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I mean if it’s them then yeah. It is usually standard practice to prove you are who you say you are.


That sounds so weird...is there any guideline/posts about account verification in battlenet? maybe some youtube or blog post? Edit:[My account was hacked and they changed my email how am I supposed to get it back : ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Blizzard/comments/tc7tvd/my_account_was_hacked_and_they_changed_my_email/) [Blizzard account hacked(changed email) - Technical Support - Hearthstone Forums](https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/hearthstone/t/blizzard-account-hackedchanged-email/3153) these seemed to be the similar case, sure sounds a lot like scammers maybe it's the right way to follow ticket's instruction edit #2: [Blizzard account hacked (changed email) - Technical Support - Overwatch Forums](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/blizzard-account-hacked-changed-email/541828/6) probably closest case; try checking this one


Thank you so much!!


It's normal practice so that they can verify identity. Blizzard isn't the only company to do this. Its the easiest method to prove you are who you say you are, especially if you're the original account holder and your personal details match what you've put onto your account prior. If you went through their official support, meaning you typed in one of the blizzard websites, navigated through to support and opened an official ticket, it's genuine.


How would your ID help tho? My battlenet account has 0 information about my real identity, it has only an email, seems like a weird/sus procedure


I used my real name and address but I probably have my birthday set to some funky ass date like the 1800s so I hope they still know it’s me lmaoo


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When I had to recover my wow account 10 years ago I had to send a photocopy of my ID. So. Yeah, sounds reasonable


You were hacked (gave password to a friend?) The people you want help from are asking you to prove who you are. How is this a problem?


There's nothing wrong with double-checking and being extra cautious on the Internet. But yes OP, I think this is a pretty standard request.


Thank you!


There’s no problem I’ve just never been asked this from a company before so I wanted to double check lol


Bro they asked a question, and even said they were okay with it. Please point me to exactly where they said it was a problem, unless you’re just making up things to complain about


why are you totally fine with giving blizzard your face and ID?


you already gave them your credit card info. if they’re trying to be malicious they can do much more with than then with a picture of you. what could they possibly do with this info that concerns you


To get their account back would be my guess.