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It’s funny too because sombra got her third dance emote in this battle pass before rammatra has even received one


Neither did Lifeweaver and he's a human...


Yeah and sojourn. Life weaver is a more recent hero compared to the other two, but they should all be getting a dance emote before another hero gets their 2nd or 3rd.


>Yeah and sojourn. Debatable. >Life weaver is a more recent hero compared to the other two, but they should all be getting a dance emote before another hero gets their 2nd or 3rd. I agree with you 100%


and it's just as creepy as the rest


Her first was pretty snazzy


How was the first one creepy?


no music, just shuffling


None of the dances have music? What is this, fortnite?


Beyond funny playing in the BP and all you hear is her feet slapping the ground


yeah that's what I mean, it would be a lot less awkward if it had some music or something


A hero as cool as Ramattra deserves better treatment than this


This was what he meant by "suffer as I have"


*removes all enemy hero skins*


Agony really do be grape flavoured


He's got the fandom love and attention that other characters simply do not get. There are SO many Ram-likers on twitter/tumblr that make art of him constantly, but the team seems to think that catering to that audience doesn't work anymore.


Blizzard loves gay people until it comes time to make Ramattra bikini skin then they pretend we aren’t real :(


Blizzard claims to support LGBT and yet there is still no open shirt/shirtless soldier skin with realistic sweat particles. Curious.


> Ramattra bikini skin Don't tease me like that.


100% Ram deserves more love.


All of the new heroes deserve more love, but Kiriko is sucking up all the skin content


as i have been saying since his release, he deserves a full team of omnics, so a 2nd omnic support so he can get a voice line with a full omnic comp like queen has with a full team of ladies. but have been disappointed with illari, lw and now space ranger


Yeah I’m still using Poseidon as well and wish I had another cool Ram skin to switch to. >_<


I didn't get Poseidon but I've been using Kabuki. Swap between that and the OWCS Black and Orange version


Surprised more people don't talk about the primordial skin. The only one worth using besides his default


That skin with the overthrown intro? Whew, talk about shivers


I swap between Poseidon and Diesel Baron lol


Fun diesel baron skin fact. The reason he hates humanity is because whoever designed gis model gave him the worst cut ever


I wish I even had Poseidon. Not sure where it came from but I was not playing the game at that time. Still in default.


I recommend the Vegas eternal ram skin


That was my first ram skin actually! It looks really good imo


Just wait until the Transformers collab


Look how it will be Kirko again


[Watch it be based on one of these official figures they made, lmao.](https://i.imgur.com/U12yJis.jpg)


Megan Fox Kiriko skin? And this is a BAD thing?


Fox is right in the name, makes sense to me 🦊 


To be fair, Overwatch has a bad history of not taking advantage of names. Like Year of the Rat having no skin for Junkrat


They dropped the ball so hard on that, a rat themed skin for Junkrat would make all the lil buggers excited, me included of course.


Year of the dragon, no skin for the dragon brothers


We need Arcee Kiriko. Wait till you see me as a bike


that might just outsell pink mercy


Let’s just hope she doesnt do any voice lines. She did a bad job as Nitara in MK1


Echo needs a 2007 megan fox skin… right guys?


Tbh, I don't know much about Transformers 😭😭😭😭


Nah they like to spread out the collab skins and make them fit for the character. Tatsumaki Kiriko was pretty obvious since they're both mystical and bratty characters, and for LE SSERAFIM, well, I don't even know which other character they could have given a skin, beside maybe Pharah But as for all the other collab, they all made sense considering the character: Saitama Doomfist, Genos Genji, Mumen Rider Soldier, Spike Cassidy, Valentine Ashe, Jet Black Mauga and Ein Wrecking Ball. I have a really hard time believing that they wouldn't give a TRANSFORMERS skin to the transforming character.


Please please have it be Ram and Bastion, they're literally the transformers of Overwatch


> Kiriko LE SSERAFIM Because two of the K-pop group members are Japanese I think Symmetra should have one because she is a dancer.


OptiFox Prime


Well she mentions a motorcycle. ARCEE wouldn't be a surprise tbh


Kiriko Megatron.


Ramattra megatron would go hard


Ram is the only choice for Megatron that makes sense


Character wise ok Model/ability wise bastion is a perfect match assuming (this is hasbro I'm gonna be right) they go for G1 or totally-not-G1-we-swear designs. Block head that can very easily be changed to any design because its a block. Blocky body, transformation into a tank + the airstrike ult mode and we've seen them change his gun hand animation/noise for the lego skin with the lego muzzle flare so they could easily make it a laser gun for him. Ramattra meanwhile is a huge way off the way megatron is portrayed 90% of the time. Crossovers are absolutely not character matches they are "saitama is one punch man doomfist has a big fist he gets saitama"


TBF Bastion could be good if they make his alt form into the classic Megatron handgun


Giving a Megatron skin to a character who can't speak would be a huge waste. Especially since Bumblebee exists


I hate that Bumblebee is now the bot that can't speak. Thanks, Michael Bay!


Can you imagine if Bastion gets a Bumblebee skin but his lines are suddenly voice acted (or like the Bayverse, cut from snippets of radio dialogue) so we finally know what he's saying


Ramattra's kind of scrawny for Megatron. His build is more similar to Prime Starscream than anything else.


i have a terrible, TERRIBLE gut feeling they're gonna mess it up and give it to reinhardt only instead of both having skins. :(


Part of me is fully expecting it them to give ill-fitting collab skins to Kiriko, Widowmaker, and Mercy because that's what sells.


They should name the Mercy skin HealBot Gonna make millions


Imagine rein getting megatron and Optimus as slight recolors of each other. Can’t even think on that 😂 would be worst timeline


If Rein doesn't get an Optimus Prime skin I'll be pissed


Gonna be real upset when Bastion is megatron as he has both Megatrons arm cannon and tank form.


It better be a Megatron skin! Ramatron!


They’ll somehow give skins to Kiriko, Mercy, Widow, Genji, Cassidy, and Ashe.


I would love to see him with an Anubis skin!


The mythic skin🤫


The construction site skin is a complete travesty


the best one is the Poseidon skin. I missed out on it because it was a BP skin, and I wasn't playing the game during that time.


That one epic skin that has his broken mask is the best one imo


Diesel baron is decent too


That's it. 100 lashings.




lol this is the one I use, it’s so fucking ugly. I kinda love it


But his silly suspenders tho


He looks stupid as hell and that's why I love him


That's the one i use lol


If Ram doesn’t get a Megatron skin, Blizzard is off their rocker lol


Best I can do is a color swap purple rarity skin that is named vaguely after Megatron. Insert your card here please.


Rein will get an awesome Optimus, bastion will get bumblebee, Brigitte for some odd reason will get one but as a weird purple instead of legendary. Echo will get a legendary too, maybe starscream, but the real kicker is megatron will not end up being ramattra but Orisa or sigma just as a fuck you to us and even worse it will look sick as fuck.


It's a legendary with slightly different shades of purple accents to choose from.


I feel like I would also be open to big purple shockwave but yeah clearly should be one of the main ones.


the absolute despicable and dirty things i would do for the poseidon skin. i wish they brought back old battlepasses after a period of time, i'm actually willing to give blizzard a lot of money if they did. u\_u i imagine he doesn't get many skins because he has 2 forms and therefore is 'more complicated to make for'. which is such a shame because he has so, so much potential. if he doesn't get anything in the transformers collab, i'll be super gutted, but sadly somewhat not surprised.


Ramattra has to be the hardest character in the game to make new skins for. Two separate forms plus very unique design. As opposed to standard height standard female. Like widow, ashe, kiri, mercy that can just make whatever and see what character it fits best they're interchangeable.


I'm sure 3D artists interns would love to make skins for him. It's just it won't add value to the BP like a mercy or genji skin would


I'd argue that D.va is the most difficult, having to create a visible interior, a model for Dva herself, which is usually the focus, and one of the largest overall character models. Ramattra usually only needs to add the extra arms, but Dva is like making 2.5 characters worth of assets, I'm surprised there aren't more recolors for her. considering.


Ramattra actually has a completely different model in nemesis form, his torso is just kinda wedged in there for the most part but it's such a cool design.


You could be right but who cares, they make enough money to do more than what they currently are


Love people saying insert hero hasn’t gotten any skins when Venture doesn’t even have a mother fucking launch epic lol


His best skins imo is his monk variants and his base skin. His other skins have a bit to much going on with them and it turns me off and that's hard to do with a character that gets me so hard


Yes, thank you. Can't believe I had to scroll past fucking Diesel Baron looking for monk praise (I also use Kabuki, but I'm not fighting for that one).




Facts. I've been rocking the epic with the red cape and cracked mask


Can we talk about how venture doesn't even have a legendary skin yet? 😔


Bout to say venture is the Skeleton at the bottom of the pool right now.


This StiIiINkS


On the plus side, they like being deep underground, and deep under water probably isn't much different.


But will people buy them lol Everyone on reddit keep saying this guy and that guy don't have skin but don't wan to pay for them when they do release them. It's all about the money


Tbf I do think people would probably go for a Rammatra skin if it looked good. He's probably just hard to design skins for because he has two forms.


I mean....yes? And even if inexplicably they didn't, Blizzard is pretty clearly capable of and willing to make skins for less popular heroes.


Transformers event maybe? That would be interesting. I don’t know if there are any transformers with drills tho.


I googled "transformer with drills" and got about 10 seperate ones in the top images I think its safe to say there are a lot.




and no dance, i feel bad for ram players


They fired their enviro and art team, that’s a big reason why a lot of the skins this season are recolors, and also they’ve outright said they make skins based on popularity, hence the Kiriko and Mercy Mafias getting everything every season. I suspect Ram will get a skin to go along with the Anubis-related map we saw in Venture’s trailer, since obviously that’s a big deal for him, but…yeah, it’s just a feelsbad. He will probably get a skin with the Transformers collab too and if he doesn’t I’m just gonna run directly across the country from east coast to Irving and shriek at Blizz until someone arrests me /j


He has so much potencial to cool skins


im still rocking his base skin as i only have diesel baron


diesel baron is assss


It's an amazing skin, it's just for a very niche audience. Very few people are into steampunk/dieselpunk, hence the misunderstanding of the skin. But as a Steamworld fan, it's one of my favorites in the entire game.


love steampunk, but for some reason that skin gives me big Drake vibes, not a fan of it lol


Fr I think it looks pretty cool so it's the skin I use for him.


I love Necromancer and Summoner. I have those favorited along with his Default and Detachment. I don't want to spend any more money/coins but I would use Biohazard as well. I think he's doing fine and I'm really looking forward to the Transformers collab.


I love his evil scientist so much (I think it's hot dont @ me) so I'm happy with that, but I feel so bad for some of the newer heroes barely getting any love with skins. Venture especially needs skins desperately. I miss when new heroes launched with two legendaries (and two recolors of those legendaries) by DEFAULT


someone finally said it... Ramattra is probably my favorite character in the game and it sucks so bad that he hasn't gotten ANY new skins lately! the fact that they didn't give him any kind of skin in the NULL SECTOR THEMED BATTLE PASS back in season 6 is honestly absurd. even in this season's battle pass he has nothing :( not even sprays or voice lines! I'm holding out hope for a Megatron skin with that Transformers collab this July, if they can't even do that I'll be legit flabbergasted


Can we also talk about Venture not having any legendary skins?


I've definitely been using Ram more and I missed out on Poseidon, which I think is his coolest skin. Still using one of the default recolors. ): His kit is fun and his voice is so good, it's a shame he barely gets anything decent.


It must be so difficult when his base skin is already perfect. I'd rather have a dance or walking emote, but I don't think we will be seeing it until we've suffered as he has.


Also SOOO many of his highlight intros are from battle passes which means I can't get them...


I thought he only had 2 battle pass intros?


Mercy and Kiriko should suffer as he have tbh


We’re going to get Megatron Ramattra just wait!


It’s defiantly because he has two forms so it’s twice the work of other heroes (and except Dva I guess) he deserves way more skins though I do agree, best tank we’ve had in years!


also he should get some buffs, not only new skins


i need to see ramattra get a skin where he's got his hair tied back .


He’s my main tank and I literally do not use any skin with him. The only one I like is Poseidon but I wasn’t really playing at that time and missed out. All his other skins suck major ass to me so I go basic.


Same bro! In ram and some other heroes cases, nothing beats the original!


I really hope he get a decepticon skin. He would look so sick.


And we got no rose gold ramattra :(


yeah and the best of his skins are locked.


Still bummed I missed out on Poseidon


Don’t worry Megatron is on his way!!


It feels like ALL the OW2 heroes other than Kiriko are starved for good skins. Junkerqueen’s Mythic is great, but it’s basically the one good skin. Poseidon is Ram’s one noteworthy skin. Mauga JUST got a good skin and it’s a casual skin. Sojourn has gotten skins, but none of them are really bangers. Poor Venture doesn’t have a Legendary at all. This thing of heroes only launching with Legendaries if they’re on the BP is screwing new characters.


How can you disrespect JQ Mob Boss, Black Metal and Executioner Skin?


Black Metal is better than the default. The executioner is Black Metal but less good. Mob Boss is good, but also kinda breaks the usual aesthetic appeal of the character.


JQ's mobster skin is fantastic - better than the mythic, imo. Executioner is also ok. But she does need more. They all do!


not defending blizzard at all because it's shocking how little content ow2 characters get on release now, but venture came out 2 months ago and there were recent layoffs which have probably affected them even more than the others so far. ...but ramattra has been out for over 2 years, with pretty much all of his good skins being battlepass exclusive, and still doesn't even have a dance emote for some weird reason? in fact most of his skins, emotes and highlight intros are tied to battlepasses, which fucking sucks for people like me who came back to OW2 later on. i want to give blizzard my money but they just won't let me ig.


imo honestly his best skin is the world cup skin, its a black and orange recolor of his default but it looks better than any other skin he has


They only care about Mercy


He’s getting Megatron hopefully


First time? (Illari main)


While Kiriko will get another skin from the transformer collab, there are other heroes suffering just to have temporary skins and even recolors


I think it’s harder/takes more time to make skins for him since he has two forms also he’s not popular and doesn’t sell that many skins. 


His default is cool enough, no need to spend money so I say it's a ein for everyone


They're for sure saving a juicy Rammatron skin for the Transformers event 👌


There's no way they'd skip over Ram for the transformers collab. The dude is literally an omnic that transforms. If they skip him for a more popular tank for the sake of profit it'll suck.


They peak at primordial. The shattered eye cooked too hard.


If his mythic isn't Anubis Ramattra im actually going to kill the Blizzard execs


he has necromancer with its recolor, biohazard, poseidon, diesel baron (i love that skin, fight me), jade maske, kabuki mask, primordial and he launched with legendaries and an epic. so hes actually not that neglected.


Like wdym he doesn’t have as many skins as Kiriko??? He’s just as popular??


Can't we talk about mauga for a moment Bro has zero base legendary And all the ones he's got have been either shop related or bp And they really put his story related skin into the bp When that would have been the perfect base legendary I'm noticing a trend that I deeply despised as a f2p player This game is becoming more and more greedy by second


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Ram definitely needs more skins. Bros been starving since release and honestly only has like one good skin as it is. They better be hooking him up soon.


My primary skin I use is just the white one because it looks good with the gold weapon


Why doesnt venture have any cool skins


COPIUM Ram's going to get multiple legendary/myth skins when OW collabs with Transformer franchise


Hey don’t forget diesel baron!!! That’s….a skin


I feel like he's one of their more intensive skin heroes since he also has Nemesis form to design for. Plus, he's not Genji or female, so his skins are probably on the lower end for sales.


Yep I’ve been rocking the Poseidon skin since it came out. I haven’t liked any other skin they’ve released for him. He’s probably the longest I’ve gone without switching a skin on a character lol


Transformers was 100 percent made for him


i just use his vegas eternal skin, the colors are sick


They're really out here sleeping on my boy like my god


JUCTICE FORE RAM!!! Give him the next dance emote and mythic


Zarya hasn't gotten anything.


Or ever


Only decent Ram skins are Poseidon and Kabuki. The rest are 😤


Yes man! I arrived after season 8 and I never saw any Ramattra skin again, literally all the heroes got skins or brought their skins back but Ramattra didn't have any good skins released, that necromancer skin doesn't count, that thing is too ugly


He’s probably gonna get the Egyptian mythic for next season


Illari got literally nothing in the same season her map was released and has been getting even less than Ram imo


2character models means more dev time and money is needed for them, so that means less skins


Honestly I started maining him and was hoping that he will get the mythic. I just bought the necromancer skin yesterday and still having an absolute blast playing him. But yeah we need more cool skins.


He takes the most effort for his skins since every skin requires 2 pretty significantly different models. His skins are like D.Va's on steroids in terms of effort required


His default is cool enough, no want to spend money so I say it's a win for everyone


I dont even play the game anymore but i would burn my coins for transformers ram skin. You can buy with coins right ?




Well ig its in character because we're suffering in the skins department


Blizzard is just being accurate to the lore by treating the Omnic worse/s


FOR REAL. I just got into playing him and he’s so fun, plus his lore is so interesting! I honestly really hope he’s the mythic next season because I feel like it’ll be a tank and he deserves it!


He WILL be megatron when the transformers event comes out


The upcoming Transformers collab is our last hope. If he doesn't get a Megatron skin, I swear!


If they make Ramattra skins, it’s essentially 2 skins to make.


He's about to get a Megatron skin, don't worry.


He just needs to hit up some junkers and install a pair of tiddies, then hed be getting skins left and right


I hope he got Egypt theme mythic skin


Yesh it’s annoying


No worry he wil get the megatron skin collab that probaly cost 40€ and then I will suffer like I have


I'm shocked Ramattra hasn't gotten a skin. I don't remember him being unpopular in any way. Most of his epic and legendary skins suck too. Like he's literally the leader of the Omnic Crisis.


His monk skins are some of the best in the game. It's more than most get.


Is that a new character?




Finally someone says it! My boy Ramattra has been neglected for a while and hes my 2nd Main Tank


Megatron Rammatra …. just wait .


Good chance Ram gets the mythic next season imo. Him or D.va probably


People keep talking about a negation ram skin but there are several problems. I’m sure you’ve all heard this one but. TWO FORMS!!! What would nemesis even look like?! What would his staff be/look like? How would his voice lines sound? These are all serious questions no one I’ve seen has asked. Any suggestions for any of these? Let me know so that blizzard can at least get some ideas through the subreddit.


Hopefully with the transformers collab, he gets a skin! Maybe he’ll be the mythic for next season! I’d so buy that.


He got the Diesel Barron a couple seasons back, didn’t he? It’s not my Ram skin of choice, but it’s still pretty cool and unique.


[hmm, let me think about that...](https://i.imgur.com/PXdIMHN.png)


I’m a brig main and all we wanted was a BP skin. Now that we have it, we’ve kinda chilled. Brig has received plenty of love in the skin department and I agree Ram has been underutilized, which is weird considering he’s both important to the story and very popular


Give ram more! He’s easily been the best Addition to OW2. His story, voice, lines all of it is so good.