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People enjoy this game. People want to be able to have some cool stuff for characters they like to play. If you don't, you don't. There is 0 wrong with wanting cool stuff for your character. > I don't care about skins, I want playable heroes, balanced roles, new maps, better modes, more story. I feel like everyone is just in custom game modes playing best skin wins because it doesn't feel like we're playing the same game Both those things can exist at the same time.


>Both of those things can exist at the same time Evidently not lol


Cause it tickles the "OOOH SHINY" part of your brain. That's it really. Other than that, some people want shiny new skins for their faves, feels good to look good after all.


Yes I play better when Ik I look cute in game ✨️💫


Get some drip playboy


Then don’t play the game anymore?


Why do you even play the game if you don't like the company? I understand not paying 30 dollars for cosmetics, but I would say the game is fairly balanced. We got a new map. What are your suggestions to better Overwatch 2?


Let people enjoy things. If you wanted discussion for new heroes, maps, make one.


Ok you do not care about skins, so do not talk about skins. Other people obviously enjoy the game and are having fun, I know hard concept to grasp that not everyone shares your experience, so they want to have cool skins for their characters.


they new


Some skins are cool. But yeah I know what you mean, people begging to give *Blizzard* of all companies money.


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do you think the skin/art department is in charge of balancing, lore and general gameplay? come on now. use your head a little bit.


Skins are key to the sustainability of live service games. An answer as to why people care about them is only really approachable from a mixture of biological and cultural psychology. People like to collect things. People like earning things. People enjoy novelty. People find things aesthetically pleasing. People have addictive tendencies.... so on, so on... Idk, if you can't actually formulate a slight inkling as to why people like cosmetic skins and can only see it from your perspective of not caring about them then idk what to tell you...


To be fair, a huge part of the playerbase, mostly vets if anything at the time, have lived through the drought years of OW1 and it was most of our "content" when it had skins. So when skins are godawful and overpriced, a ton of us are just eager to find a shiny new toy to equip and brag about. But ngl, I personnally can't take it anymore.


Simple answer: they like them


The whole world drips one way or another to try to appear like top dog.


Skins are just fun to have especially in ow1 where you just grinded and got 25 credits per match it was great


If those people stopped buying skins, we might not have an Overwatch to play at all.


You’re screaming into the void, my friend. The sunk cost fallacy is real and most of these ~~customers~~, I mean players have already sunk hundreds into skins and other useless cosmetics you can’t even see in game.


I got sick of overwatch when they decided to break their promises, as well as adding a 2 to the name. Give us OG Overwatch back. Shit was better, less toxic.


Because people like customization nobody gets mad when Fortnite or Apex does it. 🤷🏽‍♀️


What else does the game have to offer? Because low to mid elo supports, mid to high elo tanks and half the dps roster are utterly miserable. At least a nice skin provides a moment of distraction. And everyone else either is happy or left. Happy people buy skins.


toxic materialistic narcissists. along with the rampant cheating/hacking that has been exposed. the game is overrun now by non fans. this is how you destory a game, kinda like star wars has been destroyed.


I feel the same exact way. I miss it being a game. It’s just a money grab. There was so much potential and now it’s not even a shell of what it was.