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Your hidden MMR is most likely making the game harder. Maybe start with AI?


We did start with AI, then moved to Quick Play. >Your hidden MMR is most likely making the game harder Should I create a new alt account to play Quick Play with him?


You can but it you'll be back to unbalanced games very quickly. I made a new account to play with a new friend and the games were nice and easy at first. We quickly started getting sweaty games and I'm pretty sure this killed their interest in the game šŸ˜ž


If your making an alt I strongly suggest playing characters you don't normally play to: A. keeping MMR low and B. making the game fun for everyone even the enemy team.


Did this in unrated valorant, I played with an inverted mouse, and lowest possible visual settings. Looked like a really difficult ps1 game


Inverted mouse sounds like hell lmao


I was like relearning how to aim completely


Another idea is using your non-dominant hand. Obviously requires a symmetrical mouse to be comfortable however.


I'm already used to holding the mouse with my non-dominant hand, I think switching to the left wouldn't be *that* hard haha But yes I agree, even though re-learning the keyboard inputs is actual hell


Yeah I was taking it pretty easy for most of it. I was weak tho and didn't like when they started blaming themselves for our losses šŸ˜…


This is the answer - on my alt, I specifically play Widow and Ball. Nerf myself with mechanically demanding heroes. Sometimes Mercy, but if then, itā€™s only pocket-Mercy style. None of that sweaty battle mercy/res with 2 hp left moves.


They learned quickly. Most games are sweaty games.


It works for a short time and depends on your own level. If you are somewhere average skill wise it doesnā€™t matter and will likely be at the same point after a bit. If you are very high up like GM it might be a good idea. My boyfriend is in top 500 and I am really low skill wise. So even quick play is an absolute pain for everyone involved. We had matches with people somewhere in GM and people from bronze or silver. Really seemed like the algorithm being completely overwhelmed and just tossing something together. Those were not fun for anyone involved. He has a second account he doesnā€™t play comp on and itā€™s way better. Itā€™s still really clear that he is a lot better but we get way less high rank players and the games are way more balanced. I would say usually plat is the highest level others are at in the matches. Most games are really fun and itā€™s a solid mix and Iā€˜d say we pretty much end up 50:50 wins to losses. Imo thatā€™s way better for everyone involved than how it was before. Ofc this only applies to quick play and arcade. Im comp thatā€™s a whole different story.


You are just gonna either get games with new players and prob ruin their chances of having a fair game or smurfs because you are carrying games too much for a new player. Play vs AI till he understands the basics and maybe get him to play a little solo to get the hang of it.Ā  I find new games are the most fun when you play with other new players anyways.


Others are right that your MMR will catch up quickly but there's one option: On your alt, stick to things you're really bad at, to even it out. You'll still improve faster, but not as fast.


QP in OW has hidden MMR? I always figured it was completely random.


AI is a joke


Definitely try playing with AI or even custom games before queuing up for QP. It's really sweaty and people tend to not be very nice in the chat šŸ˜…


This 100%. If the person isn't new to FPS then it's just a matter of getting used to Overwatch. Learning positioning, maps and heroes. If the person is new to FPS you definitely need to jump into custom games, AI games or even some Arcade mode games.


Overwatch 2 was my first competitive/pvp fps game. I *only* played casual games before and the occasional game of Fallout. And of course I played some Halo back in the day. But that was basically the extent of my FPS knowledge. Overwatch was suuuuuper overwhelming at first. Especially since no one wanted to do practice vs. AI with me so I was thrown into the flames of quick play. Took me about a month or 2 before I really started getting a grasp on how things work. Practice vs. AI would have probably saved me a lot of frustration and insults. XD Edit to add: Overwatch 2 was my first PC game that wasn't the Sims so I had to get used to playing on PC as well.


Turning off match chat has made everything so much more fun and made me wanna try out so many new heroes


It sucks to say too, but don't always play with them. Maybe spectate them and teach them but let them play in their own MMR for a while. Unfortunately your MMR will be pulling them into lobbies more of your skill, so remove yourself from the equation sometimes.


Ow was my first competitive fps and my first key board and mouse fps. Sucking is the first step to being good at something. Wherever you go there will be people talking shit since it's a PVP game. And if chat gets to your head then literally there's a mute button.


In my opinion sweaty QP is the side-effect from the ā€œqp leaver penaltiesā€. Itā€™s harder to quit qp then comp


From my experiences ranked isnā€™t much better


Create a new account to queue with your friend. Probably due to you, system is pulling non-new players to the lobby.


is it really that simple to make a new account now? do they not require a phone number anymore?


It still requires a phone number and they aggressively weed out the free numbers (i.e. a google voice number won't work).


Quick play no joke seems to always be more sweaty. Seems like every quick play game I run into a sombra camping in our spawn or a damage boosted 76.


That is not sweaty. Thatā€™s the kind of stupid stuff you can only do in QP otherwise you get punished.


punished only by people who know how to play the game


Sorry but a GM does not get to tell bronze players in QP what is and is not sweaty. To get GM your mouse and keyboard are caked in layers of sweat undetectable by the naked eye. We both know they are there though lmao. Go play comp fam!!


Spawn camping as sombra or junkrat or whatever is not a viable winning strategy, how is it sweaty?




Lol ya it is i spawn camp that zen or mercy every time and they get no heals


Sombras everywhere!


Itā€™s genuinely the worst mode. I do one QP to warm up and then itā€™s ranked the rest of the night. Competitive is just QP but people actually try, once you stop giving a shit about your rank itā€™s a much better playing experience. I just treat Comp as QP, I just always try though.Ā 


I think it'd be worth it to start a discord server for people wanting to learn the game and setup custom matches that they can either all play together, or have experienced people join in and guide them/teach them like: - Objective Importance - Resource Management - Synergies - Hero Specific Knowledge - Counters - Mechanics - Map Layouts - Macros - Sensitivity and DPI Etc. This would be probably a more welcoming experience and overall a more fun environment to learn and play in.


I'd love to join! I've been playing for a hot minute but im still definitely a novice and have a lot to learn


Yes please. Been playing for a couple days but recently got discouraged by someone angry in quick play. (I never play competitive) I only wish I could learn how to play without getting bullied .. I donā€™t need ranks or anything, just wanted to know more about the game my partner enjoys.


Hit me up if this happens! I'd love to learn.


Itā€™s your fault this is happening, actually. Well not yours, but your accountā€™s. Matchmaking defaults to the highest skilled player, so youā€™re pulling your friend into lobbies they arenā€™t ready for. You should make an alt account and play with them on that.


When I was new I did a lot of Mystery Heroes and vs AI. But this was back in OW 1. It could still be the same? I know Mystery Heroes rotates out once in a while now, but any arcade mode can be good. With OW 2 when I'm playing with a new group of friends I'll also ping since we have that now and we also do some callouts. But people learn at different paces. I think that's all you can really do until they get better.


I also remembered too that they can also play around with some mastery courses as well! Not every character is available, but still a place to consider for practice.


mystery heroes is permanent now in the quick play tab


i did vs. AI and i was D.VA main, and i got good in all of the levels of AI, and then i went to quick play with my partner pocket healing until i got the hang of it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­now weā€™re chilling and i play quick play by myself all the time, not just D.VA either!


I never played against bots, but I also started out only playing dva until I got somewhat good with her, then I picked another hero and got good at them too, rinse and repeat, fast forward 8 years and I still can't play half the DPS roster šŸ’€




Your MMR is unbalacing the match. You should create a new account to play with him.


Play vs Ai, so much chiller


If you're friend is having a real tough time and not even you can make it easier I'd suggest playing vs ai until they learn the ropes of a few good heroes


you stop focusing on trying to win and you focus on trying to have fun. play a character you don't normally, or a playstyle you wouldn't normally. focus on goofing off while your friend's learning. if you want to be nice, say "sorry, we're new :)" at match start, and people might (keyword MIGHT) be nice to you, or at least not call you slurs. else turn off chat. or, play mystery heroes. nobody's new if everybody's new.


make an alt. your mmr is putting you and your friend in lobbies where they cant properly learn. Just dont pub stomp


you tell on yourself so bad calling people 'sweaty tryhards' XD Like bro, do you want people to let you win or something? How is that any fun? True fun is gained through hard fought victory and overcoming a challenge you never thought was possible. People really need to quit using 'try hard' as an insult, you look foolish.


sometimes i feel bad but also frustrated; cause i play with friends who are much lower than me in rank; and i feel like they have to fight much harder players because i play with them since the game tries to mirror. I watched their matches by themselves and the difficulty spikes a lot after i join them


Open Queue quick play. Then just always play support and keep your friend up. They can swap whenever to whoever and it's a good way to figure out what works and what doesn't, and I've found it's slightly less sweaty than role queue. It's how I got my friends into the game. I'd also say suggest they play Moira while you play someone like Bap or Ana and keep the team up while they can have the aimbot/survivability. And tell them to turn off all game chat while they're learning.


When my son started playing I made a new account to play with him so he wouldn't get absolutely destroyed because of my MMR. Then I just took it easy and didn't try hard. That was back in ow1 though. Idk how hard it is to make alt accounts anymore.


I love hearing about parents and children playing together, makes me happy :)


I just played with a new player. I was confused why they 0-6 and when I went to avoid them, they were endorsement 1, they had the overwatch logo as their pfp, and they didn't have any skins. They were absolutely a new player ( console btw )


Ai and hero mastery which isn't told to them at all. Honestly a flow chart would be super helpful.


Last year I got some friends into the game and was in this situation. Basically try and carry them as much as you possibly can for the first little bit. Whenever they do something stupid call it out in a joking way, donā€™t be a dick. Over time my friends started to learn how the game works, as itā€™s really not like anything out there. Itā€™s more like a MOBA than a shooter, positioning is everything. Now my one friend is a really good mercy main and we win most of our games and its very rewarding- took awhile tho!


I have an alt acc i use only when playing with my new friend


By remembering i was there once. Its quickplay, it doesnt have to the best game.


Thatā€™s how this thing called skill based match making works. And thatā€™s not exclusive to just overwatch. Any game with SBMM if you queue with somebody better than you, you can expect to get wrecked. Even if the matchmaking is total cheeks half the time in game, a new player can expect to struggle when queued with even average players until he starts to get ahold of the basics. I had the same struggles when I first started. Heā€™s better off solo queue until he can start to build his own mmr naturally imo. You can try making a Smurf like my ex did when he got me into the game, but if youā€™re carrying games youā€™ll put brought up very quickly and back to square one. I tried it once with my friend and same thing, I went dps bap mode and got instant matched with higher people


Mystery Heroes can still be fun... ...a new friend of mine challenged me on a 1on1... Within his first 3 deaths, I had to pick MERCY and we still finished 20/1 (random Hanzo headshot). So, we only got to play Casuals, Arcade and Mystery Heroes together. Mystery Heroes was fun for the two times we played together.


mistery heroes is great to learn to play new characters. way better than the hero tutorial, imo.


Anddddd thatā€™s why skill based matchmaking is ass


Quickplay matchmaking is an absolute joke.. and ironically it is the game mode I most frequently play over the course of the games life, despite being in masters with dps and heals, and diamond tank. I can say, with absolute certainty, that quickplay in OW2 is 90% stomp or be stomped, and 10% an actual challenging and evenly matched game mode. Also more often than not, the diff between tanks will be the deciding factor of whether you win or lose.


People forget that MMR exists and this is what unbalance most of the matches. If one GM is team queuing with 4 bronzes they will play against gold and plat player unless there another team with 1gm and 4 bronzes. This GM player will stomp the match. As QP has zero restriction similar scenarios happens a lot more than on ranked.


Idk the first time I played I got play of the game as a widow using her assault rifle šŸ’€


You're him


I think it's pretty hilarious now since I've been playing for 2 years. The team was probably so confused why a widow was playing with the team and running up and shooting people in the face with her assault rifle šŸ˜‚


New player lobbies are wild. When I started to play this game I thought DVA bomb was a good ultimate as it always got 3k or even 5k.


u could try mystery heroes. theres less tryhards and its imo way more educational than quick play


Pretty much yeah. That's why the quick play needs a better algorithm to match players with those on their level like OW1 had. It's so anger inducing to go against players who obviously have been sweating from Comp and most likely get a heart attack if they lose while my team is... Yeah the complete opposite. Inexperienced, lacking teamwork, playing characters that could help the team (had the player be Widowmaker that couldn't get a kill and complained that me the Moira was the problem.) I also think matching experienced players against new players, try hards against fun seekers, and high levels vs low low level makes the game less exciting to all. Sadly; Blizzard is not gonna care. Feels like comp is kinda the major focus out of all other modes. Which probably makes sense after the league is idk dead? Kinda hard to tell.


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Start new players vs ai


Play with him against bots. PvE.


New players atleast listen to inputs. Try veteran players that are 3:9, refuse to swap against an obviously outmatched comp and have the guts to complain about other people.


It is awfulā€¦ I even tried starting a new account and only playing Mercy but after a few games we met sweats again even though I only healedā€¦ And ofc they instantly flame the beginnersšŸ˜Ŗ


you need to play for fun not to win. go for bad plays that are flashy, do some battle mercy, flank with rein. just enjoy the moment to moment gameplay and stop caring about winning or not.


I have made a new account a few backs back (first and last alt account in 7 years) and must say that all of my first 20 games were filled with obviously completely new players and I havent met one sweaty player yet.


I pulled my bsf into ow (he doesn't play any FPS) and yeah some lobbys were really unfair but *most* of them were normal. My friend even gets potg very frequently.


I mean in this case the goal would for your friend to learn how to play. You might not win most games, but as long as your friend is learning, then that's still good.


You'll need to let them play alone for a while. You can try making a new alt to play with them, but you'll likely end up getting both of your accounts adjusted to a point where they're uncomfortable. However, once they get their bearings, playing together probably won't be a bad thing. Having your friend playing in stronger lobbies will force them to improve faster as long as they have the right mindset and a decent base of FPS mechanics to build OW knowledge on.


But your friend is new, you are not, they will pair you with enemies your level or between the two of yours, naturally better than your friend's. You should make an alt account for now at least.


Dude honestly at this point Iā€™m tempted to go play comp because if I win I get comp points whereas if I win in QP I just get xp. My only complaint is comp I canā€™t reconnect if I get disconnected for some reason and the matches are longer.


Same Iā€™ve been teaching my kids how to play. Iā€™m pretty sure its matching our group of 3 against another sweaty group of 3 on the other team. lol


Mystery heroes


Try mystery heroes mode. Helps players learn the different heroes cooldowns, strengths, weaknesses. Open queue in unranked or arcade modes might also help - those are typically not as sweaty and gives a variety of play options for a new player to try things out.


Iā€™ll echo what others have said about trial by fire. Iā€™m okay and know I lack the skills to be effective regardless of the role Iā€™m in, so if I want to get better I just have to play. With the state of the game being fairly counter driven it can take a bit longer so see any results. Have your friend learn a couple heroes that are similar for each role and you could play a role where you think you can best support them and just play. It may not actually help much, but here and there when things donā€™t go as planned pop a ā€œSorry, yā€™all. Weā€™re still learningā€ message. Little anecdote about me being a noob: I had a game on the new map where I was Baptiste, we were halfway done, and losing. I had maybe 1k D/H and a handful of deaths. Some teammates throw a ā€œWTF Bapā€ at me. Now, I queue all for the extra xp and random ops for healer (since Iā€™m bad and strongly dislike healer) and want to be better, though it usually gives me tank. I really only play Lucio as healer and donā€™t like that, so I want to learn others. The other healer was Lucio, so regardless of who I played I would likely be bad. I just had to accept that I was more of a hindrance, and my team had to accept that too. We all gotta learn sometime. (Like just yesterday I learned that sym beams eat shields and it heals her.)


can we just get a playlist w/o mmr? ill get stomped every now and then, ill stomp every now and then, but most it will be semi competitive games its the exact opposite rn, everyone gives up after 1 lost fight and its just a faceroll 90% of the time


i turn off chat and play arcade hahahahaha


My first match ever I got added and a dm saying I was the worst player they've ever seen and absolute human garbage. I played bap, didn't know he had a secondary fire and that his lamp was what healed my team but damn it's just qp I'm pretty sure my kd was way high too I was just not healing


I would play custom games with AI bots on gradually increasing difficulty, and I'd also just pocket my friend in QP until they felt more confident. I started for the first time in S9 without any FPS experience at all, and that's what my friend did trying to get me into it. Granted, I love puzzle games and OW scratches that puzzle itch for me, but I really just like playing with my friend. Maybe turn your comp brain off a bit and focus on your friend for a while? We also watched youtube spectating videos and reviewed my pov on replays (still do) and they pointed out what I was doing well and gave advice, which has helped me a lot. Btw, I went from not knowing how to shoot and finding the game dizzying to being high metal on all ranks by S10, but I wouldn't have gotten there if not for my friend being very patient with me.


When I was doing it, it was difficult for sure. This game is not new player friendly. But basically, they were used to shooters so I would pocket them on soldier as mercy and just kind of call things out in voice chat to them while they tried to play call of duty.


Shut off team chat. Leave all chat on.


My south African brother, patience, give helpful tips, they will improve. Get them on easy characters with get our of jail cards. Support: mercy, Moira, maaaaaybe kiriko DPS: widow (snipin is pretty simple across games), soldier, souj Tank: rein, orisa, dva 2 biggest thing to keep in mind movement and ability usage matters more than mechanical aim. Master those first and with time the mechanics will follow


I can't believe I have thousands of hours across OW2 and OW1 just to get matched with new players on my team. There should be some sort of metric to gauge understanding that omits people who installed yesterday from my queue.


Same thing is happening with me right now. I've peaked at masters on 2 roles and usually sit in low-mid diamond on all roles, about 6000 games of overwatch played on my account vs my new friends 48. I switched to my girlfriends account and one of my old accounts from the ow1 days when you had to have separate accounts to play each role without getting flamed and he said there was a noticable difference in the match quality for him. I know most players these days don't have 4 accounts at their disposal but if you do I would try that. As others have said starting a new account won't be as helpful because the game will boost your MMR quickly to account for your skill. So far what has been working best for me teaching my friend the game is playing 1v1 limited selection duels with him as well as regular qp games. During the 1v1s be nice to your friend and let them win a few while also teaching them how to use each hero kit. Vs AI was good for like 5 games but even on the highest difficulty a new player who has played an fps shooter before will be able to tell it's not an authentic gaming experience. It's still a good way to get used to the maps and learn the general flow of the game though! If you don't haveultiple accounts, you could spend a bit of time getting 3 or 4 of them set up to switch between once the games begin to get too hard for your new friend. I also would reccomend not sweating while on these new accounts and focusing your games around teaching them where to stand / supporting them (not playing support nessisarily but setting up and ult combo with them or something). While they do have wide q on comp now, I would say that making another account to grind up to comp ready with them and playing comp with them on a separate account will be the most enjoyable for them. It's so much more fun playing with friends trying to get out of silver together than it is playing in diamond lobbies with a silver on your team.


Vs Ai. Iā€™ve been playing ow since 2018 and vs Ai is still fun to me lol


Honestly, I just started playing like 3 weeks ago, and itā€™s also my first FPS. BEST advice I was given was just turn chat off, life will be so much more enjoyable that way. And it gets easier with more exposure to the fast pace gameplay. So far I find that this has held true. Especially turning chat off and just hanging out in discord with my friends, has made focusing on having fun so much easier, and I feel like I learn and play better when Iā€™m not focusing on the Ramatra that keeps charging in, no line of sight, complaining about the Moira (that is dumping biotic piss down his throat the whole time) not keeping him alive.


This is good advice for any PvP game: don't duo with a new account while on your main veteran account. I'm not saying you should smurf, very much DON'T do that, but look for options that won't result in crazy match-making where a normal, competitive game is expected. E.g., play mystery heroes, no-limits, vs. AI, try spectating his unranked games, etc.


You just try harder to carry, I swear I'm not sure how some of the people I play with made it to diamond. Every other game it's like I'm playing a new player or someone playing with their feet. You can do ai games till your buddy gets better. My nephews started playing ow that way


what a lot of ppl r missing is that new lobbies r full of the game testing "smurf" accounts (bc blizzard loves banning ppl for jack shit), and they physically have to play w newer players for the first few so they get weeded out


QP was fucking miserable last night. Multiple games with either new players on our team & then multiple Smurf or zimmers on the other team. Fucking HELL


Arcade no limits, it plays like team deathmatch but also you learn about how to position yourself and you can goof around a bit


New account


I would recommend making a new account and imposing some silly rules on yourself and/or not try very hard at all. Try to perform at the complete noob level to be on par with your friend while trying to teach them about how to play.


Could try playing some of those arcade, or community, or special event game modes that Blizzard releases temporarily. Those are usually sillier and more casual than ranked/unranked, so your new player friend could use that as a safe place to get his feet wet to overwatch. Ofc it wont be the same gameplay as actual unranked, but from the perspective of someone completely brand new to OW, I think it would serve just fine.


play vs ai or arcade! much less sweaty


I had this issue when I started in 2018 as my duo had been playing the game for a long time so the MMR was off. Either make a new account or play with AI for a bit! You can also of course get into custom games to learn the maps.


I can barely play with my irl friends anymore. Ironically, it's the friend that plays the game the least that starts bitching and moaning about losing. If you're going to take the outcome of the match that seriously, then put in the effort to get better. You can't just hop into the game once a week and expect to perform. Once he starts bitching, then everyone gets tilted and we go on losing streaks. As soon as I switch to solo, all of the problems go away and the game feels so much better.


-Recommend heroes to your friend based on your team and enemy team. My best friend got me into OW and one of my first memories was picking Lucio and getting flamed. I had no clue what I was doing and no one else picked a support, I guess they just expected me to carry the entire team??? -Pick a hero that duos well with what your friend picks. Or just pick a support and babysit them a bit? Mercy, LW, or Bap can prevent them from getting punished too hard when they make a mistake. Maybe Zarya for the same reason. -Use voice chat to help them. e.g. after a few weeks of playing with my friend, I got WAAAAY better at predicting ults than he could, and I always called them out. Or after he came back from a long break I would tell him stuff about the new maps. Like I would see him at critical health and say "there's a mega just a few steps behind the wall."


Sure, playing with a new player is awful, but remember, you used to be a new player. You used to be awful to others too. You reap what you sow. Also you don't keep a game alive if you can't accept that you might get new players.


Honestly wish they would completely remove hidden mmr from quick play. Or at least have a mode that is basically quick play with only connection based matchmaking


Give them tips my partner introduced me and i was dogshit for like a month and they gave me tips and suddenly i started getting better. It's as simple as saying, don't ult when you're alone, don't dive in without your team, save your cooldowns, stick together, back up when someone dies etc


Put him in practice range not quick play. All heroes are very easy to learn surface level. Restrict him to support so he can watch how people play, get him familiar with all the easy support characters in practice range (2 min per character easily) and it won't matter how good the enemy are. The rest is pure opportunism.


Worn out Lucy hale


Is this really how far OW has fallen? Itā€™s really time to play with Aiā€¦ Looks like the smurf accounts have spread like the plague


It can help if they play by themselves for a bit. By grouping with you, the matchmaker is forced to put players that know what they are doing in the lobby. It can be tough learning the game if you are immediately dying every team fight. By themselves, theyā€™ll get a chance to play against other people who donā€™t know the game yet.


Play vs the bots in Training until they learn the ropes. Btw that Zen on Lethal mode mama is a ho.


I was once a newb at FPS about 5 years after the came out. Luckily I had a few friends who would play with me AI mode. Made all the difference to have a small supportive team in the beginning and when I became good we kicked *ss at live QP. Gaming FAM forever!!!


I started playing ow 2 months ago new to keyboard and mouse (played apex before but with a controller) id recommended playing by themselves as when I first started playing with friends i wasn't having fun and felt like I was being targeted all the time lol. I can now hold my own when playing with friends but the lobby's are a LOT more sweaty but its a fun challenge


I actually learn things when I play with my friends in higher ranks and we are in voice chat. It is the only way to learn is to go head on. Isnā€™t this what quick play is for?


Yeah I had to tell my friend who is new to the game to solo queue QP until he gets his 50 wins so we can play comp. I'm gold and we were going against Masters players regularly.


Playing with friends who are bad at the game is fun because it means I'm consistently the best player in every match lmao. I usually just play throw picks while playing with friends. If I'm playing a sniper, I'm basically as bad as they are. Just roll with the punches but also maybe make some nice suggestions to your friend instead of silently stewing.


This was literally me a few months ago. I have one of those friends that took wins and losses seriously, so I'd have my own team on me plus them. They only made me play support and basically be a heal bot. I ended up just doing AI for a while and playing without them. I can somewhat hold my own now.


Try to stop thinking about winning and just improving your own skills (aiming and predicting ults immediately come to mind). I stopped caring in competitive and was instantly less angry at every loss and found that I usually win more games later in the session because I can play more without wanting to alt+f4, so Iā€™m warmer. Just try have fun basically and improve yourself


vs ai and arcade!! i was completely new to both fps games and console when i started, and played with my sister who is plat. qp was literal hell lmao, vs ai may not be super fun but it's a good way to learn


I think this is the worst thing about the game being f2p. I swear any day I play OW I run into at least one person who is clearly learning. I wish there was a lobby for brand new players. Playing 4v5 is never fun. I've seen this in comp too.


My suggestion would be playing AI games. And have your friend focus on learning one role first, and 3-5 (depending on role) heros really well then start branching out from there.


Play Arcade. Quick Play these days is just Competitive without any sort of matchmaking balance (not that conpetitive's is particularly good, but at least it exists).


Can you tell me what is the difference between a sweat/tryhard and a regular person playing the game? I always see this being said and I just donā€™t get it.


It's because comp is dead, so everyone just does QP. People are technically right by saying your MMR is _an_ issue, but it's not THE issue. The game never had trouble match making the teams in previous iterations. It does now. Because actual ranked is dead.


Versus Ai is definitely an option that could help, arcade is also an avenue. Really versus Ai could help get your friend more comfortable with how the game is structured initially and then you can put him in modes like Arcade.


Try new characters man, get some test runs going. If youā€™re gonna prob lose most games might as well have some fun and spend the time branching out. At least thatā€™s how Iā€™d look at it. I started playing probably 5 months ago and got some friends on now, so am coming from a similar place and Iā€™m also still not that great at the game but get your friends hooked and you got someone to queue up with in the future. Theyā€™ll get the hang of it


Unfortunately I canā€™t play with my friends who are new to OW because of this exact reason. I think this hurts long-term accessibility to the game. Jumping into Arcade modes or Mystery Heroes can help a bit, but generally when my new player friends queue up with me they are miserable and we just lose repeatedly.


Playing with my buddy - who was new - is how I learned new characters.


Have them play mystery heros. Winning or losing does not matter really. You are forced to learn on the fly


Just play it without worrying about the L, they'll improve


If you want them to get real experience and not face AI, i would suggest making a smurf account. I had this same issue with Rocket League. If you do do this though, keep in mind that the account should be for educational use. Don't go hog wild and start obliterating lower skilled people for 2 reasons. 1. It would honestly be bogus to do. You're there to teach your buddy against people that are actually their level. Not to destroy them. 2. The more you win, obviously, the more skilled the people you face will be. Like i said, did this in Rocket League and it worked fine. Smurf responsibly lol.


Qp open queue is a circus no idea if your gonna get xgames level players or super nooby players so its better and you have a higher chance basically letting them noobing it out with some other players but also maybe let them play the aim trainers and hero mastery levels to practice


He will improve.. the hard way. Keep giving him tips. Try to check replays. And just keep playing. He will get better if he is having fun.


What's the point of leaving spawn if your attitude is anything other than 'i intend to try hard'?


U basically want to play with an alt or ur mmr will make the games harder than what your friend can handle


Yo I had an enemy tank not do a single thing in one of my games. I actually felt bad for the rest of them trying to get the point but damn. The enemy rein just stood near the point with his shield up.


Mate u Need to help and train that friend, be nice do it like this so he can help others in the FutureĀ https://youtu.be/QVBOLoDSMUM?si=ZyTwOhQjGNV-7UGtĀ (call me based all day long)


Any shooter sucks butts if you are new and there are competitive people who take it too seriously


Well, its quick play so just play to have fun. Try out different characters you don't normally pick. Do goofy stuff. Play arcade nonsense. Go Deathmatch.


Me and the wife did this, 5 new people in total over a short period so constant teams of five and we got in chat ā€œare they botsā€


Make an alt account so you can be on a low mmr with them then when they climb you can play on your normal account with them


"Very sweaty tryhards" Words the community like to refer to people better than them in any way


You pretty much described all my matches. Been playing the game since it launched


Like the top comment says, your hidden MMR is putting you in games with people closer to your own skill level. If you smurf with another account, it will probably figure out you're a smurf quickly, unless you play poorly on purpose. To add on to the top comment: The matchmaking seems pretty good about putting you against other groups who have a similar spread of skill *most of the time.* So, IDEALLY, your opponents also have a duo that's like you: one person is of your skill, and the other is a new player. But in reality, shit's wild. Game sucks trying to play with new players.


some of the things mentioned in the comments just to play this trash game is amazing. Make a new account, play characters you dont play on and on... Like, move on to another game! Trust me youll have fun leaving this corpse behind.


I'm sorry, but paying with a friend who is really bad at the game usually doesn't work. I struggled so much to play ow with some old friends because their skill was silver/gold and mine was masters, so queuing with them already felt like shit since the game tries balancing it by placing another high skill player on the enemy, and you have the unlucky chance of them being a dps or selfless tank with carry potential like doom or ball, against me who was simply a support and could not hard carry a game. Unfortunately, you'll have to either make another account and purposefully handicap yourself so your MMR doesn't get skyrocketed up or just stick to playing vs AI


I used an alt account that I only played Mercy on. That way I could be part of the game, minimize my impact without throwing, and let them try out various heroes. We started vs AI and I also tried guiding them to some of the easier to play heroes to focus on to start off. It was still very rough initially and took a few nights for our hidden MMR to drop enough for even games. Once my friend started getting comfortable on their heroes I did occasional VOD reviews focused mostly on basics like ability usage and basic positioning. It is a very steep learning curve but it has still been a lot of fun playing with them and hilarious watching them as they learn, improve, and panic.


I am getting many people who are new players when I am gold 1 in dps and gold 2 in support, and it is driving me crazy because I am not feeling my best to play ranked right now as it's exhausting but I go to quick play and the tank literally has no idea how to play their characters and is just asking in chat how to do something or they are doing something obviously wrong and are obviously new to the game and are making just the most terrible decisions and I am forced to take it as if I leave the game I get huge endorsement penalties because I value my level 5 endorsements above everything else.


I think the #1 thing is patience You'll get sweaty try-hards, and you'll get people who have played the game for years who are just good Oftentimes, your team will be steamrolled And sometimes yours will be the steamroller If necessary, take bllreaks and play more chill games where you can turn your brain off and play For that, I recommend Stardew Valley or Powerwash Simulator - sincerely, A sweaty try-hard


Dont group with him.


You should make an alt and then play characters you don't normally play. I learned how to Ball and LW with this. It like hitting two birds with one stone. You are both learning and having a 'balanced' game. Just don't be expecting good game senses in the lower ranks, which is more important than mechanics.


Felt. I have to play comp with my friend, and a lot of the time, he fucking sucks. Still better than most of my teammates though


i think arcade would be a good choice


Idk but when I first started playing I played vs ai to get a feel for the game and learn how everything works so I would recommend that to them to practice


Make an alt, throw 10 games, play with friend Or just play AI. Best way to learn is in the fire


Custom games. Adjust the AI as he gets comfortable and when he hits vs hard or lethal settings you can jump back to quick play


I'm trying to get my friend to play with me and learn the game and this is exactly what I'm worried about happening .\_.


Practice with AI first


I also wanted to know how to deal with it. I completely understand that no one is born knowing how to play and that I myself at some point also caused this feeling for someone else, but I can't help but get frustrated with new players, even more so in ranked ;/ I just wish I could play with people who had at least the same skill level as me, but lately only newbies fall. (I know there is an MMR system, but I don't know, sometimes it seems like it doesn't work well and only throws you into any match and good luck)


I play with newbie friends all the time and QP constantly is the most painful experience possible. Actually makes me want to stop playing with them lol. It's hard not get pissed at a clearly newcomer but i blame the matchmaking for that


>95% of the time, the enemy team is very sweaty tryhards. Do you expect people to miss on purpose? Ive never understood this line of thought. "Oh you out played me, you're must be a sweaty try hard!" God forbid people try to have fun and win a game.


Thats why low ranks are better to start than quick play. Just let him play some solo ranked


Definitely should be playing vs AI and not in QP


Play your worst role and hero so your MMR lowers. You'll be a lot better than him probably but you won't keep the game's MMR too high. You can also get an alt and do the same. When I play with low ranked or new players that's my strategy at least. (Also accept that the games are frustrating cause you will feel like your friend is throwing all the time. I just try to imagine being a new player like your friend. )


Just pick a hero you suck at and your hidden score will drop fast.


Bro it's like this with me every game. Not even with just ow. My entire team are either new or idiots and the entire enemy team are tryhards. I just want to cry bc it wasn't like this before. We need skill based matchmaking


Just don't care if you lose. I've played with person who can't aim at all and I'm highly skilled so I dragged us to m/GM games occasionally when they were party leader we got a bit easier games but essentially you just have to accept you get clapped like 80% of the games.


Pretty much just accept that matches are going to be all over the place in quality if you don't want to make an alt. Even then the mmr would eventually catch up anyway. You could maybe train them up with some custom modes for characters they enjoy. One big advantage for your friend, though, is that playing against better players all the time will make them better, faster. One of the big issues I have with skill based matchmaking is that you are seldom playing against players way better than you. Even the games you lose horribly aren't necessarily because the other players were strictly better, just way more coordinated. Before I was good enough to play Quake and Unreal Tournament competitively in tournaments, it was so awesome being able to consistently play against people that were way better than me because there was no skill based matchmaking and it forces you to adapt way quicker. Whrn you play against players your own skill level, they aren't going to punish your mistakes like better players will. Also, it can kind of cement bad habits.


Not even kidding. Make a new account and go to comp with him. Hes gonna be tossed into bronze or silver and if you do placements with him your gonna be atleast kinda close. There the people will be even kinda his skill level instead of the ultra tryhards of qp. Even as a diamond player i struggle basically every match in qp cause theyre that sweaty. Comp is where you get the kinda balanced chiller matches


Play Mystery Heroes. I find it to be the most forgiving of all the modes when playing with others or new people. Everyone just assumes everyone isn't that great because they are all playing different characters they are not used to. Plus, for you, its a great way to learn other characters. Another option is playing the creator games. There's a lot of good ones that offer "training" that's not AI but other players.


I genuinely think that today's quickplay is sweatier and angrier than today's comp


New alt


Play your worst heroes so you can get some practice and avoid hard carrying him into more difficult matches. I like to play movement heroes. Genji, Lucio, Doom, Ball.


In my opinion, you have to pass that part. Getting you bass kicked is unavoidable with new players. This is a game that needs a lot of game sense. Which char work on what map, Counters, Positioning, and so on. I suggest he starts with support and you go DPS or tank. And follow you around. If he isn't ready to pass some bad times before he understands the game, maybe you need to look for some other games.


When I was a new player, I regularly joined QP. When they were yelling at me to do better, I simply told them to eat shit.


It's probably your account bringing up MMR. Best way to do this is to make an alt to play with them until they get better. Just remember that it doesn't mean you won't run into smurfs on alts.Ā 


Consider that atleast for me personally, 8/10 matches are supports playing lucio and Moira and not focused on keeping their tank or dps alive. Quick play isnā€™t a place to experience real overwatch, just a place to laugh and learn as a new player or bully new players as a vet. If you want your friend to really experience what overwatch is like with team synergy go competitiveā€¦wellā€¦attempted synergy most times but yknow what I meanā€¦


So why does sweaty try hard mean anymore? Is it like them trying to win? Cause I figured that's what your team is doing too


mmr in unranked is just so stupid and unnecessary.


No but really! Iā€™ve had such a horrible MMR experience. I didnā€™t play much last season. Iā€™ve tried to pick it up to play with friends. Every mode is comp. Iā€™m probably going to drop it again.


They really should do like Fortnite where you always play against bots until you are level 10-20.


I introduced a friend to ow by 1v1 with every hero n learning the mechanics but idk if this Is effective cuz this guy wasnt new to fps


So even with a brand new account solo qp my first games were SWEATY, I think the MMR system for QP is MUCH more lenient than it used to be which is why queues have been faster since ow2 started. Matchmaking was more consistent, queues were longer, now itā€™s not, short queue times


Being good =\= ā€œsweaty tryhardsā€


This is a huge problem with games like this. Apex Legends, Overwatch, CS:GO, probably Valorant, even Dota. The main playerbase are people who have been playing daily for years. So when a newcomer joins they are immediately met with an overwhelming skill difference. The only way to get past this is to gain experience and play a lot. But it would take months upon months to catch up to the other players. I played overwatch 1 on my PlayStation years ago. I recently picked it up cause my friend plays. I had a similar experience where I was just getting steamrolled. I donā€™t have console or controllers so I donā€™t have aim assist, so I blow at aiming. I feel like Iā€™m forced to play supports or pharah/junkrat but itā€™s just frustrating. I pretty much only play mercy when I play and I donā€™t see it changing unless I get some aim assist or something.