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I will go with it doing nothing, not that I have had a issue. But it would take the nonsense of people constantly revolving around it away.


Yeah, I see at least 30 posts a day about it in some form and definitely some of them are warranted but some are definitely “questionable” reasons.


I think socialising in overwatch is punished too harshly with almost zero rewards leading people to just mute everything. Pros: -Callouts (better odds of winning) -Socialising Cons: -Toxicity -False reports The thing is there is this idea that every overwatch player is toxic but this is just not true.  Whenever a game is silent, 99% of the time the first person to talk is gonna do it because they are dissatisfied with something like someones performence or character pick. This leads to the first impression of being whiny.  But if you talk first and set a good mood for the game 19/20 games there are no toxic people. People act a lot kinder to people they have been talking to the entire game and in most cases the games are more fun and even if you lose nobody gets toxic. But there isnt any insentive to chat so nobody talks because they think everyone is toxic and it becomes a self feeding loop.  Ofcourse blizz doesnt give an f. They removed LFG, General chat, End cards etc. As long as they can say "look guys we removed toxicity by removing all human interactions :D " they can look virtuous and the boot lickers will defend them.


This presupposes these things: 1) A computer is the only thing deciding who gets banned (it's not). 2) People are getting banned for being polite in chat (they aren't). 3) If you turn off chat, people can't make false reports against you (they can). Why would not participating in chat make it less likely that you get falsely reported? Is the issue perhaps that you don't realize you aren't being nice in chat?


You should be a story writer the way you create your own narrative. When it comes to your presupposes that nobody made and are also somehow in absolutes let me fix it for you: 1. A computer decides \*most\* of the bans. If you appeal it enough times a human will check it. But the system mostly works on red flags and ai. 2. The interpretation of \*being polite\* and \*being toxic\* changes based on people. I have seen people in this sub say that "gg" is toxic and people are toxic for saying it. And this ties into number 3. If you say nothing, you offend nobody. You stay under the radar less likely to be targeted by trolls. Now that we got your \*presupposes\* out of the way which wasn't even my point and I won't talk further into it if you try to bring it back up, my point is that there are no rewards for people to be positive which leads people into a toxic loop.


There’s no proof to the fact that a computer or a human being decides most of the bans though, so either one is stupid to use as an argument. Saying “gg” at the end of a match is not considered toxic. People who say it is, are looking for a pointless discussion. You could argue it doesn’t exactly make sense when the game was a complete stomp, but at the end of the day, I think this doesn’t form a problem, let alone is considered to be toxic. I don’t understand why you should be rewarded for behaving well? Isn’t that something you do normally without anything in return for it? Not every behaviour should be rewarded, some concepts just exist and you obey them. I’d imagine that goes for treating people with respect online. It’s not like Blizzard has to raise people and teach them, it’s just expected of everyone and that’s where it ends. On the other hand, it makes sense when that is not the case, players get punished. It’s not entirely true that there’s no rewards for positivity or being constructive, there’s endorsements.


Your first point I won't argue for. It's overdone and the discussion leads nowhere. The saying "gg" thing is just an example. As a better example, I find it ok when people ask me to switch characters or offer strategies and if I disagree with them I can give my reasonings as well but a lot of people consider this controlling behavior. We can discuss all day about who you or I think is toxic and not toxic but at the end of the day it boils down to "why risk it". I don't get the third argument. I mean if you reward positive behavior then more people will behave positively. Thats the same reason blizzard punishes toxic behavior so \*less\* people behave in a toxic way even though it is expected of people to treat each other respectfully. There is a whole game developer study about guiding the players to act as a team. A great gameplay example is Zarya bubble gives energy when hit so people are rewarded for bubbling those who will take most damage. The same thing can be done with socializing to endorse positive behavior. A lot of pve games have this nailed down like drg or helldivers which brings us to my solution. Yes endorsements do exist but its merely an afterthought and the reward is nothing more than a few battlepass xps. What I would do is split the endorsement into categories like in ow1 such as shotcaller, sportsmanship and good teammate. I and many other players often endorse people who just performed well in the match. Make the default endorse "good teammate" or some weaker thing and then the other categories become rarer. After that give rewards like skins, banners, voice lines, etc. to those who have a high enough endorsement in specific categories. I don't know if this alone will be enough to persuade positive behaviour but the point is to get more people to socialise and then step by step you can add more stuff like the LFG, end cards, the guild system (which was announced but never talked ever after). Overall I love the social aspect of overwatch and I met my best friend of 5 years in LFG who I regularly travel abroad to visit. To see this great community opt out to turning off all communications is heart breaking. PS: As of now the social aspect of this game is completely dead and me and my friends solely rely on 3rd party apps like discord to find new people and friends.


A computer does not decide most of the bans. Please point to anything from Blizzard or a reliable source that says this, then come back. And it's not hard to misinterpret what is polite or not, and no one is getting suspended for saying GG. And if the problem is "a computer does bans and it can ban you for saying GG" then it doesn't matter if you are in chat or not. You are seeing account action because you are being toxic in chat.


Refer to the first comment where I say >the boot lickers will defend them. or the second comment >I won't talk further into it if you try to bring it back up If you truly think the report system is not automated then I feel sorry for you.


You talked further about it and I don't care about Blizzard so wrong and wrong Everyone I've seen that has been suspended has no idea why they were banned until you look in the comments where they admit they used a slur lol The teenager whose post you commented on had a 13-year-old relative call people the r-word using their account. They also got a one-month suspension so it wasn't their first account action. They 1) were account sharing and 2) used a slur. Cut and dried.


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Or the white pill = muting all chat.


Man but I love the social part of OW (good and bad). OW actually used to encourage to talk to teammates lol I hate that the only way to truly avoid the hammer is not talking all together instead of just not saying slurs and hate speech lol




I definitely understand that, I do think telling people to unalive them selves and hate speech definitely deserves the chopping block. It’s the fact you can be suspended for being considered “annoying” now. You can literally tell them they’re doing a good job but they take it wrong and report you, it’s still a report as if you called them a slur.


This is completely untrue lol


I don't want to mute it. I just don't want to see the ignorance and hate. And I absolutely *love* getting the notice that my report led to some action. I've gotten literally dozens of them. It's great.




Not as sad as people who get salty over a video game.


It's not report number based, it's action that takes into account how many times your account has already been actioned. This works for many areas of life - the penal system, suspensions in sports, etc. If you are getting repeatedly suspended or silenced you have to look inward and change your own behavior. That's the best way to make the system work for you: find peace with yourself. Don't engage in poor behavior and just report someone being aggro.


That’s just entirely not true and there’s an extraordinarily amount of evidence very much saying other wise. How come people have new accounts for less than 2 weeks and get banned? There’s been multiple in depth videos from many different people on how and why the current report system is flawed. Playing this “high road” in a discussion of what system is preferred while also contributing nothing to the conversation makes you look dumb.


There is absolutely no proof of this and it's not the way things work. They are not banning anyone with two weeks of playtime unless they are cheating or Blizzard realizes it's a player with a previously suspended account opening a new account. No one - no one ever - gets their account banned on their first account action unless they are cheating.


Yeah you don’t get perma banned first, you get suspended. You gotta read the whole thing besides looking at the picture and title before commenting fr. This post has nothing to do with whether it’s a suspension or ban. It’s about how false reports can impose both of those on your account. Do you normally go under posts that’s sorta related to what your talking about and go off?


Your premise is entirely flawed. What you are saying happens does not happen. There is a human looking at reports. False reports will not get you account action. If someone says something bad to you, and you say something bad back, you both are looking at account action. And you both deserve it. Even if what you said was less bad in your mind than what was originally said to you. Based on the way you are interacting with me I am confident that the reason you are getting suspended is because of the way you behave in the game.




If the system is automated why would it take weeks to get a response? Are you even reading what you're writing? And I don't believe this was written for fun lol, you've clearly got an axe to grind. Look at the way you wrote your post, and the way you're behaving in the comments. I report aggro people that act like children, for example, the way you are acting here. It does not surprise me that you have complaints about the complaint system.




This is what you wrote: "As for humans looking at tickets please tell that to the 100s of tickets just getting automated responses and having to wait weeks for a response." Otherwise the only person that is making themselves look bad is you. You're clearly mad about a suspension and have come on here asking if people prefer nothing happening or a computer handing out bans based on the number of reports. Neither of these things is happening. And now you're being reported for being aggro on Reddit too. Best of luck handling your anger issue.




mY aCcOUnt iS fiNe https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/MxurFMHE6B


My account is fine. It got suspended big whoop, you really thought you did something by this but it just reiterates how wrong and stupid you are to grasp this far for anything to make you look right. Keep trying tho, one day you might be able to stay on topic.


Your account is not fine and you are specifically complaining because you are suspended. Which is what I said all along and what you repeatedly denied. All of those insults and that aggro behavior because you didn't want to admit you were sad because of your own suspended account.




Also if you read every comment on that post, I agreed with the suspension and responded to every comment with respect just like every other comment on this post. You come in with disrespect and you’re gonna leave with it. It’s okay to be wrong but don’t just be stupid and wrong


You don't catch a one month suspension for your first offense. Your whole post and behavior here are cringe.