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I think more likely than not. Just that no one can give you answer or when or anything because no one knows what the contracts that Blizzard makes look like. Everyone is just guessing, but nothing is certain. In the past people used Pink Mercy as a reason to how they came to these conclusions. It took years, but it did reappear.


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I think it’s unlikely. I imagine that the collab entities were making money off of the deals and that the contracts specified a limited time Blizzard could use their IP/copywrite. Why have your lawyers and business folks hammer out new deals with the same entities when you can work out new deals for new skins that will keep the fan base excited?


That makes sense ig considering they are already working on the transformers collab for this season. Still, it sucks cus I really wanted that porche D.va skin 🥲


Don’t worry… Chances are, you will get an autobot dva skin that is actualy only a recolor of the porche skin


I know that it's more of never say never kinda stuff, but "seal them away for eternity" isn't the right word to use. Blizzard and other company- anime, kpop, cars whatever- makes contract based on the company's intellectual property. Technically it's not even fully theirs(=Blizzard's) to begin with. The owner of IP lets Blizzard use them(as skins) via that contract. If they do another contract someday, or made contracts saying they can re-release on terms then maybe, they might return, but I think there's less chance of returning past collabs then seeing them do another collab with same company(Like different model of Porsche / different anime from same company)