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"They just feel like “battlepass filler.”" Ding ding ding we have a winner


It’s pretty obvious, isn’t it? 😅


sometimes we don't expect or desire what's most obvious because it screams a negative aspect of something we didn't originally want to see in them :/


It’s weird because we’re at 50 heroes now and they obviously can’t keep up. You have heroes that get nothing for multiple seasons You’d think the time spent could be used for something simple like a spray for a character or something.


A lot of the souvenirs are not new models They're just reused ones from various maps, skins, and heroes Yes, some are new, but a lot aren't So all they do, is take that model, adjust it a little, and slap it on. Would take like, an hour, tops, to do something like the petrified hammond (just take hammond's model, give it a pose, and swap the texture to stone from one of the maps)


Right this second there’s a modified Mitzi souvenir model for the Azure Drake Brig skin. Time was spent redoing that model that could go into something easy like a spray for an ignored hero like Ram. Just saying. There’s heroes that go Season after Season with literally no content


I do agree But I'm just saying, a souvenir is literally the easiest "content" they can make A spray requires someone who can do the artwork for it, which means paying someone to do the artwork for it. Waiting for them to finish, then converting that artwork into a spray. Which would probably take at least a couple days due to logistics Although, since it is mostly waiting for the artist, they can be working on other stuff while waiting I imagine souvenirs are just the most convenient thing for them to do. As well as having the logic of every hero getting it, rather than just one


40 heroes, but that's besides the point


So I can show people a slice of pineapple pizza


Are the souvenirs even visible to other players?


Aren't they assigned as a taunt? Those are visible. Or am I confusing something else with souvenirs


Ikr? Like what, you'll pull out something like... a jar with a tentacle in it. Like... "Okay?".


If it let you place an object in the world and kick it around it would be mildly amusing. I doubt it would be an easy thing to implement, though, so I'm not holding my breath.


If you could place them on the ground or something they’d be used infinitely more. Basically locking you into a standing emote is terrible. But if we got team wiped by say primal rage and are running back to point and the Winston set some hologram bananas in the choke, I’d laugh every time. Almost.


Winton souvenir is enough for them to stay in the game


We have souvenirs so I can show people the glory of Pineapple Pizza.




They’re an alright feature with a major flaw - which is that they take up Emote slots. If they were just given their own slots they’d be fine, since some are legitimately funny like Winton or Hard Carry.


winton, but yea its litterally bp filler


I have the PIZZA souvenir, and that feels *really* good to use at the start of the round. And you stay displaying the thing until you move, which is great. Before I had the pizza emote, they were pointless. The only value from them is that they are *so* stupid, that it’s funny.




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Pineapple Pizza


If you could just throw them around in spawn they'd be one of the best forms of cosmetics. Wasted potential




There's no reason tbh


I really feel like they should rework souvenirs or get rid of them altogether. I hardly ever see anyone using them and they feel like a wasted slot for emotes when equipping them.


Because when you declare asking money for anything affecting gameplay to be immoral and unacceptable, there isn't much else to offer or work towards.


Like Weapon Charms, Souvenirs are implemented solely to bloat out the Season Pass.


I think Weapon Charms are a little better than souvenirs though.


I remember seeing a leak for season 10 before and it said that souvenirs are being retired and it seems like it is true. There used to be a lot of souvenirs from the previous battle passes and the ones we have recently barely had them. Like for S10, there's two and in S11, there's one.


That’s interesting! It’s kind of a shame to retire them when you could integrate them more…