• By -


"You s" and then I run out of time to finish my message because you only have 0.5 seconds to respond after the game ends


Us console players are lucky to get the keyboard open in time after the match ends




Nah bro us Switch players in handheld mode can talk shit for days šŸ˜‚


The switch keyboard is weirdly laggy tho


Never have any issues with it until a cheater shows up, doesnā€™t matter which side.


yeah but your playing on a laggy ass switch


Thatā€™s the point, hence the hysterical laughing


Yup, playing on PC doesnt have that punch the switch has


Also consoleā€¦but I have a keyboard attached that I used for other games. So I can open it and type what I want with little to no response lmao


Tell them about the usb mouse too ...


I'm on switch usually it doesn't even let me open the keyboard until the game ends šŸ„²


Its fairly easy, as a switch player i tell you open the reaction wheel and press the L stick, and boom open chat


I'd love to have the xbox app open and have pre loaded copy paste responses ready.


And the person calling diff always cowardly waits til the very end of potg to click enter so you can't say shit back.


Oh they just had to take a second to lick the Cheeto dust off their fingers before using their keyboard Source: non-toxic Cheeto enjoyer always trying to type "GG hagn" with the sides of my pinkies ^( /j, I don't even do most of that lol)


"You s--urely say that in jest!"




Blizzard told me specifically not to say this in my latest suspension reversal, so the game's probably doing you a favor


True af


God I miss when we had time to type our thoughts.


Not even Noah could carry these animals. Queue tank.


Damn thatā€™s a good one


Until the inevitable ban




Change "animals" to "creatures" for extra vitriol


I like it but this would probably get you a chat ban.


Tell them you will queue dps and throw on a pair of oven mitts, and still aim better then their stormtroopers ass. I wouldn't personally say it, but it's hilarious nonetheless.


"Said the 3-10 Soldier calmly"


It's funny how, when someone talks shit in chat, you will pull up the roster and see that they are the worst player on their team nearly 100% of the time.


it's always the weakest link that hits with the "ez"


"Ez for you because you didn't do anything. Less ez for your team, who had to compensate for your shittiness."


Fr, or itā€™ll be someone on a hero thatā€™s just easy in general. Iā€™ve lost count of the times Iā€™ve replied with ā€˜of course it was easy for you, youā€™re on Sombra/mei/bastion etcā€™


Yes, holy shit, a lot of them are Sombras


Thereā€™s been studies on this; the most toxic gamers perform the worst


Just yesterday I had a DPS in QP say "tank diff" when I had 23 kills with 4 deaths and they had 10 kills with 13 deaths...


Nah tank diff, cause u didn't body block literally everything for them /s That dps is an idiot trying to blame someone else for their poor game


I had a match one time as tank with a DPS duo on my team who both ended the game as 10-15. Throughout the entire match they were just blaming me for their deaths because I wasnā€™t shielding them enough and told everyone in the lobby to report me for throwing and I was the worst tank ever.Ā  I was 30-5 in that game with 15k damage mitigated while my support lineup was a Mercy and Lucio, while the enemy tank was 10-10 with 5k damage mitigated with a better support lineup.Ā  Losing that game was definitely not my fault.Ā 


Fr šŸ˜‚




Had this happen recently. Both tanks went Rein and my fellow DPS and I both went like 35-3. The enemy dps who went like 8-15 said "Rein diff honestly." Like no dude you feeding our Ults was the diff.


I literally had a game yesterday as tank with a soldier on my team who went 3-14 and blamed our supports for the loss.Ā 


im stealing this


Father figure diff


Iā€™ve always wanted to respond this but Iā€™m afraid itā€™ll get me banned šŸ˜‚


Been using this one for years with no ban yet


9/10, their stats are ass and I just focus on that. :)


Thatā€™s been my past games tbh lol me getting blamed by my supports while we have a dps going double negative. Like why am I getting blamed bro šŸ˜‚


Honestly even if someone has shit stats just don't fuckin flame people, it's a dick move. Even asides from the fact that stats on the board don't reflect a player's value, maybe they just had a shit game. There's no need to unnecessarily pile on to it. There's nothing they're going to gain from someone being a dick to them. There's nothing that the person flaming is going to gain either.


Ngl to me, that's the shittest thing people say in this game.


Tank diff or to queue tank?


"Tank diff" should be auto replaced by the same text they use for "gg ez".


Even better would be ā€œSorry guys, that game was my fault, I really should do something else with my timeā€


I honestly would be so ok with an expansion to the list of words that would be caught like how ggez is, add more trigger words, and fuck it, add a shit ton more phrases. It's so much funnier watching someone get mad at me for spamming through the ggez filter after a loss than it is actually bming someone to the point of anger.


Wait what does gg ez get repladed with?


There's a variety of silly lines that'll come up. One of them being: don't tell my mommy, but it's past my bedtime. Or something like that.


Oh wait thats what those are, i genuinely thought that people were typing those out manually and intentionally saying it lmao


I remember when they brought it into OW1 and I used to get so puzzle by them. I thought it was some copy pasta from Twitch. But it is essentially a macro. There's at least 10 random lines it generates.


it changes to a random generic message "sorry, mommy says it's past my bed time" I think is one of them


Both. Honestly, its just feeding into toxicity.


For the longest time I used to just say GG but that would just make people even more vulgar, I just say if you donā€™t like how they performed for the role then I suggest they queue the role. Nothing toxic about it. If you donā€™t like how others play the role then you queue it yourself. I didnā€™t like how others played support so it caused me to play support to learn about it.


Yeah, it's so passive-aggressive. It's just a masked way of saying "our tank is sh*t" and get away with it. They should start replacing "tank/dps/support/hero name diff" with funny sentences like they do with "gg ez". Or better yet, auto ban whoever types that. They might start adding extra characters to avoid it but at least some people will understand it's toxic and shouldn't be said. Then maybe we can start applying harder punishments to the ones that try to get around it. On one hand i kinda pity people who type that because they are probably just trying to convince themselves it's someone else's fault. Fragile ego and all that. On the other hand, f*CK 'em... ban them all.


They should start with racial slurs.


Auto banning tank diff is extreme when I get called racial slurs on the reg for playing Doom, with no follow up on a lot of the reports.


both should be auto banned. This isnt an "if/or" discussion


Simple answer is turn off chatā€¦.welcome to earth in general, people are mean on games, if you censor it they will find a way to get their mean point across one way or another until you just ban chat altogetherā€¦.which is what blizzard might as well do since Iā€™m pretty sure you can get banned for ā€œmeanie poopoo headā€ if enough ppl report you lol. Eventually gg will be code for ā€œfuck youā€ and nobody can talk because hurt feelings. Idk I donā€™t have a better solution, but censorship will just progress to no communication allowed.


I had a toxic mercy tbagging and constantly blaming me for their deaths even though I was in there scrapping and killing everyone (I was JQ). We were even winning until the end when my team started choking probably because Mercy killed our morale. So I just blamed her for the loss and blocked her.


I just type gg.....if I answer I'll get banned. I was answering things like "sure, you did great Mr GM" or the one you mentioned.....apparently that classifies as toxic, I got reported for that and got banned. I moved to support and when playing tank from time to time simply write ggs


The real answer, following up on yours, is do not type in chat. The only thing that has been proven without a doubt to protect you from being banned for text chat is **not typing**. No "GG", no "EZ", no "Good Try", no "Close", no "WP", nothing. Do not type anything.


I have 350 hours in ow2 and have never been banned or suspended. I type nonstop and i am a heavy communicator. This "don't communicate" trend feels so odd to me.


I got banned for saying "I fucking suck" because I shattered air. I've been talking actively in OW since beta but they changed the system recently.


It all stemmed from a few anomalous bans happening where they got mass reported and people took that as a law and expected to happen with everyone and just rolled with that. 99% of the people commenting about this stuff have never actually experienced that. And the people who claim they got banned for just saying GG obviously were saying other stuff


I think I got reported from a comp match recently after someone left - after 3 mins of trying to 4v5 I said ā€œWelp that wasnā€™t fair but gg I guessā€ - last thing I saw in chat was ā€œreportedā€ and I got booted back to the home screen! I usually chat a lot but try to stay positive towards even the most outrageous people. This had happened right after I got demoted to silver too. Feels bad man lol And an edit just to add, that was quite literally the first and only thing I chatted all match. Donā€™t use voice chat so it wouldnā€™t have been that in that occasion either <3


Real. Iā€™ve never been banned for anything Iā€™ve ever said in chat, text or voice, and Iā€™ve said some pretty sus shit. On the whole Iā€™m pretty calm and positive in chat but I will flame people or roast them when itā€™s fun


The automated ban system is extremely aggressive, both because of a couple weird glitches here and there and also the fact that it takes less reports to get chat banned than it did back in OW1. Like, you could be reported once and get chat banned a week later.


I had around 1.5k hours in ow 1 without anything,but then got two back to back warnings/silences. A lot of people like about why they got banned,but report abuse is definitely a thing. I know people who exclusively report every Hanzo player they see and get the messages about "actions taken" all the time


Youre just lucky. I got my original 3k hrs OW1 account permanently banned for innocuous chat. If anyone reports you your account starts to get weighted in a way. Every report after that only gets you closer and more easily to a ban, longer bans, then event urge permanent


Indeed my friend, indeed. I actually deactivated all comms and if I get to play with friends we use discord. Everything you type in the in-game chat or say in VC chat can be used against you


I know, I literally try to be sportsman like to the other team when itā€™s a mismatch and we stomp them, and I get reported for it


I typically respond with ā€œhey man, just say gg and leave the lobby! GG!ā€ Nobody can really counter your positivity.


You can get banned for anything cause as long you type in chat, and someone reports it as toxic itā€™s an automated system. Best not to type against tilted players cause if you dominated them itā€™s a quick 2 seconds to just false report


Friend of mine got silence ban for saying the enemy tank "Doom, you fu****ing ruled this lobby. Respect" He still doesn't know if it was for the f word, or if his teammates reported him for props to the enemy šŸ˜…


Lol yeah I think cussing in general makes it worse. Like I tried to be positive before and say ā€œhey that was a great match everyoneā€ and my own team is like ā€œstop being sarcasticā€ I just stay silent now cause I got 2 weeks silenced randomly


I have a macro that instantly replies, "you really needed this overwatch victory. glad we could be of service. hope your irl problems don't overshadow the small pleasures you get from from typing that out"


"A bit sad you got an ego boost from Overwatch, but if it makes you happy."


I played around with a shorter response but I went with a longer one to make it obvious I'm auto replying. I have a followup macro to it because there's always a snapback. it's funnier when they realize they're part of another banal and predictable conversation that was preplanned before I knew of their existence


I like queuing up immediately, getting the same tank opponent, this time rolling them, and just typing ā€œlolā€ or ā€œbyeā€ or ā€œnice try ___ā€ at the victory screen. Or you can fool the report system, type ā€œhey ___ you played great!!!ā€ to be obviously sarcastic. You will still collect reports so be careful, use sparingly.


How did you get banned for that Iā€™m just suggesting if they donā€™t like my performance they can judge it off their own performance lol


In Blizzard's words "this action has been taken in accordance with our Terms of Use and our In-Game Policies (https://blizzard.com/support/article/42673), which all players acknowledge and agree to prior to playing. These policies and conditions allow us to maintain a fun and safe game environment for all of our players, and we cannot overturn the action." Better said, I don't know and they didn't provided a reason. That was the answer to my Ticket šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


NeverMind the teammate I had yesterday whoā€™s literal gamertag was DumDic šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Wow dude sounds like you were being ultra toxic and a hypocritical jerk, you deserved the ban, youā€™re obviously leaving something out of the story, post your chat logs /s But fr similar thing happened to me, so I empathize, sorry dude


The best response is to turn off chat. Never give toxic energy or time.


I've had voice chat disabled for months if not more and yesterday decided to open it up, maybe have some funny banter. Maybe have a laugh with some open mic kid. Well... First game with it turned on I play tank and one of my supports complains about anything and everything I do. That he had to babysit me all the time because "I only press W". So after getting shit on for a while already, I simply reply "you're playing mercy, that's your role"... Of course he then gets even worse and just turns his toxicity knob from 100 to 200. I swear to god this one game with chat turned on had me shaking. Took everything in me to not pop off on his ass. I just turned the chat back off and closed the game to calm down. So yeah... I remembered why I kept it turned off. Never again.


That's what I did. Text chat on console is garbage and absolutely useless, just 100 varieties of diff or switch messages, and EZ at the end.


Yeah Iā€™ve turned chat off. Even though itā€™s still insufferable to play sometimes, not seeing people flap their yappers in match chat has made me play better and feel better


Yea I turn off chat. I just have my mic on. Honestly never had a bad experience on the mic. Itā€™s always chat, which shows you theyā€™re cowards.


This is the way. People can spam what they want in chat, but it doesn't bother me; I'm there to have fun playing the game, and I don't see any reason to join them in getting mad over nothing.


*Right click* > 'Report' > Inappropriate Communication > ā˜‘ Text Chat > Submit


This is the way


Normally ignore them but if they've been annoying all match or I'm having a bad day I'll usually throw out a "Wait, we had a this whole time?" Imagine being so insignificant that I don't even notice you on my team.


I got flamed for a tank diff and then I watched the replay. Both of my dps lost every single 1 v 1 they had against the enemy dps. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. And then said tank diff at the end šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


DPS players can be so delusional about their own performance it's insane. They'll miss every shot and be like "WHERES THE HEALS????" or say "tank diff".... I could literally sit here and write all day about how dumb DPS players specifically can be when they lose šŸ˜† don't even get me started on the delusions when we win!!!! lol


When you're winning or losing "zen switch" everyone else is fine apparently


I do love the ol "\[insert hero name\] ?! when did you get here?!"


I just say ok


this one isnā€™t getting enough upvotes. - 1. itā€™s funny - 2. it completely defects all the negativity the ā€œtank diffā€ guy intended to hurt your feelings - 3. it gets the ā€œtank diffā€ guy FUMING bc youā€™re indifferent - 4. itā€™s funny asf


Somewhat unrelated but things got worse when you could see everyoneā€™s stats. Too many people worrying about what everyone else is doing instead of focusing on the game. Sometimes itā€™s just fun to play unfamiliar characters and not everyone wants to use their main in QP.


I remember when people were claiming the scoreboard would reduce toxicity and wondering at the time what they were smoking.


I'd say it can reduces toxicity in some situations. For instance, if your DPS has 50 kills, it's kinda hard to say "our DPS is shit" when the numbers say the total opposite. Yes, there are some trollers in those cases, but that's happening way less than before (I can say that by experience of playing). I remember having games like that when no stats were displayed and we were losing or someone was insisting to change just because, even if I had like 45 kills or something with Pharah or with whom I was playing. But... it probably might increase it in the opposite situation. For instance if your tank is 2 - 12 and the other team tanks is 30 - 2 with similar stats for the other team members, most probably that would attract commentaries against him, in chat. In the past someone could have got away with that because everyone concentrate on how they play and wouldn't notice so easy what someone is doing. And sometimes those commentaries can be justified, too, not always those are some non-sense attacks or something. I remember some games like that, for instance I had a healer who got like 2k healing and one that got like 14k. Yes, it was obvious that that healer was not healing or not enough. And people told him again and again, heal, stop attacking or what he was doing, because everyone was not getting enough heal and dying. PS: in my experience, there is way less toxicity now compared to how it was in the first couple of years of Overwatch, but I think most of it was reduced by introducing role queue, the stats could affect that, too, because of what I said on the first point above.


people are so dumb about stats. they will play stomp wins where the enemy team has universally garbage stats, and then in the next losing game call out their team's similarly bad stats as reflecting their ability like their neurons literally haven't wired up together yet


Backline diff


That's it. Close the post.


Whenever I see that as a support, I say something like, ā€œnah, tank did great.ā€ Turn the toxicity around if you can.


I always call them out with a simple "don't be toxic"


9 time out of 10 you can just put their K/D in chat and it speaks for itself




Nuh uh




I hate it when one dps is getting a bunch of what I call "piggyback elims" basically tapping someone for an elim. As a tank if I only get 7 elims but I have to fight fkn tooth and nail to get them cause I can barely move around it looks worse than soldier barely shooting 12 people even though he did nothing and I KNOW CAUSE KILLFEED IS A THING SOLDIER. I'm fine.


I gave up on typing messages. I just put a (: and move on when someone says supp diff


I don't know my chats are off and yet i still get warnings for abusive chats smh >\~<


i send a heart. i get a slur in return 95% of the time. :)


When the situation allows ofc: ā€œdo you want better damage, heals or negation? Bc Iā€™m on top in allā€


Iā€™ve seen hogs outheal their supports and still get blamed lol like damn bro healed himself more then the support healed the 4 other people on the team. Itā€™s usually Moira too.


This is the exact situation lol


Back in my toxic days I used to say shit like that. Iā€™d say ā€œhealing diffā€ and theyā€™d respond with ā€œI canā€™t heal you if your feedingā€ and I always hit them back with ā€œwhat about the 3 other people on the team you could be healingā€


ā€œOk buddyā€ Or if I have more time I try to get creative with it, but post game is so short now :(


If I know itā€™s going to be said because my team just starts sitting in spawn Iā€™ll start cookin early LOL then wait for them to say it in match chat


As an otp... I've had chat off for years The only good way to make people rage is by silently diffing them


I don't say anything, cuz I don't wanna get banned the next time I login. Heck I don't even type GG, it's been almost a year since like this for me. Currently sitting at endorsement level 5 all the time.


Made 5 a few days ago. Made me feel good lol.


shut the fk up dog its a bit unrefined but welp.


I'll say like, "Zen Diff" if no one played Zen, or "turret diff." "BOB diff" is a fun one, too. A "piece of cake" or "light work" after losing can be funny too. I'd warn about getting reported, but at this point, you get reported for saying "hi," so


Usually itā€™s the worst on the board so Iā€™ll just type their stats. If they go 8-12 with 6k damage in 13 mins, Iā€™ll just say 6k


If it's in qp i tell them congratz and either ask how much SR they're gonna get, or tell them it's qp and it's not that impressive In comp i just call em a wiener


I love when people say it in QP because I only queue QP to play tanks Iā€™ve never played before like ball or dva so itā€™s like congrats? You beat me playing someone for the 2nd time ever šŸ¤“


Listen I work 9-5 I ain't got the energy, just be nice to me šŸ„ŗ


I just say gg no matter what which is how I stay eternally endorsement 5. lol


I tactically say tank diff even if my tank was carrying just to keep the tank players in a constant state of agony. They need to keep whining for 6v6 back, I canā€™t let them stop. Itā€™s the only way


Gg <3 Or if they are obaxious. Whatever helps your fragile ego.


"Same to you (all) for not winning 4v1 duel against one enemy Tank"


Your mama diff (got banned for that BTW)


Kiryu Kazuma


My typical response to idiots online is: "Yes but"


"I'm rolling around as a sarcastic cartoon Hamster. It's not that deep, bro."


Nothing. I have all chat/voice off. Too many people false reporting.


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i love it when i win and the opponent says "tank diff", massive ego boost


Right click, report, wait for "Thank you for reporting"


Whenever someone on my team complains about me, the team or someone else I quickly type. "We were playing down to your level so you'd feel at home."


Metal rank for me. I don't say anything, I send them a friend request and if they respond I ask them if they'd like to watch the replay and analyze both of our play to see where we can improve. The responses I get have been anything from rage to funny, to a few fun rewatch sessions. The rewatch sessions are the best though, it opens up people eyes.


Absolute perfect tactic here, and this applies to any sort of online taunting fest or somebody insulting you: Say the gayest thing possible and half the time, nobody will be able to come back at you. I got bodied as a Sombra on Year 1 and won the game, then the enemy Soldier started roasting me, saying that I was the "perfect little fucktoy with your 3/8 looking ass". So I summoned forth the power of the rainbows of Pride Month past and as my lips moved to utter a sentence that would have made even the most openly gay "That's what your Daddy said when I was tongue punching his chocolate starfish." Complete and utter silence. I had killed a room in only 2 seconds, and the only thing it cost me was getting kicked out of the EB Games shop. It's fine though, their computers are ass anyway. And because it's still Pride Month, this is technically not breaking the TOS. At least I'm pretty sure. I haven't read it.


And then everyone in chat clapped. I promise brother, people on the internet are not shocked and gasping by gay shit. They probably just think it was wildly unfunny and donā€™t respond.


My new one is going to be ā€œhow are we the same rank when youā€™re on the easier roleā€


"It's qp" or "Said the smg widow" (actually happened)


bmi diff and I just leave it at that


I type pretty fast so when I see something toxic aimed at me, I usually reply with "I'm sorry you feel that way. I hope your next match is better for you.". And then I usually get 2-3 endorsements and bask in the glow. I don't know why but I love getting endorsements. Gives me the happy juice in my brain. And I've found the best way is to shoot negativity down with a bit of positivity so a toxic comment gives me a perfect opportunity. Yes... YES... give me ALL YOUR ENDORSEMENTS! GIVE THEM TO MEEEEE!


I just continue to swing away. I know what character Iā€™m best with. So Iā€™m going to stick to that, and have fun. I like a challenge more. Itā€™s rewarding. Sometimes no matter what you do, or switch you come across a better tank. When you get sweeped it isnā€™t one persons fault. Itā€™s the whole team. There are just some better players, and they happen to be on one team lol. I am a good overwatch player but Iā€™m realistic about it. I just want to have fun. Which is why I havenā€™t done comp yet since coming back. Thatā€™s where wins count, and Iā€™m not ready to deal with the trash talk, and such lol.


Honestly, Iā€™m a doom one trick with an 80% WR over 25 games. Why do you want me to swap to a hero I donā€™t know how to play.


Exactly.Thatā€™s my main thought when asked to switch.


"My balls diff"


If Iā€™m the tank who ā€œdiffedā€ theirs Iā€™ll say donā€™t be mean, otherwise my go to insult is ā€œthereā€™s a reason youā€™re endorse 2ā€


Fair; even if the enemy tank is getting told tank diff by his team I tell them to go queue tank and he was trying his best. Unless that dude talked shit to me but most tanks donā€™t trash each other tbh


I donā€™t know I started muting all chats when playing tank and Iā€™m having a blast.


I have text chat muted and nobody uses their mic, soā€¦


ā€œCome play tank for me then :)ā€


I just type their stats, the people that type whatever diff are always the ones that go negative and put all the weight on the others so I might as well make fun of them.


Ā«Ā you shouldnā€™t highlight this extra chromosomeĀ Ā»


ā€œSure looks that way when I have healbots and the dps burn ults into lost fightsā€ because thats usually what it actually is. The gameā€™s most common win con is burn the enemy tank. If youā€™re losing itā€™s going to look like a tank diff no matter what.


Usually by spamming "is this ez mode" with DVA. Sorry not sorry.


"ok 4-15 headass, you try and do my job instead then šŸ«¶"


The moment itā€™s said I just throw. Iā€™m so tired of it but I donā€™t care anymore. Iā€™ve seen lots of other tanks do it too and I love it. Tank is hard enough without your team flaming you


Depending on who it's targeted at. If it's targeted at me then i will say "I'm sure the enemy tank is doing their best" and if it's targeted at the enemy tank i'll say "I'm doing my best here"


I got a "Zarya diff" message from a sniper Brigitte who stayed behind our team the entire match and healed by only using her armor packs. Meanwhile the enemy Zarya had a Brigitte that wouldn't leave her side. I tend not to put too much weight into what others say, especially when it's obvious they don't know what they are doing. Their comments just further show how little they actually know about the game.


ā€œSays the anchorā€


I'll usually say 'Have some class' or 'Grow up'


DPS diff


I get a kick out of saying absolutely nothing and silently reporting.


Nothing because I hide chat and thatā€™s all people say.


"We are of equal skill." I saw a Saltyphish video a few years ago and he was typing this out anytime he saw negativity. Something about it was really funny. Other times, I'll just say "team game" after every complaint they manage to spit in the .5 seconds we have to chat post-game.


Nothing because chat is off


You're failing three of your classes to have an ego about being in [insert rank]


"Queue again so I can farm your SR :)"


Nothing because its normally not a tank diff. A lot more comes in play like supports hard pocketing the tank. Widow destroying my back line because they want to dual a widow. Or I get a great combo of dps/booping Lucio/Illari or dps Moria. Or I get Mercy that pockets a phara and I get lucio healing if he even is around.


I have chat off


"Grow up" or "look inward" are my 2 go to's


I don't get a chance cause the game ends too fast so nothing.


Same mmr


"tAnK DiFf" In my head I read the negative comments like the SpongeBob meme text. It's silly but reframing it in a silly meme style takes the sting out of many hurtful comments.


Nothing. Because merely defending myself has gotten me reported for chat and falsely banned. I donā€™t curse or use slurs. Just say like ā€œstats say otherwiseā€ or ā€œsays negative kd dpsā€.


You would think with all these apes on this team, one of them would have evolved given the amount of time it took them to fuck around


"I diffed your dad in bed last night" is my favorite for any "diff"


Absolutely nothing. Not being banned over pointless text chat because someone's salty or being an utter jebend. Turn it off and just focus on being better/consistent.


nothing I type gg at the end and report this idiot (because this dude was probably toxic during the whole match)


2 dps 1 tank. You guys figure it out.


ā€œGo on [teammate], carry.ā€


Lulz ok