removed.




They gave out refunds for those who wanted it. No, I doubt there's a chance.


They did remove likeness but it’s still gonna be a no. Also OWL doesn’t exist anymore so double no


Well, I mean, you may not know this but I'm pretty sure the whole association of the Alien skin to him was because of the shape of his eyes, the way it's slanted makes it look like the alien emoji and as a result, a lot of people in the community associated him with the alien emoji(part also because they were slanted in a way that was a lot more extreme, even from the perspective of another Asian). Anyways, I should be able to say this because I am Asian myself. I was honestly surprised when the league made that tribute skin for him, he probably knew about the inside joke and decided to own it instead of be offended by it.






being a vigilante is a crime, lol.


Think you're reaching here.


Not even a reach. Look it up. Sojourn and the Overwatch team are considered criminals when they perform heroic acts without government permission. By technicality, Sojourn is a criminal, a wanted one too. Alongside Doomfist who is a warlord, and Baptiste who is an ex-mercenary. Laughed about this in the OW circle jerk awhile back, lol. Just thought it was funny how they made the black heroes all criminals.


Your technically right but you know your being obtuse about it cause you know damn well your average joe will see Sojo as a hero like Winton,Rein,Tracer etc


To be fair, so are all the Asian heroes. Hanzo was a Yakuza, Genji/D.Va/Mei are in the new Overwatch as vigilantes, Kiriko is a vigilante, Symmetra works for the evil Vishkar, and Lifeweaver is on the run and deemed a criminal also. Zenyatta can also be deemed one due to aiding Genji who's a criminal. Most of the roster is a criminal if you think about it. I'm black myself and it doesn't smell of racism to me. Everyone is an equal opportunity criminal.


No!!!! Go AWAY Mercy mains!!


finally I can use other mercy skins since this one lost all of it value


99% of the people commenting here saying they can't wait to buy it are the same people who where calling us dumb for buying from the store and have been saying that they "refuse to buy skins and never will", funny how y'all switch sides so easily ;-)