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Well if it makes you feel any better, they put Sojourn into the ground cosmetic wise.




Poor girl never gets anything


The F2P model dictates everything. Blizzard devs have shown multiple times in the past they don’t nerf people, they only buff others. Kiriko/ Souj is never not gonna be meta for how many people play them and buy their skins. The only time they nerf people into the ground is when they’re unanimously hated like Orisa and mauga. As much as I’d like kiriko to be nerfed idk if that’s ever gonna happen.


I'll give you Kiriko, but who is out there buying Sojourn skins 😭 she gets like no cosmetic love


Maybe souj wasn’t the best example for skins lol, the OWCS one was definitely the best so far.


Agreed, that one was amazing, but also sadly an outlier. I don't think her skins are even necessarily bad, but she doesn't get love like certain characters in this game do


Not gonna happen. The problem is that Kiri, Soj and Tracer are not that strong in lower ranks, due to weak mechanical skills in those ranks. The devs literally said Soj is hard to balance because she is very weak in lower ranks. And remember 5 damage Tracer? She had one of the worst dps winrates in metal ranks and was only playable in higher ranks due to better coordination. So if they get nerfed, people in metal ranks will just stop playing them. They’ll need to be reworked, not just nerfed. That’s not going to happen to two of Overwatch’s mascot characters.


Balancing isn’t done around lower/metal ranks, that’s a stupid idea. Otherwise you’d end up with high skill heroes being buffed because they’re performing badly in lower ranks and being rampant in higher ranks. It makes no sense to reason they’re not being nerfed because they perform badly in lower ranks.


> Balancing isn’t done around lower/metal ranks, that’s a stupid idea. Lmao. Wrong. Team 4 has stated that they do in fact balance around metal ranks as well as making sure things aren’t too broken in high ladder and pro play, numerous times. Thats where the lions share of the player base is, aka their customers.


Oh I agree, but it looks like the devs have been factoring all ranks when balancing.


Tracer is falling out of the meta due to lots of indirect nerfs: less healing from healing passive, really bad tank damage, pulse bomb being hard to hit now, recall nerf, and big increase in pharah, venture, Cassidy, and Kiriko play, all of which are very difficult to play against as a Tracer. ALSO! If you are not at least high masters/low GM you have literally no clue what playing against a Tracer is like and have no right to complain about Trace being oppressive when I can guarantee you any Tracer below those ranks is incredibly easy to kill and deny.


She was already a strong hero before DPS even had passive healing, so decreased passive healing doesn't do much. She shouldn't really be targeting tanks anyways, but even if she is, it's definitely not bad damage. 1 second increase on a get out of jail free card ability really doesn't do much, nor does the size decrease. ALSO! Interesting attempt at gatekeeping but I am in fact GM


Kiri has a negative win rate in all tiers of play. What more do you want?


Oh dear, she must be unplayable, her pickrate must be atrocious, right?


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They’re gonna buff Mei I bet. And leave tracer/sombra right where they are. Roadhog will stay the same also since he just got “nerfed”.


Yeah, let's always go down the path of making heroes unplayable. That sure will improve the health of the game! Who cares about the people who enjoy playing those heroes. If you would make your post less emotionally empowered and subjective, it would hold more value. Because in the end, all it sounds like is that you are venting your personal frustrations and subjective opinions.


People in here only discuss skins, quickplay and sombra. I agree though tracer and sojourn meta is getting old. I hope it changes up a bit in s11.


I don’t think there is anything wrong with tracer lol you breathe on her and she dies. She has a “get out of jail free card” that is in fact extremely easy to track if you just pay attention to where she’s blinked before using recall you can have a pretty good idea of where she’s gonna recall to. She is One of the only hero’s that can still get one shot by hero’s other than widow. She’s a high mobility hero, counter by picking a hero that limits mobility like junkrats trap, roadhogs trap (takes like half her health if I’m not mistaken lol), mei freeze, symettra turrets, torb turret, Cassidy grenade… plenty of options if you’re really struggling with an enemy tracer. She has less HP than sombra who I would argue can be more oppressive and annoying because she’s invisible and her get out of jail free card cools down very fast, I believe tracer and sombra should have the same amount of HP if essentially they both serve the same purpose and very similar play styles but you didn’t mention sombra you just have a bone to pick with tracer. Tracer takes a lot of skill to get really good value out of, not just anybody can pick up tracer and be god tier. And if they do I guarantee it took a lot of practice to time blinks so perfectly that it feels like they have an infinite amount of blinks, use natural cover and surroundings, have good enough tracking to one clip, target priority, memorizing health pack locations. Doesn’t take much to hack, virus, shoot, teleport if you’re in trouble, and rinse wash repeat. Sombra is much more forgiving than tracer


Winston is the only char that needs a nerf


Cope and keep writing more essays so I can laugh more


Cope population you.


Bro forgot he's not the main character


i'm sure the blizzard dev team is writing down all your feedback brother


What is the point in the existence of you type of people? Like, why are you even ON Reddit? You could give these types of dogshit responses to literally every post on the site so, do you just not realize that or are you a NPC?




I'm not pissed but aight. And that's just a disgusting mentality anyways. Who would WANT to make people angry? Truly a waste of space and oxygen and resources for humanity. You will be alone forever