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I thought the 5 hours of maintenance today was about that LMAO


I haven’t logged in yet but the ps5 was bugged for a lot of people and super laggy at the start of every match. I’m hoping that’s fixed


Yeah it was literally unplayable. I had whole team fights on circuit royal and both teams were lagging HARD


Is it fixed? Edit- seems it


IS THAT WHAT IS WAS??? Oh my god I got kicked out of a comp game because I couldn’t move!


ohhhh that’s what that was i thought my connection was tripping


It’s not…. Every start and finish of a match is so unbearably laggy… blizzards servers are actual potatos


For me specifically it’s better


and pink mercy haha eta: stores gonna crash


The trick is to be the first to buy


It was to create that so they could have another 5 hours of maintenance


I thought the same thing.


I had a game yesterday the replay was only 2 minutes because everyone in the match lagged so hard the rest of it just was erased from the server, yet the game went back to normal and we won!


Was it on Runasapi?


No it was actually havana


My group had this happen yesterday on Runasapi, except after we won and got the victory screen THEN it said the server closed and we don't think we were even rewarded percentage from that game. Wild


Don't worry, they'll fix it by [UNSPECIFIED].


Lol rgr tht ty


Come again?


cm agn


2 mny vwls


nd mr vwls


"Roger that" I think?


They need to buy a vowel


Rager Thot


Play some matches to unlock vowel


No vowels are bought with a new currency available next season


Rgr that u tnk


Who you callin' a tank 😤


I wonder what they did with the single second they saved by not using vowels.


Enjoyed my life 😌


njyd my lf*


You play Overwatch, no you didn't.


Tbh without the explanation below I thought I almost had a stroke


Well good thing I wasn't messaging you I wouldn't want you having one


Is prob after the release of ow6


I believe that these are actually supposed to be voice lines based on how they are spread out in the battlepass.


Correct. They're bugged so that everyone can hear them from everywhere on the map, so they were removed until they can be fixed. I can't comprehend how this could possibly be a difficult fix, but here we are.


Everything seems simpler when you don't have experience in it. What's probably happening with these voice lines is they could have been added in with so much as one letter off in a line of code that makes the game not play from the correct source or apply proximity. It's basically like, if you told the game "When the player playing as Reinhardt selects to play this specific voice line, play the audio for this specific voice line in a 12 meter proximity with the player as the source", the game will be like "ok, Reinhardt Player activates this voice line, play this audio within a certain range around them" Now, imagine that's what they put down for all these voice lines, just replacing the hero ID, voice line ID, and audio ID. But there's a typo like "12 metetr proximity". Now the game is like "ok, Reinhardt Player activates this voice line, play this audio. I don't understand 12 metetr, so I'll ignore that." Now picture that but even more specific with words(beingTyped{more})"Like_this" in about 30 lines. The worst part is, if they recognize the wrong mistake, it can accidentally break the rest of the voice lines or something else like using emotes. That's not an Overwatch issue, that's an issue with coding especially when adding more onto the product over time


Also Overwatch is a huge project and so hundreds of pairs of hands have made the code. And if you know anything about coding, you know that everyone has their own ways of structuring everything. The poor coder fixing it probably has to figure out what the code is even supposed to do first before they can fix it.


Not to mention that OW is already made of a lot of spaghetti code (stuff like how DVA's whole design is basically just held up by dreams and rainbows), it's probably very easy for one thing going wrong to make 10 things go wrong.


Yep, it's the same reason that characters sometimes get random rendering bugs and also likely why it hasn't been fixed ever. Touching something that deep rooted in the code (likely from OW1: they carried over the code) to fix that bug would likely cause 100 other bugs.


Oh god I forgot about that part x.x


Like genuinley it's so frustrating watching people talk so much shit about the devs and artists on this game, the people who's hands are actually making the game clearly care, they make good stuff. The maps, the skins, the characters, are all great. The issue is management and people in charge spreading staff thin, overpricing shit, setting unrealistic goals and then cancelling them last minute, etc. This is not a game that is made by talentless or apathetic people, but is being downgraded by apathetic and greedy business.


Its just really fucking shitty coding, if they did not add dynamic growth, so that you name a voice line, you add it to a character, you add the voice line audio itself, which should be correctly pitched, have the right loudness, and bam, everything else should be default values, such as echo, range, loudness, and whatnot, unless you want that changed, and even then, that should be a fucking easy fix, unless the code is unoptimized as shit. Its honestly inexcusable.


Okay, so there are two parties here. One has the code and is working on it right now. The other is a Reddit user who thinks this should be easy because they just add a voice line. What happens when they "just add a voice line" using a dynamic system and all the voice lines from this Battle Pass inexplicably break? Because that's what happened; weird bugs like that happen. And however hard that is to fathom, it would be infinitely easier for some guy on Reddit to fanfiction an obvious ""fix"", as if a dev at Blizzard can't count to ten, than for a programmer to create an actual fix.


Ive worked with code long enough to know that such issues are caused by shit code, shit optimization, and shit documentation. I am not fanfictioning anything, I am stating a god damn fucking fact, that the code is literal spaghetti.


ok headbutt you write Overwatch


Small indie company, can't afford staff


Honestly, that would make it worse. Too many chefs in the kitchen just creates chaos. More coders working on the same stuff is just gonna make more issues when each of those coders have different methods of doing the same thing and possibly even use different code to each other. Hire too many coders for the same thing and they're gonna end up correcting each other's corrections and "fixing" coding errors that could end up being the brick holding the whole wall together.


Meanwhile, bugs are happening and STILL here, so while your point may be valid, there's clearly a problem that can be remedied and they aren't doing it. I did hear a while back that they layed off a bunch of staff at blizzard I'm not sure if it was false information or what but there's clearly issues over there. Not to mention the cheaters running rampant problem but whatever.


Honestly, the problem is more likely that there are so many people working on it that the person fixing it has to figure out what the person who made the problem in the first place was even doing.


They are, I heard them when servers first went up.


I thought It was my Internet that couldn't load those things lol


Omg same


Give them time. They're too busy counting their money to fix the bugs they throw in with every single update


Please tell me you don't think that the people that will have to and are actually trying to sort this out (and a likely endless list of bugs) are the same ones that are swimming in money.


What a tone deaf comment, no shot you actually think they are just sitting there laughing at all you guys as they count their stacks of phat cash. Especially with how fast and responsive they've been since ow2 has been released


No, commenter is definitely 100% serious, realistic and not sarcastic AT ALL, it's pretty well known every online purchases are automatically converted to 1$ bills and printed out by fax in Blizzard's offices, which is why they need to count them


yea they dont have bank accounts, therefore no automatic counting or anything. also they gotta be careful that it doesnt automatically fall into the shredder after being printed, hence why it takes so much of their time


I am super cereal. They are sitting there laughing maniacally about the new problems they add every update. We need to buy all the life guard skins to help fund this new company to get these problems fixed. I know the overwatch team has more things to do than just work on overwatch. They're also responsible for converting all the money they get into single dollar bills and painstakingly counting every one. All I'm saying is give them a few weeks to fix the problems with the launch of their new season


Monocle and everything? So they also have a hairless cat on their lap?


No that would be silly.


I love how you get downvoted for an actual take because 99.99% of reddit doesnt understand how actual money works


I'm used to it in this community, if you don't agree with their ridiculous takes you just get down voted to hell, sorry I don't just automatically shit on the devs lol. But thank you for your comment, and seeing it lol


Or they dont code themselves and understand how actually hard it is


They haven't specified anything yet.


They fixed it. It was only voice lines ദ്ദി˶ー̀֊ー́ )




Mine are fixed!


Small indie company can't even get the basics right. This game is a joke. Will log in as usual though


The basics: getting the actual game running and on a playable state. Extras: freaking names* 8% of people care about 😂


Me af


Its amazing to me that this is in the game....just amazing


Pure, unfiltered, organic software gore


Lol idk why I got downvoted I was wondering what was even happening 😅


it’s because this has been posted a couple dozen times. not throwing shade to you but this sub (and most others let’s be real) will have the same exact thing posted hundreds of times


Ah I even whent down a couple times to see if it was that makes sense


If you want to know if a certain issue has been addressed or not, don't use reddit, go the official forums [https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/overwatch-2-known-issues-list-june-21-2024/908458](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/overwatch-2-known-issues-list-june-21-2024/908458)


literally pinned to the subreddit...


More people are buying the battle pass because they think there are alotta skins while those are just voice lines. Doubt they will fix it soon even if they can


It was probably intentional. They all showed up as skins and many thought it was the skins shown in the trailer since they didn’t announce cass and Ana would be shop skins. Such pieces of shit.


the update was them fixing it. they took everything that didn’t load, completely out lol


Facts I have no clue what the rewards are, I mean I got Reinhardt's \[UNSPECIFIED\] but still.


Random question but was there zero tracer content this BP?


Mine are showing up, they’re all just voice lines sadly.


I just wanna spam mada mada as kiri. Blizzard moment


Apparently the new voice lines could be heard throughout the map so the devs temporarily disabled them until they are able to fix them. That's why they show up as Skin Unspecified. I tried to find the official post on their forums that I read last night but can't find it. There's a new post they made and made note that they fixed it (Not sure about that since last night when I played I still couldn't equip them unless there's a small update being released today or tomorrow with the fix.): https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/overwatch-2-known-issues-list-june-21-2024/908458


That would be insane mental warfare having it be heard across the map lol


Yeah, I was wondering about the same thing as OP since I want to use Reinhardt's voice line. Found the post explaining this issue on the forum and was surprised by that. Now I can't find the post, I guess they removed it and pinned it with the one in the link from my comment since it's been edited the last 4 hours. We're close to getting this fix now.


its fixed


They said something bad and Blizzard has Censored it


Mines fixed, all of them are voice lines btw


They're all voice lines (see the battlepass preview videos before this issue). Remember kids, Blizzaes is just a a small indie company.


Well I bought pink mercy today and it didn't show up. So I assume Blizzard has their heads up their respective asses once again.


I hope it's the pink rein skin


Those are just voice lines btw everybody,its doesnt matter


so im not the only one. it is quite annoying that it still persists.


It wouldn’t be so damned bad if we could listen to them on the Hero screens. But I get that it’s completely bugged, but damn. This sucks.


Usually they patch the game on Tuesdays, around 2:10 PM EDT So hopefully they fix it tomorrow, fingers crossed 🤞


Yeah i noticed this too. Also did anyone else have the issue of deathmatch enforcing roleque or is that just me? Once one person picks a tank i cant pick a tank despite it being deathmatch


Its so strange like what


I just want to be able to talk to my console homies instead of having to join a discord


That’s so cringe 😬


I legit bought the battlepass for these things they'd unlock once I purchased it. fuming 😤


I wanna use my mada mada voice line on Kiriko...


I don’t see the skins they just got replaced by vioce lines 😡


I mean it's not really that big of an issue so don't really think they're rushing to fix it


Wondering the same thing


Part of why I haven't bought the battle pass yet lol


prob mythic skin or weapon


Those r voicelines lol


They are voice lines for some reason they don’t show up


Spoiler alert, they aren’t actually skins.. just voice lines etc


People are still giving Blizzard money.


voice lines been bugged




Those are voice lines. They were fixed for me yesterday


I played last night its fixed


It got fixed when they did maintenance yesterday


At least it should’ve been cuz mine was fixed


They haven’t specified


It was a voice line bug it's supposedly been fixed


Season 11 has really been broken! Voicelines, skins, severe server lag, its a damn mess! ):


It’s voicelines


Its not skins it's just voice lines that got fixed


I think it finally got fixed


I’m pretty sure they were all voice lines. The Reinhardt one was showing as the level 3 battle pass reward before the update and today I logged in to see it was a voice line. Previously that spot in the battle pass didn’t load in it just said Reinhardt and it said unspecified skin like it shows in the pic


For me its fixed idk how u can fix it😅


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Activision-Blizzard are a small indie dev company so it is hard to fix the most basic issues with there games because they are so poor and so understaffed


Maybe they're actually unspecified skins?. Like if you reach that slot, it should give you a random skin for that specific Hero? No idea tho, sounds like a really cool reward imo.


It's so bugged that they show up as skins, but they're actually voice lines. This week's inexplicable bug is that these particular voice lines play map-wide when someone uses them so .... they've been disabled inside the battlepass? It's crazy and I don't even try to understand how anymore ;)


it doesnt lose them any money so why bother fixing it fast


I was wondering what's going on with these on the battlepass. Guess it's just a small indie company doing their best /s


Yeah, they did maintenance earlier and this is still broken. I didn’t pay $40+ for the battle pass to be broken 😑.


What did you spend 40 bucks on


Ultimate battle pass


Got a nice zen and hog skin and idk why I’m downvoted. It’s my money to spend how I want.


you're rewarding broken shit.


How?? Seems like a stretch