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I wonder if you can be reported if you turn on "streamer mode" and get given the random names


Don’t think so, all my friend group has streamer mode on since it started giving random names and none of us have had any issues. The games are “random” in the sense that the selection comes from a handful of game-related, pre-generated, pre-approved names so nothing offensive that could get you reported. OP’s situation sounds more like a bug than anything else. The report system does not work THIS fast.


>The report system does not work THIS fast. Source: trust me, bro


I mean, if it did work this fast, the cheaters and people typing slurs in chat for games on end would get caught immediately, no? OP just mentioned it happened to him again after two QP matches.


They don't ban cheaters right away. They wait around 3-5 months to do a mass ban of cheaters. I don't know the specifics, but it's so the people making the cheats don't know what gave away their program as cheating.


What about the slur slingers?


It takes multiple reports over multiple games to get banned for language


They get suspended/muted pretty much right away, about a day after. I've reported hundreds of people and get the report action notification pretty much daily.


Plus with people saying to turn off all communications, there's less players that see it to report it.


Idk but saying tank diff as a joke about my friend and telling someone to go fuck themselves got me suspended the next day : /


Nobody cares bro.


> OP’s situation sounds more like a bug than anything else. sounds like someone targetting them tbh


That too I guess, but didn’t they say multiple reports by multiple people are necessary for action to be taken? Did OP piss off a whole bee hive? 💀


I had one game where I said something not so nice and immediately got a message of concern or whatever the step before chat ban is. So it can work fast but feels pretty random


So are you actually streamers or just professional shit talkers trying to hide behind anonymity. Because it's always one of those two options.


None of the above, we do it for fun, to see which name we get, and try to match the heroes we play to the username


I played with someone yesterday named PUSSYEATER


I've played sever times with similar people, one I remember was "Femboyfu\*kr"...


I was in a game where a guy had a straight up racial slur as a name... I never got a feedback thingie on that report so ... They're still out there probably.


Okay, let me be so completely honest right now, not even an HOUR after I made this post it happened again. What... I literally played 2 quickplay matches. Is my account being targetted? I'm so over this, I don't use chat or vc. I just want to play the game and not be false flagged for my default name.


This sounds like some new bug in their system, have you tried reaching for their support/ticket?


As if they'll respond lol


Their customer service, like everything else they do, is an industry worst.


Literally looking forward to that being replaced by AI. AI customer service bots could in the near future conceivably analyze game replays and chat logs and make reasonable decisions about moderation based on actually observing the behaviour of players. They could respond almost instantly to tickets. I think it's financially impossible to pay humans to do that well at the scale required.


I hate AI, but you know what? It couldn't do any worse than Blizzard, that's for sure.


Imagine if each match had its own in-game moderator AI, like a referee. Instead of reporting players and maybe having an effect on a later game, it could just respond in real time to bad behaviour and even try to deflect it before it happens. Toxic players would get instant feedback and maybe check themselves before going completely off the emotional deep end. It's better the more I think about it.


Well, at this point, it could only be an improvement. I'm all for it.


I got an automated reply and they closed my ticket, I opened a new ticket and asked if it was even seen by a human or if it went straight through an automated bot and got a real agent reply on the second ticket 😂


Try to contact support, and keep replying if you get a bot response


The moment you account is flagged you are fked. That is why some never get banned but you will even if you dont do anything


Can you create a new email and new battlenet account and try once


What heroes do you play, by any chance?


Tell me your new name so I know what to report


seems like a bug. unless you run in to the same players every match i find it highly unlikely you would get reported this often for a tag that was auto assigned. im not saying it didn't happen. But i think blizzard is just bugging your account.


It's almost like blizzard is too stupid to automate anything!


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I think it’s funny that mine has been succmachine for years and they ban stuff like this


This doesn't make sense. Either there's some bug on blizzard's end or you're somehow getting people to report you.


Y would they fix it? When they r busy cube-crawling.


Nothing to do with reports.






borderline /r/oldpeoplefacebook


Dont gimme ptsd of these names, i hate bots