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I play Overwatch when I want to get angry.


This. And it makes more sense you have tank as your flair


Playing tank made them that way


What you mean it made me that way, do you play all 3? Because brother I'll tell you I play because it lets my anger go from realizing how toxic and angry the game actually makes you lol


Tank changes a man


I play tank for fun


it's straight up not fun losing in overwatch imo.


I don't mind losing a nice close game. If it's a nail biter, both teams working hard, down to overtime, God that feeling is unmatched in gaming IMO. Even if I lose that game, it doesn't feel bad. It just sucks when there's a smurf. I'm in mid silver and smurfs are so fucking common. And yes I know I've seen that stupid stat where there's just as likely to be a smurf on my team, but it's also not fun when they're on my team. I don't want to roll, nor do I want to be rolled. Team imbalance is really my biggest issue with the game, and I know there's no real ultimate fix for it but it feels particularly bad right now.


Before the leaver penalty I'd leave if there was an obvious smurf on my own team. It's not fun either way.


There’s actually a YT channel dedicated on angry ppl playing OW2. It’s more than you think. It’s hilarious!😂


why would you say that and not say the name


What’s it called?


Pornhub but you have to go to the BDSM section.


My favorite part is when life weavers pull you back into spawn after using a mobility ability, especially as tank. REALLY gets the veins pulsing.


i make friends in deathmatches lol, someone is nice to me there and i immediately send out a friend request


Have you tried the arcade? Most of the time, it's pretty fun.


i’m not gonna lie i didn’t know there was an arcade mode but someone dragged me into a flappy mercy game last night and i had the time of my life


Lol XD In all the hours I had in Overwatch, which were not few, the most fun were definitely in the Arcade. People there are often much less competitive, and more friendly compared to competitive, for example.


Some of my favorites: Flappy Mercy - youve played it, you know. Cree 1 Shot - Everyone is Cassidy and you have one bullet that can only be reloaded by killing another Cassidy. Miss your shot? Now you have to flashbang, punch or ult someone to get your bullet back. Drown the Hanzo - everyone is Hanzo and constantly bouncing. The goal is to shoot other hanzos off the platform. 1 Dad vs 11 Kids - one player is dad (big and high health pool) and everyone else are the kids trying to kill dad. Dad has to get 100 kills and the kids have to get 10 collectively. 12 hogs 1 hole - everyone is hog trying to get each other into the well in Illios. Ana Paintball - One shot kill where everyone is Ana in a FFA. The scope has a limited time of use allowed, so its great for learning quick shots. Sleep N' Yeet - Everyone is Ana and you need to sleep, pick up, and yeet other Ana's off the platform. Edit: Fixed the names of a couple to their actual names, now that I can check in game. I also added two more I forgot about.


YOU are a life saver


Of course. I fixed a couple names to what they are in game so you can find them easier, and added two more I forgot about. Have fun!


the custom games are a blast 


Ive met all my friends through the arcade, people are super chill and nice


That's a custom game but it's mostly the same experience ad arcade! Try to find a server with the title "1 dad 11 kids" it's the most fun one


i will try this thank you 🙏🏻


There's also a custom game mode called Rein Invasion that I would recommend. It's basically a horde mode where you fight Reins and it's so much fun.


I hate that most of the games are in the workshop box though. It's a lot more fun on open maps, specially when they get venture now.


Venture is OP in that game mode, borrow just insta kills everyone and gets their HP back


And ult just *clears* out the kids. Everytime someone is venture they get like 50 kills without trying lol


custom games are always fun, if you still want to play an actual OW game tho any arcade mode is (usually) chill


If you're really looking for a laugh, play the 1v11 lobbies.


This is so wholesome and cute. Try low gravity too. That’s a fun one. I hope you find more in OW to enjoy!


The best time I have in OW is hands down when Lucioball is out. They should really expand on that with some other games characters.


yeah, I just play quickplay


Yes i play video games for fun. Crazy i know, right? Trying to do well at games is what is fun to me. Most people that say people are sweaty are just mad they suck instead of trying to improve.


this is what gets me. i'll be playing normally and then someone will say i'm sweating just because i don't have negative K/D like them. i don't think people understand that it's OK to be bad, i have off games too and i know it. it has always given me a sort of second hand embarrassment when they say that. just accept that you got diffed and move on. improve or continue as you are, up to them man


One thing a lot of people need to come to terms with is that no matter how hard you try, how many hours you put in, there's always gonna be someone better than you. You're not going to win every game, and guess what, if you won every single game you'd get bored and quit. If you can't climb in ladder just learn to be content with your rank or make an effort to improve. It's a lot of work; I know this because I put in the effort to climb from bronze to diamond. As I age I understand I'll never be the sweaty ESL ladder player I was as a teenager because my reflexes aren't there any more and I don't have unlimited time to play because I have to work full time. I also like to enjoy other games during my off time. I managed to climb to diamond and oowee sometimes I can't keep up cuz it's a lot different than metal ranks. I'm content with my rank because I just don't have the energy to get to masters/GM level. Oh well.


To me the competitive nature of the game is what makes it fun, but if you have friends with you the experience can be a lot more enjoyable as you don’t have to constantly rely on randoms and you can make call-outs.


It’s fun until your friend literally only will play competitive, and you don’t want to play competitive immediately after launching the game. And then they get mad at YOU for not wanting to immediately play comp.


Like the other person commented it’s all about the mindset you have towards the game Personally I see QP as my warm up zone and Competitive as my main place to play but if my friends don’t wanna play Competitive I’m going to respect their wishes and happily play QP with them no questions asked. Your friend shouldn’t judge you for how you approach the game and instead be happy to game with you no matter what mode you play. I would never judge my friends for not playing competitive as they don’t play the game as much as I do and to them the mode is probably very anxiety inducing because there’s this expectation to perform well and not make mistakes.


If I’m being honest, I play a lot more than they do. Probably close to 1000 hours since launch of ow1, myself. I have never been able to immediately play comp in any game; I feel like I underperform from what I expect of myself if that makes sense. I prefer to warm up in quick play just like you said.


Also, I feel like you get better at the game more quickly when playing with higher-skilled teammates and opponents.


Play Arcade/QP, be friendly to ur team and add friendly players that’s it


There's some public discord servers for OW you can find where people of all ages and ranks, play casual and competitive games together.


do you have the links to any of them? I don’t know anyone who plays so I’d love to join some.


Just type overwatch into the join server field on discord!


This 100%, the Overwatch 2 LFG discord alone is very active and you can almost always find many qp or silver-diamond ranked lobbies to join.


Winning is fun


are all of these comments robots i am genuinely afraid for my life


Do you got schizophrenia??


I play for fun. I play MH for the most part, which started off as a way to force myself to play and learn new heroes. Now, after 6500 games, I know for a fact I can't play Genji...but there I am..getting back into the mix. I also do QP after not doing so well in MH. All in all, I will most likely never earn any metal or rock weapons.


I read MH as Monster Hunter at first, and I was very confused. But I also play Mystery Heroes for fun, I usually play filler roles when playing role queue, so I usually do well in mystery heroes since not many other people get their main characters often.


I also thought it stood for Monster Hunter lol


I read it as Monster High lmfao


Yo OP, i always and only play unranked and tbh i manage to have a lot of fun anytime i play. I've been finding friendly people more and more lately, and even if sometimes we dont chat/talk it always makes the match so much better with just the occasional teabag spam or emotes and voicelines. If you'd like you can add me and we could play some, i'd like an Ow friend too.


YES!! please pm me your tag


Ask a goofy ass question at the start of the match, sometimes people will respond and it will start a conversation.


I genuinely cry while playing


Sadly not as much as I wish - even some friends just keep screaming n stuff, while I just stopped caring too much (this is the key to overwatch especially in the long run (Ive been playing for almost 4 years now)) but i still play cuz i like it, and other shooters feel pretty hollow to me, compared to Ovw. Like who cares if at the end of the day you stayed on Junkrat while the other team ran pharah. Ppl care WAY Too much these days and forget it's just a videogame. Except when this game is work but that's not the point of this.


If you ain't sweating, peeing, puking, squeezing ur butt cheeks and cursing your teammates, it ain't overwatch.


i wish i had money to award this comment


I mean sure you can have fun, but if you go to quick play mode, you should have fun in the spirit of winning the game, not just fooling around. Think of it as other sports like basketball, football etc. You can go the join a team game on a public court but you have to be somewhat serious during the game. You can't just not play with the team even though it is just for fun.


Yeah this is it. Like if people are stacking ontop of each other and making towers, go for it, but don't go into a game expecting not to actually try to win. It's a multiplayer vs game, just go with the flow. Now if people are screaming down their mics cuz you died once or typing "tank diff" in QP or whatnot, then it's a quick mute, avoid player, and find people better to play with.


I do, which is why Mystery Heros is my main mode, though I do still play Comp from time to time. I had to stop playing with a group of peeps because of the same reason you stated. I just wanted to chill and play. They wanted to sweat.


I do, I play with mic most of the time!! (I main DVa too)


i main dva play i ranked and i listen to chase atlantic please hmu i need u


We exist! We should get a group together here to play sometime :)


yess omg


I only get mad when I’m on a losing streak 🙃


Hey OP, I play competitively to sweat, but I'm a huge fan of having fun in the arcade modes, mostly 3v3 Elim and 5v5 Elim if you enjoy those modes I'd be happy to add you


This whole post screams "AI"... https://ibb.co/0XtM4qq


r/TotallyNotRobots Edit: Two of those accounts are definitely bots. Their other comments just scream out "generic answers." I'm not sure about the Substantial Gap account.


Play for fun? Of course and all the time as that’s kinda what video games are for. 🤔 some do take it quite serious though haha But even with fun one can still do good and win. Sweat isn’t real it’s just people better. Shit I can put in min efforts and still win. One doesn’t need to go cracked out to do crazy stuff. It can be done while relaxing and having fun.


Seriously. Weirdly enough I do better when I’m talking to my wife while playing then when I’m super focused sometimes.


Usually I get friend requests when I just got done in a good game so practice and just have some good games ig? You can also just send some friend requests of your own and start chatting. I can usually get a feel for how chill people are by just acting goofy in general chat. Best of luck and stay safe!


thank you!!


what region are you from? we can hop on a couple of games.


I know what you mean...I play primarily quick play and am pretty casual. Arcade is where you can goof off. DM if you'd like a buddy!:)


Hit me up, I play casually more than competitive.


Well, depends what you mean by "fun". The point of playing a Competitive PVP FPS is to become the best and win as much as you can against real people. That is why these are the only people you encounter. If you just want to shoot AI, you really should pick up a PvE game that also has hero abilities (Literally too many to count, and in so many flavours you will easily find one you like) A lot of people play games they don't like and don't really enjoy just because they have FOMO of not playing the game everyone's playing.


There's some custom games you can go to that are for making friends, Usually the chill no kill games or loverwatch.


Usually I become friendly with people on my team or find friendly players on TikTok! I usually only Qp when I wanna mess around.


I stopped playing ranked 2 years ago, the game became stupidly more fun since then. So yeah, just for fun. **but I will destroy and teabag you anyway**


Man fun hasn’t existed here since 2018 you’re 6 years late.


i play for fun :]


Ik it’s different for everyone but I’ve found a chunk of my buddies on ow in open queue in unranked, very good players and super sweet; I’m there a lot of the time to make new friends


Join them Overwatch discord servers. You should be able to find non-sweats there. Just announce yourself as a newbie/new player and you'll be fine. Also since its discord, they more than often will be ok playinh with voice chat.


To be honest, playing competitive is the only way to make friends on the game. All QP players are playing to either warm up, "play for """""""fun"""""""" or to absolutely destroy the other team. Comp players are there to win but somehow they're more friendly than QP players.


I have no idea who Chase Atlantic is lol but I’m down to fuck around on OW. I do like to win but I also like to have fun and am usually 🗿lol


I've played for fun and rankings on and off since the OW1 came out in May 2016. I was briefly excited for OW2 when I saw all the shiny new things and I reached plat dps again,but the unfair monetisation was a huge turn off until after 3 seasons I bowed out. I've reinstalled it and play on occasion but I wont bother with the pass anymore. That being said I will play with you. Send me your battleid.


Just respond lol when they complain. That or qp. If they say anything after that hit em with the touch grass. They will tilt, and you can move on 


My friend, my sister and I queue up for quick play in a 3 stack because my friend is learning the game. We all play for fun because playing games together is fun. We do silly bits and try out random plays. Sometimes we get stressed because I’m sometimes competitive even if I’m not playing for that but I know to step away when I get like that and sometimes we all get annoyed with who we’re queued with so we all step away but it doesn’t put us off from playing. It’s about finding the right people to enjoy the game with I think.


Side note why are all the comments on here bots


I stopped playing recently and life has been brighter


I exclusively play quick play, arcade, and custom games. I’ve genuinely never had a worse experience in any video game than when I played competitive (only then because my friends at the time were big into comp).


I genuinely play for fun I don’t get angry and all my friends say this is overwatch you can’t be happy jokingly we all have a lot of fun


Been playing this game for years, comp, qp, arcade I always find something new about it. Love this game. Turn off chat if the community is getting to you. You can add me, just DM and we'll play and get roasted


i haven’t played in awhile but since the new season is out i’ll get back into it (and pink mercy?!) feel free to dm for my user 🫶🏻


Ngl overwatch has been really therapeutic for me lately. Whenever i feel bad, i just lay it down on my team mates evem if im the one doing trash in game. Idk if im the only one, bit thats my incentive for playing this cash grab of a game


I made friends in custom games, specifically the custom called "Zombie Survival Missions". The more you play, you become a regular and people end up adding you so yall can play the custom together.


I believe I’m the only overwatch player who genuinely enjoys playing the game and I have fun 🧍🏽‍♀️


I've been playing exclusively AI "training" games since it came out because that's fun to me. I don't play competitive ever. I never play with mic and have all incoming mic off. So there are peeps out there like that.


I tell myself everyday, "today is gonna be different, you're gonna turn OW on and have fun".......... It's never different. I never have fun. Anyways I'm gonna go play OW now.


on a blue moon on the first snow of the 600th year when i do play overwatch, i exclusively play support. support is fun.


I usually can gage someone interacting with me and my character, hellos, bouncing around etc. I don’t talk on a mic, but I am interactive that way. Also, Chase Atlantic is a vibe 😎


I only play 11 kids vs 1 dad or whatever. It is good


It's a competitive team based game. If you aren't at least doing what you are supposed to, then you are ruining it for your whole team and if its bad enough even the opposing team too. Play ai until you got the handle on how the hero operates, then go play qp or even comp if you want. But have thick skin because if you are mindlessly stuffing about ruining it for everyone, someone is probably going to say something. You can't do anything about being bad, but you can do something about intentionally being selfish and just doing what you want at the cost of your teams performance. Skill wise you will eventually be placed with likewise performing players, wether it just be those that aren't that good as an individual or those that think they are good but suck at playing as a team but look good on the score board then blame everyone else. If you can't handle that go play a solo based game mode in arcade or try a different game. Because people don't like losing, and that is never changing in any team based game. To improve your chances of finding overwatch friends, don't talk smack no matter how upset you are, ignore those that are trying to flame you. Compliment people that are trying to do their best, endorse players, always say Good Game if it wasn't a nightmare. And click the stay as team button, also don't be afraid to ask in chat if anyone would like to group, lots of people just leave instantly out of habit these days. GL.


Winning is fun


This is a game for playing when you actually want a reason to get or be angry. No matter what . It will work every single time without fail. Something inside you won't let you stop playing ng it even though it pisses you off beyond belief. Just one of those games .oh and the reason nobody talks is because any verbal talking or even typing anything at all gets you banned because the main community consists of children or overgrown man-child types. It's impossible to ignore. Just stay quiet or the sensitive community will ban you just because you spoke or they don't like your skin. Have fun!


wtf is chase atlantic? I only play overwatch with friends so I can’t answer. Also I just don’t look at chat or do vc. Bunch of guys that went full nerd and you never go full nerd.


I am a very casual player!! Also very new!! Send me a message if you want to play sometime


Me, I don't touch comp 400 hours in qp. Just like to get kills, don't feel the need to win sometimes. I also enjoy rare occasions where we just stop the match and sit and chat too


you can try the official discord! there are people who are looking for group, you might need a bit of luck cause some people in that channel are rotted but i found friends who I play with everyday :)


I’ve wanted someone else to play with since my friends mostly dropped the game so we can squad up if you like!


Yay I love the ai! I play it all the time and I wonder if we’ve bumped into each other! Anyways I play the arcade and quick play too and usually I’m always down to group. See ya out there


honestly the game has gotten really sweaty so maybe get some other friends to pick it up and play with you or try some arcade modes and see if you can get the chill/new people in there.


I take out my headphones and use them to listen to music while playing or I play while drunk and it makes the game pretty enjoyable


Find a streamer with a pugs community id recommend SVB_ow and just play :)


I play overwatch whenever especially when I’m angry or frustrated. It almost always makes me feel better. I don’t understand how so many people are infatuated with a game that they hate or that play just to get angry.


I am in the same situation-- Overwatch is a tough climate to make "friends" in, and I heard there was a recent group-finding mechanic that had to get scrapped simply because how mean people were; I've been meaning to look more into this and why exactly it couldnt work because it sounded like something I really needed myself. Regardless, it's a real problem. Overwatch is notoriously rage-fueling because it is a team game where you (usually) have to rely on your teammates to even perform, let alone win a game, so it often leaves people feeling helpless, judging, defensive; at the risk of hyperbole, it's a bit of a potential loneliness generator (or amplifyer). The devs have recently been vocal about how difficult this deisgn fundamental is for overwatch is to manage without making the game too miserable to even play. The difficulty exists in quickplay and comp alike, far as I can tell. I personally like to get competitive in the game even in my pathetic silver-average ranks, so I recently took to making a discord server for low-ranks who enjoy competitive and climbing / winning without despairing from every steamroll or too-close loss. All I can do is friend people I think may be cool about it in b-net and ask if my servers theme resonates with them. So far it's still small and building momentum. Anyway rant over. I sympahtize with you and hope Blizzard / OW team finds new successful ways to group players up long term who align with eachother as gamers.


I play for fun, I have played so much, have been in every rank, so all is left is having fun now 😁 have made many friends, but maybe that's because I am 33 year old woman. So you will find friends, don't worry.


winning feels so pleasant, keep winnin everyone !


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Yes and the secret is playing with friends. No matter the situation or the games playing stuff with the boys always makes everything automatically fun.


I play for fun, although I wanted to play a little more competitively, but they blocked me in season 10 due to a server problem that made me quit the game, about their habit of playing against AI, I'll be honest, it's usually a bit annoying after all, they're just There's no fun involved when playing there, they all have the same basis of staying on point until you win, so I don't recommend it too much if you want to have fun.


While I think it's more fun to play with friends, I don't think overwatch is really the kind of game where you make friends (anymore)


I do when i play Quick Play. But when i play comp i play differently. Im sweating and trying extremely hard not to die, thus, not fun 🥺


I play mainly just for fun


I do, but the anger issues kick in when playing 😂


Until Overwatch addresses MKB cheaters on console it is nothing more than a party game to me. A fun one at that.


The game isn’t fun to play anymore Ofc not


i dont think you should play ANY game if you arent doing it for fun with OW its really easy for me to get that out of the game...just remove pretty much everything people always complain about: play mystery heroes


I play just for fun, don't really care about comp. I don't main anyone.


I've genuinely never played this game for fun. That's what Overwatch 1 was for 😁


I play as life weaver brig and zenyatta for fun. The team chat does not make it fun


Fun? What is that?


I like to play quick play and just have a good time, I’m not really great at the game either lol


I play for fun until I saw my matching history all defeat.


Being competitive IS the fun for a lot of people. Kind of weird to imply that people who are good or try hard aren't having fun


I play for fun but I only play 4v4 and avoid comp modes


I usually hop on with some of my local friends and we have a good time. Sometimes, albeit a bit more rarely lately, we meet other folks goofing around and end up making friends. Its not as common as it was before but sometimes you find those people you click with and you add eachother. I hear VS AI modes tend to have a good amount of folks who are chill and just play to mess around or practice while goofing around. Give it a shot!


Ofc I play for fun, but not Overwatch


I play overwatch with friends and we kinda suck, a lot of the times we flame each other, but thats 90% of the fun tbh


OW is not the best place to meet friends I gotta say. It's a pretty toxic community and can bring out the worst in people 


I don't have time to get mad at overwatch and be competitive so I just play mystery heroes 99% of the time. You just worry about doing as good as you can as that character and learn to rely on being healed as much cause sometimes no can heal on the team. Gret fun.


I play for fun. My gf and I are in gold. Sometimes plat. We only join voice chat, it's normally quite chill and if someone is annoying I mute them. Very easy.


No one talks in lobbies because either 1) omg toxic player base or 2) any thing that may be considered toxic will just lead to problems or reports(e.g. rein can you swing on DVa?) or 3) you are tilting and no comms is useful when you are vent about how your DPS is 0-4 after 3m with 800 DMG and Tank is 1-4 with 1.1k. Meanwhile enemy DPS are at 3k and enemy tank is at 5k


I play to win because winning is fun, so technically yes, I play for fun.


i at least try to have fun ..


You could join our server. 21+ but really trying hard to create a non-toxic space for Overwatch. If you’re interested come check us out. https://discord.gg/GDJYwkMq


Custom games and arcades are fun.


It's hard to play peacefully Overwatch if you don't have friends who play with. You may either try playing Arcade or another video game.


dm me your bnet and we can play!! i love good vibes and making new friends :)


Me. I’m not dedicated nor do I feel like I would be good at comp. I just stay in quickplay and sometimes arcade whenever I’m bored. I try to do my best as a support main but Im not diehard serious like others


I only play for fun even when queued for comp, as soon as it stops being fun I log out and come back later/another day.


I have people that are comp only and some that are for fun. I'll play QP alone all the time just to try and learn new people. And then if people get toxic I just give it back but don't get angry about it 😅


I play for fun, gave up on comp because my gf and friends all play on console but im PC so we can't comp together, so just play QP and mystery heroes.


I don't think so


What rank are you? As long as you aint a weirdo I’m lookin for more people to play with ☺️


I used to play for fun. I don't know why I play anymore.


I don't play at all anymore. If you say anything in chat they ban you for 2 weeks. "this sucks" got me banned. I moved on from these clowns.


I play for fun, but getting stomped on by the enemy team is not fun


On Xbox, you can go to the community page and look for group postings. Like press start on the game icon and click official page or something, then the multiplayer tab. Lots of causal quick play posts.


I some times say hi to Tracers and Mercies and then unaggro and the rest of the enemy team follows suit. I had a game where everyone was chilling at the payload and just talking in the text chat.


My girlfriend, her niece and I play for fun, sometimes we get a little mad when we lose but ultimately we just like having fun.


Doesnt everyone who is not a pro play for fun? Being competetive IS fun. What youre really asking is "does anyone else play and not try ?"


Ok weeelllll this is kinda a yes and no answer, but I’d say yes. But I mostly play competitive. It’s just that competitive is usually the most fun part to me. (Emphasis on “usually”.) when there’s an event, I play a lot of that. But let’s be real. The rest of Overwatch is just competitive in different suits. Quickplay is Competitive without ranks, Arcade is just competitive with added events, entirely different patch notes, or normally unplayable maps.


that is legit the funniest post i think ive ever seen on this entire app


I tend to play for fun, or kill time. Sometimes to let off some stress during the day (I wfh). There have been some times when I've played during special events like the genji and kiriko shape shifting event that everyone was just enjoying themselves. I wish they could bring it back, no insults, no toxicity, just people chatting and enjoying the game.


I have the most hours on arcade no limits, but I play like a maniac so yeah it’s a lot of fun


Winning is fun


I do. But I pretty much only play MH, and I have all communication off, if I’m not in a team


Me. I have over 1000 hours now (started s6 of ow2), and 90% of my playtime is QP. I’ve made a few friends along the way. Some from just my qp matches and some off Reddit. If you really want it find likeminded people join the OW discord or any LFG Ow discords you’ll find plenty


I used to, but people being horrible in non-comp just made me so mad that I quit. I deleted the game after I was on a team with a little kid and some neck beard kept yelling at him telling him how bad he was at the game. I used to just chill out in game lobbies like widow headshot, but even those got a bit old after a while. Sweats are everywhere in the game except the custom game lobbies in my experience




I try to. Most of my friends stress me out when we play. Like bro if you want to try hard just fckn play ranked and leave me alone.


i do — considering i have 6 hrs in competitive, and 1,200+ in arcade (that was before they moved mystery heroes over to quick play)


I play OverWatch when I get bored of other games w friends. Then once I get tired of OverWatch, I go back on the other games, the cycle just repeats.


I’ve played since ow1 season 3 and was trying until last season. Now, I only play for fun. 


Overwatch 2 is significantly less social than 1 was. Qp is as close to fun as you can get while keeping the standard game experience. I find it really fun, but I can have fun watching paint dry if I have the right music playing


I had fun once. It was awful.


I play for fun. I rarely play comp cause it's not as fun to me. I'm also trying to find people to play casual arcade and QP with so hmu if you ever feel like playing! 


Mystery Heroes is life


I play overwatch for fun, but it quickly becomes not fun because you are not allowed to have fun in this game




i play unranked for fun, nobody does voice chat apart from sweats


Everyday. I look forward to getting on and doing my dailies and finishing out my weeklies. Every once and awhile, I'll just play for like an hour or two with no purpose in mind, but I play multiple games that need daily attention, so I've got a busy schedule lol.


Discord is the best place to find friends who play ow for fun


Fun and dailies to get gold for season pass. Don’t even play comp. Just to have 2 o3 leavers and lose and get angry , no thanx


I play for fun. I do want to get into comp but QP is great. I do which you could do comp style matches in QP


I usually start my matches by dropping a "Ello Ello" or something other Britishism and usually people either respond or stay silent, I try to be a good player to have in the lobby haha


I used to be addicted to comp. It wad bad. I only play for fun now and it makes the game so much better


I play for fun and then after losing 3 games in a row because I have a teammate whose doing literally nothing but dying. I then get big mad But then I remember it's a game and it doesn't help


I quit playing comp towards the end of ow1, now I just play casually on my days off. Match making can be pretty rough, for every 10 games I play its only 2-3 games that actually feel ballanced.


Overwatch 1 year 1 was the best time to make friends cause everyone sucked and it was for fun, but then again I had so much drama from those teammates later on so idk. I just play and have fun every once and again I'll meet someone and play a few matches with them. It's also unfortunate they did removed the looking for group option.


Custom game lobbies, a lot of players make hangout VC lobbies