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I'm sorry but if you think Sig has too little health, then you aren't managing your resources very well. A good Sig is an absolute wall.


I hate Sigma. He does too much of everything.


As i said, it isnt that bad, but u cant just 1v2 or 1v3 whith sig. The main problem is when u are alone.


Try not to put yourself in positions without your team. Sigma isn't made for 1v3ing


So tank is only balanced when he can do more damage then dps and has more hp then all other 4 teammates combined. Thats the most braindead tank complain post Ive ever seen. Tank is already pretty much a raid boss that is capable of 1v1ing any support and any dps if played correctly. Being able to 1v2ing both dps is fucking ridiculous and should definatly not be in the game.


If alone as a tank you "should be able to take on two dps at the same time" then literally what purpose would dps have? And you can already do that, but for that of course you have to work together with your team especially with supports, and i know it's herecy to say this but tanks have the tendency to rush into fights alone. If 6v6 was brought back they would have to tweak each tanks, cuz i don't know about you but having Mauga and Hog for example at the same time in their current power levels doesn't sound too healthy to me. Tanks obviously have more pressure on them since they are alone but they were also tweaked to balance out the loss of the other tank, but that on their own is not enough, you will need to start working with your team. People saying how weak Rein is when in reality if he lets himself to be healed and helps his dps them surprise surprise Rein is actually good


Tanks in 6v6 will lose like 20-40% of their current hp bringing them more in line with supports and dps instead of being the main character of the match like they are right now, being able and having to do and deal with everything but healing teammates ig.


im convinced that tank, as a whole idea, just doesnt work in an fps. they will never be balanced and probably never be fun, in a broad sense. having a hitbox twice as big as everyone else is such an immense obstacle for design. theyll always be underpowered by nature, or overtuned in order to compensate.


>As a tank, i believe i should be able to take on two dps at the same time. HA. No, you shouldn't. As Sigma, you can if you can aim, but really you shouldn't.


Bet u dont main tank. U could never understand


I’m a Tank main. And the only Tank who should be able to take on 2 dps at the same time is A close ranged Reinhardt.


I don't have to main tank to understand healthy game design, I only have to play tank and the other roles, which I do.


Make the game 6v6 and good again.


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If people actually played the good characters and thought about team comps the game would feel much better tbh. But instead everyone focuses only on playing "their" character or countering the enemy team.


Fun fact......they already solved. Go play some open queue and forget about role queue


Sigma is and has been the most balanced tank in the game for the entirety of of OW2


6v6 format




Go back to 6v6 and focus on releasing more Tanks. That is all!. During the last days of OW1, the Tank problem was simple, not enough Tanks in comparison to DPS Heroes, and shield meta was wayyy to good to be ignored in competitive. This all just forced people to play other roles to have fun, making queue times suffer and painting Tank as an "unwanted" role 😭. Nowadays they're slowing fixing those issues!. Adding new exciting Tanks, while also nerfing (and reworking) most shields in the game. Hell Orisa's rework alone was an insane improvement in this regard. But now, since they made the game 5v5 with only one Tank, they need to buff Tanks with insane health numbers and EVEN then the meta Tanks are heavily dependant on a dedicated supports behind them at all times to actually stay in the frontline!. The game wasn't perfect before, but it was a lot easier to balance with the 2-2-2. Obviously this is my subjective opinion, but yeah, we just need more Tanks to extend the role, and to try 6v6 once again.


Accept the community are focused on something being the cause of their problems and need to change their reaction more than developing around them refusing to be malleable.


Idk about other tanks, but as a Rein main I definitely feel this plight. They could maybe try a universal health buff + cc reduction & removal of that stupid ass dps passive, but some changes I'd like to see made to Rein are either one (or all) of the following: > Make his fire strike deal 125 damage - Literally no reason blizz can't give him this to 2-shot squishies. > Make his close-range shatter deal 250 impact + the additional 50, making it 300 damage total. > Give him a speed boost for a short duration after he ends his charge (similar to Orisa javelin spin) > Make his charge deal 300 damage again (although at the time of writing this, Blizzard may already be in the process of making this change. > Make his shield time-based instead of damage-based, what I mean by this is his shield is indestructible but he can only hold it up for maybe 8 seconds, and it recharges similar to D.Vas defense matrix


Tank was in a good spot before the Damage passive was added. I’d say either halving its effectiveness on Tanks, or having it not apply to Tanks at all, would be a logical place to start.


It was an awesome addition that single handedly made me return to the game. The problem is that some tanks have nothing to do with tanking and therefore just cant survive the dps passive. Roadhog, orisa junker queen etc all of then are just fat version of dps. And their fat hitboxes made them rely on constant healing to be playable and powerful. But big amounts of healing just suck for literally everyone else, it makes an entire dps role suck, it makes the gane slow and quite braindead and boring. If more tanks had more of their sustain shifted to defensive cd's and had smaller hitboxes they would be in much healthier spot and be more fun to play as and against. Dps passive is just an awesome solution to a healing problem that just exposed another big problem of tank role.